Heavenly Genius

Chapter 200: Wait!

There is a mess of gravel in a pit in the basin. The key point is that the Chiyang Zhuguo is gone. The pit is at the location of Chiyang Zhuguo. The hard stone ground around the pit is cracked like a cobweb.

A group of moon butterflies flutter their wings above to illuminate the whole mountain top, which is dim and bright. From a distance, it looks like a glowing gemstone sitting on the top of the mountain.

Yuedie is a group of monks searching.

After a while, a group of people packed up a mess of things and came to whisper around the ice for a long time.

Understood the situation, Hanbing led a few people to a towering rock, and looked up together at the long, fluttering long hair above the skirt, hunting the snow falling in the cold wind.

"Miss!" Han Bing arched and shouted.

The snow on most parts of the mountain was peeling off. Many places were exposed with black rocks. The glanced eyes were taken back. Xue Luoer slowly turned his head back and forth, blowing his face upside down.

A group of monks who kept the mountain bowed their heads tremblingly.

Xue Luo'er shone down from the rock and stood in front of everyone lightly, and the wind turning from behind the rock made her long hair fluctuate.

Han Bing came to her side, let out a few people behind him, waved something on the hands of several people, and signaled Xue Luoer to see.

There are two people holding the remnants of Chiyang Zhuguo in their hands.

There are also people holding a piece of burnt black, semi-elliptical, ugly stone, and unlike stone, some places seem to emit metallic luster.

"What do you mean?" Xue Luoer asked coldly.

Hanbing approached the ugly stone and approached Xue Luo'er recently. "Miss, look, this should be a kind of meteorite."

"Meteorite?" Xue Luoer wondered, and looked up into the night sky.

Han Bing nodded: "Miss, Qi Yunzong usually buys this thing too. I have seen some meteorite, and most of the appearance is burnt black after burning."

Xue Luo'er: "What do you want to say? Could it be the sky-falling meteorite, which just hit the Chiyang Zhuguo fruit tree?"

Han Bing sighed lightly: "I'm afraid it's just that, it can only be said that it's too coincidental. Miss, you come to see ..." He returned the "meteorite" to his men and personally led Xue Luoer to the pit, Pointed: "The pit on the ground was obviously bombarded with great force, and this meteorite on the top of the mountain, except for God, there should be no other explanation."

Said that he shook his head, but also quite helpless.

She understands the impact of this matter on the young lady. The young lady has to live with the old master for a period of time every year. The old master's "Xuan Bing Palace" is extremely cold. Even a general monk who is a deep cult can hardly stay for a long time.

And if she wants to live in that strange cold place, she will take a Chiyang Zhuguo every year when she goes there, because this Chiyang Zhuguo has the effect of resisting Qihan. Today, the red fruit of Zhuyang is gone, and even the fruit trees are destroyed. The lady would like to live in that strange cold place again.

And the old master said that Chiyang Zhuguo was for his own use, just to make it difficult for the young lady to do it. The meaning of the old master is very simple. Who wants Chiyang Zhu Guo to have the ability to go and talk to the old master himself. The old master does not agree, and no one in this world dares to tangle.

As for avalanches, people who have lived in snow for a long time can understand that too much movement may cause avalanches.

In fact, Yuan Gang is bullying these people for not knowing the unknown things. Otherwise, if he looks at the scene, he will definitely see some obvious clues.

Xue Luo'er: "How come it's such a coincidence, how could it just hit the top of this mountain and hit the fruit tree position of Chiyang Zhu Guo?"

Han Bing smiled bitterly: "The possibility of man-made is not very high. Once someone approaches, the warning signal issued by Xue Yun will inevitably alarm the guards, maybe it is unpredictable!"

"Tianyi?" Xue Luoer looked up at the sky, her long hair messed up in the wind, and muttered to herself, "Why is it so?"

Han Bing is silent, and she can't say this.

Xue Luo'er looked confused, turned around in the wind, and flew to the mountain, some people stayed on the mountain to continue, and some people flew down the mountain.

From the collapsed snow, from time to time, snow stalks pulled out of the snow and drilled out, and there was still a mournful wailing sound, and some snow pits stained the surrounding snow red, stiff in the snow.

Xue Luo'er, who fell at the foot of the mountain, stopped a little, put this scene in his eyes, then flew away and returned to the land of Qionglou Yuyu.

The monks of various schools approaching the place of avalanche witnessed the departure of Xue Luo'er and others.

Many people clearly remember that there seemed to be a loud noise on the mountain before the avalanche, but they dared not run up the mountain to see what happened, and did not know what happened ...

Three silhouettes flew up the mountain and landed in the snow wall on the top of the mountain.

Seeing the coming person clearly, Lei Zongkang breathed a sigh of relief, and said to the cow on the ground, "Dao Ye!"

As soon as the words fell, Lei Zongkang suddenly looked up, and by the firelight, Yuan Gang, hanging under a piece of cloth, fell from the sky and fell outside the snow wall.

"..." Lei Zongkang was stunned, Yuan Gang flew from the sky?

Yuan Gang, who fell outside the snow wall, stopped for a while, drilled out from under the delta wing, and then waved his arms and cut the shelf supporting the delta wing to Xi Li. Then he hugged a group and ran to the top of the mountain and over the snow Wall, things were thrown into the fire.

