Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 1324: Master, my patients are still in their hands

There was no affection in the shot, Yu Cang was beaten a bit stunned, and his ears buzzed.

The people in the Xiaoyue Pavilion were anxious and angry, but they dared not act lightly. The life of the patriarch was in the hands of the other party.

The sword in Du Gujing's hand stubbornly ran across the heartless neck. He had cut his skin to see blood, and screamed: "Old man, dare to act again, I will kill your apprentice!"

The ghost doctor looked back at this time, "Boy, you are willing to exchange your master's life for my apprentice's life. I have no opinion. If you dare to move him a hair again, I will chop your master's finger."

Turn back, wave your hand, slap! Another slap in the face, "Slightly give the color, who do you give the color?"

Snapped! The backhand was another slap in the face, "I still have to say, what do you want to say? Are you satisfied with this statement?"

After a few more slaps, the ghost doctor stopped.

In this scene, I don't know how many people secretly talked, saying that this ghost doctor couldn't be bothered. When I saw it today, Fang Zhi rumored that it was true, and it really was.

The three major schools looked at each other.

It's not afraid of ghost doctors, but the humiliating Yu Cang who dare such ghostly doctors, so that some people don't know where this one came from. How is Xiaoyuege so annoying?

Therefore, it made some people feel a little worried.

Seeing Master being humiliated by the public in such a way, and being beaten with blood and nose and mouth bleeding, Du Gujing and other people are really splitting their eyes, hoping to report it to the unintentional body. It is impossible to disregard Master's life and death in full view.

And this is obviously the reason why the ghost doctor did not save people, but caught people first.

Yu Cang, who shook his head for a long time, was finally awake. Sometimes it might be a good thing not to be awake. When he saw the eccentric eyes around him, he was immediately shy and angry, and he wished to find a way to get in.

He has never suffered such a shame and humiliation in his life. He knows, after this, whether he can live without mentioning it, but the name of the world is ruined once, and he must be a joke!

The hatred in my heart is not to say, there is also remorse, and the intestines are repentant. Why did you come here? Everyone knows that this ghost doctor is not easy to provoke. Why do you provoke yourself? Why can't I swallow it, can't spit it out, and end up like this, what a pain!

"Don't care about me, kill!" Yu Cang burst into a roar, and he ordered the Xiaoyue Pavilion, and he didn't want to live in anger.

Du Gu waited for someone to hear it, but in disregard of Master's life and death, what should they do?

"Stop it!" Du Gujing and others suddenly shouted at the opposite side.

I saw a doctor with **** pinched out a blue pill, pinched Yu Cang's chin, put it in his mouth, put his chin together, and flexed his fingers in his throat, Yu Cang immediately subconsciously swallow Things in the mouth.

As a taster, he obviously can feel the strong smell of the swallowed food, and the entrance is the kind.

The ghost doctor turned back and said to Du Gu and others: "No fear, you can't eat dead. Whatever, the trouble is almost the same, I'm not an unreasonable person, you caught me, I'm rude. Master is still behind the color, but now it is even, how about letting each other out? "

Du Gujing and Guo Xingshan were frightened and angry, and it was difficult to make up their minds.

Yu Cang roared with a smelly and hard to dispel, "Do it, leave me alone!"

"Noisy!" Ghost Doctor sneered.

Boom! The driver chopped a palm knife behind Yu Cang's neck. Yu Cang's eyes rolled over, and he became paralyzed on the spot, but he was unable to fall by the driver.

"It's okay to put people together." The ghost doctor pointed to the surroundings. "It's better to have more people than you can choose. You can't make a choice because I have limited patience. I will take Yu Cang away to make medicine Ding, you can do it! "

"Don't talk? Let's go!"

He dropped the words and turned around, intending to board the car again.

"Slow!" Du Gu shouted quietly, "Substitute!"

Faced with this situation, the two brothers and sisters finally made a decision not to let Yu Cang die. As soon as Yu Cang died, the position of Xiaoyue Pavilion Lord could only be occupied by other highly respected generations in the organization. It's not their turn. The new cabinet leader cannot let the power of Xiaoyue Pavilion continue to be controlled by Yu Cang's people.

This is not only related to the safety of Master, but also the future and destiny of the two. It is not difficult to make a choice.

The ghost doctor turned around and turned back, and the words were also happy, "Let's let go!"

Du Gu said angrily: "What do we mean to let people go first? Let's put them together."

Ghost Doctor: "You shameless things are not qualified to bargain with the old man. You will either kill my disciples or let them go first. The old man will not accept any threats! Let go or not?"

Everyone is considered to be a leader. From the beginning to the present, this person has no intention of making any negotiations at all.

There was no room for negotiation, and the anguished Du Gu suddenly turned his head to the side of the canopy, "Three heads, is that enough? Now, I hope that for the sake of allies, I also invite three heads to come forward. To be fair! If you deliberately watch the drama, then do n’t think about it anymore, it ’s a big deal for me to fight with Qin Guo! ”

The three heads of eyes met each other, and at this point, it would be impossible for them to stop talking.

The figure flashed, and the three of them led the disciples in the door to fall to the ground together, and lived between the two people facing each other.

"Brother Black." The three heads greeted the ghost doctors one after another.

