Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 1524: Overnight

"Yes!" Fan Zhuo ordered to leave. When he went out of the study, he could see a lot of raw faces, all of whom were sent to protect.

The entire Gaofu looked very quiet. Except for some servants who had to be summoned, everyone was strictly forbidden to get out of their doors in the palace, and some were even concentrated in one piece of care.

Gao Fu was faintly aware of this, this is the feeling that something big happened ...

Da Sikong's summoning at night, the hundred officials did not dare to delay, and came one after another.

I didn't know that I had summoned so many people before I came. It was only after I came that I realized that Gaofu had become a dynasty church, just like a dynasty meeting.

Many people whispered in their hearts, is this okay? Tall adults are not afraid that your majesty will be unhappy after knowing it?

In any case, the sky collapsed with a tall head, since it's here, let's listen to what is going on.

After the people came together, the crowded officials waited for a while, and then they saw Gao Shicheng appeared, and everyone stood up to meet.

After seeing the throne seated, he reached out and gestured to everyone to sit down, and Weiyi said with awe: "A few days ago, many of you who had heard of the fact that the three major factions had entered the palace, and your majesty visited and saw something unseen, . "

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, no one said anything, Shang Yongzhong sitting on the edge of Takasumi became even more eye-driving, whispering in his heart, not knowing what the old fox did.

Gao Jiancheng said again: "You must have heard of it. After the Prince Yong destroyed the Xiaoyue Pavilion, he openly accused His Majesty of murdering Ning Wang for that year."

This kind of thing, the people dare not to say anything, quietly, some people even look at the nose and mind and do not hear what they are doing.

Gao Jiancheng glanced around the crowd, this time it was really amazing, "The three major factions have made a decision to abolish your majesty today and support the Prince Yong!"

"Ah!" There was a thrill at the scene, and some people stood up in shock.

Among them was Shang Yongzhong, who was shocked and said: "Da Sikong, how could this be?"

Gao Jiancheng raised his hand and pressed, gestured to sit up and continue, said: "The change is tonight, at this time the palace is already under the control of the three major parties."

Fan Zhuan led a servant who was carrying a tray with a red cloth in his hand.

After the tray was unveiled, Fan Zhuo uncovered the red cloth, revealing a first-level, and the first-level face was bright and showed to everyone.

Someone exclaimed, "Ga Fu Ling!"

Gao Jiancheng waved his hand, and Fan Zhun withdrew the tray again. "Yes, it's Ga Fuling. Just before everyone came, Ga Fuling ventured out of the palace and came to me, but he was beheaded as soon as he went out. The intentions of the three major factions are obvious. If your majesty refuses to obey, both your majesty and the princes will lose their lives, and your majesty ’s attitude will naturally be determined. However, those of us who are courtiers cannot sit back and watch your majesty ’s lives. , Just do n’t know what you mean? "

Everyone's eyes flashed rapidly, thinking about the whole situation, and then someone tried to ask, "I don't know how to protect?"

Gao Jiancheng made a simple and simple sentence, "I waited for Yan Guo to follow his orders, and the three major schools naturally need not embarrass your majesty."

Everyone look at me, I look at you.

Gao Jiancheng understands that if he does not express his position, he is afraid that no one will dare to express his position easily. Then he said: "The three major factions have agreed to the old man. If we can guarantee the smooth handover of the military and political power of the Yan Kingdom, we will guarantee the safety of your majesty!"

What do the three major factions have promised you? Everyone is not stupid, this is already negotiated with the three major factions!

Shang Yongzhong said in a deep voice: "Tall man, those of us who have had a grudge against Prince Yong, once the Prince Yong is in power, how can we survive!"

He was one of the most feared. When he rebelled against Wu Gongling, he personally took Shang Chaozong to Beijing, causing Shang Chaozong to suffer a lot and almost killed Shang Chaozong.

Gao Jiancheng: "The prince is more worried and offended. I am better than the prince. The mediocre prince has promised me that everything will not be blamed. The prince, I am not afraid, how terrible are you?"

Good guy! Everyone exclaimed in their hearts, feeling that this has colluded with the Shang Dynasty.

The next thing is one thing, Gao Jiancheng assured everyone that the Shang dynasty would never make a settlement for everyone, and ensure that everything is as usual, nothing more than changing the master of the court.

He is now the leader of the royalists, and it is considered to have been secretly operating in Nanzhou for many years. Many of the important people in the court were brought together by him. The elimination of dissidents in these years is not in vain. Bao, his people naturally have no opinions.

Gao Jiancheng made the meaning clear, and also showed his attitude. After everyone responded, he immediately made arrangements.

What everyone has to do now is to prevent the palace from knowing what channels to pass through to all parties, and ask everyone to go back and immediately summon their own people everywhere to stabilize the situation.

In other words, without their permission, people everywhere should not obey the will of the court, ensure that no accidents will occur in various places, and ensure the smooth handover of imperial power.

After the people dispersed, Shang Yongzhong was in the seat. He knew that the people in front of him had the power of the big and small in the upper and lower states of the country. These people were reversed, and the suppression of the power of the three major monks, Shang Jianxiong could not There was a wave.

He was stupid there, when Gao Jiancheng came to his side, he didn't know.

"Why is the prince stunned?" Gao Jiancheng asked.

