Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 407: Sin and sin

In front of him, his son, who was lightly white and half-haired, in front of him, coughed up blood, and in front of him, son Shao Dengyun leaned on the railing and watched this son slowly shake his head.

Breathing evenly, Shao Pingbo seemed to realize that he shouldn't talk to his father like this and slowed down again.

"Ten thousand steps back said that the Shao family had no way back today, nor could it withdraw, and one step would definitely end the tragedy. Who can let us go? No matter whether it is Yan Kingdom or South Korea, the Shao family should be eradicated! Shao family ruined By the way, father, you should be able to imagine what Liu'er will end up, can those people do nothing and let Liuer go? Did you want to see Liuer become a profanity prostitute in Qingloufang? Father, as long as the Shao family is still there, no one can move Liu'er. As long as the forces behind Liu'er are still there, Hao Zhen will certainly have to treat Liu'er well, even if it is hypocritical. "

"Father, if you listen to me, Liu Er ’s marriage to Hao is really not a bad thing. The son is indeed thinking about her. In the future, even if the Shao family is defeated, Liu Er will become a princess, not to worry about clothing and food, even if he dies. You can also die personally without being blasphemed. "

"Father, there are some things I can't do. I have to say bitterness. I can only say that Liu'er is suffering and shouldn't be born in the Shao family. When his father is Yanchen, if he doesn't betray Yan's country, Liu'er will be clear to you. The same is true today. Once the Shao family collapsed, Liu Er could not escape. From the day she was born in the Shao family, many things were destined to face, not that I was hurting her! "

Shao Dengyun said sadly: "Reason! Excuse! Why don't you ask Liu Er if she is willing? You tell your truth to her, let her choose, and see if she wants you to give it Ronghua Fugui? "

Shao Pingbo: "Liu'er is not familiar with world affairs, and can't make a sensible choice at present. As a family member, it is her responsibility to help her grasp the direction! I'd rather she regret it for a while rather than regret it all her life!"

Shao Dengyun gritted his teeth and said, "Are you going to force her to marry?"

Shao Pingbo shook his head: "My father is at ease. It is all voluntary. I just give her a choice. I will never force her. If she is willing to marry, she will marry. If not, I will never force it!"

This said Shao Dengyun and Yang Shuang were stunned. I wonder if they had heard the wrong words. How could Liu'er's character promise to marry like this? This has been negotiated with Qi Guo, and he can really tolerate such an accident. appear?

Shao Dengyun immediately asked: "Does this really matter?"

Shao Pingbo: "As long as my father agrees to let Liu'er make his own choice and does not interfere with Liu'er's decision, I can promise that my father will never force her!"

"Good!" Shao Dengyun pointed at him, "but you said it yourself."

Shao Pingbo: "Never say anything!"

At this moment, Shao Sanxing, who was waiting outside, came quickly and reported: "Master, grandson, young lady are outside to see."

Shao Dengyun instructed Shao Pingbo, "Come, the person looking for you is here, explain it yourself."

He had been crying for an explanation from his daughter. He didn't know exactly what happened. He couldn't give any explanation. Let her wait for the elder brother to come back and figure it out.

"Cough cough!" Shao Pingbo coughed his fist mouth, and said head tilted: "Please!"

"Yes!" Shao Sanxing left.

After a while, Shao Liu'er came quickly.

It took only a year or two before and after, and it became more and more slim, and it seemed to have matured a lot, and it lacked the innocence that had not grown up.

"Father!" Shao Liu'er only saluted Shao Dengyun, but did not salute his eldest brother, but directly asked: "Brother, there are rumors outside, you will marry me to the king of Qi's continuation, is it right?"

Shao Pingbo touched the handkerchief, wiped the blood stains from his lips, and slowly wiped the Yinhong coughing out of his palm, calmly said: "This is the case. When I went to Qi, it happened to be Hao Zhen's widow, so I will align for you Huang Haoyun plans to ask for a kiss, and Qi Huang has agreed. When I come back from this trip, I am about to inform you of this good news. I do n’t think you ca n’t wait to find it. "

Obtained confirmation from his mouth, Shao Liu'er was cold, and said angrily: "Is the elder brother forget the promise to me?"

Shao Pingbo squinted: "Promise? What promise?"

Shao Liu'er: "Tan Yaoxian! Big Brother promised, you gave Tan Yaoxian three years. You said, as long as he can make a look after three years, you agree that I will marry him, the three-year period has not arrived, Why gossip? "

"Tan Yaoxian?" Shao Pingbo wiped his palm with a handkerchief. "Liu'er, forget that person, he can't come back to find you again."

Shao Liu'er said indignantly: "Why do you say him this way? I promised to wait for him for three years, and the three-year deadline is not reached. I will not marry anyone, and who dares to force me, I will show him death!"

Shao Pingbo: "Don't say three years, even thirty years, he can't come back. The day you eloped, after he left you, I received a message that his useless scholar encountered a bandit, hand The power of the unrestrained chicken has already died under the chaos of the knife, and he can't come back. "

Both Shao Dengyun and Yang Shuang stared at him quickly, and they both realized something.

