Heavenly Genius

Chapter 329: Start first

Hearing what she said was so serious, Niu Youdao seemed to have unbelief, hesitantly said: "I look at Qi Huang, quite ambitious, not an indecisive person. If he knows the nature of this son, will he indulge?"

"It's not pampering!" Guan Fangyi sighed: "You don't know, the battles of the thrones in the past are full of blood, and Haoyuntu is no exception. At that time, the first emperor collapsed, and the prince directly launched a life and death. Fighting, I was in Qijing at that time, and the whole Qijing was bloody. The Haoyun figure was invincible, surrounded by heavy soldiers, and under an arrow rain, Jin Wang Haoqi ’s mother-in-law blocked Hao Yuntu and saved Hao Yuntu. One life. Bu Xun persuaded the three major factions to maintain neutrality and obtained the support of the three major factions. When he was rushed to bring first aid to the rescue, the king ’s mother had been shot into a hedgehog by chaotic arrows. The woman's body turned over, the woman's blood was stained with Hao Yuntu, and Hao Yuntu held the woman and cried in the dead. At that time, if the woman had to fight to save her life, how could there be today's Haoyuntu. , How to choose, Haoyuntu is also a dilemma! "

Niu Youdao didn't expect such a past, and asked: "Did he dare to step in the direction of the Chief Executive Officer?"

Guan Fangyi was startled and said, "So, I advise you not to go back to Qingshan County. If there is anything to go back in that poor mountain nest, just stay here in Beijing. You have to find a way to rely on it. Those who can influence the king of the king can not dare to offend before the position of the crown prince is determined. But if it is out of this capital, it is difficult to say, the control of the school desk is definitely not as tight as in this capital. , Even if someone strikes you, who can prove that it is the king of gold? "

Niu Youdao: "As you say, I can't leave Qijing all my life?"

Guan Fangyi: "What does it matter? I haven't been out of the city for many years. What's the matter for the following people to do?"

Niu Youdao: "If I am a waste that has been nestled in this city, do you think I can still get the support of Bu Xun?"

"..." Guan Fangyi said, the other party's words were not unreasonable.

In fact, she did not know the real relationship between Niu Youdao and Bu Xun.

Niu Youdao asked again: "Can the Golden King mobilize the three big factions?"

Guan Fangyi pondered for a while, "Mobility must be able to be mobilized, but depending on what is going on, and the things he did with his son, the three majors will certainly not listen to him. You have the support of stepping up and mobilize the three majors. It should be impossible to send someone to deal with you. "

Niu Youdao: "Which other force's monk is under the King of Kings?"

Guan Fangyi: "As a prince, he did not dare to develop his influence in the spiritual world blatantly. The first of the three major schools will not condone. On the bright side are the three major schools, and in the dark is Wei except."

Niu Youdao: "Which force is Wei Chu?"

Guan Fangyi: "Wei Chuben was a casual practitioner, not to mention anyone from other forces, but he was able to use the influence of the golden queen to cultivate his influence in the spiritual world, and vice versa. To serve the Golden King, the people with whom you interact are very complicated. "

"That is to say, if you want to deal with me, there are ten or nine out of ten Wei?" Niu Youdao asked.

"Let's stay!" Guan Fangyi nodded. "This Wei is very exclusive, in order to maintain his influence on the Golden King, everyone who intends to paste the Golden King is removed by him. But in It seems to me that this person will die of death sooner or later. "

Linghuqiu screamed and asked, "How do you say it?"

Guan Fangyi: "The reason is very simple. If the Golden King can gain the upper hand, the people of the three major factions will not allow other forces to influence and control the existence of the Golden King. Otherwise, it will affect the interests of the three major factions. The King of Gold ca n’t take the position, and other high-ranking people must also cut off the wings of the King of Gold. This Wei Chu is also the first to bear the brunt. Therefore, Wei Chu ’s final destiny is almost doomed, and he ca n’t live without the King of King. It is tantamount to drinking thirst to quench thirst, and the only vigor depends on whether he can escape when the disaster strikes! "

At this moment, a maid came and asked Fang Yi to go to dinner.

Guan Fangyi looked obliquely at the cow, and Yin and Yang said a strange way: "Do you want me to serve you for dinner?"

"I'm afraid of being poisoned by you!" Niu Youdao teased and waved her away.

After watching him leave, Niu Youdao said with a smile, "Second brother, this matchmaker is more competent than you, a broker, and knows more than you."

Ling Huqiu smiled bitterly: "Can it be compared? She stayed here in Beijing for decades. If she knew less than me, she would have been in vain these years."

Niu Youdao turned around, "Second Brother, what do you think of Wei Wei?"

Linghuqiu listened to what he said, "What do you mean?"

Niu Youdao stood up and faced him face-to-face, "I want to ask my second brother to do me a favor!"

Ling Huqiu wondered: "What are you busy with?"

Niu Youdao said one by one: "Be the first to be strong!"

"..." Linghuqiu was speechless and looked at Hong Fu around him, and hesitated again: "Do you want to get rid of Wei Chu?"

Niu Youdao nodded slightly, "How's your second brother?"