Shang Yongzhong woke up, looked up at him, and sighed: "Tall man, Your Majesty has such a high level of trust and trust in you, but you have given His Majesty's court to the pot. How can your Majesty feel affectionate?"

Gao Jiancheng: "Your lord, the three factions have stood on the side of Prince Yong, how long can we resist? If your majesty wants to break the net with Prince Yong, should we also be buried? Lord, you haven't said anything, I just want you now In a word, choose your lord or prince? "

Shang Yongzhong looked back at the night outside the door and smiled bitterly, "If I don't agree, I'm afraid I will be the next Grandpa Father once I leave this door? Do I have a choice?"

Gao Jiancheng: "The prince knows just fine, you are the Sima of the Kingdom of the Great Kingdom, the Gyeonggi garrison knows that you are the confidant of your majesty, you will come forward, and the garrison will not be in doubt. Come forward to control the situation, lest there will be a chaos in Beijing. "

Shang Yongzhong shook his head, "My big Sima is a decoration, and the military power of Gyeonggi is in the hands of your majesty. Once your majesty changes, the army will inevitably be king, which is something I can control, and it is useless to shout my throat."

Gao Jiancheng: "So I want you to come forward, take the will of Your Majesty, accuse you of not being guilty, and quickly take the Gyeonggi Lord to the thunder, and replace it. Who should change to stabilize the situation, no matter how the prince is a person who has been in the military for many years, It should be clear in my heart. "

Shang Yongzhong was stunned: "Fake passing on His Majesty's will?"

Gao Jiancheng bowed his head, "Your Majesty's Seal will be sent out in the palace, how to write your will, we're the one to say. Grandpa, be quick, late, there is a wind, I'm afraid it's not good! With this merit, the Prince Yong will definitely not blame the past. Wang Ye, Prince Yong waiting to watch in Nanzhou, the last chance, don't miss it! "

Shang Yongzhong really didn't want to do this, how good it was to continue to maintain this situation, but the matter in front of him was apparent, and he lost the support of the three major factions. His Majesty can only jump on the wall in a hurry, making it difficult to change the final result.

So he stood up and nodded silently.

Gao Jiancheng immediately recruited a group of monks to accompany Shang Yongzhong to leave.

This night, Shang Yongzhong became the busiest one among the meeters.

Holding the emperor's "will", he first controlled the military aircraft center, and then ran to the garrison everywhere in Gyeonggi, and kept running around the night, announcing that the "will" had taken a batch of generals without charge, and replaced them with more reliable people, and It is said that the garrison will leave Beijing to rebel. In any case, we will first transfer the men and women away from Beijing.

Once this man made a choice, he was also ruthless in handling things. After taking those ties off with no guilt, there was no imprisonment for interrogation. He took them directly to the place where no one was there and cut them to prevent accidents.

Overnight, the head of the Gyeonggi Garrison dropped hundreds of heads.

Before starting here, Zijindong had already mobilized the people within his sphere of influence and desperately rushed to Beijing.

Various anomalies in the transfer of military personnel, military personnel were transmitted to the military aircraft through military intelligence, or some secret agents reported it secretly.

Although the military aircraft department has been controlled by Shang Yongzhong, all the transaction information has been held by Shang Yongzhong, and it is useless to report to the emperor. The emperor has been sent to secret house arrest by the three majors.

Over the espionage department, Tian Yu, the head of Ouchi, was also secretly controlled by the emperor.

To put it bluntly, this is a large-scale coup involving inside and outside.

After handling the outside affairs, the palace gate opened wide, and King Shang Yongzhong rescued the driver, led a man in his hand into the palace, and took the emperor's will to control the imperial guards in the palace.

This man is coming and going. The government offices in Beijing and Zhong are not blind, and they are aware of them, but they are suppressed by the government officials of the government offices.

This night, even some people realized that the atmosphere in the capital was a little strange.

After confirming control of the situation inside and outside the capital, the three major factions were relieved, and some people finally showed their fangs.

When the sky was dark, inside the blocked Yu Study.

Shang Jianxiong, who was sitting behind the royal case, stayed up all night, his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and he smashed a pile of things on the ground.

Tian Yu, head of Ouchi, wandered anxiously in Yushufang, waiting for news.

There was a sound of footsteps outside, and I saw the elder Zijindong Shenchun lead a person into the blocked Yushu study room, and said indifferently to Shang Jianxiong: "Your Majesty, let me do it!"

boom! Shang Jianxiong took the case and said angrily: "If you have the ability, kill the widow!"

I want him to surrender to power ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Why did Fengshang Chaozong regent and think beautifully!

Shen Chun sneered and ignored it. Shang Jianxiong didn't make up his mind. Someone would help him. He turned to Tian Yu and stared at Tian Yu, "Tian Tian, ​​the secret list of the Secret Service! There are a few important lists that only Tian Yu has mastered.

Tian Yu smiled and bowed, "Elder Shen, this matter requires the will of His Majesty."

"Really? Do you think it's important whether you give it or not?" Shen Chun dismissed it, it really wasn't important, less mastering some spies wouldn't affect the overall situation, but this guy under house arrest could still get people out of the air to report, very bad Simple, staying with Shang Jianxiong is even more dangerous.

Uh! Suddenly pulling the sword, a sword cold light, did not enter Tian Yu's heart den.

Uh! The sword is sheathed.

Shang Jianxiong's eyes widened and he watched Tian Yu's painful face slowly fall.

PS: There may be no change tonight.

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