Heavenly Genius

Chapter 321: Water is clear without fish

At this moment, Linghu Qiuyue realized the intention of the other party, and she felt anxious in a moment. Once something was involved, it was a big trouble. Back: "Mr. Wei, I don't know this."

Wei Chu: "Brother Linghu, you understand people, you should know who I am talking about today. I don't know if you are fooling me. It really doesn't make much sense, and it's not good for you."

Ling Huqiu smiled bitterly, of course he knew who the other party represented, otherwise he would not worry, who would pay attention to this kind of problem?

"Mr. Wei, I'm not fooling, but I really don't know."

Wei Chu's face was dull, "If I remember correctly, you and Niu have the right to be brothers?"

Ling Huqiu said helplessly: "This is the case, but I really don't know what they are talking about."

Wei Chu: "As far as I know, Niu Youdao is now surrounded by two or three of you. It is inevitable that you will be there when you come and go. You are his sworn brother, he can avoid you and you can't know what you talked about. ? "

Worship brother? Linghuqiu really has a bitter words. How can he worship himself know the truth, but he is not easy to explain to the outside world, can he be said that he worshipped by hypocrisy?

He never advertised that he and Niu Youdao were brothers, but he couldn't bear to say that Niu Youdao wanted to whisper to the outside world.

Ling Huqiu sighed: "Mr. Wei, it's not what you think. I told you the truth. I wanted to listen to it, but there was no chance of it. When the Chief Executive arrived, the people under the General Manager would immediately The place for conversation was isolated, no one was allowed to approach, only the general manager and Niu Youdao were inside the house. The same was true when the princess visited at night, even more secretly, wearing a black cloak without revealing her face, and closed the door If it ’s not afterwards that Niu Youdao said it was Princess Jade, I do n’t even know who came. ”

Wei Chu: "Aren't you curious about what they talked about and didn't ask afterwards?"

Ling Huqiu: "Mr. Wei was right, I did inquire, but Niu Youdao didn't tell me at all."

"Hum!" Wei Chui suddenly sneered, and his eyes were cold, staring at Linghuqiu opposite, staring at Linghuqiu uncomfortably.

Ling Huqiu had to explain, "The words and sentences below are true, and there is no concealment."

Wei Chu: "Did I hear it wrong? Who said just now that if Niu Youdao said afterwards that it was Princess Jade, even the person who came was unknown. Now he told me what he said did not tell you at all. Linghuqiu, Do you think I ’m stupid, or do I think I ’m stupid? It ’s okay to think I ’m stupid, but I have to advise that some jokes are unreasonable and will die! In Qijing, there are people who want you not to see tomorrow The sun, then you will definitely not see it, no need to doubt. "

Ling Huqiu was a little annoyed in his heart, and was going to look back to ask what this man was. He dared to speak so arrogantly. Really the person in Xiaoyuege couldn't be a vegetarian?

However, this matter is really not easy to explain. What he said was clearly the truth, but the other party just didn't believe it. What can he do?

The problem is that this matter is contradictory even if he thinks about it himself, but Niu Youdao said that the **** actually did it this way, and he only said who the person was, but the real key issue was that he didn't reveal a word to him. To whom did he call injustice?

After pondering a bit, Linghuqiu replied: "Mr. Wei, Niu Youdao just told me who the person is coming. As for what I talked about, I do n’t know what the secret is. I revealed. "

Hearing this, Wei Chuyue wanted to know what the secret was, Shen said, "Ling Huqiu, I will remind you again that some words can't be arbitrarily talked about. If I look back, what I learned does not match what you said. You cannot afford the consequences! "

Ling Huqiu: "I have absolutely nothing to say. In fact, I also want to know what they talked about. Mr. Wei, it is better to do this. I will take you to see Niu Youdao. You can ask him in person, and I can face you to let you know. I have no falsehood, how? "

He had to quickly push the scourge away. He had no reason to help Niu Youdao carry this matter. It was not fun to get involved in some disputes. As the other party said, it would be dead.

Wei Chu was silent and served tea slowly.

Why didn't he go to see Niu Youdao directly, just wanted to avoid direct contact as much as possible.

But thinking about that person's confession, and the feeling that he couldn't wait to get informed, he hesitated again and again, put down the teacup and got up and said, "Let's go!"

Ling Huqiu immediately got up and reached out, "Please!"

Red whisk immediately went to open the door.

Not long after the three of them went out into the yard, Guan Fangyi appeared in a hurry, smiling with a smile: "The two distinguished guests have talked?"

"Prepare a carriage, keep it secret ..." Wei Chui ordered.

When Guan Fangyi ordered someone to arrange, Linghuqiu approached her and whispered: "Dare you pit me?"

