Heavenly Genius

Chapter 261: violent

However, the plan is not as good as it is today. I have bad luck today and have encountered accidents one after another.

Thought that by virtue of his ability to escape in the sand, there would be enough room for maneuvering when he came alone. Anyone who wanted to meet a real master could escape into the underground and chase him down, forcing him to flee.

Has now picked a route he thinks fit, and who wants to run into trouble again.

He is now in a huge underground palace, blocked by swarms of sand scorpions, densely packed sand scorpions, climbing layer by layer, shaking the claws, swinging the tail of the poison needle, seeing The scalp was numb, and Moon Butterfly was too scared to fly low, and fluttered its wings on the top of the palace.

Is surrounded by large and small Buddha statues standing or sitting, statues are either solemn or compassionate or dignified.

Such a large-scale Buddhist temple, Niu Youdao estimates that it is the ruins of the prosperous era of Buddhism before the legendary Wu dynasty.

It ’s just that the remains of the Buddha, it seems to have become a nest of sand scorpions at this time. Looking at the big and small sand scorpions, the small ones are only the size of a rabbit. They run around all over the ground. Old nest.

The old nest was broken into by someone, and the sand scorpions immediately became restless, and began to climb on top of each other. They blocked a passage behind the Buddha's temple, and waved their jaws to demonstrate. There seemed to be something important behind them, which seemed to block foreign enemies.

At the same time, a large group of sand scorpions rushed out of each intersection, bouncing and rushing to attack.

Niu Youdao originally wanted to retreat immediately, but thought that the killer might have been chased from behind, and now retreating is simply to find death, the body is flying in an instant, the sword light is continuously picking and splitting, the sword gas is vertical and horizontal, and the sand will be under siege. The scorpion killed a stump and strayed.

Quickly rushed to the side of the main hall, hit a punch on the wall, the stone cracked and exploded, but it was found that behind the stone was a hard layer of soil that could not escape as if it escaped into the sand.

Turned around and flew a piece of siege scorpion. The man escaped from the chaos and rushed out to the roof, landing on the high stone beam above.

Boom! Another heavy punch was made towards the roof. Thick heavy stones fell from the roof, but they didn't know what the structure was. There were also staggered stones on top of the stones to consolidate. It was unclear how thick and tall the piles were.

"Your uncle ..." Niu Youdao murmured and scolded.

The bouncing sand scorpion can't jump that high, but it climbs up from walls or stone pillars in all directions, besieging from above the building.

The situation did not allow him to take it slowly. Niu Youdao quickly observed the surrounding terrain. The man leapt on the beam and returned to the position above the entrance of the Yongdao where the original road broke in. He recruited Yuedie and quickly moved Yuedie Received.

The temple suddenly fell into darkness again. A large number of sand scorpions swarmed towards this side, blocked the entrance here, and climbed up.

Niu Youdao shrunk quietly in the corner of the beam. He noticed that the sand scorpion that was climbing up was approaching quickly, preparing to cast a spell to protect the body from the gas and resisting the fight for a while.

At this moment, bang! There was a loud bang, and a violent sword gas blasted in from the entrance, slashing the sand scorpion blocking the entrance.

The light of Yuedie's wings fluttered at the entrance, and the tall and thin figure rushed in. A large number of sand scorpions quickly flew at him to attack, and Yuedie stopped on his shoulder.

The tall and thin figure moved, the sword was stirred up, and the residual limbs of the siege scorpion broke off, and it attracted a lot of scorpion siege.

While the tall and thin guy attracted a large number of sand scorpions, and also under the cover of the chaotic movements, Niu Youdao quickly flew, and drilled out of the entrance that the sand scorpion blocked by the lean and tall forcible attack. The road escaped.

He believes that since there can be so many sand scorpions here, there must be entrances and exits for sand scorpions in and out of the desert.

However, for a while, the ghost knew where the entrance and exit were, and there was a killer chasing behind the key. He didn't have so much time to find a way out, and the movements made by these sand scorpions all the way, it was difficult to avoid being discovered by the killer. It's too dangerous to be held back.

Therefore, he made the decision quickly and calmly in a hurry, and it was more convenient to return to the same way. Presumably, there were three masters from outside to block it, enough time for him to escape.

All he wanted was the time difference between him and the killer going in and out of the temple.

As soon as he rushed into the original road, he immediately attracted some sand scorpions who had not withdrawn from the entrance of the road.

Defended against the sand scorpion, and at the same time searched for the thin and tall man who fell on Niu Youdao in cold eyes, Huo Ran turned his head. Although he didn't see the figure of Niu Youdao, he also realized something, and he sneered with anger and laughter.

Actually dared to play this set under his eyelids, which shows that the slaughter target was unhurried and calm, calm and calm, this courage is indeed very comparable!

Zhou body gang qi suddenly burst out, rotating vigorously, the thin and tall one did not get entangled with these sand scorpions, and forcibly collided directly.

咣 咣 咣! Rushing up, as well as the scorpions that were hit, were all flicked away, and the thin and tall figure had rushed into the channel when he came, urgently chasing.

Niu Youdao stormed in the dark, and Qi Qi noticed the sand piled up when the Yongdao collapsed in front of him, and slammed it directly. The crazy sand was bursting, and a large piece of quicksand poured in. He took advantage of the situation and rushed into the sand directly. In the heap.

