Heavenly Genius

Chapter 282: Niu Youdao is here

Cha Hu suddenly realized that he understood what he meant.

If the two men who lacked arms and broken legs retired and advertised that they were Black Wind Riders, they would not know it here. Now I know that it means that the two have never mentioned that they are black wind riders after their return, which is meaningful.

"It really doesn't need anyone to sympathize, but now I think of taking care of it. It seems too late. They have no future and future. An Taiping recruited them to work and let them support themselves, which is the best result." Cha Hu nodded. .

"An Taiping, peaceful peace!" Hu Yanwuhen sighed softly, "I thought it was all dead, I didn't expect to be alive. Tiger, you go and check the people in the black wind riding military, see if there is still Are there any similar survivors, if any, all arrangements will be made in the same way as Anping, do n’t say anything! "

"Yes!" Cha Hu Ying Xia, also understood what he meant by being silent, the general did not need to use this to complete his reputation ...

The next day, the garden was renovated, and all 302 newly recruited staff arrived at the appointed time. No one dared to delay the day before.

On the first day of work, many people were expecting and nervous, gathered together and stood waiting in piles.

Yuan Gang, unlike Hu Yanwei, is definitely a punctual person. He did n’t let everyone wait for a long time. He quickly appeared in front of everyone, and there was no nonsense. "Finger pointed to the open space.

There was a squeeze and separation in the crowd, and about forty men appeared and stood on the open ground.

"Since there is a family, it is unavoidable to forcefully live here. After work, you can let them go home. These people are at the front desk, and you are responsible for arranging it." Yuan Gang said back.

The high shopkeeper nodded and said, "Okay!"

Yuan Gang: "These people at the front desk are not enough, and not enough for you."

Gao shopkeeper busy said: "Enough is enough."

To tell the truth, he thinks that recruiting three hundred people is too much. One hundred is enough. Recruiting so many people is simply ignoring the cost of labor. Is there any way of doing business?

The rest of the people, Yuan Gang walked over and pointed out all the people they liked. They seemed to be some young and capable guys, but in fact they were all their own members.

"These young guys look more capable, I will arrange it." Yuan Gang said.

The high shopkeeper nodded slightly, and found that it was indeed the case. This group of guys stood together and looked comfortable. The three young masters were not very serious, but they were right.

After arranging the personnel, the high shopkeeper moved to Yuan Gang and whispered: "Dongjia, how do you arrange the two who lack arms and legs? You agreed not to work in the shop."

Yuan Gang turned his eyes to the two and recruited them. The two were obviously a little nervous. The internal things always existed, and the external life has always been two humble little people.

"Let's do the work that you might not be respectable, can you do it?" Yuan Gang asked.

Looked at each other, Yuan Dahu smiled, "As long as it is not something that is not in sight, they will do it."

Gu Younian echoed and nodded his head, and was a taciturn person.

"Okay!" Yuan Gang immediately turned to Gao's shopkeeper: "Did you say that the two selling places at the door are not enough to expand the selling places?"

The high shopkeeper nodded, waiting, I don't know what he said.

Yuan Gang: "There are too many lines in the queue, it is easy to make trouble. I don't let them work in the store, let them maintain the order of the queue outside the store."

"..." The high shopkeeper was speechless. I dare you to stop working in the store. The three young masters are people who want to face. You are better off. It is more noticeable to put it directly outside. "The owner, the three young masters ..."

"What are the opinions of the three young masters, let him come to me." Yuan Gang blocked his mouth with a word, and then said to the second old man, "In addition, the road in front of the shop, we also take care of this section of cleaning On the spot, pick up the garbage that someone throws, and clean it up to keep us clean and tidy outside. It ’s never wrong to sell food and make people look clean and tidy. Just do n’t know your legs and feet, do these Would it be troublesome to work? "

Yuan Dahu busy said: "No trouble, no trouble, capable, capable, we must make the road outside the shop clean."

Yu Gu also nodded.

Yuan Gang looked at them, "It doesn't matter if you lack arms and legs, but you can still make changes. The clothes are too worn, and people think that there are two beggars outside the tofu museum. The high treasurer, the tofu museum is customized Clothes, let them change their clothes first, and standing out is our facade. "

The two old men were a little embarrassed to say that they were straight, but they were right.

Didn't turn around, some words were straightforward, but they made the two feel at ease.

"Yes!" The high shopkeeper responded, and sighed in his heart. He couldn't do anything with Yuan Gang, and it was useless to have three young masters to support him. This person didn't eat that set, and still dared to fire him.

