Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 1346: Smell soup

? Shao Pingbo staring at the scenery in the pool squinted with cold eyes, "Dare to talk about the courage, all are forced by the gentleman."

Jia Wuqun: The adults do not want to come, these things are not enough to cause the adults to die and cannot be forced.

Shao Pingbo stared at Yuan Cong, who spoke on behalf of her, and said, "Isn't it tempting me to kill it?"

Jia Wuqun: Mr. Jin came under the name of Jin Envoy, how dare I kill him indiscriminately.

Shao Pingbo: "Since I am here, can you tell me why I harmed me before?"

Jia Wuqun: Intentional harm, intentional temptation! If an adult can't even avoid a small robbery, he will die if he dies. Where else is the qualification to stand here, and he is not qualified to discuss the world with me.

Shao Pingbo's eyes flickered and he understood what he meant, raising his eyebrows slightly: "On the world?"

Jia Wuqun nodded: When the adult was in Beizhou, Jia Mou had always been concerned. Is it because of the ambition of adults that you are willing to be only one teacher?

Shao Pingbo was undecided, and said indifferently: "What can I say?"

Jia Wuqun: The Nine Saints will not fall, the world will be uneven!

As soon as this remark came out, Shi Shitian was shocked, and Shao Pingbo was shocked. He suddenly turned around to face him, looked up and down, and said in a deep voice: "What do you want to do?"

Jia Wuqun's expression is calm: the world is truly a hero, only adults and Jia Mou! If you and I join forces, there is a lot to do!

Shao Pingbo's center was startled, "You are a common person, and you dare to compete with the Nine Saints? As far as I know, the sir has no ambitions, why is he so ambitious?

Jia Wuqun opened his mouth and pointed to his mouth without a tongue, and then continued to write behind Yuan Cong: This hatred is not reported, and he swears not to be human! One person alone, solitary force, someone willing to help him!

Tongue out! Shao Pingbo's eyes flashed again, and if he thought about it, he asked, "Why help each other?"

Jia Wuqun: If an adult wants to win the Song Kingdom in the future, Jia Mou is willing to help!

Regarding this point, Shao Pingbo did not doubt the other party's ability, but was rather moved, but sneered. "Just because you want to compete with the Nine Saints?"

Jia Wuqun: If you do n’t try your best, how can you not do it?

Shao Pingbo tentatively said: "What do you want me to do?"

Jia Wuqun: I want to know who is the person behind the adult, that is, the person who is in the temple.

Shao Pingbo's heart twitched, "Where is there any man in the temple, sir thinks too much."

Jia Wuqun: Adults are so boring, do you really want me to shake out what the letter says?

Shao Pingbo: "Are you threatening me?"

Jia Wuqun: It ’s not a threat. I ’m not interested in the world. I just want to defeat the Nine Saints. The person behind the adult must have a low status in the cabinet. I want to use him to find someone.

Shao Pingbo puzzled, "Who are you looking for?"

Jia Wuqun: Former general manager of Zhao Guoda, Zhuge Chi, he was a monk of Yuanying. The Nine Saints had already woven the net, and he would be arrested at any time. I need to release Zhuge Chi.

"Monk Yuanying?" Shao Pingbo was slightly shocked. He didn't hear about it and looked him up and down. "How do you know?"

Jia Wuqun: My depth of management in the practice world is far beyond your imagination.

Yuan Yuan, who spoke instead, was speechless in his heart, his eyes slightly glanced at the pavilion not far away, where there stood a person, not someone else, who was righteous.

Niu Youdao after Yi Rong was standing on the pavilion, staring at the two talking by the pool.

Yun Ji, who also changed her face and dressed as a man, walked up the pavilion, walked to Niu Youdao at the railing, looked in the direction he saw, and asked lightly: "Can Shao Pingbo agree?"

Niu Youdao: "The strength that Jia Wuqun has demonstrated is exactly what he needs. It can ensure his safety, allow him to manage his own affairs with peace of mind, relieve his worries, and surrender those behind him. Why didn't he agree? The two people's "smells are the same", the major event is expected, it should be just a hit. "

Yun Ji: "Can he believe Jia Wuqun?"

Niu Youdao said: "It's not important to believe it. This kind of person, don't expect him to believe you easily. Just let him feel at ease, as long as Jia Wuqun intervenes, let him think that Jia Wuqun can also hold the handle, think Jia Wuqun also If you do n’t dare to treat him, you can use Jia Wuqun, and he will do it. Do n’t forget that Jia Wuqun also killed the people in the cabinet. In fact, Jia Wuqun did n’t dare to betray him. ”

Yun Ji sneered, "A behind-the-scenes gangster did something shameful, and a man who killed the jailhouse was also shameless. The two were really 'smell-like'." Looking back at him, "You're not always afraid of him Well, dare to put such a handle on his hand? "

Niu Youdao: "When he knows that I am still alive, do you think I still care about this handle? My layout in the world has been completed, do you think he is still qualified to be my opponent? I need him now, just use him , That ’s all, he does n’t have the qualification to jump out of the board, and if he jumps out, he is out! ”

The banquet at Zifu was very rich. After the guests had a happy time, Shao Pingbo and his wife resigned.

On the way back to the embassy of Jin Kingdom, in the shaky carriage, Uncle Huan'er found her husband's expression dignified and tried to ask: "What's wrong?"

Shao Pingbo grabbed her catkin and shook her head: "It's nothing."

