Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 1185: Woman's opinion

The so-called authorities are obsessed with the bystanders, and the onlooker Zhong Guzi has somewhat smelled. No matter what Niu Youdao said is true or false, Yan Li repeatedly opposed the people in the Mao Biyuan. It's true, it looks like Niu Youdao is packing up.

Looking at Gong Lince's reaction, Yan Li is afraid that he will escape this time!

No matter what he saw, Zhong Guzi didn't say anything, but he didn't want to stand on Niu Youdao's side, but he didn't need to express his position. Zijin Cave had to send an elder no matter what. If Yan Li didn't go, someone else had to go.

As for whether or not to agree, Gong Lince neither refused nor agreed, which is actually an attitude.

The matter of Yan Li will not be mentioned for the time being. Gong Lince talked with Yi Yi about the matter after Niu Youdao left, and first established contact information.

Then Niu Youdao said goodbye to Zhong Guzi, then drilled back into the root carving.

Gong Lince opened the door and greeted Ju'an to come, and ordered him to send someone to the Maolu Beyond, please ask Fang Yiyi to come.

The commander is in command, and the dispatched person naturally goes back quickly, and Guan Fangyi also follows.

Guan Fangyi wondered why she was looking for herself. For the first time, she stepped into the Guimian Pavilion. When she saw the palace, she could not help but ridicule. The head is finally back. "

Knowing that Dao was back, she also had a sense of confidence, and the words she spoke had a slightly unwelcome taste.

Regardless of whether it was justified or not, Gong Lince disdained her. She did admire this woman in her early years, but she did n’t have any chance. The young heart went with the past and passed away, and now she wo n’t take her seriously , Too lazy to talk back.

After Guan Fangyi salutes Zhong Guzi, Gong Lince said: "Motherhood, you can take this thing back to Maolu Bieyuan." Finger root carving.

Guan Fangyi looked back and suspiciously said: "What?"

Gong Lince: "The gift given to Zhong Lao from this seat, Zhong Lao gave it to Maolu Beyond, take it away."

Guan Fangyi walked to the root carving, looked around, touched again, and found a broken wood carving. He immediately smiled at Zhong Guzi and said, "Zhong Lao, your kindly mausoleum courtyard is up and down, we are about to be caught People drove away, it was really inconvenient to bring such a big guy. "Declined.

Zhong Guzi spoke loudly, and the old man said: "The Zong Men's decision, the old man can't say much. Take it, if someone is on the way, you can try out this thing. The old man's stuff, the mind of the master, may be useful."

Guan Fangyi understood that this was because they were troubled by the people at Zijin Cave on their way, and wanted to give them an amulet.

However, Dao Ye has returned, and she has no worries in this regard. It is indeed inconvenient and undesirable to bring such a big guy, but it is also the intention of others, so he is a bit hesitant.

What she didn't know is that Zhong Guzi's words were actually not for her, but for Ju'an.

It ’s not that I do n’t believe in Ju’an. Some things have nothing to do with whether I believe it or not. Also, it ’s too dazzling to move in and out of this thing, which is an explanation for outsiders.

Seeing her hesitation, Gong Lin paced to her side and gave her a little mouth to her ear, whispering: "Niu Youdao is inside."

Guan Fangyi's eyes flashed, and he immediately thanked Zhong Guzi for his kindness, said goodbye, and moved the carving away.

On the way to cast a tentative trial, it was found that there was someone hidden inside, and there was a wry smile in the corner of Guan Fangyi's mouth.

Back in the courtyard of the Maolu Bieyuan, he ordered not to let anyone approach. After entering the house and closing the door, Guan Fangyi directly slammed the wood carving on the ground.

Fortunately, it was a root carving, solid, unbroken, and fell to the ground for a while.

boom! The people inside noticed that it was wrong, they broke the root carving directly, crawled out, shook their heads, and scolded Guan Fangyi, who was laughing and shaking, "Crazy mother-in-law, have you angered you?"

I didn't have any precautions before, and I really suffered from this blindfold.

Guan Fangyi held her mouth and held a smile, yelled, "Dao Ye, how are you hiding inside?"

"You whisper." Niu Youdao promptly reminded, pointing outside, begging not to be heard.

Guan Fangyi smiled close, and put his hands directly on him, touching it up and down, "Why don't you fall, let me see."

"Go, come here less." Niu Youdao opened her hand, walked to her couch and sat down, pointed at the broken root carving, "turn back and dispose of it cleanly."

"Yes!" Guan Fangyi was a pretty lady with a half-squat collar life, and then quickly walked to the couch and sat down again. With her arms raised, she directly carried her shoulders with Niu Youdao.

"What are you doing? Do you understand what it means to be unwilling to accept a man or a woman?" Niu Youdao couldn't stand the woman's arms and hugs her arms, and opened her arms again and again, "Pause for a while, and say the right thing."

"Yo, you sneaked into the old lady's boudoir, and now tell the old lady what male and female don't accept or not?" Guan Fangyi sneered for a while, protruding his hand, grabbed Niu Youdao's neck and turned it over, directly rolled over and pressed Going up, people are overwhelming, their movements are quite ambiguous.

Looking at each other, the cow stunned and stunned. She put her arms around her waist and ridiculed, "What's wrong? Wouldn't the old cow eat tender grass?" The hand slid down her waist towards her butt.