Almost as he drilled the upper crevice, a flash of light flashed through the tunnel.

The thin, tall man with Yuedie resting on his shoulders has arrived. He slashed a sword among the flying sand, regardless of whether the cow has a way to go out, first cut the sword to avoid ambush.

The sand pile exploded again, and the thin tall hand grabbed the shoulder and the moon butterfly was quickly put into the carrying case. The man had already got into the sand pile, and quickly chased away from the movement from the sand pile.

He had already noticed Niu Youdao ’s intention to return, and he must have wanted his associates to intercept him and fight for his escape.

How could he let the cow succeed, and the whole body gathered anger and turned around, struggling to chase it at full speed!

Niu Youdao, who noticed the speed of the rear chase, secretly complained, this time it was really a master and a cattle man!

As soon as he approached his goal, the tall and thin guy sprang out again.

When he was desperate, Niu Youdao had nothing to say. The amulet of the law in the body was mobilized, and a single palm blazed a red light.

Furious Sword Qi and Jin Dan Brother Xiu angered together for the condensed rage energy.

Boom! The powerful explosive force of the collision affected the surrounding area. Niu Youdao's voice was sweet, and he quickly removed the force with Qiankun. At the same time, the single palm again blasted out the energy of a dharma amulet to block, and then quickly fled.

Although this reissued palm is for the tall and thin person, it is like a catastrophe.

The first explosive collision was exactly the same as in the previous pursuit, and the body space created by the tall and thin quickly collapsed.

Shocked him again, and wondered in his heart, how many "crit symbols" on this hawk were so extravagant?

Fortunately, with the first experience, quickly cast a spell to deal with it, and resist hard underground pressure.

However, he did not expect that another violent roar struck. He had just desperately resisted the huge pressure. This attack almost scared him away.

He was trapped in the sand pile at this time and could not move. There was no way to hide. He had to cast a huge pressure and had to deal with this fatal blow!

Under desperation, I can only deal with the fatal blow first, and work hard to resist the mana!

Boom! Blocking the blow hard, the person was almost shocked, and the huge pressure difference that followed him squeezed him into a meat sauce.

Was also really strong with mana, so he was resisted by him.

Looked sad, trembling all over his body, trying his best to forcibly open up a space around his body again, his throat sweet, and a spit of blood puffed out.

That is really desperate to go up!

He knew that he had been seriously injured, and if he never went out again, he was afraid that he would be buried in this desert forever ...

On the surface, a fight has ended, and three disciples and ten disciples have beheaded the three killers to two, and caught an injured living mouth!

Here also remembers Niu Youdao's explanation, to catch a live mouth!

When the three monks who solved the Pan dispensers arrived, the fight ended, and there was no need to participate any more. Instead, they became a scorpion who fought against the blockbuster.

Gathered more and more sand scorpions, they did not know whether they should go, the ox disappeared, and did not know whether it was dead or alive!

If this is gone, what should I do if I need their help?

It is difficult to choose at a time, and can only temporarily wait against the large group of sand scorpions.

Suddenly, there was a muffled noise from the ground, followed by another sound.

The three monks who resisted a large number of sand scorpions looked at each other. They were shocked and delighted. What surprised them was that they did not know what was going on. The joy was that there were still movements, which meant that the cow was alive.

boom! Rain was exploding in the sand not far away, a figure soared from the sand, and the black cloak on his body was hunting and flying under the moonlight.

"Niu Youdao ..." Someone was surprised.

Several sand scorpions flew and flew, besieging the falling cattle above.

Niu Youdao's fast sword cut off a thorny scorpion tail, stomped on the sand scorpion, stepped out by force, and flew towards the three factions.

Almost at this moment, another pile of sand rain exploded from the ground, and the tall and thin person rushed out of the sand.

Niu Youdao drank, "Stop him!"

A dozen of the three factions flew quickly to stop.

Volleyed a group of sand scorpions rushing down to the ground, and the blood was dripping from the corner.

Seen a group of Jindan monks rushing, showing endless grief, suddenly opened his arms, a mana raged out, and the large-scale desert surface centered on him trembles like a sieve ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Ah! "The tall and thin one threw his arms suddenly, roaring and roaring in the sky, and blood came out of his nose and mouth.

Boom! A large area of ​​mad sand exploded into the sky, and the sand and sand scorpion were torn apart by violent violence, bursting together, and washed away more than ten monks who rushed.

The thin tall man in the mad sand on the ground wielded his sword and even chopped out sharp sword spirit.

Sand fell to the ground, sand scorpions shattered to the ground, and more than ten monks who rushed out of the attack also fell to the ground, staggering.

The people who survived the violent attack were all pale and looked at the thin and tall man with the sword in his hands in horror.

Niu Youdao, who was about to escape, looked back and was shocked. If so many people could not stop this person from hitting, he still escaped a fart!

However, at the next moment, the tall and thin figure suddenly flicked, **** nose and nose.

Now! Niu Youdao shot decisively, and the sword in his hand was suddenly thrown out, turning into a streamer, and at the same time, his fists and feet flew, opening the scorpion under siege.

Thin and tall raised his arm and waved his sword to block the streamer, but his arm was unable to block it. When he was shaken, the degree of weakness was conceivable.

Poof, the streamer submerged into his chest, leaving only the hilt, a blood flower spattering from the back, and the swaying sword body.

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