Linghuqiu said solemnly: "This man is not easy to move! He must have taken advantage of the golden king's palace, and his men must have won a lot of good players. It ’s not even easy to find him to protect you. "

Niu Youdao said: "If I want to leave this place smoothly, I must create some troubles for the Golden King Mansion, so that the Golden King Mansion can't take care of me. It's a good way to eliminate Wei. In addition to holding the hidden power of the Golden King, Wei Chuyi died, and it was difficult for the Golden King to reticulate the manpower for me at a time, and there was enough time for me to get out. "

Ling Huqiu couldn't help crying, "I don't want to help you. Where can I get this ability? Don't talk about me, there are a few people in the Golden Kingdom who dare to move in this country? Especially the heart of the Golden King."

"Second brother knows a lot of people, think of ways, always find the right person to start, if you need to spend money, this I will find a way." Speaking of which, Niu Youdao looked at Chen Chen sincerely: "Second brother , The matter has come to this point, I have no choice, this matter is related to my life and death, hope that the second brother will not quit! "

Ling Huqiu did not agree, nor refused, only to let him think about it, to say that reckless promises were irresponsible to him.

After watching Niu Youdao leave, Ling Huqiu shouted long and short, and the red brush beside him also knew that he was embarrassed.

At that moment, Red Sleeve came and offered a piece of paper, whispering: "We are back in the case of Wei Chu."

Linghuqiu took it, and after watching it, handed it to Hongfu and sighed, "It's similar to what Guan Fangyi said, more detailed."

Red Whisper saw the paper rubbed into fly ash in his hands.

Linghuqiu, who witnessed it, sighed again: "Oh, I wanted to throw this pot to Niu Niosan, and now Niu Nisan is thrown back to me."

Red sleeves surprised: "What's the situation?"

"He asked Mr. Wei to kill ..." Hong Fu explained the general situation just now.

The red-sleeved expression sighed, "Is King Jin's confidant so active?"

Linghu Qiu narrowed his eyes and said: "From the current situation, this Wei Chu is not incapable of killing, killing him, the three major factions are unlikely to avenge him, and there is no power behind him, but he has to do God does not know the ghost, otherwise the consequences will be very serious. Cutting off an arm of the Golden King is not a trivial matter, it will change the pattern of Qi Guochaotang, and I wonder if it will involve the secret arrangement above, and this is not something we can do at all. Success can only be done from above, I am afraid that the above may not necessarily agree to do such a thing, moving the son of the emperor, there is a risk! "

Red sleeves: "What about then?"

"I'm also embarrassed. If I don't do this, it's even harder to trust Niu Niusan!" Ling Huqiu sighed and turned back: "It's hard for me to call the shots. I will send a message to the top and let the top respond as soon as possible!"

A secret room with dim lights.

A long case in an empty and dense room, two seats, a candle, and the flames were still.

The well-dressed and calm-looking Jade Wang Haohong sat quietly, staring at the candle on the side of the table. As the old monk entered, the candle had burned more than half.

Suddenly, the airflow from nowhere made the candlelight sway, and Haohong turned his head to the corner of the side.

Hum! The wall moved and flipped over, and a man in a black cloak came in.

Hao Hong stood up, and the person came to the other side and opened the cover of the cover, revealing a lean man with a goatee face, it was Wei Chu.

"Uncle!" Hao Hong bowed his hand.

"Your lord please sit down!" Wei Chui reached out and gestured. After the two of them sat down, Wei Chui asked again: "There is not much time. To make a long story short, the princess ran to see Niu Youdao. What's the matter?"

Hao Hongdao: "It means the father and emperor. I want to use Shang Xue's influence on his father and Niu Youdao's influence on the Shang dynasty to promote peace for both parties!"

"Huh?" Wei Chu couldn't help but strangely.

Hao Hong asked: "Why is Uncle Surprised?"

Wei Chuan twisted his beard and said: "Dare to love Niu Youdao's words is true ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ didn't hide me ... It seems that I really don't want to offend the Golden King ... but the Golden King doesn't want to let him go."

Haohong blinked, "Is it right for the boss to kill the cow?"

Wei Chu nodded.

"Aren't you letting your uncle do it again? The relationship between Niu Youdao and Bu Xun is unclear before it's clear. It doesn't seem to be easy for Niu Youdao to deal with."

"It's a good thing for you to succeed or not. The more he makes mistakes, the more beneficial it will be to you. Isn't my side with him all these years to encourage his bad temper? I'm gradually pushing him up here Dead end, and then use his hands to suppress other princes, you can just calm down and be your king. Alas, he also blessed his mother, otherwise he would have overturned him, and now it can only be done slowly. Your father is getting tired of him gradually. By the way, what is the step to find Niu Youdao? How can the pacification make Bu Xun and the princess take turns to find Niu Youdao? "

"I don't know about this. Bu Xun didn't say it. I don't have much to ask."

Wei Chu frowned for a while, didn't understand, then got up and said, "Then let's go! I'll go back first."

Hao Hong followed quickly and said, "Uncle, for so many years, my mother has been thinking and thinking about you. She also quietly mentioned it to me yesterday, wanting to see you, to comfort you!"

Wei Chu waved his hand and said: "Don't see you! You can't meet each other before the big event is completed. You tell your mother that you won't even mention me in the future, just because her brother doesn't exist, the school desk's control of the capital is not you I can understand the depth. Once the wind leaks, your father ’s aversion to the Golden King will be poured on you all these years, and you will be regarded as the culprit. I ca n’t afford the consequences, and your mother ca n’t. , The hard work of these years will be burned, do you understand? "

Hao Hong bowed his hand and respectfully said: "Yes! I wrote it down!"

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