"Fuck your mother's shit!" Guan Fangyi said that she turned her face when she turned her face. She grabbed his two wrists with her backhand, raised her on the couch, and asked in a straight voice: "Frankly tell me what you gave me. thing?"

She was tossed by the gift for a whole night, it was called a torment, and was miserable.

"I said why did you suddenly get so excited, and it's still spring when you do it." Niu Youdao said happily, "You are not that stupid, can't really guess what?"

Guan Fangyi has a big ignition and bursts of swearing, "Guess your uncle, say, what?"

Niu Youdao sighed: "Let go! You lie on me, let me say?"

Guan Fangyi: "Let's talk first! No, I'm going to shout impolitely."

Niu Youdao said: "Who are you being rude?"

"Don't you say it?" Guan Fangyi teeth came out.

Niu Youdao is unsustainable. This is to give this woman a surprise. I can imagine the consequences of this woman's entanglement for a night. Seeing how the woman is going to be crazy, I dare not make it any more. "

Guan Fangyi glared in both eyes, "Really?"

"You doubt me?" Niu Youdao struggled to get up, "Give me back if you don't want to."

"Go to you!" Guan Fangyi let go, slapped his face on his face, and directly pushed his head back. He also turned up one by one, grabbed Niu Youdao's shirt and pulled it up.

She sat back beside the couch, but Niu Youdao knelt in front of her like a dog pulled by her, in short, her posture was indecent.

"I heard that Wuliang Guo can stay in the face, is it true?" Guan Fangyi asked him while pulling him.

"Release!" Niu Youdao forcibly opened her hand, jumped off the couch, straightened her torn clothes, and leaned over to her ear and said, "I have seen Lu Wushuang, a few hundred years old. By the way, what does the young look like, it looks like more than 30 years old, you said you can stay in the face? "

Guan Fangyi clasped his hands on his chest with his fingers, excitedly said: "That is to say, really can not be old!"

Niu Youdao raised a slap and patted her face, "Wake up! Can you be a little bit alive, except for one face, can you think of something else? Cultivation can't get up, without that strength breakthrough, you ate It's useless. "

"Ah, this ..." Guan Fangyi stood up and wandered anxiously: "Willn't I need to get older when I am trained?"

Niu Youdao hummed: "I usually know that the smearing powder is dangling, but now I'm in a hurry? Why did you go there? You said you are old and you don't lack training resources. Peak, who blames? "

Guan Fangyi complained: "Whoever knew that I would get this thing, things that I didn't expect, and it was a waste of good years to meditate and practice."

"Women's opinion!" Niu Youdao despised, and then waved his big hand, "Don't say this. What's going on with the big guy on the other side of the courtyard?"

Guan Fangyi: "Some big things are a bit troublesome to pack and take away."

Niu Youdao said: "Then don't need it, just pick up what can be packed and take it away."

Guan Fangyi glared: "In the beginning, it was purchased one by one, but it cost a lot of money. It can be counted as millions of gold coins in general. Can't it be thrown like this?"

Niu Youdao sighed: "What time is it, does money matter or life matters?"

Guan Fangyi: "You said it easily. Thousands of them were thrown away. If you use it in a different place, you will have to buy it again. If you throw it away, you will have to spend a lot of money again. What are the expenses for so many of us ... "

"Stop!" Niu Youdao interrupted by raising his hand. "The matchmaker, it is not a matter of money now. While the news that we are leaving Zijin Cave has not spread out, hurry up, otherwise the long journey through the state will appear Unexpectedly, it ’s not worth the risk! "

Guan Fangyi was silent and asked, "Where are you going?"

Niu Youdao: "Nanzhou ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ will settle down on the side of the prince in the future."

Guan Fangyi worried, "Nanzhou is still controlled by the people at Zijindong. That Yan Li has always wanted to be angry and hateful, fearing that he will still trouble us and you are not easy to show up."

Niu Youdao: "Don't worry about Yan Li's business. I can't get back to him when I come back. I've already dealt with it. He is about to leave the holy realm. It's not a worry."

"He's going to the holy land?" Guan Fangyi was stunned, and immediately had a sense of breath. He ridiculed: "Dao Ye really is Dao Ye."

Niu Youdao walked to the sword stand, picked up the familiar sword, and pulled out a piece of it. The words "Bixue Danxin" on the sword were still the same. Obviously Guan Fangyi kept him safe and wiped cleanly. After the sword returned to the sheath, he sighed, "I am afraid that this sword cannot be used for a long period of time. The relics given to me by the old guy from Dong Guo, alas, Shang Qingzong, Wei Guo ... the sword helped me to collect it. "

Guan Fangyi came to pick up the sword and hurried back. He asked in a low voice: "Dao Dao, that fruit, how much did you get? Will it not be the only one for me?"

"Don't ask, don't ask." Niu Youdao said coldly, "Go, call the monkey."

Guan Fangyi flicked his face, but still obeyed ...

"Yuanfang wants to see me? That monk in Maolu Beyond?"

Gong Lin Ce inside the Xuan Pavilion was a little surprised to hear the following report.

The disciple returned: "That's right, it's him. According to him, I wanted to come to see you before, but I heard that you were not there, and today I came back to see you, so I came over to see you."

Gong Lince was strange, "Why did he come to see me?"

The disciple replied: "I don't know, but the one who nodded and bowed his waist seemed to be seeking people."

Gong Lince wondered, thought for a while, or wanted to know what the other party wanted to do, then said: "Let him come in."

: Thanks to the new leader "Swordfish Workshop" for his support.

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