Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 1343: Primer

Pick up? The young men and women looked at each other, unable to understand what was meant, and the woman shouted again, "What are you talking about?"

Wu Chang lit up his hands again, and suddenly he knocked on both hands again, "Boom" was another long beep.

The voice was not good, and the behavior of the other party, the two men and women frowned.

The other party was deliberately tapping here, and it seemed a bit provocative at all.

The woman's posture is good, the skin and white flesh is already a little arrogant, and she sees Wu Chang's shawl radiating a man's arm, like a tramp, and immediately shouted, "Rough guy, noisy, I ask you in What did you not hear? "

Seeing the woman speaking well, the man on the side was slightly uneasy, gently pulling on her sleeve, and whispered to remind: "Sister, go out, not in the sect, converge, don't provoke outsiders."

The woman turned back and glared, "He is provoking, how could it be that I provoke people, why is Brother so timid?"

The man was a little embarrassed by what she said, but still whispered: "Sister, this person looks rough, but the restrained momentum is very extraordinary, unlike the average person, I don't know the depth of the other party, but be careful. The clerk let me **** Shimei went to the Infinite Pavilion, in case there was something missing, I could n’t explain it. Forget it, it ’s better to have one less, let ’s go! ”

The woman said angrily: "I don't need you to explain! I'm Qingtianzong Megatron Baizhou, who doesn't give some face to the world, as the disciples go out and act on behalf of Zongmen face, how can anyone be provocative!" , I ’m not as timid as you are.

Then he pointed to Wu Chang, "Bulk, why don't you answer the question?"

Wu Chang has been staring at the reaction of the two. After hearing Qing Tianzong in Baizhou, South Korea, he knows that he may have misunderstood, but he confirmed again, "Aren't you here to receive?"

The woman shouted, "What's the lead? Who are you, sign up!"

Confirmed that it shouldn't be someone to pick up, Wu Chang suddenly ignored it, turned again to face the depths of the desert, and struck again with both hands.

"Boom ... Boom ... Boom ..." One by one, the sound is really harsh.

The young man looked around and noticed signs of resonance in the desert.

The young woman was completely irritated by the other party's disdain. As the daughter of Qing Tianzong, in addition to having a good appearance, she was usually accustomed to compliments. She was not used to being so disdained and shouted: "Bold madman ..."

Before finishing the speech, Wu Chang's hands cast a heavy blow on the ring.

"Boom ..." A trembling sound made both the liver and gallbladder tremble, the eardrum trembles and buzzes, the mind is disordered, the blood rushes to the chest, and the two men's faces flush red.

There was even a magnificent momentum emanating from Wu Chang's body, imposing and powerful.

The faces of young men and women changed drastically, realizing something, and even more terrifying in the eyes of women. Such a powerful momentum was difficult to reach even under the anger of the elder Supreme Master Qing Tianzong.

The woman trembled and asked, "Who are you?"

Wu Chang was busy with his expressionless face, and he dismissed it at all. He was too lazy to give even his right eye. What Qingtianzong said was nothing in his eyes.

The man quickly pulled the sleeve of the woman and whispered, "Sister, we can't afford this person, let's go!"

This time, the woman was no longer capricious and nodded nervously. The two stood up and tried to leave.

However, the two found that they couldn't fly, jumped one foot high, and couldn't rise again. When they looked down, they found that their feet were caught by two big hands, and they were caught by two pythons. .

Yellow sand is like a few old withered vines, they are entangled with their feet, and the two can hardly break free of their mana.

"Boom ..." Wu Chang knocked hard with both hands.

A few yellow sand old vines suddenly dragged them and suddenly dragged them back into the sand.

"Brother, my foot hurts." The woman screamed in horror, because she found it difficult to get rid of the ground no matter what. This was the most frightening thing for her.

Huh! The man drew his sword in his hand and chopped into the sand at the feet of the two, but to no avail, it was still difficult to get rid of.

The two became more and more frightened, and could feel that the cultivation of the weird man was so powerful that it was so incredible for them.

In the sound of "Dong Dang", Huang Sha started to spread slowly along their legs.

"Brother, brother ..." The woman screamed nonstop.

The man immediately shouted to Wu Chang: "Senior, if there were any rude offenses before, I hope the senior adult does not remember the villain, please ask the senior to raise your hand and let me wait for a horse ..." Aloud.

The woman couldn't scream anymore. Huang Sha blocked the two's mouths, drilled into their mouths, drilled into their nostrils, and drilled into their ears.

The two didn't want to accept it, but couldn't resist, and their faces were full of pain.

Convulsed under the attack of Huang Sha, the two bodies expanded rapidly and swelled like a ball.

The yellow sand exploded, the flesh and blood exploded, the bones flying, and two fresh skulls that soared into the sky and fell to the ground.

The **** smell wafted in the wind, but Wu Chang was like nothing happened, and the ring tripod was still striking "Dong Dong" ...


Under the darkness, one of the three people flying over the desert suddenly pointed to the side. Under the moonlight, a behemoth got out of the sand and screamed.

The three fell on a sand dune and stared. One was surprised: "It's the Scorpion Emperor!"

Another person said: "You must have heard about the demon saint son, Wushuang Saint seems to be looking for the Scorpion Emperor. If I can find it, Zongmen will report it to the Ai Pavilion, it must be a great achievement!


