Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 1553: Revisited

Others, he will not take it to such a place for now. If something unexpected happens at this time, everything will fall short.

Eye-opening? Yuan Gang doesn't know what vision can be opened here.

During the talk, I had come to the underground river and could hear the sound of water flow and the sound of waterfalls in the distance.

Then came the roar of Zhao Xiongge, "Who?"

Niu Youdao: "I."

In the dark, Zhao Xiongge released Yuedie Lighting. In the corner behind him, two women were sitting against the wall. It was Shang Shuqing and Lu Wushuang.

When Yuedie flew to Niu Youdao, several people took photos and confirmed that Zhao Xiongge was relieved. Waiting during this time was called anxiety.

Seeing Yuan Gang coming back, Lu Wushuang's heart fell on a stone and stood up with Shang Shuqing.

Seeing that Niu Youdao was back safely, Shang Shuqing's hands and fingers were gathered together. He was inexplicable in his heart, thanking that Niu Youdao said that the unfortunate incident did not happen.

"Qing Qing." At the sight of Shang Shuqing, Yin'er shook away Niu Youdao and ran to her, grabbing Shang Shuqing's sleeve, with a sense of grievance, "Qing Qing, hungry."

Niu Youdao couldn't help rolling his eyes, how long did he not eat it, at most two hours, before eating non-stop, this is hungry? It is clear that eating has become a habit!

Shang Shuqing didn't know how long she hadn't eaten, so she quickly turned around and picked up the parcel on the ground, and took out the dry food that she had planned to squat here to Yin'er. Like a child's child, Yin'er suddenly smiled with satisfaction, and then Put it in your mouth.

Walking to the three, Niu Youdao looked around and asked, "Is there anything unusual?"

Zhao Xiongge: "No." He also looked around. "It seems to be the case forever." He looked back and looked at them, confirming that there should be no injuries, and asked: "How?"

Niu Youdao: "There are no dangers, Lan Daolin and Du Wuxu have been solved."

Zhao Xiongge was emotionally upset, but Lu Wushuang couldn't help but asked, "Already dead?"

Niu Youdao looked at her, "The same ending as Yuan Se was killed by your man with a knife."

Zhao Xiongge, Lu Wushuang, and Shang Shuqing all looked at Yuan Gang, and Yuan Gang did not react.

For Shang Shuqing, she was also very shocked. Knowing that these people went out to do big things and killed two sacred lords, but she didn't know what to say. She felt that she would be naive no matter what she said.

Zhao Xiongge: "It seems that the things you explained before, no longer need to trouble us, too complicated things, I can't do it."

Niu Youdao: "Simple things are perhaps the most difficult things. For example, if you insist on a secret for so many years, I can't do it if you change it."

Zhao Xiongge: "You will use other methods to solve it."

Niu Youdao smiled, passed him, and walked to Yin'er who was eating. Yiner chewed something in his mouth, looked up at him, and his senses were inexplicably cautious.

But Niu Youdao still shot, and she fainted again, and there was still something wrapped in her mouth. Niu Youdao hugged her smoothly and turned back to signal.

Yun Ji understood that immediately cast a hole in the wall, Niu Youdao put Yin'er into the hole, and then looked back at Lu Wushuang.

Lu Wushuang realized that she was going to tuck her in, and said: "Are you going to go behind the waterfall? I want to see what seal it is."

Niu Youdao said a little quietly, and finally retreated from the cave, leaning his head to signal, Yun Ji immediately cast a spell to seal the hole, leaving a hole for Yin'er sleeping in it.

"Go." Niu Youdao greeted, leading the way.

Yun Ji took her hand, took Shang Shuqing's arm, and moved quickly.

Zhao Xiongge quickly followed.

After a few steps, Yuan Gang stopped again and looked back. He saw Lu Wushuang deep and shallow, staggering, unable to keep up with everyone's speed.

Nowadays, Lu Wushuang, who is completely mourned, is no longer the Wushuang saint who can run across the sky.

Yuan Gang stopped and waited, Lu Wushuang came to him and looked up at him.

The two stared at each other for a while, Zhao Xiongge raised his hand, took off the big sword he was carrying, turned around and gave her back to her, then crouched down.

Lu Wushuang's silver teeth bit his lip slightly and stepped forward, lying on his back, arms around his neck.

Yuan Gang copied her leg with both arms, got up, carried her behind her, jumped and galloped in the darkness, chased the light in front.

The turbulent water mist and the roaring sound caused by the huge drop in the water level gave people a deafening feeling, and Shang Shuqing looked up at the spectacular scene of this underground world.

Niu Youdao pointed to the waterfall and said to Zhao Xiongge: "There is a stalagmite plugged in the wall behind, pull it out, and the entrance is behind."

Zhao Xiongge nodded slightly, and one flew up into the rapids of the waterfall. He searched slightly behind the waterfall, found the stalagmite nailed to the cliff wall, cast a spell with both hands, pulled out with a buzz, flew out of the waterfall In addition, the floating sky looked at Niu Youdao.

This stalagmite is no longer needed. Niu Youdao pointed to the pool under the water.

Zhao Xiongge realized that he immediately let go and threw down the waterhole.

"Go." Niu Youdao greeted him, and took the lead in flashing himself, and got into the waterfall.

Yun Ji stretched his arms around Shang Shuqing's waist and flew up. The body guarded the two people against the waterfall and entered the hole behind the waterfall.

