Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 1311: Wake up instantly

Confirming that the person walked away, Hao Cheng who walked to the door looked forward immediately and went straight to Xuan Wei, his eyes shining with strange light.

Xuan Wei realized what the guy wanted to do, and hurriedly backed away, then hit the case behind him.

After a little delay, Hao Cheng had hugged her full of arms, and even her hands were not honest, and the place where she should not touch was a little polite.

Xuan Wei was pushed down on the table, pushing him not to open, and daring not to shout, so he grabbed him by the neck.

Hao Cheng, who touched her hand into her clothes, couldn't take it anymore. When she let go, she backed away and got rid of her, clutching her neck and coughing gaspingly, "Bitch!"

Xuan Wei, who hastily climbed up, sorted out her clothes, "Dare you dare to come here in chaos, so you are not afraid that he will kill you?"

"Slain me? Ha ha ..." Hao Cheng smiled and leaned forward, coughing again, and after panting, walked to her and joked: "Now, are you willing to let me die? Xuan Wei If you want to ask for a person, you have to look like a person. I do n’t believe you do n’t understand it. ”He reached out and plucked her chin.

Xuan Wei was angry, and shook his hand away, "If you mess up again, I will shout!"

"Shout? Although you shouted and killed me, I don't believe that the dog mongrel ran out of this capital city! I'm dead, you can't escape, you all have to die, and your dream of returning to the country must be broken!" Hao Cheng forced She reached down and pinched her chin, "I tell you, I'm actually not interested in an old woman like you!"

Xuan Wei opened his hand hard, "Since you are not interested, please raise your hand! I said, as long as you help me, I will not treat you in the future, how much gold and silver treasure you need to speak!"

"Gold and silver treasures?" Hao Cheng's face floated, "My reputation in my life has been ruined in your hands. Do you know what my brothers and sisters think of me when I come back this time? I became the world A joke in people's eyes! How many gold and silver treasures can redeem my reputation? Slut, don't let you be vain, I can't swallow this breath! "

Xuan Wei: "You should understand that if I rise again, it will be of great benefit to you. As long as I have the value of use, you will have the same value in the eyes of Qi Guo! What grievances do you have? "

Hao Cheng stretched out his hand, grabbed her waist, and snuggled into her arms.

Xuan Wei was struggling again, Hao Cheng suddenly warned: "Yu Cang has come to the capital, but Qin Guo is talking about Wei Guo's territory as the back road. Are you in a hurry?"

Xuan Wei immediately struggled, facing his eyes.

Suddenly realizing that the other person's hand was touching where it shouldn't be, Xuan Wei gritted his teeth and said, "Let me go!"

Hao Cheng keeps on his hands, "If you want me to help you, don't promise me. Give me some sweetness first. Tomorrow, I'm going to Zhuangzi outside the city, and I am happy to serve, I can say anything, otherwise, I promise this Let ’s find someone else! Do n’t blame me for not reminding you. It ’s too late. Yu Cang has negotiated with it. It ’s too late for the courtiers to repent and stop. ”

He squeezed a bit on her hip, pushed it away again, and turned away, "Tomorrow is going to have fun, I don't want to see the eye-catching and unhappy mess!"

Xuan Wei stood there with a worried face, and Yu Cang's arrival made her anxious ...

Early the next morning, the convoy and guards waited at the gate of the palace.

Hao Chengjing sat in the carriage and waited with his eyes closed.

The curtain of the car suddenly opened, and Xuanwei got on the cowl and got into the carriage to sit down.

The car was blocked, and the convoy set off.

Hao Cheng smiled and approached her to do it, and then reached out to hug her waist. "It's still good, I still think you're not here."

Xuan Wei's expression was obviously a little flustered, and he hurriedly pushed away, glancing at the window.

Hao Cheng realized that something was wrong and immediately leaned on the car window, opened the curtain and glanced out, and saw Ximen Qingtian, who was riding on horseback.

Put the car curtain, Hao Cheng immediately approached her ear again, "Let's not take him, you still take him, what do you mean?"

Xuan Wei: "No matter where I go, I always take him with me. It has been like this for so many years. Suddenly not taking it will cause him doubts, and he will most likely follow."

Hao Cheng gritted his teeth, "Did you play me?"

Xuan Wei bit her lip, "I'll find a chance to support him when I turn back." She said what she said, and she felt so embarrassed.

Hao Cheng leaned against the wall of the car.


The Royal Manor, nestled by the mountains and the water, is a good place.

After the party arrived and settled down, the worried Xuan Wei sat in the water pavilion, and the West Gate stood beside the clear sky.

Suddenly a gold wing descended from the sky. After the accompanying Wufu staff received it, he quickly took the secret letter to decrypt it. After it was translated, he quickly entered the water pavilion and reported it.

After looking at it, Xuan Wei got up and handed it to Ximen Qingtian. "I'm afraid you have to run this thing yourself."

After Ximen Qingtian received it, she didn't say anything, but raised her eyes and stared at her eyes.

Xuan Wei was a little shocked by what he saw. The content of the letter was that she arranged it last night, just to open the Ximen Qingtian today. It stands to reason that Ximen Qingtian does not know, but the meaning revealed by Ximen Qingkong's eyes seems to already know What did it look like.

She wondered if it was the reason for her guilty conscience.

Ximen Qingtian suddenly said, "It may take a day or two to go here."

Xuan Wei said forcefully: "There are monks from Qi State here, and it will be fine."

