Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 1428: sucker Punch

Niu Youdao's eyes were frosty, staring at the woman, and the situation changed suddenly, resulting in a hurried reaction. The woman found the opportunity to take advantage of the situation. After all, she was careless and underestimated the woman.

"Master Dao, what are you waiting for?" Lu Wushuang asked back, and actually followed a group of people who called him "Master Dao." There was a sense of ridicule in it. "I can't swallow this breath and want to settle my accounts with me, do I have to wait until this level is passed?"

Niu Youdao waved his sleeves, no longer talked about it, and was afraid that it was too late. He immediately drove the bird mount to the town.

Yun Ji raised her hand and slapped on Yuan Gang's shoulder, and pressed, "This **** turns around and settles the account. Your figure is too conspicuous, squat first, so as not to be seen!"

Yuan Gang, who was tensed with his cheeks, had to force himself to calm down. He knew what was important now. His body was short, and he knelt down on the bird mount, slightly bent his body, at least to avoid being seen directly.

Yun Ji also drove towards the town with a bird mount, but slanted towards the sky to avoid being viewed too much by people on the ground.

It was really careless. It stands to reason that they should not show up publicly. Once an outsider sees what, the consequences are unimaginable.

In fact, not only Xihaitang did not want Niu Youdao to come, but Yunji did n’t want to know anything in her heart, and she could n’t even figure out. How could such a sensible person like Niu Youdao take such a risk, or say it ’s not worth it, but she still tried her best. Cooperated.

Because she knew that San Raksha's other identity is Yin'er in Maolu Mountain Villa.

Niu Youdao was first for Yuan Gang, and now for St. Raksha, because both of them are regarded as the people of Maolu Mountain Villa, and both are the people around Niu Youdao.

And she thought that her current identity seems to be similar to the two.

Through some things, she probably understood that if she was in danger, Niu Youdao would also try her best to save her ...

What is hard resistance? A group of monks in the town surrounded today are considered to be knowledgeable. The three men cast the sky sword symbols from three directions at the same time, aiming at the holy Raksha in the middle, and the Rama shook his arms and wings to quickly defeat the successive days. Jian Gang shadow.

A large hemispherical pit has formed in the place where St. Raksha stood, and she screamed in the middle of the pit from time to time to resist.

"Tianjian Fu is limited." Xihaitang reminded.

The deacon of the priest has used two Sky Sword Rune at this time, watching the battle, and sneered at the words, "Hurry, she can't hold it anymore. Take out all the Sky Sword Rune you have at the door of the Thousand Beasts. As long as you do n’t have this evildoer, you can rest assured that the number of Sky Sword Symbols used will be enough to supply you with a lot of money. "

The Holy Raksha did show signs of being unable to carry it. The reaction speed was much slower. Obviously it was the end of the strong crossbow. From the beginning, the reaction speed could resist all the shadows of the Tianjian Gang, and now it will be hit by the Tianjian Gang shadow from time to time. In the middle, the frequency of being hit is getting higher and higher, but its physical body is really powerful.

At this time, the Holy Raksha, full of blood and blood, was like a trapped beast with bruises all over his body. There was endless unwillingness in the roar. When he wanted to rush out of this pit, he was helpless. No matter which direction he rushed to, he would be struck by the thunder of the sky sword. Strike intercept.

The eyes were full of dying struggling meaning, a pair of silver wings was even sore, like two pieces of torn paper that had been hit by the storm, almost leaving only the skeleton, and bloody.

The speed of the resistance is getting slower and slower. The two front and back sky swords hit the front chest and back at the same time. "Poo" choked out with blood. San Luo knelt in the pit and couldn't help but knelt in the pit with his arms around his head to bear the successive days. Jian Gang shadow.

Can't stop it, only left to fight against it, trying to carry it to the end.

"Stop it!" Came the air with a sudden scream.

Everyone looked up and saw that a bird mount suddenly came to the top of the town and circled in the air. It was Lu Wushuang, who concealed the true appearance, accompanied Niu Youdao, who fluttered in his clothing.

Niu Youdao accompanied her on one side, afraid of seeing that Lu Wushuang had a problem, and dared not help her. She could only cast a spell under her feet to stabilize Lu Wushuang ’s feet, which made Lu Wushuang stand on the hovering bird mount Steady.

Niu Youdao, no one else can recognize it, except Xihaitang, I don't know who he is.

Xihaitang had seen him look like Yi Rong before. At first glance, he knew that this fellow had finally arrived and dared to appear in public.

It was too late to whisper in my heart. I already saw the face of the proud and standing woman. I was suddenly taken aback, my eyes widened, and my heart exclaimed, Lu Wushuang?

Lu Wushuang, he knew each other. Because the Thousand Beasts Gate guarded the Butterfly Dream Realm, Lu Wushuang had visited the Thousand Beasts Gate in person more than once.

However, I never dreamed that Lu Wushuang would be with Niu Youdao and appear here together. What's going on?

Among the monks present, there were very few people who had seen Lu Wushuang. The deacon of the principal's 缈 缈 阁 was seen. When he saw the appearance of Lu Wushuang, he was also shocked.

Seeing St. Raksha's suffering in a desperate situation in the pit, Niu Youdao said hoarsely, and cast his anger again: "The Wushuang Shengzun Dharma came in person, Minger waited, didn't you hear?"

Hearing the word ‘Wushuang Shengzun Fajia is in person’, even if he did n’t know Lu Wushuang, or if he had n’t seen it before, he was not surprised, and subconsciously stared at the woman who looked like a sentient being indifferently.

