Heavenly Genius

Chapter 206: Pointing maze

Waves of "surprise" shocked Lu Shengzhong, the Song family was over, the three factions attached to the Song family also turned to this side, and I did not expect that the Shang dynasty's rise so fast, it actually occupied Qingshan County. ?

Has been detained in a dark place for a long time. Although some of them do not know how time flows outside, it is not too long to be estimated. How long has there been such a big change?

Although it was unbelievable, he knew in his heart that it was not necessary for people to fool themselves with this kind of thing. Being able to sit down with him and talk about it was obviously preparing to open the net. It turned out that when things came back, they could not be fooled.

"This is Aoyama-gun?" Lu Shengzhong asked.

Niu Youdao nodded and smiled.

Lu Shengzhong was silent. When he was escorted and transported on the way, he noticed that he came to a city, which was originally Qingshan County.

Lu Shengzhong: "How do I know Wuliang Mountain?"

After drinking the tea, Niu Youdao put down the teacup and pointed the gold wings in the cage next to her fingers. "The gold wings you got from you in Canglu County have been kept for you. Why not contact Shimen and try it. "

Lu Shengzhong looked back at the gold wing and couldn't help but smile bitterly, "It seems that you were playing Wuliangshan's idea from the beginning."

He guessed right. Niu Youdao was indeed playing Wuliangshan's idea at the beginning. Wuliangshan is what Niu Youdao called the "good gift" to the Shang dynasty, but the situation has changed and the plan has to be changed accordingly. .

Niu Youdao said: "You can't talk about the idea, it's hard to last for a long time, what is difficult for the strongman, and mutual benefit is the long-term way."

Lu Shengzhong: "Want to let Wuliangshan turn to this side?"

Niu Youdao didn't follow this saying, "Wuliang Mountain can fall to the point where it is today. I dare not compliment the ability of the noble leader. In fact, I always think that Lu Brother's ability is a bit of a talent inside Wuliang Mountain, which can be Wuliang Mountain. Making a greater contribution can also lead Wuliang Mountain further. If Brother Lu can be the leader of Wuliang Mountain, it is not impossible to make Wuliang Mountain prosperous. "

Lu Shengzhong sneered, "Are you kidding me?"

"Joke? It's really not a joke." Niu Youdao slowly shook his head and held the pot to pour tea: "Here, there is Tianyumen on the top, Liuxianzong, Fuyunzong, and Lingxiu Mountain underneath, whichever can be easily destroyed. Wuliang Mountain is lost. As long as Wuliang Mountain comes here, Brother Lu can do whatever he wants with Wuliang Mountain. When Brother Lu wants to do away with your pie, it ’s a one-line thing. It ’s okay, it ’s a real thing, no joke at all. "

The words are too simple and rough, and they are very explicit, mean and shameless, and the side of Yuanfang listening to it twitched.

Lu Shengzhong's pupils shrank, and the opposite person actually told him to kill the master of his teacher in front of him.

Niu Youdao continued indifferently: "Although Lu Xiong was imprisoned for a long time, it is not necessarily a bad thing. There is a saying called hard work. If you can be a master of the school, I think there are many people in Wuliangshan who are willing to suffer this. Sin. Of course, the premise is that Brother Lu has to find a way to find people in Wuliangshan, and to find a way to persuade Wuliangshan to go here. Of course, more importantly, Brother Lu has to do things to satisfy me, as long as I am satisfied, It is not difficult for Brother Lu to become the head of Wuliang Mountain. "

Lu Shengzhong said in a deep voice: "Joke! I can't do anything to bully the teacher and destroy the ancestors even if Lu Shengzhong is unlucky!"

Niu Youdao said: "It's a bit overdone to bully the ancestors and destroy the ancestors. No one in the position of the leader stipulates that they are born to whom. Which group chooses the leader is not a capable person? Take another person who is more capable and give Wuliangshan a place. Is the glorious prospect making Shizu laugh in the spirit of heaven? Is it possible for the incompetent to drag down the entire martial arts for his own self? It is true to bully the teacher and destroy the ancestor. As a disciple of Wuliangshan, it is reasonable to think that Wuliangshan is good. "

Lu Shengzhong's cheek gang was tight, "If I don't agree, are you going to kill me?"

Niu Youdao said: "Strong twisted melons are not sweet, and I don't like to force others to do unwilling things. If you don't agree, I will never kill you, I will let you go."

Lu Shengzhong leaned forward slightly, "Really?"

Niu Youdao said: "There will never be a fake! But I am worried about Brother Lu's future, and offended Wang Heng. It is difficult for Wuliangshan to gain a foothold in Yan Kingdom! And Brother Lu, the culprit, Wang Heng will naturally not let go. However, similarly, it was also because of Brother Lu ’s betrayal that Wuliangshan fell like this. I can hardly imagine what would happen if Brother Lu returned to Wuliangshan. Even if there was nothing wrong, could Brother Lu still be reused in Shimen? "

"Of course, maybe Brother Lu is upright, and it doesn't matter whether he can reuse it. Even if he suffers, he can do it all by himself. The things that endure humiliation and stealing have been the same since ancient times. Or, Brother Lu can go away and go to Gao Fei to make a name for loose repair. Yes, but a person who betrays the teacher is afraid that it is not easy to be confused ... "

Lu Shengzhong was disturbed by what he said, and his mind was chaotic.

