Heavenly Genius

Chapter 204: Rough hand

Even if he did n’t ask, Shang Shuqing was ready to explain clearly. Since he had asked, he lessened the necessity of turning rounds and corners. He nodded and said: “How nervous it is, but there are indeed many places where you are eager to spend money. Levy, you need money everywhere. "

Niu Youdao teased and said: "Isn't it like once in Canglu County, robbing the rich and helping the poor so once? The entire Qingshan County is much larger than Canglu County."

Said that when he first settled in Canglu County, the Shang dynasty copied the rich households in the county and quickly raised a batch of money and food.

Shang Shuqing shook his head: "It's not that there is no such idea, but at this time, at that time, it was able to succeed because there was no precautions in Canglu County. I didn't know that my brother would start suddenly. The situation in Qingshan County during the war was different. The local rich households There is plenty of time to run ahead of time, and everything that can be taken away is taken away, leaving only some properties that can't be taken away, such as the house where Dao Ye lives in front of him, so not much property has been swept! "

"As for the people, my brother has ordered a tax levy to meet his needs. If it were n’t for that time, I would be afraid that even the 10,000 gold coins would be enough to choke. The new entrant in Aoyama-gun, the people are still uneasy and suspicious. In the wait-and-see period, the tax has just been levied. If it is levied again soon after an interval, I am afraid that the people will lose their hearts. Once the frightened people flee or cooperate with the court people Mali, the fruits are unbearable. "

Niu Youdao nodded slightly. It is conceivable that Tianyumen ’s support was just for gaining benefits. It was unlikely that Tianyumen would invest a lot of financial resources. It is unlikely that someone would let you take the place of herdsman instead. Not out.

Tianyumen knows that it is good to not ask you for money for the time being, but do you still want to get money from other people ’s pockets?

Before the turnaround, you will be fine. What does Tianyumen want you to do?

Feng Lingbo didn't get the benefit in Qingshan County. Instead, he brought in a lot of people and materials. It is already unhappy. Feng Lingbo will continue to take advantage of it.

This is negligent! Niu Youdao said slightly, reaching for the gold ticket on the coffee table, and slowly pushed back to Shang Shuqing's side.

This obviously means not accepting. Shang Shuqing was careful, "Is Dao too small?"

Niu Youdao nodded his head: "If this is a offering to me, then this money is indeed a little bit less, and I don't know how to share it with everyone." He said, looking at Yuan Gang and others with his head tilted.

Was dismissed face to face, and it really made some people unable to step down.

Shang Shuqing's ugly face was instantly embarrassed, and the shyness in his pocket was uncomfortable. There was a hint of pleading in his tone: "Dao Ye has great gratitude to my brother and sister. Today, we also know that this amount of money can't be taken. However, it is really difficult at this time. When Qingshan County is relieved, the dues will be supplied to Dao Ye. At present ... "

Niu Youdao raised his hand and interrupted: "The master of the county misunderstood, I mean, the master of the county underestimated Niumou. I don't miss this cost."

Said that he turned back to Yuan Gang and said, "First, take out 200,000 and give it to the prince."

Yuan Gang didn't say anything, and found out a pile of gold tickets. He ordered 20 tickets and walked in the stunnedness of Shang Shuqing. Twenty gold tickets with a face value of 10,000 were placed in front of Shang Shuqing and then returned.

Shang Shuqing stared at the stack of gold tickets, then looked up at Niu Youdao, his eyes were extremely complicated.

Niu Youdao stretched out his hand and signaled: "Two hundred thousand gold coins, the county master took it and passed it on to the prince for emergency."

For him, he could not let other forces dominate Shang Chaozong's side, which would be detrimental to his security. He worked hard to help and support the Shang Dynasty, not only for the brothers and sisters of the Shang family, but also for the safety of the present, the future, and the future. He wanted to give an explanation to those who followed him and those who sold his life.

So, sooner or later, he was going to compete with Tianyumen for the dominance of the Shang dynasty, but it is not yet the time for the attack. Since Tianyumen refuses to take help, he is welcome.

Shang Shuqing instantly felt humiliated by the public, and gave out 10,000 gold coins to others. If they didn't want to, they shot 200,000 for emergency.

This is a result that she had never thought of, so how embarrassing she is!

A face was already flushed, and his cheeks became more ugly. He stood up and bit his lip with silver teeth.

No matter what she said, Niu Youdao seemed to know her thoughts and waved her hand: "The master should not misunderstand, this money is temporarily loaned to the prince, not given in vain, and I will return the condition later."

Aoyama-gun is so nervous at hand that he ca n’t borrow any money. Now some people are willing to borrow money without any conditions.

Although Shang Shuqing doesn't want it, he can face reality and can't refuse it.

Finally accepted embarrassedly embarrassed.

When she returned to the former county guard house, someone immediately led her to the prince's study. Shang Chaozong and Lan Ruoting were waiting for her in the study.

Meeting Shang Shuqing's face was wrong, and Shang Chaozong asked, "Qing'er, how are you?"

Shang Shuqing took out a ten thousand gold ticket from his sleeve and put it on the desk.

