Heavenly Genius

Chapter 241: Eat black

The scene of the former Ice and Snow General Manager Han Bing's visit, she was vivid, and she was shocked by the ice. The seriousness of the matter can be imagined.

Why do n’t you dare to take that risk in Wandong Tianfu, you must kill them both mother and son. Only her son died, there is no saying that he was cured by Chiyang Zhu Guo, and how could he let her kill her again? To live, she must be buried with the secret.

Looked at his son who was eating and drinking Zhengxiang, but Hai Ruyue couldn't laugh now, pacing back and forth, the burnt ashes fluttered with the skirt.

She was thinking, who actually did this, not only to treat her son, but also refuse to reveal her identity.

The first target she locked was Niu Youdao, and the rumor that shocked Frost pointed to Niu Youdao, and Niu Youdao did go to Daxueshan.

If it is Niu Youdao, if Ruo Niu Youdao really got Chiyang Zhu Guo, she was a little unimaginable. Where is Bingxuege? How could that guy steal Chiyang Zhuguo from Bingxuege's hands? This is too incredible!

Doubt is suspicious, but she does not have any evidence!

Now she really wants to send someone to chase down Mr. Ming, and want to grasp who the mastermind is behind the scenes, but she dare not, catching Mr. Ming means that the truth of treatment will be exposed, as dangerous and troublesome, she is in a dilemma ...

Outside the city, in the forest more than a dozen miles away, Mr. Ming rushed into the forest, untied the rattan box behind him, and threw it on the ground, looking around.

Wait a moment, there was someone in the depths of the forest, not someone else, it was Duan Hu, he said happily, "Brother."

Ming jumped off the horse and shook his head: "This is really dangerous enough, I came to my heart with fear."

Duan Hu hehe said: "Wan Brother is a veteran of abduction and abduction, how could he be afraid of this."

Mr. Ming snorted: "Are you complimenting me, or scolding me? Is this the same? That is Jinzhou Tashishifu, where there are many masters of Ten Thousand Caves. Can some of the previous work be compared with this? I said you see it clearly, no one will come behind? "

Duan Hu: "I have seen it and no one is following. You can rest assured that as long as they treat you as a disciple of a ghost doctor, as long as the efficacy of the medicine can deter them, they will not dare to mess up."

Ming found two gold tickets with a face value of 10,000 from his sleeve, and gave one to Duan Hu. "Twenty thousand is in hand. It means half of one person, am I interesting?"

Duan Hu received the hand to check it, and rushed into his arms, hehe smiled and said: "Sent!"

Ming secretly snickered in his heart, and did not look at that place, that is Jinzhou thorn Shifu, as long as twenty thousand is too small to be too angry!

The two had agreed to cheat 20,000 before, and he said that it was half right, but he lied to 100,000. He secretly collected 80,000, and only distributed 10,000 to Duan Hu.

But he had his own reasons. It was him who took the risk, so naturally he had to get more.

"Okay, you said it yourself. The fake Chiyang Zhu Guo can only suppress for seven or eight days. When the period is over, the filling will be exposed. Let's go quickly." Mr. Ming waved his hand and would go on the horse and leave. .

Duan Hu grabbed him, "As long as the letter was given to Hai Ruyue, the hypothesis was that Chiyang Zhu Guo scared her, she would not dare to mess up. The point of the question is, did you not expose it? We can't leave the office if we are exposed Road, ready to go to the wild mountains and mountains to escape. "

Ming: "You can rest assured that we have done what we planned, and there will be no mistakes. I can still grasp this point. Let's go and find a house. Which is the next target you said?"

Duan Hu smiled, "Don't say the next house makes you think about it, will Brother Wan come to see me? I'm afraid I'll have to spend money and run away."

"Is that what I said?" Mr. Ming pretended to be angry, and he was stunned for a moment, suspiciously: "You mean, there is no home?"

Duan Hu nodded his head, "Yes, not far away, ready fortune!"

Mr. 's eyes lighted up, "Who is it? Let's listen first, let's plan slowly on the road."

Duan Hu said one by one: "Far from the horizon, close to the eyes."

Ming stared at him, his face changed suddenly, realizing that the other party wanted to eat black and black, a flash, quickly flew away.

But did not guard against the figure in front flashing, waved with a sword slash, it was Lei Zongkang.

Ming was shocked, only to realize that Duan Hu was not alone, he had already designed a trap to wait for him.

He hates so much that he hates his greed for wealth. He should be right after he succeeds in Jinzhou City.

Then again, if it is not for money, why do you have to go to Jinzhou Shishifu to take such a big risk, this is a well-designed trap!

Duan Hu then drew his sword and killed him.

On the side of the, another figure shot out to participate in the war. It was Wu Sanliang.

Seeing the precarious and difficult to support, Mr. Ming shouted: "Several, isn't it just asking for money? All the things on my body are for you, raise your noble hand to a living way!"

Duan Hu sneered: "We are not interested in money, only your little life!"

After following Niu Youdao, the tone of speech has changed. If you change before, you will definitely say that if you eat money, you will have to die, and so on, how can you say that you are not interested in money!

The three men surrounded Mr. Ming in a fierce battle, and the trees fell into pieces, and the figure of Mr. Ming followed.

