Heavenly Genius

Chapter 208: New wine released

After Niu Youdao and the three factions moved out of the mansion behind the county guard house, this mansion was basically a dedicated mansion for Tianyumen.

Tian Tingmen elder Chen Tingxiu strode back from the outside and directly found the head Peng and was angry. "Head, I personally went to check the progress, they would not let me in."

Before sending someone to check it, it would be fine if he would n’t let him in. He would n’t let him go in person, which made him very annoyed.

Peng looked at his face again and shook his head slightly: "Forget it, now is not the time to care about this, let them concentrate on getting things out."

Chen Tingxiu: "Master, you think about it, how can there be so many people in the three factions, how can we feed half of the site in Qingshan County? The brewing area is all people from the three factions.

Peng is again: "I don't care what they do, I have already said that the brewed things are sold exclusively by Tianyumen. If you dare to hide the secrets, don't blame me."

At this moment, a disciple came out to report, "Master, the other side of the valley outside the city has spoken, saying that the first batch of things are ready, please ask the master to accept it."

Upon hearing this, Peng was refreshed again.

But Chen Tingxiu was so angry that he just ran away without saying, just came back and said yes, wouldn't he let him run for nothing.

"Don't be angry, greet several other elders and go to see them together." Peng patted him on the shoulder again, haha, obviously in a good mood, after waiting for so long, I finally got results.

Soon, several elders assembled, together with Shang Chaozong and Lan Ruoting, left the city, and a group of people hurried to the valley outside the city.

The mountain road leading to the valley has been temporarily recruited by the husband to build a simple road to the mountain. It is impossible to talk about how good it is to repair, at least to smooth out some unevenness.

At the entrance to the valley, Niu Youdao had already waited with the heads of the three factions and others at the entrance.

After seeing some politeness, Peng could not wait any longer and waved: "Don't be wordy, let's go and see."

"Please!" Niu Youdao stretched out his hand.

A group of people came on foot and reached the cave of the brewing place directly, but they were stopped by the disciples of the three factions and they were not allowed to enter the cave.

Chen Tingxiu said in a deep voice: "Can't even my Tianyumen head enter?"

Niu Youdao hurriedly waved his hand and explained: "Elder Chen do n’t get me wrong. Some of the requirements are not close to human beings. Confidentiality is only one aspect. The real reason is that the requirements for brewing this wine are very demanding. You ca n’t mix it up with the smell, or you ’ll lose all your efforts. ”

"Even if I can't enter it easily, it's because it's too troublesome to go in. When one enters, he must first fast and bathe. On the way, he has to bathe three times and wash the person thoroughly. That's why The reason why this group of monks brewed. If there is something wrong with the wine inside, it must have been someone who ran into it unruly. "

"If Elder Chen does n’t believe it, we can pour a glass of wine later to compare the clear springs in the mountains. There are still fine impurities in the spring water, but I dare to guarantee that there will be no fine dust in this wine! This is also the real reason for the slow brewing speed. It is really inconvenient to give up all my efforts. I hope Elder Chen will understand. "

Take three baths? Yuanfang crooked her mouth for a while, did anyone take a shower in and out? Dao Ye's reason is really huh.

However, since Dao said so, he really has to explain to the monks in Nanshan Temple, what a good reason for anti-theft!

Yuan Gang squinted at Niu Youdao, you can't go in easily because you put your main energy into cultivation and don't bother to enter when you throw your hands away?

As for the dust, Yuan Gang believes, can distilled water not be clean?

Shang Chaozong and Lan Ruoting looked at each other, a little surprised. What kind of wine is it that they can even have a little dust?

Shang Shuqing also wanted to go in and see. She heard that she had to take three baths on the way. As a woman, she was embarrassed and dispelled the idea of ​​going in.

Even Fei Changliu, Zheng Jiuxiao, Xia Hua and others were surprised. They also heard this statement for the first time. Is this wine so particular?

"..." Chen Tingxiu was speechless for this reason, and then asked to enter, it was unreasonable to make trouble.

But he secretly made up his mind, and after a while, he must take a good look to see if it is really not dusty.

In fact, almost everyone has the same idea in their minds, and I really want to see if it is really so clean later.

For new things, people have a desire to observe.

Peng said indifferently: "Observe the rules is a good thing, just wait outside."

Niu Youdao waved toward Yuanfang, and Yuanfang immediately stood at the entrance of the cave and shouted inside the cave: "Bring it out."

After a while, under the eyes of all the monks in the cave, one by one, they carried the burden.

A simple wooden frame made of wooden boards. There are twenty bottles in a basket. The original wine jars are all replaced by white porcelain bottles specially requested by Tianyumen. They are beautiful and beautiful.

In this regard, Niu Youdao found that Tianyumen was still a bit of a vision. Knowing to make the sales look good, it seemed that he had made up his mind to sell high prices.

It didn't take long for dozens of boxes of wine to be placed outside the cave, and the first batch was not many, one thousand eight bottles.