Lan Ruoting and Shang Chaozong looked at each other, and Shang Chaozong tried to ask, "Is he too confiscated?"

Shang Shuqing took out a stack of gold tickets from his sleeve and put them on the table.

Lan Ruoting and the Shang dynasty stunned. Lan Ruoting got a gold ticket and stunned: "Two hundred thousand? The lord, what's going on?"

"Dao Master learned that there was tension on hand and lent us 200,000 gold tickets for our emergency ..."

Shang Shuqing told the general situation, and the study room fell into silence.

After a long time, the Shang dynasty murmured, "Where does he get so much money?"

Lan Ruoting: "Before Tianyumen asked us if he knew that he had looted Xianzong, Fuyunzong, and Lingxiu Mountain in picking up the star shops, the money was probably related to that. It was just that the three factions ran again to take refuge. We do n’t know how to complain, and we do n’t know how he did it. "

Shang Dynasty Zongluo was silent, and he suddenly sighed, "People don't seem to be short of anything, what can this king give to others?"

Lan Ruoting and Shang Shuqing were also silent, and they both understood his unappreciable mood. Others were asking for it here, but Dao Ye was giving it blindly, and they did not take advantage of them from beginning to end ...

Early the next morning, Yuan Gang held his hands on a horizontal bar and hung it. He had been hanging on the grasping power of his arms for a long time, and it was precisely training his grasping power.

Several monks of Nanshan Temple cleaned in the courtyard and swept the ground.

Used to be like this, but now it is just back to normal.

The basic daily life of Niu Youdao is mostly handled by this group of monks. From the test of daily diet, the washing of clothes, to the sanitation of the living environment, every link is handled by the monks of Nanshan Temple.

This is also the meaning of Yuan Gang. In the daily life of Niu Youdao, Yuan Gang has formulated detailed steps in each link, so that this group of monks will strictly implement it, and will not let others outside intervene, mainly for the safety of Niu Youdao. So as to prevent mischievous people from having the opportunity to start.

In the peaceful morning light, the black peony came from the sound of sweeping the floor, walked to the door of Niu Youdao's room, knocked on the door, and after allowing permission, pushed the door and entered.

After a while, Black Peony pushed the windows of Niu Youdao's room from the inside again.

Yuan Gang, who was hanging on the horizontal bar, looked sideways and saw Niu Youdao sitting at the dresser from the window. Black Peony began to comb the hair of Niu Youdao.

At this moment, Shang Shuqing also came and smiled and nodded to the monk who suspended the sweeping salute in the courtyard, and nodded to Yuan Gang hanging on the horizontal bar.

At the next moment, after seeing the situation in which the black peony was grooming for the cows in the window, Shang Shuqing paused, staring at it.

She came naturally as before. She used to comb her hair for Niu Youdao, but now Niu Youdao is back, intending to continue the past.

Before he came, she also hesitated whether to come or not. After all, Dao already had a black peony of that kind around him. It was a long time before she came. The result made her secretly bow down, and her eyes flashed with a sad look. I found myself running a little redundant and embarrassed. I did n’t know whether it was better to go in the past or to turn around and leave.

Thought he had self-knowledge and self-awareness, could think openly and face it calmly, but after seeing it with his own eyes, he found that his heart was still not a taste.

"Hey!" Yuan Gang, who was hanging on the horizontal bar, exhaled suddenly, and people flew on the horizontal bar.

With his eyes closed, Niu Youdao sitting at the front of the dressing table opened his eyes, and the black peony being carefully groomed for him also looked up out the window.

When they saw Yuan Gang's movements, they also saw Shang Shuqing standing quietly in the courtyard ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Niu Youdao glanced at Yuan Gang, who jumped off the horizontal bar and walked away, Slightly turned his head and said: "Please come over to the master."

Black Peony let go, put down the comb and went out, and soon invited Shang Shuqing to come in.

"What's wrong with the master?" Niu Youdao asked with a smile.

Shang Shuqing said gently: "Come here and see a new place where Dao Xi is not used to it."

Niu Youdao said, "I thought the lord was here to comb my hair."

Shang Shuqing glanced at the black peony, "Sister Peony does it for you, you don't need Qinger's rough hands."

Niu Youdao said: "She? She's just as clumsy as you are."

Black Peony rolled his eyes, swearing that he had no conscience, and the old lady Bai had been waiting for you for so long, so he exchanged a rough hand?

"You go to prepare the water for washing." Niu Youdao said to the black peony.

"Yes!" Black Peony left in response.

There were only two people left in the house. The quiet, uncombed head cow slowly and closed his eyes slowly.

I don't know if I should go or I should leave Shang Shuqing's teeth slightly shaved, and walked gently to the dressing table, took the comb and walked behind Niu Youdao, carefully combed it carefully.

It does n’t matter who it is, it ’s a comfortable and familiar feeling. Niu Youdao can know Shang Shuqing even if she does n’t know it, which is completely different from the black peony. It ’s the gentleness that every hair can feel Attentive, quietly flowing comfort.

While black peony combing can always use a comb to pull down a few of your hair, Shang Shuqing does not have this situation, it will only make you feel that combing your hair is a kind of enjoyment. 8)

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