Heavenly Genius

Chapter 246: Linghuqiu

After listening to Linghuqiu, Fei Changliu, Zheng Jiuxiao and Xia Hua looked at each other in amazement, and they seemed a little unbelievable.

Niu Youdao is strange. Hearing Wu Sanliang's words, what does it mean to be true or not? Asked back: "Linghuqiu? Is it famous?"

Wu Sanliang nodded again and again, "It's quite famous, only to hear its name, but missed it, so I don't know if the person is true or false."

Niu Youdao stunned and looked back at the other three, seemingly asking if you know?

Xia Hua had already got up and said, "Linghu Qiu Nai is a celebrity from the Jin Kingdom. This person has made friends with the world and heard his name for a long time, but I haven't seen it before."

Zheng Jiuxiao said: "This man is a well-known broker in the practice world. Although he has no influence, he has a very wide network of relationships and should not be underestimated ..."

Fei Changliu: "It is said that this man has friendship with people in all aspects of spiritual practice, saying that there are friends everywhere, and wherever you go, there are friends ..."

From the talks of the three people, Niu Youdao probably understood who he was. He still heard about this person for the first time, but he had never seen a description in Shang Qing Zong's "Shang Qing Shi Su."

Because of this, he was somewhat puzzled, and asked Wu Sanliang, "Are you sure you came to visit me, not to visit them?" He pointed to Fei Changliu and others.

Wu Sanliang said: "He named his name to visit Master Dao."

Fei Changliu and others also looked at each other. Niu Youdao didn't know Linghuqiu at all. If it was Linghuqiu, why did he come to visit Niu Youdao? Do you want to meet Niu Youdao?

If this is the case, there is something unpleasant in the hearts of the three, what does it mean? Explain that Linghuqiu thinks that Niu Youdao is more influential than them.

Niu Youdao is still a little unbelievable. He looked at the three of them and asked, "Not visiting you, come and visit me? What do you think this one means?"

Xia Hua suddenly said, "It seems not difficult to understand."

Niu Youdao: "How do you say?"

Xia Hua joked a little: "Our three factions are not as famous as your" Dao Ye ", and it is not possible that this Linghuqiu has never heard of our three factions even if you hear it, but you are different, killing Yan Guo Ambassadors, making a lot of noise, that is well known in the world! There is also the rumor of the Ice and Snow Pavilion, I guess it is difficult for you to have not heard of it. "

"..." Niu Youdao was speechless, he chuckled and laughed at himself: "I really want to say this, it is really a good thing not to go out for evil things. Seriously, whoever has seen him, otherwise who knows Is the person coming true or false? "

Xia Hua and Fei Changliu shook their heads, saying that they had never seen them.

Zheng Jiuxiao said: "I've seen him twice, but it's far-sighted, and never greeted, so I can't talk about knowing, but it's okay to recognize people. Is it right? I know at first sight.

"Guests come to the door, why did they come? I don't believe what the old man came to meet a friend, it's so boring ..." Niu Youdao seemed to say to himself.

Xia Hua shared his hands, "But this man is famous for making friends, he is really good at it, there is no reason to make an exception for you."

"Is it? This person is a bit interesting ..." Niu Youdao said, his mouth twitched, he is also a person who likes to make friends. The two have something in common. The "empathy" thing is worth recalling, but it is not comparable to this. The degree of abnormality of the position, can't help but slowly look back, looked at the map again, blinking, after thinking for a while, asked: "How many people are coming?"

Wu Sanliang: "Only three people, besides himself, are accompanied by two beautiful twin girls."

Zheng Jiuxiao said: "Then there is nothing wrong with it. The two times I saw him, he was indeed followed by two beautiful twin girls, who were said to be his personal maid, like what he called red sleeves and red whisk."

"Three people ..." Niu Youdao murmured again, raised his hand, "Please!"

"Yes!" Wu Sanliang responded quickly and left.

Seeing Niu Youdao standing with his hands in front of the map, he did n’t respond, and he did n’t know what to think about. Fei Changliu looked at each other, and Zheng Jiuxiao said: "This person is not good enough to stand in front of us, we should go to the door in person. Go meet? "

"Well, yes, it shouldn't be rude." Niu Youdao turned around and smiled: "Go, let's welcome this Jinshi celebrity."

Several people left the manor and stood waiting at the door.

After a while, several figures flew up the mountain, the leader was Wu Sanliang, saw Niu Youdao and others waiting at the door, and led the three people behind him to the door.

Guests met and looked at each other.

Guest guest robe with big sleeves, a purple wood hairpin pinned to the hair bun, thick eyebrows and big eyes, eyes are dignified, dressed and looked neat, but it gives the feeling of uninhibited.

The two women behind him looked exactly the same. They were all white and snowy, beautiful and elegant, just a cold look, and a smile was always hanging on one face. At first glance, the second woman knew she was a twin sister. Speaking of being a woman, in fact, she should not be too young. She looks like a woman.

As soon as the three visitors landed, Niu Youdao gave Zheng Jiuxiao a glance. Zheng Jiuxiao nodded slightly, saying yes, it was indeed Linghuqiu.

Linghuqiu's eyes swept a few people, and immediately fell on Niu Youdao among several people. It seemed to recognize the righteousness at a glance, whispered in his heart, the rumors were true, and he was really young!