Peng was circling around again, shining with both eyes, it was all gold coins!

Reached a wooden frame, took a few bottles, and threw a bottle to several elders. "Everything is good. Check how it tastes."

Niu Youdao immediately signaled Black Peony to fetch the glass.

Soon, a stack of wine glasses was delivered and the sealed porcelain bottle was also opened. It smelled refreshing and refreshing.

The clear liquor was poured into the glass, not only Chen Tingxiu, but others also opened their eyes to check the wine in the glass.

Peng was also the same. Although he knew that the wine was clear when he was in Bingxue Pavilion, he still didn't know that there was no dust. That was really wide eyes.

After watching it one by one, there were awe-inspiring movements, nodded and praised each other, it felt very magical.

Chen Tingxiu shook his head slightly, as if with emotion. It turned out to be so clean. He was convinced. It seemed that it was really not a place where anyone could easily go in. How could people not disturb the dust when they walked?

Peng shook his head again, "It was clear and dust-free, and it really took a lot of time to see it." Then he drew his head dry, swallowed the aftertaste, and praised, "This is the taste, good wine!"

The rest raised their glasses and tasted them, and after drinking, they applauded one by one.

"Good liquor!" Lan Ruoting said to Shang Chaozong, breathing out his mouth.

Shang Shuqing, who took a sip, couldn't help but cover his mouth. It was hard to get used to it without drinking such a strong wine.

After drinking a few glasses, Peng recruited several other elders from Chen Tingxiu, and motioned for the wine in the bottle. "When selling, this rhetoric can be used and arranged."

Several elders were thoughtful, or had a happy face, and understood what he meant. When selling, they said that the wine was clean and free of dust, and there was definitely a selling point. This wine is sold to the rich, this selling point is good!

Looking back, Peng again recruited Niu Youdao and asked, "It took so long to brew so much?"

Niu Youdao: "It took a lot of preparation time in the early stage, and there will be output every month in the future."

In fact, these thousands of pounds of wine can't be used for anything. A few monks took a little effort to get it done, it was his intention to control it.

Peng is silent again. At present, he is going to open his eyes and close his eyes. Tianyumen won Nanzhou during his tenure is the goal!

Looking back, the people took out the gold tickets, including the money that was drunk, 108 bottles of wine, and the people paid Shang Chaozong more than 200,000 gold coins, and then the people gave away all the wine ...

Niu Youdao gave more than 200,000, and Tianyumen gave more than 200,000. With the financial resources, Shang Chaozong immediately and vigorously implemented the New Deal in Qingshan County!

Tianyumen witnessed the actual results with his own eyes, but also to fulfill the next promise, but it was a difficult decision. After all, Guangxi County was the daughter and son-in-law of Peng Youzai after all!

Nobody in Tianyumen spoke badly about this, but Peng was opening it again.

After leaving Qingshan County, Peng headed to Guangyi County in person.

In Guangyi County, it was learned that the head of the Tianyu Gate was in person, and Feng Lingbo led a group of people out to meet in ten miles.

Greeting the noble guest back to the county guard, Peng immediately recruited his daughter and son-in-law to talk.

After a long talk, Feng Lingbo, who surrendered his soldiers, walked out of a yard without a soul under the watch of the disciples of Tianyumen. His back ricketed down, as if he was ten years old.

After many years of hard work in Guangyi County, Tianyumen's words instantly transformed his years of hard work into nothingness, and the sadness in his heart was unknown to anyone.

There were disciples of Tianyumen all around, Peng said another sentence, he didn't even have the qualification to resist ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and directly lifted his military power.

"Dad, do you know how much effort Ling Bo has invested in Guangyi County in recent years? How can Tianyumen be so ruthless and unscrupulous, wouldn't people in Tianyumen's other territories be chilled, what is right? Where is the heart?" Peng Yulan at the feet of her father wept bitterly, still begging there.

"Come on!" Peng yelled again, but when she saw her daughter, she couldn't bear it anymore, and immediately slowed her face. "Magnolia, Dad already said it clearly, it's only temporary, won't let you Lose! Other elders in this matter are also arbitrarily, and they all made it clear that your husband and wife have made sacrifices this time and will double the compensation in the future! "

Peng Yulan Huo Ran raised his head, "Why are we making sacrifices? On the seniority of the Shang Dynasty, it is not Shang Shangzong's turn. Why don't you let Shang Chaozong make sacrifices? Doesn't Lingbo have the ability to command the two counties? I am your only daughter, Lingbo. It ’s your son-in-law! You ’re the master. You ’re in charge of Tianyumen. If you do n’t agree, who dares to force it? ”

Peng again gave his judgment: "There is no need to say more about other reasons. To be fair, Ling Bo's ability is more than conservative, and his ability to develop is not as good as that of Shang Chaozong. For the sake of the overall situation, Tianyumen thought that the two counties were handed over by Shang Chaozong A unified dispatch is necessary. Things have been fixed. Let's be honest, don't do anything to trouble yourself, do you understand? "

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