Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 1425: Kill innocent

Seeing her mother-in-law looking at herself, he quickly added another sentence, "Beware of fraud."

Snow mother-in-law's eyes fell on the letter, "When I was asked to meet in the wilderness of Arasawa, why should I die in the wilderness? Is there fraud? What can I do when I meet?"

Bai Wuya tried to ask: "Mother, do you want to go to the appointment?"

Mother-in-law: "I want to see if people are ghosts."

Bai Wuya: "Mother, I am afraid there is a plot of conspiracy, let my son take a trip on his behalf."

Mother-in-law turned back, "Do you know Yin Ji?"

"..." Bai Wuya stunned, thinking and shaking his head, said: "When the son started walking, the woman had heard the news of death and had never seen it."

Mother-in-law: "How can you confirm the truth?"

Bai Wuya: "Will the old man who has seen her in the Holy Land take a trip."

Mother-in-law shook her head: "No. The letter says confidentiality. If it's really me, suddenly I will have a purpose when looking for me. Other people go to something that I'm afraid it's unclear, or it's good for me to go by myself. What traps are there really? , I ’m going to get out of my way, and it wo n’t stop me. "


In the Heavenly Demon Palace, the sweaty Wu Chang held letters, with a look of surprise and murmur in his mouth, "Yin Ji ..."

The black stone on the side wondered: "Sir, isn't she dead?"

Wu Chang shook his head slowly, "The news of her death was indeed a bit strange at that time. She and Luo Qiu's feelings were not the same. They said that what was suddenly suffered by the gangster's poisonous hand, but they didn't see Luo Qiu's big actions. This is already Very abnormal. According to various indications, my original judgment was that Luo Qiu had personally taken the poisonous hand. Now a sudden appointment came up to meet me, and it seemed that things were really strange. "

Blackstone: "Will this letter be fraudulent?"

Wu Chang: "Yinji is my eldest sister, so far, she is still my favorite woman, but I am very impressed with her words. I am very impressed and familiar with her words. The words can be imitated, but the charm in the words is It's hard to imitate, it should be her words. Besides, even if there is fraud, why is it not good to swindle, why did you bring out a person who has died for so many years? "

Blackstone: "Abrupt appointments come up, it's really strange!"

Wu Chang: "It's true or false, I know at first sight that nothing can happen. If a trap can kill me, I can't live today."


Dayuan Holy Land, the melon in Yuanse ’s hand was thrown away, holding the letter in one hand and waving it in the other hand, “Retreat, give me back!”

Singing and dancing stopped, a group of enchanting women retreated one after another, but Yuan Fei was alone.

A pair of eyes have returned to their normal elementary colors with great surprise, "Yin Ji? Isn't this woman dead?"

The concubine Yuan, with a pink leather hood on her left eye, flickered with one eye and said, "The Lord is sure to be Luo Qiu's wife?"

Yuan Se shook his head: "How can I confirm this?" He shook his head again and again, "But then again, this woman is indeed beautiful, and looks like a fairy, plus the cultivation of Yuan baby realm, and people Gentle and pleasant, when I was taken over by Luo Qiu, it really drooled me. Do n’t say Luo Qiu, if Wu Changchang dedicated her to me, I am afraid that it would be difficult for this girl to help Blocking this gentle offensive is not good for starting this woman's brother. "

At this point, I seemed to realize something, glanced at my eyes, and found that the face of Yuan Fei was not very good-looking, and then changed my mouth immediately: "Although the words are said, but I will not be as impulsive as Luo Qiu, this woman comes from Unknown, Luo Qiu was dizzy and could be described as Wu Chang's beauty plan. If I were replaced, I would not let Wu Chang succeed. "

"Because of this woman's cultivation behavior, every family was quite afraid at that time. Luo Qiu had been under tremendous pressure for this woman. If it weren't for Wu Chang's later rise, he would join forces with Luo Qiu to fight against this woman. He was hit by the big guy. "

Yuan Fei: "It is rumored that Luo Qiu killed her. Does the Lord think it may be resurrected?"

Yuan Se: "People disappeared suddenly. Luo Qiu said that he was killed. What is the truth? I'm afraid only the party knows the best. Hey, it's true and false. I'll see if I see it.

Yuan Fei: "Knowing that you are strange, you still have to see it. It seems that the Lord has always been obsessed with her! Also, I was still young. Although I was only a small follower, but I have also seen her. Fairies are generally good-looking, even if I am a woman, I admire them. The people are beautiful, and they are very fond of Luo Qiu, Luo Qiu can not be hesitant to fight against the rest of the world for her. Do n’t hesitate to take risks, understandable. "

The smell of vinegar was so full of words that Yuan Se heard a laugh and stretched her arms around her exposed light waist. "Madam, this is a bad word, and now I have only one lady in my heart."

Before changing it, she may still be able to swallow it with sweet words. Now when she thinks about the thing that was dug out, she feels like a **** in her heart, slightly taunting: "Is it? The singing and dancing girl here Which one has n’t been spoiled by you? I think you like the taste of a group of women competing for you. If you are really the only one in your heart, can you dare to disclose the name of your couple to the world? "

Yuan Se hands patted her hips, sighed: "Why don't you understand, not open, but also to protect you! Are you still angry about the eyes? You should know that I'm less at a glance, But it affected my reaction when fighting. Nowadays, when the situation is changing, Mu Lianze and Chang Sun Mi are both dead. How can I protect you if I do n’t protect? You can rest assured that the ghost doctor will be there for you. Find the right one. "


"Silver Ji?" In the temple of Wuxu, Du Wuxu pondered with a letter, silent for a long time.


