Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 1331: Hey, something interesting!

The following is a group of hill-like behemoths colliding and torn apart, the momentum is amazing, which is only the Scorpion Emperor?

The dumbfounded Yuan Gang suddenly recovered, "I have a way to distinguish, I should be able to summon the one who sent us in."

Upon hearing this, Niu Youdao and Yun Ji thought about it too. They were relieved at once, that would be good, otherwise it would be troublesome if they could not go back.

Dozens of large birds are not enough for these big guys to rob, and soon they gnawed away, leaving only a bird's hair on the ground, and a gust of wind flew away, I don't know where it will float.

The food was gone, and a group of big guys seemed to be staring at the three people on the tower again. Even if the mosquito was small, it felt like a piece of meat.

Rumble, a group of big guys began to climb up the tower quickly again.

The three of Niu Youdao were speechless, but they also found that there was a sand scorpion below that did not do so and did not regard them as prey.

Yun Ji pointed out: "It seems that there is no need to summon, that should have brought us in. Look, the eyes are covered with bird hair."

In the rumbling sound, Niu Youdao waited for others to be angry and funny. Before a group of big guys climbed up, the group of big guys made a mess of themselves.

The blame lies in the fact that their respective body sizes are too large. When they climbed close to the top, the tower occupies too little space. A group of big guys robbed and many of them stumbled and fell down, but some climbed up.

Yuan Gang jumped to the next step suddenly, "Oh ..." A roar filled with emotion.

As soon as this sound came out, the big guys struggling to climb suddenly calmed down, and suddenly stopped tumbling and tumbling down blindly and unsteadily. They fell into the desert and turned over against the support of the tail.

The one closest to the spire, after hesitating for a while, tried to come up a little again, and the huge strange mouth slowly approached Yuan Gang, as if feeling the smell of Yuan Gang's body. The sight of this tiny man approaching a huge gruesome monster is reassuring.

"Oh ..." Yuan Gang suddenly yelled at the big mouth.

The big guy with two shouts immediately backed away slowly, and as a result, he fell back again and stumbled, tumbling down, and smashing the following group down a lot.

With the last roar of Yuan Gang, the big guys who climbed up all backed off.

Seeing that he could indeed control it, without worrying about security, Yuan Gang began to jump down one level at a time, wondering what to do.

Niu Youdao glanced at him, paying attention to Yun Ji's look and reaction, feeling a little abnormal, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Yun Ji suddenly sighed: "There is a magic in the roar of the monkey!"

"Magic?" Niu Youdao stunned, and said with a smile: "How to say?"

Yun Ji frowned: "There seems to be a sense of deterrence from ancient times, giving people a sense of ancient deterrence, which will make people feel very great and tall, and inexplicably want to worship and want to worship him as king. He issued When roaring, it actually affects my emotions. If my mind is not open, and I can reasonably and normally think, it is likely to be controlled by his emotional voice. "

Niu Youdao understands her meaning, she also evolved from snakes to cultivate adults, and she has the nature of snakes, beasts and beasts.

Yun Ji looked back at Niu Youdao and asked, "When I first saw him, I found that he was a little wrong, and it took a while to adapt slowly. How can a human body exude this strange and shocking Breath of strength? "

"Well ..." Niu Youdao smiled bitterly, "I don't know. Don't talk about me, even he can't figure out what's going on."

Yun Ji: "What kind of skill does he practice?"

Niu Youdao sighed: "In fact, it's very common. More than one person is practicing this horizontal training. Almost everyone who originally came out of Xiaomiao Village has practiced like him. In view of his strange situation, it seems that he is the only one. Oh, everyone else went to work under the prince ’s command. "

Yun Ji shook his head slightly, "Whereever the spiritual wisdom is not open and can't think rationally ... He seems to have the ability to drive various animals, incredible!"

Niu Youdao didn't discuss this too deeply with her, and found that Yuan Gang seemed to be communicating with a group of big guys below. Immediately, he jumped up, flew down, and lifted up near the ground, falling gently.

Yun Ji then flashed down to the side.

In front of a group of big guys, Niu Youdao looked left and right for a while and asked, "What are you doing?"

Yuan Gang turned back, "Dao Ye, just tried it out. Judging from the emotional response they give back, it should not only be that our previous Scorpion Emperor can find entrances and exits, these Scorpion Emperors seem to be able to find them."

"Oh!" Niu Youdao was surprised, there is such a strange thing? Can't help asking: "Is there more than one Scorpion Emperor outside?"

Yuan Gang: "Their IQ is not high, and some problems are too clear to distinguish by emotional expression."

"Uh, what is that?" Niu Youdao glanced at the two big guys not far away.

Yun Ji: "That bird's eye is covered with bird hair that brought us in, uh ..." Her face changed, she was speechless for a moment, then slowly turned her head to look aside.

Niu Youdao's expression also became wonderful, and it was only understood that the two big guys were unscrupulously up in broad daylight. It was a bit unsightly, and the one who brought them in was actually passive. One side.

The one who brought them in was actually a mother?

After a closer look, Niu Youdao and Yuan Gang, who have differentiated experience, then carefully looked at the other big guys, only to find that they are not all the same, but there is still a difference. .

"Scorpion Emperor? The one that brought us in should be the title of the scorpion, right?" Niu Youdao suddenly asked Yuan Gang.