Ghost Doctor said: "Since the beginning, I have explained to the three major factions. Well water does not violate river water, but only comes for private affairs. Are the three heads involved?"

Yu Wenyan waved his hand, "Because it's a private matter, we didn't intervene before, but now the situation has been seen by Brother Black, and we are helpless. I think Brother Black doesn't want to interfere in the wars of the nations, would it be better for both parties to just stop here Mr. Yu Cang let it go. "

Ghost Doctor: "Since the three heads have come forward, it's easy to say that the old man doesn't want to get involved in the disputes of the nations, so he naturally has to give the three heads face. But still, the old man never accepts any threats, I said, As long as they let them go, I will let them go. The old husband Nairou, diagnoses and treats people, what is it, nothing, nothing! "

As soon as this remark came out, he clearly said that he would give face to the three heads, and the three heads could be regarded as having a face under the eyes of the public.

Yu Wenyan nodded, "Jiu Wen Hei Xiong hates people who are not trustworthy. Since Hei He said so, I believe this is the guarantee." Looking back at the other two.

Bei Xuan shusu, looking back at the Xiaoyue Pavilion, "Let's put the people first, our three will be the guarantee!"

Three thousand miles also said: "Whoever speaks, our three families will definitely let him out of Qi!"

It has both the meaning of preserving and deterring. In front of a group of people, it also means the expression of the three major styles.

Du Gu said quietly: "He didn't know what was fed to my master. Looking back, if something happened to my master and they ran away again, where should we go?"

Bei Xuan looked at the ghost doctor again, "Brother Black, this is a problem. What did you feed Brother Yu Cang?"

The ghost doctor hummed: "I heard that Xiaoyuege likes to feed the bitter pill, I am worried that my apprentice will be infused, so I made preparations for a report before I came here, and also specially prepared a pill poison. , The name has n’t had time to think about it yet. I ’ll see if your Xiaoyuege has the ability to resolve it. "

Bei Xuan Shen said: "Now that is the case, how can we release each other? Brother Black should detoxify Yu Cang first!"

The ghost doctor shook his head: "This poison has no antidote to eradicate it completely. At least I have no way to do it at present, but the effect is like the Kang Shendan, which can be controlled. The poison will happen once every six months. If Xiaoyuege can resolve it, then it will resolve itself. If it cannot be resolved, the old man will not sit idly by and will send people to deliver medicine regularly. "

Seeing that Du Gu was about to attack, he raised his hand again: "Don't worry! Don't you have a miraculous pill in Xiaoyuege? You can feed my disciples, fair and reasonable!"

"You ..." Du Gu was furious, "Who doesn't know your medical skills ..."

The Ghost Doctor interrupted suddenly, "Knowing me, and dare to bully me, who is actively looking for something, and you still have no reason? I said, man, just let it go, let me kill you, what should I do? The choice is yours, I do n’t have any opinion, what else do I want! "

Seeing a bit of stalemate, he pressed his hands on both sides of the three thousand miles, indicating that both sides were angry, and then turned to Du Gu's side, muttering with one of them, not knowing what to say. In short, Du Gu quietly cast a face and waved his hand.

Immediately afterwards, Wuxin and Guo Man were escorted over, and Dugu quietly took out a grain of suffering God. When the crowd was forced into the mouth of Wuxin, after casting the Kushendan in the heartless heart, Fang pushed away , Shen said: "Release!"

In this way, both Wuxin and Guo Man, who were held hostage, were released.

In full view, the two approached the ghost doctor, bowed unconsciously, and Guo Man also saluted.

Three thousand miles said: "Brother Black, Xiaoyue Pavilion has been released, should you honor your promise?"

Ghost Doctor was about to signal to let others go, and suddenly Wu Xin suddenly said, "Master, my patients are still in their hands."

He was referring to Ximen Qingtian, and it was mentioned at this time because he remembered Shao Liuer said that Ximen Qingtian was her friend.

The other is that Xuan Wei's death somewhat resented him.

As soon as this remark came out, Du Gu was startled and angry, "What do you mean, three masters?"

Ghost Doctor didn't think much about the disciple's thoughts ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ also remembered the thing mentioned by Yan Baoru, and said: "Nothing else, this is my rule, I entered this door. The patient, either healed or healed and died in the door of his own door. There was no reason for someone to break into the house and get caught. "

Others also guessed who the unintentional patient was. The heads of the three major schools frowned slightly, knowing that Xiaoyuege could not let Ximen clear the sky.

Yu Wenyan said with a deep voice: "Brother Black, you are a little bit backfired!"

The ghost doctor did not give up: "It must be known to everyone who hears and hears, this is my door rule! We don't care about the right and wrong of the outside world, as long as the patient enters the door, that is the patient, and other right and wrong It doesn't matter! If you can't maintain this rule, how can you allow people to trample on it at will? I don't know which of the three rulers can trample on it at will? "

"Queen of the Emperor Weiwei is in a critical moment of treatment. I was disturbed by Xiao Yuege's uninvited entry into the door and caused a terrible death. Looking at the faces of the three heads, I should be a self-discipline Not fine, not to be prosecuted. If you are dead, hand it over alive. When I ’m cured, you will go out, and it ’s your business to fight and kill. We will never intervene! "

PS: Thank you for the three little red flowers in "Fan Zhang"!

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