Heavenly Genius

Chapter 238: Ghost Doctor Disciple

Saying that ‘we’ are not to please the three factions, but that this matter is also related to his own interests.

Not to mention that the current three factions are his help. Now at least 500,000 gold coins are given to Wuliang Mountain every year, not once, but every year. This year has been given, the remaining money on hand is not enough for next year, he also needs a stable way of making money.

The benefit of the liquor is too big for Tianyumen. He does not have the strength to operate, does not rely on powerful asylum, and there is no bone residue left to be eaten immediately.

Provoked so many things, and can stay here safely. To a certain extent, Tianyumen is actually an umbrella, and the benefit of drinks is actually a protection fee ...

In the dungeon, Shao Sanxing waved his hand to signal the guard to hurry up.

The jail door opened, Shao Sanxing entered, and said with a grin: "Master, it's okay, Master Shishi has ordered that you can come out."

Sitting in front of the case, still dealing with the documents, Shao Pingbo said, "I expect to be closed for a few months, why would you let me go out so quickly? Is there anything wrong?"

San Shao Provincial Road: "Dazhan Mountain no longer insists, Grandpa can go out naturally."

Shao Pingbo: "No, there must be something else, otherwise Dachan Mountain will not let me go out so quickly."

Shao Sanxing hesitated and waved to the outside guards to retreat. Fangdao said: "No matter the Bingxue Pavilion or Niu Youdao, there is little movement. The young master ’s judgment is obviously correct, so Dachan Mountain makes no sense. Do n’t let go.

Put aside the pen, Shao Pingbo got up and walked, "Dachan Mountain must be more observant to be at ease, let's say, what happened outside?"

The three provinces of Shao are a little bit unknowable.

Shao Pingbo looked at his reaction, pondered, and suddenly laughed: "It seems that it is not a good thing, and it is directed at me. Is there a rumor outside, saying that I killed Ruan?"

Shao Sanxing raised his head in amazement, "How do you know?"

Shao Pingbo narrowed his eyes, "Do you still need to say? Niu Youdao is aware of this matter, how would you let go of the chance of splashing dirty water on me? Together with rumors, the generals will inevitably check the truth and reality, if I am here, I will not show up, no It is different from corroborating the truth of the rumor, and what is the consequence of this? Then the generals must consider one thing. I have an accident. My father will face the situation of no one succeeding. Who will take over the position of the history of Beizhou in the future? At that time, people's hearts were floating, and a dark wave of contention for power would inevitably rise. Now there is a disturbance in Beizhou, which can be used as an opportunity. It is not what Dachan Mountain hopes to see. , Hoping to replace his father, has made Dazen Mountain feel the pressure. Dazen Mountain knows that in Beizhou, no one has the prestige to replace his father and replace other people in charge of Beizhou. Who can serve who? Beizhou It must be chaotic, I am afraid that is why I am going out in advance? "

Shao Sanxing admired his face with admiration: "Duke Gongming Mingjian, together with rumors, generals from all over Beizhou came to Fucheng. To see Master Shishi, obviously he wanted to find out the truth and truth. Now, in the Senate Hall, all the generals are here, Shishi Master let you show up together. "

Shao Pingbo nodded, indicating that he knew.

However, Shao Sanxing hesitated to add a sentence, "Princess, it is reported that rumors against him are spreading in all countries."

Shao Pingbo's cheek was stretched, "Cough Cough" clenched his fist twice, and Pi Xiaorou didn't smile: "I should be happy."

Shao Sansheng stunned: "Happy?"

Shao Pingbo: "It shows that I have also exerted pressure on Niu Youdao. This is the recognition of Niu Youdao. He thinks I have the ability to sit up big, so he wants to stifle and stop. It seems that it is right according to the sister." Drilled out of the cage.

The three provinces of Shao nodded their approval, followed quickly, and continued to report: "Princess, Dachan Mountain is ordering Shangqingzong to move out of Beizhou."

In the dungeon aisle, Shao Pingbo stopped walking and asked back, "What do you mean?"

Shao Sansheng: "Dachan Mountain believes that the cause of your grievances with Niu Youdao is the head of Tang, and believes that as long as Tang Yi is here, you and Niu Youdao will continue to toss about it. Move out of Beizhou. "

Shao Pingbo frowned: "Nonsense! Others don't know, don't you know that? Tang Yi's father and Zhao Xiongge are in the same division, and they have a close relationship. From the distress of the Shangqing Zong, Zhao Xiongge appeared to see him. It's useful, can't go! "

San Shao sighed: "Do you have to do this for Dachan Mountain, but what can you do?"

Shao Pingbo was slightly silent, and immediately continued to make great strides, "I can't help them, I will handle this matter myself."

The two got out of the cage one by one, went straight to the house, and met Shao Dengyun.

Father and son met again, Shao Pingbo looked calm.

Shao Dengyun's complexion was dull, his son's calmness made his eyes very complicated.

Got up from the seat, without saying a word, went straight outside the hall, Shao Pingbo quickly gave way, bowed slightly to show respect, and then quickly followed behind his father.

As soon as he went out, Shao Dengyun's eyes and complexion instantly regained his composure.

Following Shao Pingbo, Yu Xuanang, still looks like Yushu Linfeng's grandson.

The deliberative hall, the father and son stepped in front and back, while the generals on both sides saw the ceremony, they were watching and looking.

Shao Dengyun boarded a high position and Shao Pingbo stood aside.