Deep inside the house of Zifu, Jia Wuqun, who had returned from the guests, also walked to Niu Youdao, who was playing with his writing board, hand-written behind Yuancong.

As a result, Yuan never met the times, but instead coughed.

The sitting Niu Youdao raised his head and saw him, slightly guilty, and quickly stood up.

Both Yun Ji and Jia Wuqun were slightly surprised, and were aware of the abnormality of this scene.

Yuan Cong spoke up here: "Fortunately, it is not a disgrace, and has joined hands with me."

Niu Youdao smiled and said, "Every little thing, the sir will be able to cope with it, as expected. There are many people in this place, and I will not stay for a long time. I will say goodbye and wait for the good news of Mr. Jing." , Then waved his hand, indicating that there was no need to send each other.

Turning around, he left Yun Ji and left Wei Duo. When he passed Wei Duo, he only looked at Wei Duo twice. He never spoke to Wei Duo from beginning to end.

The look that Jia Wuqun watched was a bit complicated. Some were not just for Shao Pingbo. What Shao Pingbo did was made him feel clearly. The Nanzhou side was indeed fighting the Holy Land side. .

It is unbelievable that such a strength and wrist in the Nanzhou area ...

Niu Youdao returned to Nanzhou, but Shao Pingbo did not rush to leave. He spent a few days in Song Jing Pan and visited the learned scholar Fang Changqu several times.

Fang Changqu refused to leave with Shao Pingbo, saying that Shao Pingbo killed his brother and his mother.

Shao Pingbo no longer cares about these infamy.

In the end, Jia Wuqun helped him. How could Song Guocheng ’s energy be contended by Fang Changqu? Although Fang Changqu is a learned Confucian, he is not a true saint who is totally selfless, and he has to give in when he wants to live.

After returning to Jinjing, Shao Pingbo returned to his house to bathe and change clothes. After washing, he got into the study. After standing in front of the map and staring at the location of the boundless desert for a while, he pulled the rope on the wall and the bells outside the study rang.

Soon, the three provinces of Shao came in a big step and asked, "What did the eldest son tell me?"

Shao Pingbo: "The person who summoned the shopkeeper told him that in the afternoon after three days, see Wolf Lake and Lake Heart Island twenty miles south of the city. If you don't come, don't regret it!"

Shao Sanxing hesitated for a while and saw that he had made up his mind, and finally he ordered his life, "Yes!"

As scheduled, three days later, at noon when the sun was shining brightly, Shao Pingbo posing as a traveler appeared on the shore of Wolf Lake, twenty miles south of the city.

There was no extra person beside him, only a guard.

A fisherman was found by the lake. Shao Pingbo threw money to the fisherman, boarded the boat alone, left the guard on the shore, and drove to the heart of the lake on a flat boat.

After leaving the ship and landing, Shao Pingbo walked slowly in the middle of the forest path, surrounded by quiet.

There are a few simple pavilions on the island. This is one of the places where some rich people spend their leisure time. However, after the war, some entertainment matters consciously converged, so that it is very quiet now.

Walking to one of the pavilions, Shao Pingbo swept the dust on the stool, slowly sat down, and took off the mask on his face.

When the person who was waiting for the appointment came, he suddenly saw the fisherman who had been driving the boat coming, picking up the bamboo pole, and walking straight to the pavilion, a gourd was placed on the stone table.

Shao Pingbo squinted at him.

The fisherman explained, "Seeing that Mr. is alone, he hasn't carried it with him. I'm afraid that Mr. is thirsty. Give him some water to spare."

Shao Pingbo's eyes fell on the mask he had taken off, and he suddenly smiled and shook his head slightly: "Every time the shopkeeper appeared, he was haunted. I didn't think there was a laborer who personally drove me to the boat."

The fisherman raised his face and looked at Sen Han, and finally recovered his previous voice, "I think you are living impatiently!"

Shao Pingbo calmly said: "Is the shopkeeper trying to kill me? Don't forget, as soon as I die, your secret can't be kept."

"Is it?" The fisherman sneered, suddenly shot, grabbed Shao Pingbo's neck in an instant, and squeezed a red pill in the other hand, "Give something shameless to the face, take this thing, taste it After the taste, you will be honest! "

Shao Pingbo, who was almost lifted up by his neck, couldn't help but open his mouth, and the mask in his hand also loosened and landed.

The fisherman blinked his eyes and turned quickly to find that a hand was already resting on his shoulder, making it hard for him to exert any force. He only heard a soft drink behind him: "Hands off!" The force of surging ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ straight through five fingers, immediately released Shao Pingbo involuntarily.

"Cough ..." Shao Pingbo coughed over his neck.

boom! Suddenly, the fisherman was swept away by a palm, and he crashed a tree and fell to the ground.

He quickly turned over again, and then looked up, and found that the person who easily injured himself turned out to be the **** who escorted Shao Pingbo to the shore. He looked surprised and didn't know who the other person was, but clearly noticed the strength of the other Far above himself.

There was no extra reaction, and immediately fled away, trying to escape.

Uh! The **** shot out instantaneously, and immediately reached the fisherman.

The fisherman was horrified. Boom! There was another palm in his chest, and the blood puffed and flew back, rolling over on the floor, and he coughed up blood.

Shao Pingbo, who had eased in the pavilion, watched this scene quietly.

PS: Make up the fifth one and change more. Thanks to the new leader "Little Girl Lin" for his support.

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