"Master Dao, this is Mr. Linghuqiu, a celebrity of the Jin Kingdom." Wu Sanliang stepped forward to introduce Niu Youdao.

Niu Youdao immediately stepped forward and said with a smile: "Jiu Yang Jiu Yang, in the Niu Niu You Dao, Mr. Jiuming Linghu's famous name, I saw it today, three lives are lucky!"

Linghuqiu laughed, "It ’s too much, but it ’s just a matter of repairing it, not mentioning it! It ’s Brother Niu, that ’s the real hero of the world. The whole body retreated. Linghu is so dauntless! "

The two touted each other, and Niu Youdao introduced Fei Changliu and others.

Ling Huqiu was immediately surprised, "Long admiration for the three head masters, I don't want to meet here, I am glad to be here."

Fei Changliu three people are naturally a polite, but in my heart it is clear that people are just polite, there are so many schools in the world, I am afraid they may not have heard of them.

In fact, the three of them clearly understood, and admitted in their hearts, if they really want to talk about fame, they are certainly not as good as Niu. As Linghuqiu said, they are famous for killing the envoys of the Yan Kingdom. Several people dare to make a name in this way.

"I don't know who these two beauties are?" Niu Youdao looked at the twins and asked.

Linghuqiu smiled, and sideways gave way.

The two women immediately stepped forward and saluted: "Maidservant with red sleeves and red whisk, I have seen my son and I have seen three heads."

Now that it is a layman, several people are not too polite and nodded.

Just a few sentences at the door. It ’s not a place to speak. Niu Youdao naturally invited guests in.

And his party came to the viewing platform again. The tea set that had been served was removed and the black peony prepared tea.

Five people sat in the pavilion drinking tea and watching the mountains, Linghuqiu praised, "Good place."

Niu Youdao smiled and asked, "I don't know what Mr. Linghu has advised me from here?"

"I can't talk about it. When Brother Niu killed the Angel of the Angel and gained fame, I wanted to get acquainted. Whoever wanted Brother Niu to be famous in Ice and Snow Pavilion later, the rumors were numerous, which made me quite afraid. Just wait and see, and when the situation subsides, just visit Guibaodi and stop by. "

Ling Huqiu said the truth, Niu Youdao killing Yan made him famous all over the world, which surprised many people to ask who is "Niu Youdao". He was so bold and attracted his attention. He knew The idea of ​​making friends.

However, at that time, Niu Youdao was hiding everywhere, and no one could find it if he wanted to find it, otherwise Niu Youdao would have been killed by the court of the Yan Kingdom. When Niu Youdao showed up in Bingxue Pavilion, the court of the Yan Kingdom failed to give Niu Youdao what happened, which aroused his interest.

As a person who likes to make friends everywhere, he knows that some people want to get acquainted as early as possible, and really wait until the future, fearing that they may not be able to climb high.

Whoever thinks that people are still on the way, there is a rumor on the side of Bingxue Pavilion that is bad for Niu, Linghu Qiu Xiaohan. In this case, making friends is asking for trouble. Isn't Bingxue Pain so annoying. He had to temporarily suppress that thought, preparing to wait and see the situation first.

Has passed for more than a year, and I haven't seen how Bingxuege gave Niu Youdao. He knew that the limelight should have passed, so he ran again.

This is probably the case.

Niu Youdao repeatedly shook his head and waved his hand: "Mr. Linghu hangs this matter on his mouth, it really makes me ashamed, and I will not be so adventurous unless I have to make it.

"If you do it, you can live, this is it!" Ling Huqiu gave her thumbs up and smiled and asked others, "Do you say that?"

"Oh!" Fei Changliu and others smiled recklessly, or nodded.

Niu has a turn to open the topic, "Sir said that it is through this place, I do not know where to go?"

Linghu Qiuhuan refers to the mountains and heartily said: "I have no purpose to travel around."

Niu Youdao said: "I heard that Mr. and Mrs. friends are all over the world, and the network is very extensive. I wonder if it is true or not?"

Linghuqiu waved his hand: "There is no connection, some friends enjoy their face ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Give it a little thin face."

Niu Youdao immediately asked: "I don't know if Mr. Qi can have friends in Qi?"

As soon as these words came out, the three of Fei Changliu glanced at each other quietly. They seemed to have guessed his intentions, but they also doubted whether they had made a wrong guess. That matter?

Linghu Qiu froze for a moment, then looked at the map hanging in the building, and also doubted the idea of ​​Niu Youdao. He did not dare to confirm it. The subconscious tea slowly sipped two times, leaving some time for himself to think about. reaction.

Put down the teacup and smiled, "How many friends do you know, Brother Niu?"

Niu Youdao said: "Mr. Linghu is really wise. He wants to ask Mr. Hu for help. I wonder if Mr. Hu would like to help?"

Linghu Qiulue was wary: "Let's talk about what happened first."

Niu Youdao reached out for a teapot and poured tea for him personally, "Yes, I wo n’t turn the corner, I will serve the king of Yan Guoyong Pingjun. Now that the prince desperately needs a warhorse, how can I just sit back and ignore it? Please also help me! "

Fei Changliu slowly picked up the tea one by one and drank slowly, as if they didn't hear it.

Linghuqiu looked at Niu Youdao without a word, and he murmured in his heart, what kind of person are we familiar with? Let me help you as soon as you meet, you are really welcome.

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