Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 1522: Qi Wuhen

Gong Linchacha said, "What I want to say is, if my Zijindong and South Korea can't stop it, then you and the South Korea will have a few chances of winning together? But if our three companies work together, the entire Yan Kingdom will unite. If you work together with South Korea, will you be more likely to win? "

"At this point, you must also understand that it is not my Zijindong's kindness, but my Zijindong has to make compromises due to the situation."

"One thing is clear to you. If you had not sent troops to Nanzhou, Yan Guo had been wiped out by South Korea and Song Guo. They were Nanzhou men and horses. They were the dynasty of Shang Dynasty. Try to ask what Shang Jianxiong did at that time, except for Legs, what else can he do? Govern the Yan Kingdom to that state, at the time, he was helped to the throne, we have no eyes! "

"If the dynasty of the Shang dynasty couldn't help the wall, the Zijin Cave wouldn't support it so strongly. You have seen the gap between the Shang Jianxiong and the Shang Chaozong in the first battle with the Han and Song dynasties. Can you count on defending against the attack of the Jin Kingdom? You are looking for death! If my Zijin cave falls, your two factions will not be far away from falling down. Thoughts such as dreaming, I advise you not to think about it Now. "

"The Shang dynasty is different. You should be able to see the abilities of those people. Only if he came to order Yan Guo up and down, and only if he came to command Yan Guo's horses, would he be eligible to fight against Jin, and it would be possible to protect the interests of our three factions. . "

"Zijindong gave up such a big benefit, I am not easy to persuade the people in this school, but they still accepted, not for anything else, just for the sake of the overall situation. Now I made such a big concession in Zijindong, just to change If the Shang dynasty was high, and the two refused again, it would be a bit unreasonable. Is it worth the waste like a merchant Jianxiong? "

Zhen Zhen Gong, who had a word, reached up and picked up two pieces of paper on the table, and tore them off in front of the two of them. "The two, this is my sincerity. If I force my Zijin cave to escape, then I will Zijin It is impossible for the cave to wait for enemies to be enemies. Xiping Pass is difficult for us to attack. We are still sure of dealing with those straw bags of Shang Jianxiong. If it is not possible, then my Zijin Cave can only support the Shang Dynasty to clear the interior of the Yan Kingdom! "

"Qi's annihilation is imminent, and there is not much time left for us. I have spoken at this point, and I hope the two will give me a definite answer!"

What is intimidation? This is coercion and temptation!

Long Xiu and Meng Xuan fell into silence, obviously thinking about it.

Gong Lince was patient and waited slowly. If the two didn't agree, the two might not be able to go back alive.

The attitude given by Niu Youdao is very clear. Although the decisive battle with the Three Saints is the final key, when will the decisive battle come? The initiative of opportunity is not always in your hands at any time. Two-hand preparations must be made to prevent the three holy parties from using the power of the dunya to overturn the whole situation after being dragged down.

It is impossible to let the factions of the world fall to the Three Saints again, and it will never be allowed!

Therefore, it is necessary to curb the offensive launched by the Jin Kingdom, and the secular forces of confrontation must be prepared here.

If Xiaoyao Palace and Lingjian Mountain do not agree, Niu Youdao will not be polite, and will immediately destroy the two factions.

Not only the two of them can't go back, the escapist forces of Yuanse will start, and some martial arts will be attacked. After the attack, Xiaoyao Palace and Lingjian Mountain will no longer have the strength against Zijin Cave.

Of course, less than a last resort, Niu Youdao didn't want to do this either. Preserving the strength of the monks of the Yan Kingdom was good for fighting against the offensive of the Jin Kingdom. It is important to know that the Jin dynasty gathered almost most of the monk strength of the three western countries.

Gong Lince ’s willingness to make this concession is naturally fearful. What ’s going on behind them is clear to him. The current interest is a fart, as long as the side led by Niu Youdao wins, Xiaoyao Palace and Lingjian Mountain want to eat in. It's hard not to spit it out.

Everything is for the sake of the big picture!


In the imperial palace of Qi State, in the hall of the Chaotang hall, the ranks of the hundred officials were listed. Hao Zhen wore a gown and took the seat of the emperor. The three masters were also in the corner of the hall.

The palace was quiet, and most guessed what the contents of the Korean deliberations today were. It was nothing more than the soldiers of the Jin Dynasty approaching the city and descending or not descending.

The quiet dynasty was waiting for one person up and down, and that person was left. Without that person's consent, the 600,000 troops outside would not agree, and they would be uncomfortable to descend.

Are they really high-quality products? Everyone knows that Gaopin is really worried about the 600,000 Qi's most elite army. Once the 600,000 people do not die in battle, what is the decline? Most of the people present were afraid to escape the Jin Jun butcher.

Because of the quietness, the sound of a horseshoe suddenly heard outside was particularly clear, and everyone looked back one after another.

Huyan Wuhen came, Huyan Wuhen, who was wearing a war armor, came and returned from the barracks outside the city after receiving the summons.

The emperor authorized him to ride a horse into the palace, and he was not polite this time.

Bai Qi followed, unhindered and rumbling along the way, to the outside steps, Huyan Wuhen jumped off the horse, someone was taken away.

Cha Hu dismounted, followed Huyan Wuhen all the way up the steps.

Baiqi did not dismount the horse except for those who led Huyan Wuhen and Zhahu, and they lined up neatly.

Outside the hall, Cha Hu walked to the side door and stood. This was a privilege granted by the first emperor to Huyan without hate. Cha Hu, the personal guard, could enter and leave the palace with him.