Yuan Gang also said to the second elder, "Maintaining order outside will inevitably lead to unruly rules. We also have hundreds of people here. If we encounter unreasonable people, we don't need to swallow our voices. When we come back to shout, we will tell you what we want Accompany! Remember, do n’t think that it ’s not easy to find a living without your arms and legs, and you have to find a way out. If so, if you leave early, I do n’t want this kind of person, because I ’m not such a person. ”

The men in the team were in place, and Niu Lin, Yuan Huo, and Niu Shan made the release of tofu.

After a day of preparation, the next morning, when the genius was bright, Yuanda Lake and Gu climbed up early in the year, took a bucket and took the initiative to go to the lake to fetch water, and clean the road outside the shop.

Yesterday they gave them a full meal and a clean house. The two obviously cherish the job, doing more than Yuan Gang requested, not only simple cleaning, but to get up early in the morning to clean This section of the street can avoid affecting guests.

A wave of intensive footsteps ran out of the alley, and the two people who cleaned the street were stunned. More than two hundred young people ran out under the leadership of Niu Lin and others.

The two don't know where these are going and what they are going to do.

Yuan Gang finally came out of the alley, watched the team leave, and just looked at the working duo lightly and turned back.

After, the two old men realized that more than two hundred young people were running around Minghu, and they came out to run before dawn.

A group of young people came back to eat after running, and pushed a small cart to send the tofu in a cart to the points around Beijing for sale.

Also from this day, Qi Guo Jingcheng suddenly bought tofu everywhere. Looking at the freshness, the sales on the first day were extremely hot. Some people who have n’t heard of it had to try it.

The two old men lacking arms and legs outside the Tofu Pavilion also made people look fresh, and the guests came and went, they were surprised to find that the slate floor outside the Tofu Pavilion was really clean, and the other paved streets were gray, except for the streets outside the Tofu Pavilion. Clean and conspicuous.

After nightfall, the business of the Tofu Museum gradually faded, and a group of young people took off their clothes by the lake and jumped into the water to catch a night tour.

The two old men looked at each other. Is it really like the Dongjia said, to train these people?

Yes, even in Qi State Capital, Yuan Gang did not let these people slack off and was still practicing them.

He so blatantly pulled people to Qi Guojing for training.

For Yuan Gang, what should be done has been done. Whoever feels that there is a problem facing him can only be pointed out directly to him. If no one thinks there is a problem, he will continue, there is nothing to hide. This is his style.

The group of players involved had the illusion that it was not much different from that in Qingshan County, nor as dangerous as imagined. It was just another place for training.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Gang and others ran ahead of time to lay the foundation for them.

Sitting in the shop looking at the situation outside the tall shopkeeper is also dumbfounded ...

Huyan Mansion, in the study, Huyan Wuhen and Cha Hu, who were sitting one station at a time, also squinted.

"What is he trying to do?" Hu Yan asked without hate.

Cha Hu smiled bitterly: "I don't understand. I personally feel dissatisfied with the imperial court. I have to start a new exercise to train people and horses. This person is likely to do this kind of thing."

Huyan Wuhen was speechless for a while, and slowly said: "It's better not to use a knife and a gun! Warn him, you can't play it if you don't like it, don't cross the border, otherwise no one can protect him if he is charged with practicing private soldiers in Beijing. ! "

Cha Hu nodded his head and shook his head again: "Do all the new things, it is estimated that everyone should have a lively look. This person can't make a name in the capital, they are all placed in the bright place, and no one should be back. thing."

The sun was shining and the city gate was wide open. At half-morning, Niu Youdao and his party entered the city.

In the city, it is not advisable to run on horses, and a line of horses wanders around on horseback.

There was a familiar scent, and Niu Youdao searched around with doubtful eyes ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ noticed that some people were shopping around the corner of the street.

Because the fragrance is too familiar, Niu Youdao tried to see clearly, but after seeing the face of the seller, he was stunned for a while. The monkey team?

When someone passed by while buying something, he looked at what was in his bowl. He was dumbfounded, tofu brain?

Monkey came here to sell tofu brain? Niu Youdao's mood is a little deeper, what's the matter when he comes running to sell such a boastful thing, fearing he won't be exposed?

However, he knew that Yuan Gang was not a messy person, so he was still in a stable mood, and he was not in a hurry.

The eyes of the salesman looked around from time to time, and also found Niu Youdao, with a look of joy, and quickly hide the joy.

Black Peony also recognized the seller, and looked at Niu Youdao's reaction.

"What is this selling? Why haven't you seen it before?" Linghuqiu couldn't help but wonder when she noticed it.

In the white clouds, Qin Mian hurriedly walked, knocked on Su Zhao's door, and entered the emergency report: "Dong, Niu Youdao has come and has entered the city!"

Su Zhao, who was meditating cross-legged on the couch, slowly opened his eyes, revealing a long-awaited look, "I have heard the name for a long time, I haven't met him for a long time, I have long wanted to meet him. Did you grow three heads and six arms! "

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