Heavenly Genius

Chapter 299: What do you mean?

Black Peony took a closer look. It was true that even the inner house where no outsiders were allowed to enter was drawn on the map. The path was also clearly marked, and we could n’t help but wonder: “The inner house among the white clouds is spent to play Can people go in and shop? "

Niu Youdao shook his head, and it was unclear how Yuan Gang got it.

"What does it mean that these places are marked with phantoms?" Black Peony reached out and pointed at several locations on the map.

Niu Youdao put down the map and took another piece of paper full of words to view.

The words on it are strange. Black Peony can't understand it, but Niu Youdao knew it by hand at a glance, because it was a simplified Chinese character familiar to both.

The above content shows that Yuan Gang has contacted Su Zhao and went to Baiyunjian to check it out.

This white cloud room is not as simple as it appears on the surface. There are people staring secretly in the inner house, and some people seem to be not easy. Yuan Gang took some small movement tests and suspected that there were many monks in the inner house. From the perspective of some hearing and movement reactions during the test, Yuan Gang suspected that Su Zhao and Qin Mian were both monks.

It is doubtful whether Su Zhao's relationship with the King of the Western Academy is rumored!

Also, a certain amount of gold wings should be stored in a courtyard of the inner house. It's understandable to raise a few gold wings to communicate, and raising a bunch is doubtful. Although Yuan Gang did not see it with his own eyes, Yuan Gang was responsible for the news processing affairs of Wuliang Mountain in Qingshan County. He had been exposed to a lot of gold wings, and he could make a rough judgment when he heard the movement.

The gold wings raised in Wuliang Mountain also responded strongly to Yuan Gang at first. After getting used to it, they knew that there was no harm and nothing happened. The gold wings raised in Baiyun were obviously not used to Yuan Gang approaching.

Based on various details and signs, Yuan Gang's judgment is that the interior of Baiyunjian is more like a secret stronghold.

Of course, Yuan Gang also said that this was his initial suspicion and could not be sure.

As for the situation of Su Zhao, the first contact is not good enough to explore too much, Yuan Gang means that it takes time to come in contact slowly, he will slowly find a way.

The location of the phantom pictured on the drawing was exactly where Yuan Gang could not reach, to be precise, a place where he could not be approached between the white clouds, and there was a place for storing gold wings.

Yuan Gang said that Su Zhao's appearance had been clearly recorded, but he didn't have such a good painting technique, and he didn't have such a man by his side, so he couldn't draw with memory.

Yuan Gang means when he met with Niu Youdao. He came to dictate and Niu Youdao painted.

Finally, Yuan Gang reminded him that there were many unidentified people walking back and forth around the place where Niu Youdao lived, and asked him if there was anything wrong with him.

Yuan Gang did not know what happened. Some things seemed to be moving, but except for some people with status, ordinary laymen would not easily know this, and they would not spread it. Hu Yanwei, who is prone to inquiring about the news, was also banned, otherwise she might be able to know something.

Niu Youdao didn't want him to know about it, and he didn't want him to intervene.

Comparing the contents of the letter and looking at the map for a while, Niu Youdao squinted, "Monk ... may be a monk ..."

After the things were put down, Niu Youdao wandered back and forth and pondered. If it was really like Yuan Gang's suspicion, Su Zhao was a monk, then the relationship between Su Zhao and the king of the Western Court was really doubtful. There is nothing wrong with the status of a female monk forbidden, but to get a female monk to do forbidden is not to say, and let the female monk to run the blue building, it is somewhat unreasonable.

Black Peony couldn't understand the content of the letter, but heard Niu Youdao's whisper, and tried to remind him, "The rules of the pavilion, monks are not allowed to do business in the dunya."

Niu Youdao replied casually, "If it is the property of the king of the Western Court, they just said it to the Master Hu."

"If there is a monk guard, how can Lord Ye enter the interior of the Baiyun room? It can still be so detailed." Black Peony is still curious. The mortal Yuan Gang, in her view, is full of incredible.

Niu Youdao shook his head and didn't return. He was thinking about what Yuan Gang said he would meet with him. His current situation is staring at so many people. How could he meet Yuan Gang.

Just then, Gongsun Bu appeared at the door, "Dao Ye!"

Niu Youdao turned around and called him in.

Gongsun Buxun reports: "Dao Ye, over the island, the gathered large ships have reached almost three hundred! This is just a modified empty ship, and some large ships have come one after another. These draughts are deep and seem to be full. Cargo ships are gathered and docked, there is no intention of transformation. "

"It's really generous. It seems that the number is far beyond my imagination. The people who operate this matter are really able to bear it! They can get so many war horses out." Niu Youdao said, he repeatedly said: "Remember , Do n’t need them to do anything, just stare, do n’t fight the grass! ”

"Yes!" Gongsun cloth led away.

Niu Youdao walked to the table and showed the map between the white clouds again, deepened his mind, and then burned the two things together.

Looking at the fire in the basin, he muttered in his mouth, "Why hasn't the news of the Tianyu Gate yet arrived?"

