Heavenly Genius

Chapter 285: Challenge

The back-to-back three people are highly nervous, and there seems to be no other choice to resist the desperation? Spell it out? Dare?

"Zichun, it's up to you." A man lowered his sword.

"Zichun, we believe in you." The other man also laid down his arms, and he didn't believe it, and he had no choice.

Apparently, the two men themselves agreed to be taken hostage.

Xuan Zichun looked at Niu Youdao with grief and indignation, and gnawed his teeth, so he hurriedly found the door, not just hoping that one day he would be as powerful as this Niu Youdao. ?

"Good!" Xuan Zichun said loudly: "I'm sure, I promised! Tomorrow morning, Beishan Feitaitai outside the city, can dare to go to the appointment?"

"Just say that!" Niu Youdao nodded and waved, "Let her go!"

The surrounded people let go of a path, and Xuan Zichun came out of the siege, turned around, and slowly backed away to look at his companion.

The man who surrounded him went directly to get started, grabbed the weapons of the two men, and placed a ban directly on the two men, taking the person hostage.

The two men did not resist. Since they agreed to be a hostage, there was no need to resist again. Both eyes sent Xuan Zichun back.

In the end, Xuan Zichun resolutely turned back and strode away.

Linghu Qiu and Feng Entai looked at each other, how it felt weird, I felt that the challenge seemed to have changed, obviously this Xuan Zichun came to challenge, how did it feel like it turned into Niu Youdao and in turn forced Xuan Zichun challenge.

Feng Entai said: "You promised this, and there is the next one. This challenge may be endless!"

Niu Youdao said: "If you don't agree, there will still be people who come to your door."

Linghuqiu: "You can't just accept the challenge endlessly like this?"

"If even this trivial matter can't be solved, I don't have to come out and mix it up." Niu Youdao smiled fleshly, and suddenly made a gesture outside the pavilion, stopping a group of people from taking the two men away.

The people stopped and looked at it, wondering what he had instructed.

Who knows Niu Youdao said indifferently: "Cut off the heads of both of them, and send it to Xuan Zichun tomorrow!"

Everyone was shocked.

The two detained men were shocked.

One roared: "Niu Youdao, you have no words!"

Another person exclaimed: "Niu Youdao, it's a villain!"

Just shouted, it was dumbed by someone, and it was useless to struggle there. It was really a dying struggle.

Niu Youdao was expressionless, casually took the wine glass and tasted it slowly, no longer looked at the outside.

So everyone confirmed what he meant, not to scare people, but to really kill!

The two men were immediately pushed to the flower garden, two cold lights, their hands fell with their swords, the blood spewed out into the bushes, and the flowers that had been torn by the blood swayed and tickled in the blood, and the two good heads had landed.

Linghuqiu and Feng Entai looked at each other speechlessly, and thought they were really hostages, but they both wanted their heads, and they could n’t even resist, they stayed, they died. So simple!

What I said before would frighten the guardian mage of the capital, and he did n’t fight at all. Niu Youdao easily removed the heads of the two in a few words.

Linghuqiu and Feng Entai today were able to teach this trouble-free hot hand, really a murderous and non-winking guy, and his hands did not touch blood.

Also has a new understanding of Niu Youdao. Looking at his young age, he seems to have some **** hands on his hands.

Through this matter, I feel inexplicable, Niu Youdao seems to have no good intentions, who dares to provoke him, will not be polite, is to kill!

Linghuqiu glanced at the scene outside, and reminded him lightly: "Brother, you killed them both. How can I explain to Xuan Zichun tomorrow?"

"I have no grievances with them, but they came to trouble me. If you dare to do it, you must be prepared." Niu Youdao invited him to raise a glass and smiled and asked, "Do you need an explanation?"

Black Peony glanced at Niu Youdao more quietly, and was shocked invisible!

Duan Hu sent away Xuan Zichun, and came back to see the scene of cleaning up the corpse at the scene.

Linghu Qiu and Feng Entai shook their heads at each other and smiled bitterly.

"Don't read it." Niu Youdao didn't answer the post, but picked up the challenge book on the table to Duan Hu. "I didn't have the leisurely to deal with them. I took this challenge book to the door to block the guests. They, I have promised that Xuanzi Chun will fight tomorrow at Beishan Waterfall Tower outside the city. If I want to challenge again, I will talk to Xuan Zichun once, let them do not worry, come one by one! "

"Yes!" Duan Hu responded and took away Xuan Zichun's challenge book.

Feng Entai asked: "Do you really want to fight one by one?"

Niu Youdao said: "As long as someone challenges."

Feng Entai: "Do you still have time to worry about the horse?"

Niu Youdao said: "Every mountain opens the road and meets the water to build a bridge. The problems are solved one by one, and the anxiety does not come."

Linghuqiu was speechless and walked slowly along the way. Now he still has the leisure to deal with the challenges one by one. Does this man come to fight the horse? I can't figure out what this guy wants to do, but this is a very tight-sucked person. I don't want to say anything.

Feng Entai was also puzzled, looked around, and asked, "Is there still a place to live? If there is, leave me a place."

Tianyumen sent a message to him there, saying that this cow is good and still a little tolerant. It is about Tianyumen looking at the interests of the entire Nanzhou.