"The surname is Duan, I will not let you off as a ghost, I ..."

Falling on the ground, Mr. Ming shouted sorrowfully. Before the words were finished, he was pierced by Lei Zongkang with a sword, and whimpered under the sword.

Lei Zongkang kicked Mr. Ming who grabbed the sword, kicked the bleeding sword, and turned back to Wu Sanliang, "Old Wu, are you okay?"

Wu Sanliang scratched a long blood on his chest, almost beheaded, and shook his head: "It's okay, it's just a little bit wrong!" The sword was on the ground, and he slowly untied his clothes.

Lei Zongkang's long sword returned to the sheath and helped him deal with the wound.

Duan Hu squatted beside Mr. Ming and quickly found a stack of large-denomination gold tickets. "Look, the scattered gold tickets may be his own. This integer is by no means his, um, eight. It is estimated that this guy has asked for 100,000, and it is only divided into 10,000. I know that this guy is not so generous and must be hidden in secret, as expected. "

Then excavated the pit on the spot and buried Mr. Ming's body so as not to expose it too early.

Wu Sanliang treated the wound, changed his clothes, and the three quickly disappeared into the deep forest ...

A few days later, the three of them returned to the valley outside Qingshan County.

In the thatched cottage, Niu Youdao opened the door and saw three people, with a slight smile: "Come back."

"Dao Ye!" The three of them bowed their hands together to meet.

Niu Youdao smiled and asked, "How is it going?"

"It was done according to Taoist's instructions, and there was no trouble, it went smoothly." Duan Hu nodded, and then found a stack of gold tickets to offer, "The scattered money should belong to the surname Wan's own, another 100,000. It should have come from Hairuyue, a total of more than 103,000. "

They didn't intend to swallow the money, let alone swallow it, when Dao Ye and Hai Ruyue tried to break things out, they probably knew the amount.

Niu Youdao didn't answer, "Everyone is working hard, you should share the money yourself."

The three of them smiled at each other. They also knew that Dao Ye, since they let them divide, there was no need to be polite, so they accepted it.

Is another huge amount of income. Although I used to do black things in the past, but I didn't have such a big gain. Since I followed Daoist, it was really different.

The starting point is different. They dare not start at Jinzhou Shishifu before, and they dare not kill them.

Now, even the Bingxue Pavilion has been black, what else dare to dare, my heart is big, the petty fight is no longer in sight, and there is a Dao Ye behind him, inexplicably emboldened.

As long as Dao was there, even if they missed and exposed, they believed that Hai Ruyue could not treat them like that.

"Old Wu's face is wrong, injured?" Niu Youdao's eyes fell on Wu Sanliang's face and asked.

Wu Sanliang smiled bitterly: "I was bitten, no big deal."

Duan Hudao said: "We underestimated the surname Wan, but we all thought that the three of us joined forces in the siege, or let him hurt Lao Wu, who was almost cut by his sword. It was very thrilling."

"Be careful about this kind of things in the future. Think about it, and try not to take risks if you can. If you are tired, go back and rest." Niu Youdao waved his hand.

"Yes!" The three of them responded, arched and retreated.

The three of them were not here recently. They were sent by Niu Youdao to do the thing, and the matter was not easy to give to others. It could only be done by someone who knew to steal the Chiyang Zhu Guo. It was not appropriate to expand the scope of knowledge.

Niu Youdao walked slowly to the edge of the mountain cliff, watching a few people descend.

Just then, someone came again, and Shang Shuqing came up the mountain.

The two met, and Shang Shuqing approached him, the voice was still nice, "Dao Ye!"

Even that face is really ugly. She does n’t wear a saris cover when she ’s not going out. The appearance is really uncomfortable. Dangling against this face makes it inconvenient to look directly. Okay, I'm afraid people think too much. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Niu Youdao said: "What's wrong with the lord?"

Shang Shuqing: "I just came back from the Junshou Mansion, and my brother said that he received a rumor from Hai Ruyue that he was going to see the situation of Yingyang Wuliewei in person. It seems that the person has already started and is on the way. Yingyang Wuliewei has not officially started yet. When the time comes, he ca n’t show anything to others. I ’m afraid it ’s not easy to talk. My brother asked me to ask Lord what you mean. ”

Said this thing because Niu Youdao had already said it before, and Hai Ruyue gave it to him to deal with it, without worrying about the Shang dynasty.

Niu Youdao stood with his hand down, leaning his head towards Yuanshan, revealing an interesting gaze, and a quizzical smile evoked in the corner of his mouth, "It seems that the woman is panicked and can't hold back!"

Shang Shuqing found that he smiled strangely, wondering: "Panic? Can't help it? Wandong Tianfu put pressure on her?"

Niu Youdao shook his head, hehe said: "The master told the prince, let the prince put his heart in his stomach, and do his own thing at his own pace. The matter of Yingyang Wuliewei passed by just a moment, she was not Chongying. Yang Wuliewei came here for me, not to embarrass the prince. "

Shang Shuqing nodded her head and noted that she was confident in Niu Youdao. Since Niu Youdao said so, she was relieved, but she still couldn't help but wonder: "Did you come here?"

Niu said with a smile without saying a word, knowing that something happened, the woman was the first to doubt him ...

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