Guan Fangyi gave him a glance, "It's not me who pits you, you also know the background of the other party. The forces behind others are not what I can provoke. If I still want to mix up in this capital, I have to listen without listening. People find me. , I have no way to refuse, and I have no choice. Besides, if someone wants to find you, did you hide? I do n’t do it, naturally someone will do it, and you ca n’t avoid it. What ’s more, is n’t it good? What's the matter, why did I pit you? "

Ling Huqiu sneered, but what he talked about was inconvenient and he could only say: "I have written down this account!"

Guan Fangyi slapped on the back of his hand, "Is it stingy, is it interesting? Yes, I admit, I received a thousand gold coins, can't you divide half?"

"Leave your money to raise a man." Ling Huqiu dismissed and turned away.

Later, when the carriage came, Wei Chu and Ling Huqiu and others got into the carriage and walked away.

"Ah!" Guan Fangyi watched sighed.

It is okay to do general matchmaking business. She is most afraid of encountering such a powerful background and intervening. If she is not careful, she may ignite her upper body. However, once this kind of thing comes to you, you cannot refuse.

It didn't take long for the carriage to go, and she just turned around and didn't go far. A young guy quickly reported, "Sister Hong, there is business."

"You just entertained." Guan Fangyi waved his hand in a low mood.

The young man said: "Guests will see you by name."

Guan Fangyi stepped onto Xiaoqiao and sighed, "Please go to the living room."

"Yes!" The lad left quickly.

When the guests arrived, Guan Fangyi also came to the living room, and his face had changed to a smile that was close to him.

Bright eyes glanced at the three expressionless men sitting in the living room, Guan Fangyi smiled and said: "Let the three wait for a long time."

After sitting down, he asked: "I don't know what the three distinguished guests need me to serve."

As the first man pointed to the others in the hall, "please avoid them."

Guan Fangyi said with a smile: "No, there is something that still needs them to run errands. They are all credible people, but a few are relieved."

A token appeared in the man's sleeve, only lit up towards her, and reminded him, "I am also for you!"

I saw a gloomy eagle engraved on the token, a pair of eagle eyes terrifying, Guan Fangyi's pupils shrank suddenly, and I felt a little stunned, school desk!

After the man let her see the token, he took it away and concealed the token in his sleeve quickly.

Guan Fangyi showed a far-fetched smile on his face, and waved to several buddies in the hall. "Okay, there is nothing about you here."

A few guys looked at each other and turned around.

The three men stood up, and Guan Fangyi quickly stood up, "I don't know what the three adults told me?"

The first man paced to her and asked, expressionless: "Wei Chu saw Linghuqiu here, what did he talk about?"

Guan Fangyi lamented in her heart, afraid of what came, so troubled to find the door so quickly, said with a bitter smile: "Master, you are really embarrassing me, they talk in a separate quiet room, there are their outside People are guarding, I can't get close at all, how can I know what they talked about. "

The man said one by one: "If you think about it clearly, then you can talk back and think about it."

Guan Fangyi oh said: "Adult, I don't have a thousand miles, I really don't know what they talked about."

The man said calmly: "Do you want me to dig out the copper pipe you buried, so that people who have talked to you intimately know what you have done, and you are willing to say it?"

Suddenly ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Guan Fangyi's face changed greatly, pale and frightened. I don't know why the other party would know such a secret. This matter is not even known to her people.

The man continued: "We will not find you for no reason, are you going to hide or tell you honestly?"

Guan Fangyi swallowed dryly and said nervously: "How do you know?"

The man said: "You have been doing this job in Beijing for so many years, I really think that everyone can let it go or not? You have turned this Fufang Garden a few times, and we are clear about what is stupid. The water is clear and clear No fish, no move, you have no reason to move you, we let you do your business with peace of mind, should n’t you cooperate with us? "

Guan Fangyi said bitterly on his face: "I did this without any evil intentions or thought of who was going to kill it, but I didn't want to be a fisherman. I just wanted to have a handle in my hand that day to protect myself. Please also ask an adult Mingjian! "

The man said: "Your own business, how do you want to do it, that is your own business, this is not my concern, I just want to know what I want to know, what did they talk about?"

"Actually, I didn't talk about anything. Wei Chu found me and asked me to invite Ling Huqiu to come over. I didn't know why at first. Later, after hearing their secret talk, Wei Chu wanted to know the Chief Executive and Princess Jade yesterday. Go talk to Niu Youdao and talk about something ... "Guan Fangyi honestly told what he knew.

After asking the situation, the three men turned around and left without making any stops.

The dumbfounded Guan Fangyi at the door slowly receded, and finally fell on the chair with a buttocks, a miserable look. Today it is known that it is an illusion that he thinks he can be like a fish in this capital. Life gate, she just disdain not to move.

Thinking of some past events, I couldn't help but shivered. Fortunately, some things didn't take part in my own, otherwise I was afraid that it would have been a dead place ...

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