Heavenly Genius

Chapter 212: Moth Touching the Net

Wu Tiannan jumped and said: "The sentence is true, the father is Pingchuan County County Cheng, all the citizens in the territory have the responsibility of care, this is a good intention, do not want to run into the Master, please forgive me!"

"County Cheng?" Lu Shengzhong seemed suspicious.

"They have documents to prove it." Wu Tiannan quickly waved to his entourage.

The accompanying person quickly took out a document from the package. Except for Wu Tiannan, the others were originally the bureaucracy of Pingchuan County. They were about to send the document to Beizhou and **** Wu Tiannan by the way.

Lu Shengzhong took the document and looked at the cover, and it turned out to be a thing of the county government, with the county government stamp on it.

The instrument was thrown back, and Lu Shengzhong said nothing more. The sword returned to the head and said to the young woman: "Let's go."

Wu Tiannan and others were relieved and watched Lu Shengzhong help the young woman on the hillside.

When several people climbed the hill, the young woman got into the carriage, and the man drove the carriage on the official road and left.

Several people also went down the mountain and climbed on horseback to continue on their way. As a result, they all went the same way as the carriage in front of them. They accidentally became companions.

After the two sides gradually catch up with the words, they are considered to be acquainted.

Wu Tiannan only knew that the man's name was Tao Jun and the woman's name was Tao Yan'er. They were brothers and sisters.

The siblings were originally from Pingchuan County. When his brother Tao Jun met a monk in his youth, he walked the road of spiritual practice and left Pingchuan County. After the death of Tao mother, the grave where the two brothers and sisters mourned was the grave of the mother. Later, the Pingchuan county was in trouble, and the Tao family also moved away from Pingchuan. Not long ago, his father informed that his sister Tao Yaner had a home in Pingchuan county. Finger marriage for marriage.

The two brothers and sisters came here just for the purpose of marriage. Whoever came back to find out that the married man's family had disappeared during the period of war.

The carriage was bumpy, and Tao Yan'er's weak woman could not eat for a long time, and could not ride a horse.

Knowing that it was a fellow, the brothers and sisters were very kind to several of Wu Tiannan. During the break, Tao Yaner even asked Wu Tiannan some things.

"I remember there was a tower in the south of the city. I climbed up and played as a kid. I came back this time and found that I was gone, but I don't know why?"

Wu Tiannan hehe said: "Remember, there were indeed a tower in the south of the city. The girl didn't know that the tower was a long time ago, or it was built during the prosperous period of Buddhism before the Wu Dynasty, and it is very old. It suddenly collapsed in one storm. The people nearby needed bricks when repairing the house. You move some, he moved some, so it disappeared, and the empty space was naturally occupied by people later. "

"Remember there is a bamboo forest opposite the tower. There is a restaurant in the bamboo forest. When I was a kid, I went with my father. Why is it gone?"

"The restaurant was on fire, and even the bamboo forest and nearby houses were burned in several buildings. I am still impressed by the huge fire."

"Alas, the past can't be recalled, it's a pity." Tao Yaner's face was faint and lost.

It seemed that with a longing for childhood memories, Tao Yaner kept asking about some past events in Pingchuan County.

The blandish knowledgeable book-sharing, the gentle temperament of the book, the clear face of the lightly applied powder, the graceful figure of the thin waist and chest, and the warm hair of Wu Tiannan's heart, I found it compared with that in the family. It's a difference between cloud and mud.

Especially when I learned that the woman was to be married, but not a monk. At this age, it should be a matter of sight to marry someone. I can't say that I am ready to move.

To the question of Tao Yan'er, Wu Tiannan really had questions to answer. He also maintained the attitude of a modest gentleman. He was quite graceful, but he never said that he already had a wife.

Getting along together makes Wu Tiannan feel like a spring breeze, and his body and mind are happy.

Tao Yan'er said "Brother Wu", but Wu Tiannan shouted and floated.

On the way, the brothers and sisters are definitely attentive care. Some trivial things can be said to help Zhang Luo before and after running. As the name suggests, they are all folks. Help should be.

I just don't know if I will take care of other folks in Pingchuan County.

Wu Tiannan loved to say goodbye to sending the brothers and sisters to the place where he settled down in Fucheng.

But in the following days, Wu Tiannan would visit the brother and sister almost every day ...

Niu Youdao, who also refined a dharma-carrying amulet, came out of the cottage and ushered in black peony.

Niu Youdao waved his hand, beckoning not to follow, and walked into the valley alone.

Ascending along the stream, he finally stood by a waterhole. Niu Youdao stepped into the waterhole and slowly sat cross-legged into the water, submerging the water to his chest.

Close your eyes, cross your knees, and cast a spell.

Soon, ice appeared around him, and a circle of floating ice appeared around him.

Gradually, the floating ice area expanded, expanding at a rate visible to the naked eye.

It didn't take long for the water in the half of the water pool to solidify and freeze into a piece of ice with a diameter of one foot, and wrap it in it.

Later, a large mass of ice blasted out of his center, and the melting area of ​​the ice quickly expanded to all sides.

Eventually, the thinned ice layer could not stand the flowing water, cracked, and floated on the water and drifted downstream.


Niu Youdao suddenly rushed out of the water, and the water splash followed.

The cow in the water splashed the sky with a left palm, and the large splash on the left turned into hail and fell.

Cleave a palm on the right, a large spray on the right quickly atomizes, and a white mist drifts.

Niu Youdao's figure fell on the water and stood floating on the surface of the water. The hailstones slammed on the surface of the water. Large floating beads of ice drifted away with the water, and the blank fog disappeared.