"If you can find another way out for Wuliang Mountain, then it will be different. You wo n’t say anything meritorious. You will atone for the merits. You can tell Wuliangshan that you persuaded me to take all the credit. If Wuliang Mountain came here, even the court of the Yan Kingdom would not dare to act rashly, and Wang Heng would have no way to take you. "

Speaking of this, Niu Youdao sighed, "Okay, as far as this is concerned, I don't like the forced man, the old bear, to undo his restraint and send him out of the house."

Yuan Fang immediately stepped forward and shot again and again on Lu Shengzhong, unlocking the ban on him.

Mana is back to operation once again. Needless to say, Lu Shengzhong is not in the mood to experience this taste now, but is full of not taste.

"Please!" Yuan Fang reached out and invited Lu Shengzhong to leave.

Lu Shengzhong kept talking and stopped sitting. He turned away from Yuanfang and turned back to Niu Youdao. Finally he asked, "You said it yourself. There is Tianyumen on this side. Why do you have to recruit Wuliangshan?

Niu Youdao waved his hand to signal Yuan Fang's retreat. "So I said that the ability of the head of your school is not complimented. Wuliangshan has that strength and wants to compete with other schools. What can I do to compete? It was suppressed by the powerful and had to linger on the edge. IMHO, Wuliangshan wanted to prosper, but he didn't find his own position at all. "

Lu Shengzhong oh, "Wish to hear from you!"

Niu Youdao: "It's very simple, reposition yourself, don't think about competing with other martial arts anymore, you don't have the strength to compete with the strong, first give up the plan to compete with the strong, first think about how you can show others An irreplaceable advantage, wait for a firm foothold before seeking another. "

Lu Shengzhong pondered: "Wuliang Mountain does not seem to have any irreplaceable advantages."

Niu Youdao said: "If there is no advantage to create an advantage, it depends on how Wuliangshan locates its role, and from which point to start. If you only want to grab the ground to strengthen yourself, it is up to you? It is neither realistic nor difficult. Break through the high walls of interest built by others. "

Lu Shengzhong: "Please also give pointers to maze."

At this point, Niu Youdao will not turn around and just make clear, "I need a lot of eyeliners to spread to places in various countries, so that I can keep abreast of the situation in various places."

Lu Shengzhong understood what he meant, and after thinking for a while, he asked: "Where does Wuliangshan not serve as a magistrate here, where will the financial resources come from?"

Niu Youdao said: "If you think too much, it will be provided naturally, otherwise people's hearts will not stay!"

Lu Shengzhong pondered for a while, then asked: "You can really make me the head of Wuliang Mountain?"

Niu Youdao smiled, knowing that this guy has made a choice, "I can't guarantee this, and I don't want to make a guarantee. Everything depends on your own. If you have the ability to be a master, I will help you naturally. You Without that ability, I would n’t be able to lift a stone and hit my feet, making the internal chaos in Wuliang Mountain do no good for me. "

"I can only guarantee that I will give you the opportunity. If you can seize the opportunity, then you deserve it. You must do the work of Wuliangshan first, and then I have something else for you to do. , Your chance! "

Lu Shengzhong sighed, did you have a choice?

As the other party said, even if you let yourself go back, there might not be any good ending, even if the teacher does not anger yourself, don't think of raising your head in the future.

Escape to do loose repair? It is tantamount to betraying the teacher ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This reputation has gone out to be ashamed of all the factions in the world, and there will be no more fame in the future.

Since the left and right ends in that way, why not work hard in the good direction?

The other party has given himself a way, and he really can't find a reason to refuse.

He turned his head to look at the gold wings aside. "After so long, I don't know if the gold wings can still contact the people in the division."

Niu Youdao said with a smile: "Can you give it a try?"

Lou Shengzhong nodded: "If I can't get in touch, I'll go out and find a way to find one."

Niu Youdao leaned his head and said: "Writing with ink, paper and inkstone!"

After a while, the pen, ink, paper, and ink pens were received. Lu Shengzhong considered the pen for a long time, and then wrote a secret letter.

After flying the gold wings to take away the secret letter, Lu Shengzhong looked up and said nothing.

Niu Youdao standing on the steps in the pavilion behind him ordered: "Brother Lu arranges a room, don't be negligent."

After Yuanfang took Lu Shengzhong away, Yuan Gang went to Niu Youdao and asked, "What needs this Lu Shengzhong to do? Can you rest assured of this kind of person?"

Niu Youdao knows the meaning in his words, if not, let him go.

"I'm waiting for Shao Pingbo's shot, Shao Pingbo is also waiting! In Beizhou, Wei Duo's person is not suitable for doing shameful things, Wu Sanliang's ability to run errands is not enough to shoulder the heavy responsibility, neither of them can pass Shao Pingbo's Hand, so I kept them away from Shao Pingbo, otherwise it would be easy to have an accident. You are human, some things are disdain to do, and it is not suitable to go there. Shao Pingbo is to put a means and no bottom line Ruthless people pass, Lu Shengzhong is more suitable than you! "Niu Youdao said lightly.

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