With a cry, the three of them flashed up again, chasing after the direction of the Scorpion Emperor.

However, not long after catching up, I heard a strange sound of "Dong Dong" coming from the desert, and it was hidden that the Scorpion Emperor rushed to the sand dune standing alone in the moonlight.

Scorpion Emperor's rumbling came, so Wu Chang stopped his hands and struck his eyes, staring coldly.

How could the Scorpion King come to him? Unprecedented things, hardly need to think about it, guessed that it was caused by Dinghuan in his hand, that is to say, Scorpion Emperor was brought in by Dinghuan.

Wu Chang's eyes flickered. Is the so-called primer really the Scorpion Emperor?

He wanted to see the response of the Scorpion Emperor, who knew that the Scorpion Emperor had no extra reaction at all, and when he rushed up, two large claws smashed him crazy.

When Dangdang made two sounds, Wu Chang held his hands in one fell swoop, hard against the fierce blow of the pair of pliers, and fell a little under his feet.

Scorpion Emperor found that the little guy could not be killed, and his huge body flew forward, trying to crush the little guy.

Faced with the pressure of a huge body like a mountain, Wu Chang's palm turned over, swallowed the heavenly circle into the arm bend, and put a palm on the belly of the Scorpion Emperor, waving his arm.

The hill-like scorpion buckled up and fell to the ground with his arthropods, and his back fell to the ground, making it difficult to turn up. The big tail stirred in the sand, turned over, and threw himself to Wuchang. After a loss, a lesson was learned, the tail pricked by acupuncture, and slammed towards Wuchang.

when! Wu Chang's mountain and river tripod in one fell swoop, Dingkou caught the tail thorn, and firmly blocked!

Scorpion Emperor's tail trembled, obviously struggling with Wu Chang.

The three people who fell on the sand dunes not far away looked at this scene in amazement. The more they watched, the more they were startled. To calmly deal with it on the spot, can this really be done by the cultivation of the Jindan realm?

Wu Chang in the stalemate with the Scorpion King is also a bit strange. If the Scorpion King is really a primer, how can he come to attack?

Other sand scorpions heard Dinghuan's knocking sounds and fled, but why did the Scorpion Emperor run desperately?

He faintly felt the reason, and he violated the sand scorpion's territory. The group of sand scorpions feared this voice, so he recruited a powerful boss to expel him who interfered with the sand scorpion's habitat.

His judgment was correct, the survival environment of the young scorpion was seriously threatened, and the Scorpion Emperor really came to eliminate his threat.

Because of this, some things are not difficult to judge. If the Scorpion Emperor is really a primer, this is obviously the reason why Dinghuan's tapping can call the Scorpion Emperor.

But what happened to the Scorpion Emperor? Suppression by force may not be able to obey the Scorpion Emperor, as the two parties cannot communicate.

Since Dinghuan says that Dinghuan is the functioning object, the crux of the problem must still be Dinghuan.

After turning these thoughts in his head, Wu Chang suddenly shook his head and shook off the scorpion tail.

The Scorpion Emperor did not stop, and turned to attack again.

"Boom ..." Wu Chang cast a heavy blow with both hands, and Dinghuan's impact was dull and loud.

The three watching on the nearby sand dunes were irritable and bloody.

The Scorpion Emperor who had waved the scorpion tail and attacked again was squeaked by this sound, seemingly unacceptable, and the stimulation backed off again and again.

Seeing it useful, the Scorpion Emperor is not afraid of this voice, "Boom ... Boom ... Boom ..." Wu Chang kept striking.

The scorpion emperor stimulated by the sound seemed to be caught in a huge trouble, trying to attack Wuchang, and being disturbed by the "magic sound", squeaking around.

In the end, it seemed that it was really unbearable. The Scorpion Emperor suddenly turned around, pulled his legs and ran, fleeing frantically.

Ran? How can Wu Chang let it run away ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and his eyes glanced at the three people on the nearby sand dunes, swallowing the Tianhuan ring suddenly in his hand, and the golden ring roared away under the moon.

The three were shocked. They didn't expect that Wu Chang would suddenly attack. They suddenly fled and escaped. As a result, the horror found that their feet were stuck to the sand and could not escape.

Jinhuan made a screaming sound, and the sound was fierce and amazing.

All three hurriedly withdrew their weapons to resist, hooting, banging three times.

None of the three people could stop the golden ring.

With a tendency to wither and decay, Jin Huan exploded three people's flesh and blood, and finally a big roundabout in the air fell into Wu Chang's hands.

The reason for killing three people is very simple. As long as he sees the person with him and the Scorpion Emperor, he will never let it go!

Wu Chang, who grabbed the golden ring, shone, chased to the Scorpion Emperor, and fell behind the Scorpion Emperor, standing on the Scorpion Emperor and following it.

During the run, the sober Emperor Scorpion, who was sober from the "Magic Sound", tilted his tail back to the person on his back again.

"Boom ... Boom ..." Wu Chang's hands hit Dinghuan again, and the magic sound reappeared, making the Scorpion Emperor unable to hold himself. He could only run away again quickly, trying to escape the interference of the magic sound.

PS: It's another chapter to seize the time. Thanks to the new leader "Small building will shake again overnight" for his support.

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