Heavenly Genius

Chapter 275: Also prepare a fart!

"It's not easy to cover up," Gongsunbu shook his head.

Niu Youdao asked: "The reason."

Gongsun preached: "I went to check as you asked, and I never found out that you were convinced that the other party would use a sea boat for transportation. The disciples under the door asked an experienced old fisherman who often went out to fish and made detailed enquiries. Young and old fishermen, because the State of Qi prohibits the private sale of war horses outside the country, it has never been heard of a ship specializing in the carriage of horses. "

Niu Youdao: "Isn't there a special one, can't a cargo ship?"

Gongsun Bu shook his head: "We have the same question here. According to experienced seniors, general cargo ships cannot be shipped, but it is not that they cannot be loaded, but most horses are used to being on land, on ships, and at sea. Drifting will not be used, there will be adverse symptoms, and it will cause problems when crowded together, so it needs to be separated separately and maintained by experienced horse breeders. If it is to be transported in large quantities, the interior of the cargo ship must be modified. "

"And our people surveyed some suspicious ships on the coastline, and found no internally modified ships. According to your opinion, it may not be able to be solved by a little ship. It requires a large number of ships, and it is not possible for these horses. A large number of new ships are purposely built? To build a large cargo ship that can go out to sea, it requires a special shipbuilding craftsman, and it is not possible to build a ship in a short period of time. The possibility of building a large batch is even less. Moreover, no similar new ship was found. "

"After our people walked the coastline, they ruled out those places where ships could not dock. All the areas where ships can only dock, all sent people to inspect the area in sections. If there are not enough people, there may be fewer ships. Omissions cannot be found in time, but in the case of a large number of ships, it is only right to find out how many cases there are. So for now, the kind of situation you said is not found. "

"Master Dao, is it because your information is wrong?"

Niu Youdao thought in silence, although the Shang Dynasty was to form a special cavalry, but the Beizhou site was so large, it needed more warhorse than the Shang Dynasty. Since Shao Pingbo had the channels to get it, he would not be mad at him. The ambition of the guy is estimated to have at least tens of thousands of horses.

After pondering for a while, I asked: "Gongsun, I haven't contacted the sea ships of various countries. Please help me estimate how many ships are needed for 10,000 war horses."

Gongsun Buzheng was thinking, but instead Hei Peony interjected: "Dao Dao, a few of us often go overseas to find the spirit grass before going on repairs, and have traveled many times on the sea. The boat is probably a little bit in my heart."

Niu Youdao said, looking back at her, "Then talk about it."

Black Peony said: "If ten thousand horses ... it depends on the boat, the boat is small, the boat is long-distance sailing on the sea is very dangerous, the sea conditions are volatile, the boat is very easy to overturn the boat when it encounters big waves. But the horse is not cargo, You ca n’t stack them, you have to give a certain amount of space, and you ca n’t transport a few boats, so it ’s not possible to transport so many war horses in a boat. ”

Niu Youdao nodded: "It makes sense! How much can a large ship hold?"

Black Peony: "I have seen the largest kind of sea ship. It is estimated that it should be no problem to ship two hundred at a time, but there should not be many such ships in various countries. If you want to transport tens of thousands of war horses, the biggest one should be that. It is a medium and large sea ship that can carry hundreds of horses. This kind of ship states that many are not many, but not few. "

Niu Youdao looked at Gongsun Bu and confirmed that Gongsun Bu nodded and said: "Sister Peony is right. That's the case. I rarely go to sea before. My experience may not be as good as Sister Peony."

Niu Youdao hesitated and said: "That is to say, at least a hundred such big ships will do."

"Yes!" Black Peony nodded and said: "At least one hundred ships are needed. It is not so easy to transport so many living things on the long-distance sea. There will be various situations and you need to make sufficient preparations. It can only be alive. If you count the supplies consumed by the horses, there must be more than a hundred. I think they cannot ship so many horses all the way to the beach from time to time? "

Niu Youdao wondered: "Is it difficult to build a hundred ships of this kind? Do you think you would hide in a secret place?"

"Impossible!" Black Peony and Gongsun Bu almost denied in unison.

Niu Youdao glanced at the two of them and asked, "How do you say?"

Black Peony said: "As Brother Gongsun just said, I want to build such a big ship that can go out to sea, but it is not something that ordinary craftsmen can build. That is simply not comparable to the fishing boats built by some craftsmen usually seen in the inner lake. There is no comparison at all. The person who can build this kind of boat must be an experienced sea craftsman in the coastal area. "

"And compared to ordinary people, they are still afraid of the endless sea. Except for those businessmen who take risks to make money, most people still focus on transportation on the road. People who are fishing and asking for life along the coast will not use such a big boat. I ca n’t afford it. Even if I can afford it, the boatman will only need the number one or twenty, if I can control this big boat, how far will it take to go fishing? Can a fisherman use such a big boat as a fishing boat in the offshore waters? "

"Under the constraints of demand, in the chaotic world, there are not many people who want this kind of boat, and naturally there are not many craftsmen who can make such a big boat. Even if it is a hundred ships, Dao Ye, no matter which country, a new ship is so large. I ’m afraid that it ’s difficult to give the country a year ’s worth of power. This kind of craftsman has a place where you can pay attention. Even if you pull a bunch of monks to help, it ’s not done with high mana. "

"Master Dao, I think Brother Gongsun said just now that there is a great possibility of the interior transformation of the cabin. This kind of work can be done by a carpenter, saving time and effort without too much trouble. Building such a big boat, so much, Slightly spreading is also likely to cause big movements, there is no confidentiality at all, the other party should not do this. "

Gongsun Bu also nodded, "That's the reason."