As a result, he couldn't wait for the left, he couldn't wait for the right, and finally he couldn't understand. He wanted to stay and see what the **** this guy was doing.

"Yes." Niu Youdao smiled at Black Peony: "You help Brother Feng arrange it."

For him, he is unfamiliar, and it is not a bad thing to have more masters around him to consolidate.

"Yes!" Black Peony should be down ...

Unexpectedly, there were challengers who came to the door one after another. Here, Xuan Zichun was used as an excuse to quit, and the news spread immediately in the circle of monks in Beijing, causing an uproar.

"I heard that, the cow has accepted the challenge as soon as he came, and he will be fighting at Beishan Feitaitai outside the city tomorrow morning."

"I know, Xuan Zichun, that woman I know. When I wanted to take refuge in a general palace, I was embarrassed by the monks of the general palace."

"As soon as I heard the news, I ran to the challenge book for the first time. Who knows that I was one step late, and this woman took the lead."

"I said that you are sure that the cow has a good way to provoke? That guy can kill the envoys of the Yan Kingdom in a group of monks, and he can kill Zhuo Chao, can he deal so well?"

"Who has heard that he is good at using force? Ghost only believes that he can kill Zhuo Chao, and there must be another reason."

"If he didn't kill Zhuo Chao, no one would look for him, and he wouldn't build a foundation period. This kind of opportunity is rare. Who wouldn't want to try it?"

"That Xuan Zichun was afraid to hide from it today, otherwise someone might think that she was blocking the road and would have to get rid of her."

"One stop to the prosperous area of ​​Beijing, who would dare to mess around in Beijing? But it will certainly be possible to avoid the wind."

"I said you guys, what if that Xuan Zichun defeated Niu Youdao? Are you afraid of turning back and challenging her?"

"Fart, killing the swallows is Niu Youdao, and killing Zhuo Chao is also Niu Youdao. Is it possible to defeat Niu Youdao and defeat Xuan Zichun, indirectly and directly? Besides, Niu Youdao is the foundation period, Xuanzi Spring is the golden age. Which one do you think is the best? Is n’t it just bullying Niu Youdao Xiu who is not high enough to be challenged? "

"I still think that Niu Youdao is not so easy to deal with. If you don't believe it, look at it tomorrow."

A hilly area in the city, there is a restaurant on the mountainside, the road is not easy to walk, most of the visitors are monks, here is also a place for monks in Beijing to gather and exchange, and there is a lot of discussion at this time.

Among the white clouds, Qin Mian came from the depths of the Hualou, came to the quiet place of the backyard, and quickly entered Su Zhao's boudoir.

The steam in the tub was hot, Su Zhao was taking a bath, Qin Mian closed the door and smiled: "Dongjia, as expected, someone went to challenge Niu Youdao."

Su Zhao turned around and asked, "Did he fight?"

Qin Mian chuckled and said: "It's time for the challenge, our people have been staring over there. The first one who came to the door to challenge the book, Niu Youdao took it. Some people were going to challenge it later, and Niu Youdao was over there. I got back, one by one! "

Su Zhao was quite excited, turned to look at her, and asked, "How strong is the challenger?"

Qin Mian pondered a little, "It is a loose cultivation called Xuan Zichun. The cultivation is not weak. There is a cultivation practice in the Jindan period. As for the strength, it is considered to be partial, and there is not much strength."

Su Zhao smiled, "It seems that there are still a lot of people who want to borrow from the cow to have Daoguang. It doesn't matter if their strength is not right. Isn't anyone else catching up?"

Qin Mian: "Dongjia, how do I feel that this cow has a certain way of doing something wrong? As soon as someone came to the door to challenge him, he agreed, did he agree to be too happy? Did he send a message to Shao Gongzi and see what he said about it? ? "

Su Zhao raised her wet wet body, rubbed her arm and waved her hand ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ We did not directly participate in this matter, it has nothing to do with us, there will be nothing, don't tell him, otherwise he will probably stop , A little thing does not need him to bother. Besides, when Golden Wings travels back and forth to Beizhou, the winners and losers have already seen the outcome and see the results. Let ’s watch the changes tomorrow. You arrange it, and I will check it out tomorrow, just by the way to see what the cow is like. "

At night, the palace is vast and deep.

In some pavilions and pavilions, or in dark places, there are many monks eagles looking at wolves, guarding against and guarding the tranquility of the palace.

In the bright place, sometimes a team of soldiers wearing armor and armed with knives and guns patrolled the shuttle, guarding heavily.

In a brightly lit courtyard, a young woman, dressed in nomadic costumes, with a sword in her hand, flicked her pigtails and rushed out of the house.

Behind a woman chased behind shouting: "Princess, princess, you can not go out!"

A woman in plain clothes, flashing in shape, blocked the door, and shouted a little: "Princess, so late, where do you want to go?"

The skin is white and porcelain is delicate, the starry eyes are clear, the bright and dazzling young woman is very beautiful and charming, the noble middle has a slightly enchanting charm, the fluttering lips are pursed, the chin lifted proudly, "San Niang, you are honest Tell me, is something interesting happening outside the palace, are you deliberately hiding me? "

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