Yuan Gang grinned, speechless.

Yun Ji interjected: "I think I understand what is happening outside the Scorpion Emperor."

Niu Youdao said, "May I hear you high."

Yun Ji: "The outside should be the place where the female scorpion breeds."

Niu Youdao: "How to say?"

Yun Ji: "Remember the characteristics of sand scorpions in the boundless desert? They are sometimes hungry or will eat each other after similar injuries." The reminder looks like.

Niu Youdao is suspicious, "I don't understand it, make it clear, what do you mean?"

Yun Ji sighed: "The size is too small. If you don't make it here, it will become food in the mouth of other sand scorpions, but the food outside does not seem to be abundant here. You have also seen the large flocks of birds before. It is difficult to maintain the huge size outside Existence, a small scumbag is fine. "

Niu Youdao suddenly realized and understood, "You mean that the female scorpion will leave here after conceiving and will hide in the boundless desert to give birth, and when the little one's body is long enough, it will be for the food needed. Back here? "

Yun Ji nodded: "That's the meaning. Don't forget that those sand scorpions have a very sensitive sense of smell in the boundless desert. Even in the dry desert, they can smell them with a slight **** smell. The reason why the sand scorpion is The ability to find entrances to and from the Fifth Realm should be related to their sense of smell. They can smell the breath of the world that has penetrated through the channel to the outside world, so they can accurately find the entrances and exits. "

Niu Youdao and Yuan Gang looked at each other face-to-face. This statement was reasonable, and they couldn't believe both of them.

Niu Youdao immediately said strangely: "Listen to the words of the emperor, Mao Zedong opened!"

Yun Ji shook his head slightly, "I have won the prize. I know more about the habits of other animals than you. Judging this kind of thing is not difficult for me."

Both Niu and Yuan felt like they were being taught a lesson. Niu Youdao could n’t help but laugh: “It seems that letting you follow up is not a bad thing, otherwise we might be really hard to understand the reasons for the ins and outs of sand scorpions. . "

Yun Ji was slightly disdainful, "I lifted up, what has you been thinking about for a long time, and what you can't figure out?"

Niu Youdao arched his hand, then looked around and sighed: "It seems that Li Ge really makes full use of the environment of the two realms, it's not simple!"

Yun Ji looked up to the top of the tower. "One formation can determine the connection of the Five Realms. It's really not that simple for such a thing."

Speaking of which, Niu Youdao remembered something, flew up to the top of the tower, and lay on top of the tower to check.

Yun Ji and Yuan Gang then went up again, watching beside Niu Youdao, wondering what he was doing.

Yuan Gang asked: "But what did Dao Ye see?"

"No." Niu Youdao took his fingers in and out of the groove and explored, and occasionally cast a detective, muttering in his mouth, "It seems nothing special. Putting a token can start the outside world. 'S eyes? "

Yun Ji: "It can be seen from the signs of some things that the realm of Shang Song's husband and wife is far beyond us, and some things are not something we can figure out clearly. Since it is arranged like this, there must be a reason."

Neither of them knew Niu Youdao's thoughts.

Niu Youdao opened the business mirror and knew that there were secrets in the business mirror. He now wants to know the relationship between the token and this array. If there is no special internal cause in this array, then there must be some internal cause in that token. He wanted to figure it out, understand the reason, and maybe he could use it in the future.

"Huh!" Niu Youdao suddenly patted this square stone placed on the spire of the tower. "You see, this stone is not a normal stone. It is very hard. It seems more than just putting it on the top. It seems to be straight below!"

Yun Ji immediately put his hands together to cast a tentative trial, Yuan Gang patted his hands and threw a punch.

When the punch went down, the air seemed to be buzzing. The three of them immediately looked up into the air, and they saw a faint mist suddenly appear in the air.

"This thing can cause fluctuations in the world's vitality after being stressed!" Yun Ji reminded.

Seeing this, Niu Youdao suddenly gave palm up, yeah! Re-shot on the stone.

Rumble! The thicker the mist above, there was a thunderous movement.

"Look!" Yun Ji, who looked around, suddenly pointed down.

The two big men looked around and saw that the group of big guys below seemed to be greatly frightened and hurried into the desert.

After a while, all the big guys disappeared, even the ones who brought them in were gone.

"Hey, something interesting!" Niu Youdao became more and more curious, looked up at the sky again, and slammed on the stone again.

The causal connection is obvious ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The more force this stone exerts, the more obvious the sky will be.

So he kept increasing his strength test one by one.

Soon, the sky was covered with clouds, and even lightning and thunder gradually appeared.

Now, the three of them know why those sand scorpions are afraid, because it looks like rain, sand scorpion is afraid of water.

Niu Youdao can be described as a face full of interest, and would like to know what will happen in the end. He suddenly increased his strength and hit the stone.

Boom! A thunder and a thunder suddenly split like a sword, Niu Youdao was shocked, flickered, and slowed down.

What does it mean that Thunder ca n’t cover his ears, this time he is considered to be a leader, and he was cut right on the spot by this fine thunderbolt, and he was completely black, and only one toe was on the ground. The whole person was still taking off, but he did n’t have time. Fly away, crumbling.

ps: The monthly ticket is more than 110,000 plus. Thanks to the new leader "Unknown Clan" for his support.


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