Hu Yan, who was in armor, stepped forward into the chapel, walked to the front of the hall, saluted, "See Your Majesty!"

The sadness on Haozhen's face was unbearable, and he shivered: "General is exempt."

Huyan Wuhen raised his head and stared. He knew what the purpose of the visit was. The three major factions had already ventilated him, and the three major factions had decided to descend.

As for what the minister of the Manchu Dynasty was, he knew better.

Looking at the lingering hope in His Majesty's eyes, Huyan Wuhen's cheek gang tightened, and finally threw a voice: "Come on!"

This sound was decisive and unexpected to everyone. This sound seemed to echo in everyone's ears.

This sound also relieved many people in the temple.

Wow! Hu Yan, who was in armor, turned back, holding his sword in his waist, swept his left and right eyes, and strode away.

Seeing him leave the hall, Hao Zhen stood up suddenly and shouted, "General!"

Huyan didn't look back, and Cha Hu walked outside.

Going down the stairs in front of the temple, heading straight for the mount, Huyan turned his horse without hatred, turned the mount and galloped all the way, and Baiqi rumbling with him.

After leaving the palace, Huyan Wuhen also galloped all the way. Instead of returning to the army outside the city, he returned to the residence of the Huyan family.

Without removing his armor, he recruited two grandchildren to come, and the granddaughter who was still in the baby, staring at the granddaughter for a while, finally bowed his head and kissed deeply.

After handing over the granddaughter to the nurse, he reached out and touched the heads of the two grandchildren, his arms stretched short, hugged the two grandchildren, and held them for a long time before releasing.

After getting up, he waved to let the next man take it down.

There was only Cha Hu left in the hall, Hu Yan Wu Hai stared at him again for a while, and finally calmly said: "Tiger, I have no other entrustment, these three children, you take me to take care of. Jin army siege, you take it now You can't get out. After I leave, you can take them to hide in the city. When you have the opportunity, it should be no problem to take them out of your strength. As for where to go, you can do it yourself. "

Zha Hu was startled, "Does the general have to lead the army to fight a dead net?"

Huyan Wuhen: "The three major factions are all going down, and the Manchus are going up and down. How do you fight it? Do you want the best blood-bearing children of Qi State to die? The trend is gone, there is no need to let them die in vain."

Cha Hu wondered, "Since the general has also decided to descend, why should I let the children take me away?"

Huyan Wuhen: "Manchu can descend from above and below, but I can't descend! If I descend, how can I face the countless Qi Guoerlang who died after listening to my orders? My three sons died for the country because of my teaching, How can I smear their faces? The children and grandchildren of others can be lowered, but the children and grandchildren of my Huyan family cannot be lowered. You can help me take them away! "

Cha Hu was stunned, knowing what this meant, and shouted angrily: "General, Jin Guo treats you well, and still allows you to be a general, how can you ..."

Huyan Wuhen lifted his big hand to stop the words behind him, and the big hand slapped him on the shoulder, "Please!"

Then passed by, striding away.

Cha Hu was stunned. He knew him too well, so he didn't need to say anything. It was useless.

Huyan, who led Baiqi out of the city, went straight to the Chinese military account. He passed the generals and arranged the surrender.

North Korea, China and the three major factions later arranged for people to come, Huyan refused to see him, saying that the matter had been arranged, and let them consult directly with the generals below.

When everyone understands his mood, he will not bother him any more.

When Hu Yanwuhen walked out of the tent again, I saw that the morale of the army had fallen into a trough, everyone's will was down, and there was no longer the spirit of the past.

He walked past the edge, and nobody on the ground looked up at him seriously.

Huyan Wuhen silently boarded the platform, silently glanced at the lonely scene in front of him, and suddenly shouted loudly, as if inviting a mournful song, "Huyan Wuhen is incompetent, burdens the country, and sins cannot be forgiven!"

Uh! The sword was shed from the waist, and the neck was wiped.

The wind swept beard was white, a little blood stained.

The soldiers who raised their heads upon hearing the sound saw Hu Yan falling down without hate, and they fell on the stage.

"General!" One screamed.

"Admiral ..." a group of people rushed away in shock.

The entire Qi army barracks stirred up thousands of waves like a rock, and soon howled and mourned ...

A Jin cavalry came galloping and broke into the Qi army barracks. Gaopin led by the horse jumped off the horse and staggered, and then he waved his arm and hurried to help and greet the comrade Qi.

Holding a fart, he was worried about the accident and came to appease the army ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ He panicked to the general.

Hearing the news of Huyan Wuhen's death really scared him, worrying that Huyan Wuhen's death caused the surrender of Qi Jun to surrender.

Not to mention him, the Qi state's court was frightened enough to worry about the accident. The three major factions of the Qi state quickly sent people to intervene in the army to control.

Fortunately, Huyan Wuhu had ordered his surrender before he died.

Quickly ran to the stage, looking at Huyan Wuhui ’s body, “Hi!” Gao Pin stamped his chest with a short stature, kneeling beside the body on one knee, thumping with a fist, said with great regret: "No As for! Brother Hu Yan, don't worry about it! "Yang Tian sighed with tears.

No one collects the corpse, the key is that General Qi Jun will not allow the court people to collect the corpse, or even the people in the court.

They put forward the "excessive" requirement that Gaopin should come to gather the corpse to worship in person, otherwise the resistance will not be reduced!

PS: Thanks for the Sycamore Gold League (6/13)

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