Yuan Gang, who carried Lu Wushuang, looked up and wondered whether to violently shoot up. Zhao Xiongge, who floated in the air, glanced at him, flashed, grabbed his arm, flew with the two of them, and suddenly broke into the back of the waterfall. Inside the cave.

Niu Youdao looked back and saw that everyone had arrived, and also released Yuedie, leading the way ahead.

The ground is slippery, but it has no effect on this line. If you haven't visited, you can check the environment while walking, and you can see traces of artificial excavation.

Soon there were steps to walk normally, the deeper and deeper, the quieter.

It was quiet for a long time, and there was a rumbling sound in front of me. Before walking to another huge underground space, under the moonlight, they found themselves as if they were under the abyss, and the two left and right waterfalls seemed to fly from the Styx Flow down.

Shang Shuqing is looking up at this magical world wonder. Niu Youdao has flashed across the broken bridge and entered the opposite hole. She was also taken by Yun Ji.

Zhao Xiongge was about to take his hand, but he saw Yuan Gang running in a single arrow, and directly crossed Lu Wushuang across the abyss of the broken bridge and landed into the opposite hole.

Zhao Xiongge glanced back at the dark and faint way, and then passed by.

Going down here and going further down, Yun Ji noticed the abnormality of Shang Shuqing, and obviously felt that Shang Shuqing was trembling, knowing that it was the yin that permeated here that made her unable to eat, and immediately cast a spell to protect her.

In fact, Shang Shuqing felt cold ahead, but she did n’t want to cause trouble to others. She started from being sensible, she was a person who did not want to cause trouble, so she had been carrying it hard, and now she could n’t help herself. Can't bear it anymore.

A stream of heat flow dispelled the cold air in the body, and Shang Shuqing whispered: "It is Qing'er who is burdensome, and Xie Yun is the master."

The words were full of anxiety and embarrassment, and still glanced at the cow in front of you from time to time, more and more I felt like a useless waste.

"The county master is polite." Yun Ji smiled, thinking to herself, you can't have an accident with anyone here. You are the key to coming here.

By now, she had already guessed that Shang Shuqing was the key to unlocking the seal, otherwise it would not be possible to bring Shang Shuqing here. Before leaving Silver Child, Niu Youdao even wanted to leave Lu Wushuang. Don't forget to bring this one, what reason can be imagined.

She glanced back, worried that Lu Wushuang could not eat enough, and found that Lu Wushuang was very comfortable on Yuan Gang, looking with ease.

This is obviously not normal. She couldn't help but look closely. She saw that Yuan Gang's body seemed to be inspired by the environment here. The vitality of the blood was so strong that there was no smell of invasion. The powerful vitality made those floating yin qi unable to come close. And Lu Wushuang got shelter on Yuan Gang's back.

Yun Ji exclaimed secretly and found that Yuan Gang's body had reached a point beyond common sense.

Since it was okay, she ignored it and continued to protect Shang Shuqing.

Lu Wushuang was indeed okay. He felt lying on a warm blanket. He was very comfortable. Looking at the scene, he didn't have to walk and was more comfortable.

When the sound of the waterfall in the back was no longer heard, the temperature became lower and lower, and even the Moon Butterfly couldn't eat it.

The party received the moon butterfly, Niu Youdao held the night pearl and led the way.

The fast-moving line finally reached a stone chamber and saw the huge spherical blockade stone.

Shang Shuqing's eyes fell on the lintel that closed the hole, and he said to himself, "Bixue Danxin!"

His eyes subconsciously fell on Niu Youdao again, remembering the words on the sword.

And that sword, Yuan Gang and Zhao Xiongge are no strangers, and they all looked at Niu Youdao.

Niu Youdao turned around and walked to Shang Shuqing in a few steps. He faced her and smiled, "Junzhu, should you have an impression of these words?"

Shang Shuqing nodded his head, "The sword that Mr. Dong Guo gave his father to the king, is exactly these four characters on the sword near the handle."

Niu Youdao raised the sword in his hand. "Does the master still remember the mention of this sword last time?"

Shang Shuqing yelled, "Remember."

Niu Youdao: "It was the last reminder from the county master that reminded me of this sword, and I found this place, and this is the place where Dong Guo Laoer and your father Wang set secretly before they died. The purpose of your sword ~ ​​www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is here. "

Shang Shuqing looked at him stunned, his eyes full of consternation, wondering what the father Wang had set up this secret land for.

Lu Wu's eyes were suspicious, and he couldn't understand it. He was well-informed and had a feeling of listening to heavenly books.

Niu Youdao continued: "What discomfort can the county master feel?"

Shang Shuqing looked around and tried to reply: "This place seems very heavy and cold. If there is no cloud to protect it, Qing'er can't bear it."

Suddenly Zhao Xiongge interjected, "He didn't mean the environment here, but the body of the governor. What difference did you feel?"

Shang Shuqing raised his hand subconsciously, and touched his face with his fingers. I did n’t know what to say. I felt it was inappropriate to make a fuss about this ugly face. Will it seem hypocritical? But under the encouragement of Niu Youdao, she tried to reply: "Qing'er doesn't know what's going on, the closer she gets, the hotter her face ... Qing'er feels a little hot and swollen on her face. Dao Ye, this counts ?"

PS: Unexpectedly, the end is over, and a new leader appears. Thanks to the new leader "Wild Boy" for his support.

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