Niu Youdao nodded silently. He also thought it was reasonable. He also understood some truths, but he hadn't touched the sea boat here, and he didn't know what to do, so he asked in detail.

Now it seems that he wanted to transport the war horses by sea. He didn't expect that there are so many complicated situations. He thought the ship was easy to find.

After thinking a little, I asked again: "How many such big ships do you think in the countries?"

Gongsun preached: "This is not easy to say. It is estimated that no ordinary monk will usually pay attention to this, but I think there should be more sea ships like Weiwei."

Black Peony agreed: "In terms of location, a desert and an insurmountable plateau separated the seven countries into two regions. Song, Korea, Zhao, and Yan four countries were crowded together, and Jin, Qi, and Wei countries were together. Among the seven countries, the first four countries are poorer, the latter three countries are richer, and the latter three countries are relatively poor, but the Jin country is good at weapons forging, and the force is the most powerful. The style of martial arts is very strong, and it is also the seven countries. The strongest, but the national strength of Qi and Weiguo, has been suppressed by the two countries. Individually speaking, no country is an opponent of Jin. "

Niu Youdao could not help but tolerate him. He knew that, without her, he only found out that after the woman went to Qingshan County and witnessed something, the change was indeed a bit big, and she smiled and interrupted: "This has something to do with Wei Guochuan. ?"

Black Peony: "Of course it does. Qi is richer because the countries have demand for their horses. Every year they need to exchange a lot of money and materials with them. However, Qi also dare not let go of selling horses. Similarly, Jin It is also unlikely that the country will sell weapons to other countries in large quantities and threaten itself. Only the patriotic country has a unique geographical and climatic environment, and the grown food can be cooked three times a year with little control. "

"Every year, a large amount of grain is sold to various countries in exchange for money. If the four countries Song, Han, Zhao, and Yan did not receive the food supply of the Wei State, depending on the domestic situation of the four countries, I am afraid that they would have collapsed long ago. For the sale of food in the four countries, the four countries will soon collapse. Of course, the Wei State would not dare to do this, otherwise, if the four countries involved have no way to live, I am afraid that the first luck is the Wei State. "

"Of course, although Wei Guo is rich, the people are not much better, and the rich are only those practitioners who are grabbing behind their back ..."

Niu Youdao's eyes blinked and blinked, how do you feel that this woman is pulling farther and farther ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ cough! "Gongsunbu can't listen to this long story anymore, and interrupted with a dry cough," Dao Ye, Sister Mudan means that Weiguo often transports grain to other countries by sea, so there are more such big ships in Weiguo. . "

Niu Youdao said aloud, and asked him, "How much?"

Gongsun Bu shook his head and said: "I really haven't paid attention to this, and I don't know."

Black Peony said: "There are at least a thousand ships in such a large ship Weiguo, and the other several countries may not add up to the Weiguo. However, I estimate that it is impossible for Beizhou to use ships to go out of the Weiguo. Hundreds of sea ships, from one place, are still too eye-catching. "

"With such a quantity, it seems that it is not difficult to obtain, so in this way, the possibility of transformation is indeed very large ..." Niu Youdao groaned while touching his chin.

Black Peony: "Dao Ye, when it comes to this, if our horses want to go by sea, the fear of transporting ships is to prepare early."

Niu Youdao was angry and laughed: "Preparation? How to prepare? It's so troublesome. Now I'm talking about preparation. Our current manpower waits until the boat is quietly prepared. I don't know when it's going to be, but also prepare a fart! What ’s more, I do n’t know if I can get a warhorse. I blame it on this too. It ’s because I did n’t pay attention to it earlier. I made a decision and missed it. The difficulty is beyond my imagination. ”

Black Peony asked: "Are you going by land? I'm afraid it's more troublesome and I have more joints to get through."

Niu Youdao ignored this stubbornly, thinking about the negative hand and took two steps back and forth, suddenly waved to the black peony and gestured, "Map!"

Black Peony immediately took the map to open it and hung it on the wall.

Niu Youdao stood in front of the map and let out cruel words, "I don't believe in evil, so many ships can still become invisible? First of all, no matter what else, Beizhou's ship must dig out for me, live to see the ship, die If you want to see a dead body, I ca n’t get it, and Beizhou do n’t want to succeed! "

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