Black Peony, Duan Hu and Lei Zongkang looked at Yuan Gang's eyes like a monster.

The cloth thrown into the fire was quickly burned, Niu Youdao quickly collapsed the snow wall and buried the fire, then whispered, "Go!"

Duan Hu and Lei Zongkang framed Yuan Gang's arm around, followed behind Niu Youdao and Black Peony, and quickly swept down the mountain.

A group of galloping in the vast snow covered by the night, nonstop ...

The next day tomorrow, Bingxue Pavilion finally released the news, a meteorite hit the snowy mountain, and then triggered an avalanche!

In this case, there is no other explanation. In fact, it is not necessary for Bingxuege to explain to the outside what meteorite just hit the fruit tree of Chiyang Zhuguo and destroyed it.

Is such a coincidence, it seems like God's will, and it is unlucky to say it.

All parties in the canyon talked secretly for a night, and they all guessed what happened. After receiving the news, Fang suddenly realized that no one would think that the "meteorite" had just hit the top of the mountain, and it had just hit Chiyang Zhuguo. Fruit trees ...

Beizhou, Lingbo, and a group of people outside the house escorted a carriage.

The carriage stopped at the gate. Someone quickly lifted the three-level wooden stairs and placed it beside the carriage. The curtain opened, and Shao Pingbo, dressed in white and black, came out and walked straight off the carriage.

"Princess!" The butler, Shao Sansheng, who came down the stairs to welcome him, gave Shao Pingbo a look.

Shao Pingbo understood, but didn't move, looked back to Tang Yi and smiled: "Tang's master is hard, go back to rest early."

And his party went out for a tour. Tang Yi and others were named and accompanied by Shao Pingbo.

'S responsibilities, Tang Yi is also difficult to shirk, can only accompany.

Shao Pingbo wanted to stay in Tang Yi and then talked and talked about it, but he saw that there was something wrong in Shao Sanxing, leaving the beauties to be pleasing to the eye, and maybe a good thing that could have a good harvest can only be set aside temporarily.

In fact, beauty is of little significance to him. Although he can't cut off the common desires of men and women, but for his focused business, beauty is completely optional to him.

"Yes!" Tang Yi resigned.

After watching Tang Yi leave with a smile, Shao Pingbo Fang received a smiley face and entered the palace. When he entered the palace, he also retreated with the accompanying mages such as Huang Dou and Lin Hu.

The master and servant returned to the inner courtyard all the way and went straight to the study.

Helped Shao Pingbo to solve the cloak in hand, Shao Sanxing sighed: "The eldest son is working hard and working hard."

Walked to the scene and sat down, Pingbo said indifferently: "What's wrong with the matter?"

San Shao province took his cloak in his arms and said in a deep voice: "Unexpectedly, my grandfather, there is something wrong with Bingxuege."

Shao Pingbo, who had just sat down, slowly stood up again and asked slowly, "But what about Chiyang Zhu Guo?"

Shao Sanxing: "I have never heard of Chiyang Zhuguo's accident, but the snow mountain with Chiyang Zhuguo had something wrong. There were two news from the eyeliner. The first news said that two days ago There was a roar and explosion above the snowy mountain in the evening, which subsequently triggered an avalanche. "

Shao Pingbo narrowed his eyes, "What about the second news?"

The three provinces of Shao: "The Bingxue Pavilion released the next day, saying that a meteorite hit the snowy mountain, which triggered an avalanche."

"Meteorite?" Shao Pingbo's eyes flickered a little, and he suddenly happily said, "Sometimes ago, there was a lot of noise in Jinzhou Fucheng, saying that what meteorite fell, the movement was quite large, and now the Ice and Snow Pavilion has a meteorite again. God help me too! "

San Shao tried to ask: "Hearing what the eldest son said before ~ ​​www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I also have doubts, but ... can he succeed?"

Shao Pingbo sneered: "This is not a trivial matter, it is a big thing to lose his head. People like him are not sure if they dare to start easily? I can guarantee that Chiyang Zhuguo has already fallen into his hands!

Waved a big hand, meaning that there was no need to doubt this matter, and asked: "How long will it take to go from Bingxuege to Jinzhou?"

The three provinces of Shao pondered and estimated it, and replied: "All the way to fast horses and whips, even if they go straight without stopping, it will take a few days. Otherwise, it will take at least a month to arrive. If you can control the birds, you will say otherwise.

Shao Pingbo nodded: "Okay, I know this." After sitting down, he reached out and took a look at the documents accumulated in the case.

During the time when he went out to inspect, some unimportant official documents accumulated a lot, and since he came back here, he was ready to quickly read and deal with it.

Seeing that he put the matter down, Shao Sanxing couldn't help but remind: "Master, do you want to let the wind out?"

Shao Pingbo's eyes and energy were focused on the open document, without looking up, just two words: "Waiting!"

For more than a month, in the territory of Zhao State, Niu Youdao and his entourage passed through Golden State, but they did not go to Jinzhou Fucheng.

Green on both sides of the road, the black peony on horseback looked back at the direction of Jinzhou Fucheng and asked Niu Youdao: "Dao Ye, let's not go to Jinzhou?" She was suspicious in her mind, not to use Chiyang Zhuguo for that Did Xiao Tianzhen treat the disease?

Niu Youdao looked off her head and seemed to be smiling, just a word, "Wait!"

Black peony at a loss, wait? What are you waiting for?

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