Waiting for the news and waiting, he was a little worried, and Linghuqiu was right to remind that the emperor would not let him continue to consume like this. If he dragged on like this, once the emperor got the shot again, his situation would be dangerous.

This time, he feels that he is really unable to do it by the emperor. The level of hands is different. When the emperor starts, the derived force is the power, and the pressure is on the people. Under the general situation, you ca n’t avoid it. .

There was one thing he probably knew. The emperor should have learned from the mouth of Pei Niangzi and others that he was humiliated by Chu Anlou. He knew that his relationship with Bingxue Pavilion was not as misleading as it was otherwise. He will be a little daunted, and dare not do this to him.

Black Peony: "I'll ask again."

Niu Youdao waved his hand and said, "No, just stare at Feng Entai and they will do. I will wait at most two days. If the news doesn't come yet, then I can only seek to protect myself first."

Black Peony looked out of the door. "So many people are staring outside, so many people want to get something. Why have you waited two or three days, but no one has come to the door to ask for it?"

Someone was sent out here to test the water, and they were arrested and searched as soon as they left the city. They confirmed that they didn't bring anything with them and put it back. Facts proved that they were indeed stared to death.

Niu Youdao sneered, "Sure? Do you still not understand? No one dared to ask for this thing. It can only be looted secretly. Who dares to take the thing, and it will become the target of everyone, and everyone knows it well. , Even if it is a person who has entered this door, they have to be searched for the sky. "

He just sat back on the recliner and lay down for a while. There was a rush of footsteps outside, and Feng Entai's voice came from afar, "Brother, Brother Niu!"

Niu Youdao Huo Ran got up and saw that Feng Entai led two disciples in a stride. Ling Huqiu also followed behind, presumably staring at Feng Entai.

As soon as Feng Entai started, he grabbed Niu Youdao's arm and said, "Brother, the news from Shimen is here."

Niu Youdao Li asked: "How can there be a decision?"

"A decision has been made!" Feng Entai nodded and shook his head bitterly, "It's inevitable to criticize me for a while."

Niu Youdao said: "It's okay to scold you. If you change me, you must expel you from the teacher."

Feng Entai: "You guy ..."

Niu Youdao pushed his pointing hand away and pressed it down, "Old Feng, stop talking nonsense, and then drag on the emperor's impatience. It will kill you. People can always find a reason to blast us from here. Go out, or even drive us out of the city, then we will have fun. Let ’s talk about the situation, what does Tianyumen mean? "

Feng Entai: "The mentor's meaning is very simple. It's too long to catch. Tianyumen's forces can't take care of this. The master directly ordered to abandon. One out of the 100,000 war horses' leaving papers will not be left. OK, in short, let outsiders know that things have been transferred and are no longer in our hands. "

Niu Youdao teased: "Don't you still want to sell money? Going around, hanging for so long, dare to love what I said!"

Feng Entai bowed his hand to beg for mercy, "Brother, I'm wrong, I don't want to make fun of it anymore, business!" He grabbed Niu Youdao's hand and patted the back of his hand. "The business matters! As you said, wait again Going down, the emperor is afraid that he will blow us out of the city and will die! "

Linghu Qiu was relieved, "It should have been done already."

Feng Entai turned back, "Brother Linghu, my difficulty, you also have to understand, the outbound official of 100,000 war horses ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Without the permission of the master, I dare to throw it away? Can afford this responsibility! "

"Fortunately, Tianyumen is still wise and has no desire to smoke heart." Ling Huqiu whined, and brushed his hands, "Hurry up and deal with it!"

Niu Youdao immediately turned back and nodded at the black peony. The black peony went to the back, took out the ten pieces of Wenwen Die, and gave it to Niu Youdao.

Niu Youdao took something a little, grabbed Feng Entai's hand, and slapped him in the palm of his hand. "A lot of them, you check it again."

"No need to check!" Feng Entai pushed back again. "You can handle it, brother."

Niu Youdao: "If you come less, I won't find anything wrong."

Feng Entai pushed back, "Not what I meant, but what the teacher meant."

Niu Youdao glared: "You make it clear, what do you mean?"

Feng Entai waved a hand, took a piece of paper from a disciple, and handed it to Niu Youdao, "The secret letter just translated, the meaning of Tianyumen is correct, all in it, I did n’t do it. It ’s just a word concealed, and the younger brother will know after reading it. "

Niu Youdao immediately took the letter to read, the darker his face became.

Ling Huqiu also hurriedly came close and stretched his head to check.

In the beginning of the letter, Feng Entai was really scolded, saying that he would wait for the matter of Qi State to settle before disposing of Feng Entai.

The following content is interesting. Tianyumen asked Feng Entai to hand over the matter to Niu Youdao. No matter whether Feng Entai signed a contract or not, he ordered Feng Entai to let Niu Youdao be handed over and destroyed, Tianyumen has to completely clarify the relationship with this matter, no matter how the matter is finally dealt with, let Niu Youdao and the three factions resist.

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