The wet Niu Youdao smiled slightly, and was quite satisfied with the progress of the concentrated practice recently.

It now appears that Dong Guo Haoran granted him the amulet of Dharma transmission that really helped him a lot, otherwise there would be no such fast progress in practice.

The loud noise from his ear made him look back at the waterfall under the cliff in front of him, turned around, Ling Bo walked in small steps, walked on the surface of the water, and walked towards the waterfall without any fuss. Fast drying.

The picture of a person walking with white smoke walking on the waves seems strange in this valley.

At this moment, a figure flashed and shouted: "Dao Ye!"

The comer is the Yuanfang.

Niu Youdao didn't look back. "I said, it doesn't matter. Don't disturb me recently."

Yuan Fang accompanied him on the shore and said, "The news from Jinzhou."

Niu Youdao immediately flashed to the shore. He told him that there was nothing to worry about. Don't disturb his cultivation, but there are a few faces he is staring at. The Golden State that has been arranged is one of them.

Some troubles will not be solved, and he will not want to feel comfortable or practice peace of mind in the future.

"What's the situation?" Niu Youdao asked.

Yuan Fangdao said: "A famous doctor named Park Yunfang from the Song State went to a medical hall in Jinzhou. Many people went to the clinic for treatment. The long queue outside the medical hall alarmed Hai Ruyue."

Niu Youdao Li asked: "Did Fang Zhe stop?"

Yuan Fang: "As soon as this happened, Fang Zhe immediately met with Hai Ruyue, and he told Hai Ruyue to tell him, saying that this Park Yunfang was arranged by Dao Ye to go to Jinzhou City for another purpose. Prevented her from calling people into the hospital for treatment. However, Hai Ruyue was also questioning Fang Zhe, asking Dao what you are doing, and warning Dao not to cause trouble on her site. At the same time, Hai Ruyue was also asking Dao what he agreed. When will Chigu Zhuguo find her for her. "

"Just stop it." Niu Youdao chuckled, dissatisfied with Hai Ruyue, and his mouth showed a strange, "It's really calm, I haven't moved, I thought I made a mistake in my judgment, and finally I touched the net and it seems that the good show is about to start. "

Whether it is the side of Bingxue Pavilion, or the side of Beizhou, or Jinzhou, he has long been waiting in the dark.

He was like a spider hiding behind a web, shrinking his fangs to remain silent, and being patient enough to wait for the moth to touch the web.

Although spiders and moths are careful, but one is in the light, the other is in the dark, the contest between light and dark.

"Go! Go and see Fei Changliu and Fei Zhang." Niu Youdao waved his hand and took Yuanfang away.

The center of Liu Xianzong was temporarily in an open cave. When the two arrived here, Niu Youdao turned his head to look at a disciple of Shoushan, which was Cui Yuan.

Yuan Fang also glanced at Cui Yuan, he couldn't help but chuckled, and some parties knew it well.

Cui Yuan's eyes turned to one side, and he was a bit distracted.

After the briefing, the two quickly saw Fei Changliu.

Today, there is no reason why Fei Da's head can't see him.

Please sit down when you meet, and Fei Changliu asks for tea. After sitting down, he asks: "Aren't you retreat and practice so that you won't be easily disturbed?"

Niu Youdao: "Come and remind me that there should be some movement over the Bingxue Pavilion. Let your people cheer up to raise their ears and widen their eyes."

Fei Changliu frowned: "Are you sure?" The part of the person he stayed in Bingxue Pavilion had been waiting a long time, and he was a little impatient.

Niu Youdao nodded: "OK!"

In fact, he wasn't sure whether Shao Pingbo would show up at the Bingxue Pavilion, but a full net cast would always get one.

"I know, I will explain it." Fei Changliu nodded slightly, and then reminded again: "I have received the news here. The wine sold in Tianyumen is not cheap. It is worth a lot of money. Thousands of gold coins are really profitable. They are afraid to make a lot of money this time! Should you agree to give us a reply to the three things? "

Sell ​​so expensive? Niu Youdao was somewhat surprised, but since Tianyumen dared to do so, he must have made calculations with certainty. He will have to understand the specific situation again. "You can rest assured that they will come to pick up every month, and I will find the right opportunity to speak."

Casually talked a few words, and the two left.

When they saw the two coming out, Cui Yuan panicked, because the two came towards him, and he didn't know what it meant. On the people's site, where could they hide?

Recently, facing up, Niu Youdao smiled and said: "Brother Cui, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Cui Yuan glanced around ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ whispered: "What do you want to do?"

Niu Youdao: "Relax, it won't be a problem, we already knew it, it's okay to meet and say hello, you can just make an excuse to fool it."

Cui Yuan: "The duty is in my body, I will not accompany you!" Obviously, there is something to be avoided.

Niu Youdao smiled and said: "A friend, I think Brother Cui doesn't want to see me in trouble. If there is anything unusual in Liuxianzong's future, I hope Brother Cui will promptly remind me to find Yuanfang, or find Both Yuan Gang and Black Peony can do it. If you have any difficulties at hand, you can also find them. You can rest assured that I will not treat my friends badly, and I will help you climb up in Liuxianzong. "

Yuanfang smiled again. At first, he didn't understand why Dao Ye let go of this man. Now I understand.

He found that Dao Ye was very good at turning other people's people into his people. This Cui Yuan, and that Yao Youquan also seemed to be the same as Lu Shengzhong before. It ’s worth learning!

In fact, there is another thing he did not know, and it has been quietly inserted into Beizhou without leaving any flaws!

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