Heavenly Genius

Chapter 228: There is no danger

Back from the garden to his yard, the sky was half dark, and the lantern was at the beginning.

The next person laid out back and forth before the meal, Shao Liuer sat at the table, dinning in a hurry, not eager to read the content on the leaves, and dared not show signs.

Meiyu was slightly worried, and her mind was a little disturbed, not because she could n’t see Qinglang, but because there had been too many things happening in her family recently, Er Niang and her two older brothers were poisoned and murdered in the Shiji Mansion. Closed into the dungeon.

After the incident, the depressed father came to see her, and the next man dared not tell her, but Shao Dengyun personally told her.

Although Shao Dengyun had no specific reason, she knew that her elder brother had always been at odds with Ruan's mother and son. When her elder brother was arrested at this time, she had speculations in her heart, but she dared not think about it and was afraid.

In the dungeon, she wanted to see her elder brother, but she was not allowed to go in. The housekeeper in the elder brother's house, Shao Sanxing, didn't want to see her, it was just fine, let her take care of herself, without worrying about her brother.

After the meal, people lighted the lamp in the study, sat alone in the study, took out the leaves in the mezzanine of the pages, and studied.

This time of day is a good time, but after reading the content on the leaves this time, Shao Liu'er couldn't sit still, and stood up suddenly, anxiously hovering in the study.

Tan Yaoxian is going to leave, leaving Beizhou, and wants to see her last, what should I do? How did she give up!

She wanted to run out of the house to meet everything, but the one who looked at her at home would never let her out. The seven or eight people who were waiting for her were all staring at her. Person, she couldn't get away at all.

Hard to break out? I ca n’t get out, the guards at home are not furnishings!

Moreover, at this time in the house, she should not be noisy.

Would you like to ask Brother? Brother didn't see himself in the prison, I wonder if she was afraid she asked Er Niang about their cause of death.

Thinking of Er Niang's cause of death, Shao Liu'er wandering in front of the window sill was stunned for a moment, and seemed to think of something ...

In the early morning of the next day, the sun illuminates the courtyard, and Tan Yaoxian who came to read in the morning came back.

As soon as the courtyard door was closed, Lu Shengzhong had already waited for him in the hall. He met and asked, "How?"

Tan Yaoxian nodded, sat at the table and took out the leaves in the middle of the book pages, rejoicing: "There is a reply."

Lu Shengzhong: "Okay! Quickly see how."

Tan Yaoxian took the leaf and carefully translated the content above, omitting those missed love words that were not exposed to Lu Shengzhong, "Liu'er asked why she wanted to go, she couldn't get out, the elders around were all sent by her elder brother to stare at her , Uh ... "

Lu Shengzhong was surprised: "That's all? Is it over?"

Tan Yaoxian shook his head and squeaked.

Lu Shengzhong was anxious, "Brother Tan, do I think I can't be trusted?"

Listening to him like this, Tan Yaoxian waved his hand and embarrassedly said: "Liu'er, as long as she can calm down the people next to her, she has a way to steal Shi Shifu and let me ... let me find a way to get some Menghan medicine for her."

"..." Lu Shengzhong was speechless and immediately laughed, and found that this Miss Shao was really a wonderful person. She actually wanted to administer medicine to the people around her. It seemed that her strategy worked, and she wanted to leave Beizhou to see the last one as a way to threaten it. The eldest lady was in a hurry and even figured out this way.

If this Miss Shao really had a way to run out on her own, it would save her a lot of things. He didn't expect that Shao Liu'er actually cooperated so much, and even helped her think about it. It seems that touching in the direction of Tan Yaoxian was really hit by mistake.

Patted on Tan Yaoxian's shoulder and sighed: "Brother Tan is so blessed. I can see that Miss Shao really likes you."

Tan Yaoxian was both moved and frightened, "Menghan medicine, this, where should I get this thing?"

Lu Shengzhong patted his chest, "Brother Tan is a gentle and gentleman, how can he do this kind of work, this wicked person can let me do it."

Tan Yaoxian was nervous: "Is this ... is this appropriate?"

Lu Shengzhong asked back: "Mother Tan does not want to see Miss Shao? Miss Shao has always been affectionate to you, and he does not hesitate to do so for you. How long do you want to miss her? If you refuse, let her feel so good? Ha ha, you are a humble gentleman, and Ms. Shao is small Not successful? "

"No, no, I don't mean that!" Tan Yaoxian waved his hand quickly. Such a scholar who is not familiar with the world, how can he be an opponent of Lu Shengzhong, was forced to the corner by a sentence or two, and his heart was sternly asked. : "Even if Brother Li can get it, how can I send it in?"

Lu Shengzhong said with a chuckle: "There is a contact channel, I can send it in, and this matter is also on me."

Tan Yaoxian was touched again, "Brother Li treats me this way, Tan is really nothing to repay!"

Lu Shengzhong's face was solemn, "The gentleman's friendship is as light as water. What do you want to report? Nothing is reported. Brother Tan appreciates me, and I am willing to be an adult. However, Brother Tan will not forget me as a big matchmaker. I have a drink. "

Tan Yaoxian was ashamed, and he was somewhat reveried, hoping to spend this life with Shao Liu'er.

"Well, Brother Tan, there are some things that need to be clarified to Miss Shao, not sloppy ..." Lu Shengzhong continued to instigate there.