"This woman is still alive?" In the sky blue temple, Lan Daolin holding the letter was also surprised.


A figure jumped into the valley, and Niu Youdao and Yun Ji were immediately vigilant.

Yuan Gang is away and is responsible for guarding Lu Wushuang in another place. Those who meet here should not let Lu Wushuang see it.

The person came to say, "It's me." Is Xihaitang's voice.

Niu Youdao also echoed, "It's us." It's also easy to change here.

After the two sides finally met, after confirming each other's identity, Niu Youdao was not nonsense, and directly said: "We just rushed to the county town of Lu County where San Luosha was in trouble, and found that San Luosha had left again. Keep following, so ask you to ask. "

Xihaitang: "What do you want to come by yourself?"

Niu Youdao said: "Naturally, we must rush to take the Holy Raksha before the arrival of the Six Saints."

Xihai Church was a little surprised, "Take San Raksha away? We all know her strength, even if we join forces, I am afraid I can't take her away."

Niu Youdao said: "You can rest assured that I have a way to surrender her, and I won't let you take risks. In short, you need to find her as soon as possible. You Wanshoumen have been staring at her whereabouts, there must be traces."

Hearing that there was a way, and Xihaitang did not talk nonsense, he pulled out a folded map directly from his sleeve. "There are indeed traces. The points above are all the places where she appeared, and she did not run around. You see, she has been heading in one direction. The county town of Lu County, she has just left, and if she goes straight, the next place should be the county town of Huashan. "

Niu Youdao stared carefully at the sign on the map and nodded slightly, "Her flight speed is not slow. Can we stop at Huashan County in time?"

Xihaitang groaned, "It must be able to stop, she is going straight, but as soon as she meets people or villages and towns on the way, she stops, and when she sees them, she asks where the people who broke into her city are. On her way There must be a lot of time, and you can definitely stop when you arrive in Huashan County. "

"Anyone who knows what she asked except the person who was witnessed by Shang Songxing Palace in person? If she couldn't get a definite answer, she angered her. She didn't seem to turn her head too much. Just kill, the person who died in her hand is no less than a thousand people, and it is really the same as the demon. Now the monk dare not shoot her, and the people who killed her are basically worldly men, women and children. There was a lot of crying and crying in the place, it was already panic. Alas, sin!

"By the way, this evil spirit is already heavy, and it's already angry, do you still want to protect her from it?"

Niu Youdao nodded slightly, "She came out and made trouble this time, and she couldn't get rid of what we did last time. She had no dispute with the world, it was us who harmed her. It is a merit to be able to get rid of Changsun Mi and Mu Lianze. Yes. We are also to blame for the murder that she has caused now. "

Xihaitang said with a deep voice: "You should not be exposed now, and the consequences of your unpredictable actions are unpredictable. Niu Youdao, now is not the time for women's benevolence, the best way is to just sit idly by!"

Niu Youdao said: "If you can guarantee, you should try to protect her as much as possible. Keeping her will be of great use in the future!"

Xihaitang: "Can't communicate, what's the use?"

There are some things that Niu Youdao doesn't want to say more now. She raises her hand to stop and looks dignified: "Now that she has been determined where to go, have the people in the future town not been evacuated in time?"

San Razak was so indiscriminate killing innocent, he was also uneasy.

Xihaitang: "The parties have ordered the evacuation, but how can all be notified in a short time, no one knows her whereabouts before, and it was not long ago that she was determined to go straight all the way, and only temporarily ordered people to transfer. "

Niu Youdao: "Do you follow her many monks?"

Xihaitang: "How could it not be so much? The three major factions of the Song Dynasty were all alarmed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It was like a bunch of flies around a pile of stinky shit. The alarmed monks of various schools, the monks of the towns everywhere, including my beast The door, as well as the alarming personnel in the relevant places, although not daring to get close, are all following her whereabouts. "

"The current situation is that no one dared to face the Holy Raksha until a few sacred lords had arrived. According to the time inference, it is estimated that the news I sent to the 缥缈 阁, the 缥缈 阁 was received shortly afterwards, Reported to the Holy Land, the vast land and the vast sea, the news will definitely not be able to reach the Holy Land before tomorrow, and when the Holy Saints arrive, I do n’t know how many people are going to die. "

"By the way, it has been found that Saint Raksha has eaten and drank. Now the people in the nearby area are already organizing the forces of various factions to observe the food situation on the way to Saint Raksha. Listening to the meaning of the church, you are already thinking about seeing energy. The Holy Raksha must not be poisoned! "

"Niu Youdao, you know, those holy lords know the strength of holy Raksha. If there is a chance to poison, even if a few holy lords come, I am afraid they will choose to kill them. Too much light, such a chaotic run without help and without vigilance, some anti-drug means are beyond defense, she can't hide. "

PS: Thanks to the new leader "Q Li Ge Q" for his support.

Recommend the new book of the city **** Lao Shi:

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