"Stop it!" The deacon of the Nianji Pavilion screamed quickly.

The three people who cast a slash of the Sword of Heavenly Swords were about to release the majestic energy out of thin air, setting off a whizzing gust of wind that overflowed away, and instantly suppressed the fire spreading around the town, but the wind passed. The extinguished fire reignited again, and soon it was burning again.

Everyone was wary of San Raksha in the pit, and saw that San Raksha had his arms closed to his head, and his body seemed to tremble uncontrollably.

Quietly, Lu Wushuang said, "Who is the master here?"

The deacon hurriedly said: "The deacon Chen Guokui, the dean of Song Guosi, see the Wushuang Shengzun!"

Seeing him affirming that it was indeed Lu Wushuang, a group of people on the ground were trembling and all were a little frightened.

Lv Wushuangju stood down and said indifferently: "A little familiar, this deity seems to have asked the man who met you, Yuan Fatty in Tiancheng?" Being a deacon in charge of a country is more than a little familiar. She remembers it, but she is deliberately Shelf.

Chen Haokui said quickly: "The Mingzong Mingjian, his subordinates are indeed asking that Tiancheng had a relationship with the Shengzun."

Lu Wushuang: "Subordinate, everyone withdraws from here thirty miles away."

"This ..." Chen Wankui hesitated a bit, and looked at the dying Saint Raksha in the eye pit. It seemed to be almost ready. It seems a little unreasonable to give up now.

To put it bluntly, he is not a person in Wushuang Holy Land. In addition to the current attitude of the Holy Land and the Pavilion towards Wushuang Holy Land, he is a little difficult to make a decision.

Lu Wushuang added a cold sentence, "Go! Offenders, die!"

"Yes!" Chen Wankui had to obey, and after winning his hand, he waved to everyone, "Withdraw!"

Before he left, he looked up at a higher place and found that there was another bird mount hovering at a higher place.

After preparing for a long time, and busy for a while, a group of people dared not say anything or show any dissatisfaction, and they just walked away.

When he flew away, Xihaitang turned back from time to time, and now he finally understood what Niu Youdao meant to be sure about. He even moved out Lu Wushuang.

It's no wonder that when Lu Wushuang came forward, he didn't really need to do anything. If he didn't show his spells, he would naturally not be afraid to expose.

He is still wondering why Niu Youdao mixed with Lu Wushuang. How many secrets are there still in Niu Youdao?

Watching a group of people evacuate, Niu Youdao stared at the Holy Raksha who slowly loosened his arms in the pit.

San Razak also looked up at him, "Ah ..." An angry and desolate scream was sent to him.

"This is the Holy Raksha? Even Mu Mu Lian Ze and Chang Sun Mi died in her hands, but they were cleaned up by such a group of debris?" Lu Wushuang was surprised, said slightly, and asked, "You want to save the saint Raksha? "

Niu Youdao didn't say a word, she didn't explain the poisoning to her, stared at the hands and feet of San Razak below and climbed out of the deep pit, while raising her hand and making a gesture.

Yun Ji, who was watching around the sky, quickly drove the bird mount down and swept down the ground, and landed with Yuan Gang. The bird mount passed the town and took off, continuing to hover above.

Sheng Luosha, who had climbed out of the pit, stood still, staring at Yuan Gang and Yun Ji who had landed in front of her. As if she had seen the enemy of life and death, she could not tell whether the person in front of her was an enemy or a friend. Slowly opened his arms, "Yeah ..." Yang Tian growled angrily.

The tattered wings spread out again, reappearing the silver gleam, as if to shine the last light, and suddenly disappeared in place, concentrating all the final force to launch an endless impact on the enemy.

Niu Youdao frowned, already like this dying ghost, actually had the strength to toss, and the momentum of his shot was still amazing.

Yuan Gang, who was slightly lower in shape, also burst out and greeted him like an arrow from a string.

Lu Wushuang squinted slightly in the air, slightly surprised in her heart, because Yuan Gang's rushing speed, although she didn't cultivate, but her vision was still there, immediately saw that Yuan Gang's strength seemed to be far superior to the past.

boom! A loud bang.

Yuan Gang had collided with the body of San Razak, and the strong winds caused the flames on both sides to sway violently.

At the same time when the body collided, Yuan Gang's hands had caught San Razak's wrists ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The ground of one person and one demon's feet cracked, and both feet slowly slipped back.

"Yeah!" Saint Razakang screamed again, a lot of blood in his mouth, his arms pushed the distance between the two sides, and began to push Yuan Gang to slide back.

Pushing faster and faster, Yuan Gang's heels were like iron ploughs plowing the ground.

"Hi!" Yuan Gang suddenly exhaled, desperately resisted, and his legs continued to push hard, gradually lowering the speed of San Razak.

Niu Youdao has controlled the bird mount to land, pulled Lv Wushuang down together, let the mount lift off, and the person approached Yun Ji with a cold voice, "Look around, if there are not long eyes, don't leave a live mouth!" Tone of voice.

The inside of the town is already a sea of ​​fire, and it is reasonable to say that it is impossible to hide people again, but Yunji understands that to prevent any possibility of being seen, he quickly flashes away, travels through the sea of ​​fire, and casts spells to investigate all suspicious things .

Niu Youdao had already dropped Lu Wushuang, and rushed to the Holy Raksha.

... m.

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