Ximen Qingtian nodded slightly, said nothing more, and turned away.

Xuanwei watched, Yinya was about to bite her lips ...

It didn't take long for Ximen to clear the sky, and learned that Ximen was clear, Hao Cheng appeared and went straight to the waterside.

As soon as they met, Xuan Wei had no time to speak. Hao Cheng was already leaning over, directly copied her legs, and hugged it in her arms.

"What are you doing?" Xuan Wei looked around in horror. He didn't expect this embarrassing thing to happen in broad daylight.

"What are you afraid of, my own wife, who can say anything?" Hao Cheng laughed and couldn't wait to see the feminine appearance of the woman who stood above.

The two Wufu personnel stepped forward quickly, not knowing what to do. As Hao Cheng said, the other party was Xuan Wei's husband after all.

The two watched Xuan Wei's reaction and waited for Xuan Wei's orders.

Ran Xuanwei gave up her struggle and closed her eyes, letting Hao Cheng hug her and rush to her place.

Xuan Wei didn't have any opinion anymore. What happened to the couple, the two Wufu staff looked at each other.

Hao Cheng just hugged a man out of the water pavilion, and an **** ran and reported: "Your lord, step manager tells a message, saying something important, let you go back to the city immediately."

"What can I do with this joke, get away!" Hao Cheng kicked away from the other party and continued his own. If there was anything he would say when he was almost done, otherwise the nasty guy would have to soak once he returned.


On the riverside, Ximen Qingtian, who had just left the manor and galloped, looked back suddenly.

I saw the sound of a hundred horseshoes rumbling across the bridge in the distance, heading towards the royal manor. As the leader, he looked familiar when he looked closely.

Suddenly stopped the mount, because of who it was, Yu Cang's apprentice was alone!

In his early years, Yu Cang travelled around the top of a famous teacher. When passing by Weiguo Jingcheng, Xuan Wei also met with him specially, so he had seen Du Lonely.

People in Xiaoyuege! What are you doing here? Ximen Qing was suddenly surprised, and one flew up and flew back!


On the couch, Hao Cheng pressed Xuanwei upside down for a while, Xuanwei was not very cooperative.

Annoyed, Hao Cheng suddenly climbed up, pointing at Xuan Wei covering his chest, and hehe said: "Okay! I don't force it, you take it off, you strip off yourself!"

Xuan Wei curled up, her eyes a little dazed, and there was no trace of that female figure in the country.

"I will ask you one last time, will you take it off or not?"

Xuan Wei smiled smirkfully, manually, and slowly touched the waist belt, closing his eyes, tears in the corners of his eyes.

Hao Cheng suddenly flashed his eyes, admiring, looking forward, and quickly took off his coat.

boom! Suddenly there was news of fighting and fighting outside, the two of them were startled, and Xuan Wei sat up in a hurry ...

The monk Qi Guowei has been temporarily transferred away, and the staff of Xuanwei ’s Wufu has suffered. He is not an opponent of the people from Xiaoyuege.

Du Gu led someone in, and directly opened the killing ring.

Boom! A sword qi descended from the sky, the earth and rocks collapsed, and a hole was exploded.

Suddenly Du Gu waited for others to quickly alert, a figure fell to the ground, it was the clear sky of Ximen with Hengjian in hand.

A scared **** who had been crawling and crawling had grabbed his hand, and Ximen Qingtian asked sharply, "Where is Xuanwei?" The sword rested on the opponent's neck.

The **** stammered: "In ... in the back ... in the back bedroom ..."

With a wave of solitude, a group of people flashed out and surrounded Ximen Qingtian.

Ximen Qingtian threw away the **** and looked around coldly. He was not afraid of these people, but he was quite afraid of the broken arrows in the surrounding buildings.

This thing is ruthless, can break the body protection qi, rumored to be highly toxic.

Du Gu smiled quietly: "It turned out to be Mr. Simon, the first master of Danbang. I didn't want to meet here in the early years. When Ximen is in the sky, a man should look like a man, a woman should look like a woman. I only know that the woman who uses you is not worth it. My goal is not you, as long as you stay here without moving, I will not embarrass you. "

He said that he was about to circumvent the act, and a sudden scream came from not far away: "Stop!"

Everyone looked at it and saw that Xuan Wei, with loose temples and messy clothes, came out, with a sword in his hand, and wiped it on Hao Cheng's neck.

Hao Cheng didn't wear a coat, he had bleeding on his neck, and was pushed with trembling.

I was shocked by the fighting outside before ~ ​​www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I didn't pay attention for a while, but Xuan Wei pulled the sword used for the decoration on his neck and was held by Xuan Wei.

At first, Xuan Wei just found something wrong, and held people in case, and when he came out to see Du Gu, he suddenly woke up and knew that he was sold by Qi Guo.

Du Gujing frowned slightly, and I don't know what the **** was, why didn't Hao Cheng evacuate, how could it be in Xuanwei's hand?

After all, this is on the ground of Qi State. If Hao Cheng is killed, it is not very good to explain to Hao Yuntu, which is a bit daunting.

Du Gu quietly shook his head, and a shadow flashed in the corners of the surroundings, approaching Xuan Wei quietly.

How could this movement hide Ximen Qingtian's high vigilance, Ximen Qingkong's body was turbulent, and the ground suddenly cracked.

Du Gu, who swept away his eyes, drank quietly: "Let the arrow!"

ps: Thank you for the support of the new leader "scum bull moral".


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