Beizhou military and political affairs started a discussion on this. Shao Pingbo, as always, actively interjected inquiries or suggestions, and could not see how he had been shut down.

After the meeting was over, when Shao Dengyun concluded his speech, Hu Shixiong stared at the crowd and added a loud voice, "Recently there have been many rumors outside, it is clear that someone is messing up and messing up Beizhou who is most beneficial, who is in Rumors, in my opinion, the suspicion of Yan Guo and South Korea is very big, this is a trick, you should sharpen your eyes and make clear! "

boom! He suddenly took the case and almost scared everyone.

"Eating, drinking, and spreading farts and **** is human nature. It's inevitable! People are a bit selfish, I can understand, I don't care about selfishness in my heart. But I am talking about here, all brothers who were born and died together, I don't want to make everyone The face is ugly. Whoever dares to take the opportunity to mess up the rice bowl of the brethren, do n’t say I do n’t agree, the other brethren wo n’t agree! ”Shao Dengyun drank angrily, like a thunder blowing in the deliberate hall The momentum, the shock of all kinds of speculative thoughts, made a group of generals bow their heads without knowing who they were referring to.

Shao Pingbo sighed secretly in his heart. This kind of commanding power of his father was something he didn't possess, and he could learn it in a short period of time without speaking.

The following general shouted suddenly: "Who dares to disrespect the general, the first one will not let him go!"

"Yes, I do n’t agree first!"

The cries of the generals immediately followed one another, and they rang together, and the person with true selfishness tightened his mind. Seeing this situation, he knew that things were difficult, and he had to extinguish that point of selfishness.

A chair sat in the corner of Zhong Yangxu's heart settled down, knowing that Beizhou's floating people's hearts had been settled, and their internal worries had been resolved.

Also had to sigh. Today, only Beizhou can only be suppressed by Shao Dengyun. As long as Shao Dengyun is here, there will be no big troubles in Beizhou under his charge.

After the crowd dispersed, Shao Pingbo invited Zhong Yangxu to stay.

"What's wrong with the eldest son?" Zhong Yangxu stopped under the eaves and asked, Shao Pingbo's eyes were also very complicated.

Shao Pingbo asked: "Uncle, I heard that Dachan Mountain will drive the Shangqing Sect away from Beizhou?"

Zhong Yangxu: "This is the case, why, do you have an opinion?"

Shao Pingbo respectfully bowed his hand and said: "Dare not! But Shangqingzong can't go."

Zhong Yangxu narrowed his eyes slightly, "It seems that the opinion of Dachan Mountain has no effect on you. Are you addicted to it? I advise you to leave room for yourself in all things and don't have to scale!"

Shao Pingbo busy said: "Uncle misunderstood, but this time the uncle should be clear in his heart, Bing Xuege's eyes are only afraid of still examining the Qiu family of Niu Youdao, Shang Qingzong and Niu Youdao, Tang Yi and Niu Youdao It ’s no secret. Now there are rumors against Beizhou. It ’s the time when people are attracting attention. At this juncture, Shang Qingzong will be driven away. In case it attracts the attention of Bingxue Pavilion, it ’s not a good thing. "

"..." Zhong Yangxu frowned and said nothing.

Jinzhou, Shishifu, under the eaves of the inner house, the sea lingers like the moon, looking forward to the entrance of the moon gate from time to time.

Li Wuhua stood aside and glanced at her, "What are you doing around?"

Hai Ruyue stopped, "Why haven't you come yet, what will happen?"

Li Wuhua frowned, "Ghost Doctor Shenlong sees and does not see the end, and I can't find me in Wandong Tianfu. I only know that there is this person, very few people who know what he looks like, and I have never heard of his disciples. , You confirm that he is a disciple of Heli? "

Hai Ruyue gave a white eye, "Who do I know, the following people inadvertently found it, no matter whether it is true or false, please come and try it!"

At this time, a disciple of Wandong Tianfu came quickly and reported to Li Wuhuanian: "Sister Uncle, Zhu Guanjia brought a doctor to see Princess Chang, we want to put a ban on him, he refuses to accept it, and turns his head. Let ’s go. The Zhu steward invited him to live and let me make an exception. What should I do? "

Hai Ruyue is anxious ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Busy to Li Wuhua said: "People with true skills have some traits of arrogance, so many of you are afraid of something, how about making an exception once?"

Li Wuhua was slightly silent. He also wanted to see the legendary ghost doctor's disciple, so he waved his hand and focused on it.

It didn't take long for me to see that the well-respected Zhu steward personally brought in a handsome middle-aged man. The man carried a rattan box behind him, dressed in a green shirt and plain clothes.

"Mr. Ming, this is Princess Chang ..."

The host and guest met, Zhu Shun introduced.

Middle-aged man known as Mr. Ming looks like nobody in the eyes, "I'm not here to see some princess, take me to see the patient."

Li Wuhua scrutinized and asked, "Are you a disciple of ghost doctor Heili?"

Ming rolled his eyes, "Who said I was a disciple of a ghost doctor?"

"No, no!" Hai Ruyue waved his hand at the same time, and at the same time glared at Li Wuhua, seeming to be complaining, saying that they did not admit it, why did you still poke? "The patient is inside, Mr. Ming please."

Li Wuhua was puzzled in his heart, and waited and waited, and said no more. He was ready to take a look and then say that if he could not come up with the ability to look back, he would make this fake good-looking.

To tell the truth, he still did not believe that this man was a disciple of a ghost doctor.

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