He knew very well that no matter whether things could succeed or not, Shao Liu'er wanted to run out of Shi Shifu in this way. There was only one chance. Once he failed, there was no possibility of a second chance. He was a little worried about whether Shao Liuer would succeed, but decided to ask the situation and help Shao Liuer plan carefully.

After explaining what Tan Yaoxian should ask, help and help, Lu Shengzhong left the Tan family to help Shao Liu'er prepare the things to use.

Ting Shifu inside and outside, inside and outside, after two days of continuous communication to understand the situation, Lu Shengzhong got some small needles wrapped in silver foil, which contained what Shao Liuer wanted to use, inserted into the leaf petioles prepared by Tan Yaoxian.

I prepared a lot of leaves this time, otherwise the amount of medicine is not enough, and Shao Liu'er also has to harvest a lot of leaves this time ...

In the study, under candlelight, Shao Liuer spread out the silver foil and poured out the powder inside.

After harvesting the leaves for three days, they accumulated less, and finally gathered a small packet of powder.

When I went out of the study, I recruited the maid, and tomorrow I was going to let people go out and buy something.

The maid asked what she wanted to buy, Shao Liuer hadn't figured it out yet, let the maid go to the manager to ask for permission, and wait until tomorrow to think about it and you can go out and buy anytime.

Shi Shifu has its own rules, and the servants must not enter and leave at will.

The next morning, Shao Liuer deliberately made a pot of soup, but later thought it was too much. He excused his brother not to waste things and recruited all the people around him to eat together.

Soon, the next people fell in the hall.

It's really hard to guard against house thieves day and night!

Shao Liu'er quickly disguised as a servant, dressed as a man, with a dark face and makeup, covering up the delicate and delicate appearance, and left his yard directly, came to the side entrance of Shi Shifu, and showed the manager's permission to show the sign.

Dismissals are generally not allowed to enter and exit through the main entrance, and most of them can only enter and exit through the side door, and there are also people who check at the door.

Although Shao Liu'er looks a bit strange, there are a lot of people in Shishifu, and the general guards can't recognize it. Besides, it is not a big deal for people to go out. In addition, the opponent has a brand that is allowed in the hand. The problem, Shao Liu'er was released.

Shao Liu'er, who had a tight heart, walked out of several streets, and Fang Zhong was relieved, and she was also nervous, but fortunately, she was shocked.

It is also because she is familiar with the situation of Shi Shifu and can cope with it easily.

At the appointed alley, a carriage was waiting for her. After verification, Shao Liuer got into the carriage.

The carriage left immediately and left the city for the first time.

At the entrance of a small farmhouse outside the city, the carriage stopped.

Shao Liu'er jumped out of the carriage and pushed away the firewood of the small farmyard with excitement. When she saw a man dressed as a farmer standing in the small farm, she recognized Tan Yaoxian at a glance.

Tan Yaoxian, who heard the movement of the carriage, was already staring at the door, and when he saw the person who was pushing out the door and dressed up, he also recognized Shao Liu'er at a glance.

Shao Liu'er had already rushed by, and at this moment his longing thoughts turned into embrace.

Tan Yaoxian also excitedly embraced her with open arms.

The two hugged each other tightly, as if they wished to be one.

At the same time, the heartbeat accelerated, embracing speechless.

I have only held hands before. I only dare to think about this situation of holding together. I am afraid of moral constraints, but I dare not cross the line.

For the first time, he hugged with a man like this, smelling the breath of the man, Shao Liu'er was a little confused.

Holding her delicate body in her arms and smelling the femininity of Shao Liu'er, Tan Yaoxian was equally confused.

In the end, Shao Liu'er looked up and asked him, "Why leave?"

This is also the reason why she came out all this time.

This is not the place to speak. Tan Yaoxian took her hand into the room and closed the door.

"Why leave?" Shao Liu'er asked again after entering the room.

Tan Yaoxian hesitated again and again and shook his head in pain: "Liu'er, I don't want to leave you either, but I really can't stand on Beizhou Fucheng, the book hall dismissed me, and no one in the city dared to hire me. of…"

Shao Liuer's eyes widened and asked, "Is it the reason at my house?"

Tan Yaoxian bowed his head and said nothing.

These words, according to Lu Shengzhong's instructions, should not be at this time.

According to the meaning of Lu Shengzhong ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Mr. Rice was cooked into cooked rice, and then out of this difficult situation, I have greater confidence to take Shao Liuer away.

For Lu Shengzhong, if Shao Liu'er does not cooperate, it is very difficult to take a living person out of Beizhou. Once the Shao family discovered that Shao Liu'er was gone, he must look around. Was he taking Shao Liu'er away or carrying it away? It's too conspicuous to tie a large living person away from Beizhou, increasing the difficulty of getting out. Beizhou is the site of the Shao family.

However, he was also ready to retreat. If Shao Liu'er didn't cooperate, he would hide Shao Liu'er in a secret place and wait for Niu Youdao to send someone to answer.

However, when the matter came, Tan Yaoxian, who had already instructed it, could not do that kind of nasty thing.

"Why didn't you tell me early?" Shao Liuer's eyes were red, and he lifted his hands to hold his face, tears in his eyes: "Tan Lang, I'm sorry, I hurt you."

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