Shao Liuer scolded: "You bullshit!"

Shao Pingbo: "It's true, but I'm just afraid that you're sad. I didn't tell you at the time."

Shao Liu'er stared at him, as if he wanted to see the truth from his face. After a while, his eyelids jumped, and he seemed to understand something. His face was instantly white, and he said with a trembling voice: "Where are the gangsters? You did it, yes. Are you doing it right? "

Shao Pingbo folded his handkerchief, slowly put it back in his sleeve and looked at her calmly without acknowledging or denying it.

In fact, this is equivalent to admitting, Shao Dengyun turned his eyes closed.

"Ah! I killed you, you beast, Shao Pingbo, I killed you ..."

Shao Liu'er suddenly went crazy, rushed to pinch Shao Pingbo's neck, pinched to the death, wishing to pinch his neck instantly.

Shao Pingbo didn't fight back, let her pinch, and still looked at her quietly, and his sister's eyes, which were almost indifferent to him, also made him distressed.

You can pay attention to the guards of Dachan Mountain in the distance, but you can't let it go. For Dachan Mountain, Shao Liuer's value is incomparable with Shao Pingbo. How could Shao Pingbo die in Shao Liu'er's hands.

The two monks flashed quickly, directly restraining Shao Liuer and dragging it away.

"Shao Pingbo, you must not die ..."

Shao Liu'er, who was dragged away, was still cursing viciously.

"Cough cough ..." Shao Pingbo coughed twice around his neck. After breathing, he said: "Liu'er, whether to marry or marry Qi Guo, you make your own decision, I won't force you." The hand that let go of the neck waved Wave.

"Shao Pingbo ..."

Shao Liu'er, who was dragged away, made a stern cry.

Shao Pingbo, a servant of wind and dust, stood quietly there, with indescribable pain hidden in his eyes.

Shao Dengyun's voice became old, "Now your sister treats you as an enemy, are you satisfied?"

Shao Pingbo turned away from her: "Tan Yaoxian is just a passer-by for her, but a good and bad memory of her old age. A certain experience can't represent a lifetime. She has no worries under the blessing of her father and brother. Before I can go further, I can only understand the feelings of the children who are in love. After she marries Qi, after she has actually experienced some honour and shame, when she has her children, she will understand her needs What, she wo n’t hate me, my elder brother, and will need my elder brother to help her. "

"Later?" Shao Dengyun hehe: "Do you think she might agree to marry Qi State?"

Shao Pingbo replied: "Does she have the ability to avenge her stay at the Shao family? Do you hate me? Will she be willing to marry Qi Guo? My sister, I watched her grow up since I was a child. I know her and she will agree. , She wanted to revenge with the help of Haozhen, so after marrying Haozhen, she would try to please Haozhen, my sister is not vegetarian, she will do well, she will live a good life with Haozhen, father Don't worry that she will cry over there, she will be very sensible. Tonight she will figure it out, and tomorrow, she will find her father, and will show her father that she is willing to marry Qi, hope that his father will keep his promises and don't block . "

Sheep looked at him dumbfounded.

Shao Dengyun also widened his eyes, and finally understood what he meant by not forcing Shao Liu'er. No wonder he dared to raise his relatives to Qi Huang.

Shao Dengyun said: "Now that you know she wants to take revenge, you are not afraid that she will do something that will harm you in Qi country in the future?"

Shao Pingbo turned around, "Hao is not a mediocrity. He knows what he wants, and distinguishes the importance. How can Liu's disorder come, and the world's major events will not allow Liu'er Hu to come. Still that sentence, time After a long time, Liu'er will gradually understand that she will need my elder brother, what hate will there be. If one day, if she has the opportunity to be in the world of Qi Guoqi, she will make the same for her children sooner or later. A similar choice, one by one, Tan Yaoxian, is still important to her? "

"Father, don't worry about this matter. Let Liu's marriage be handled by me. The Shao family has no way out. You can do it for the good, and let me do it for the bad. All sins and sins ~ www. wuxiaspot.com ~ I will take it alone! "Then he turned away.

His son's wings were stiff, and Shao Dengyun found himself unable to hold back, but he couldn't hold back. He said helplessly and sadly: "I remember when you were a kid, smart and obedient, so obedient, why did it become like this?"

Shao Pingbo stopped and remained silent for a while, then asked back to his back: "You asked me many times, why did I become like this, why haven't I ever asked what I experienced?"

Shao Dengyun: "You have been worrying about food and clothing since childhood, why did you make you experience it?"

"Father, that's just what you saw. Since you married Ruan, and Ruan gave birth to her own son, Ruan was dressed well in your face. You can't imagine how much humiliation I have experienced. . "

"That year, you followed the Ning Wang Gujun to save the driver, many people said that you could not come back, Ruan's more harsh, just because Liu Er young ignorance broke a bowl, Liu Er and I were locked in a cold Wet cellar. Liuer is too young to understand anything, just crying, I hugged her, and I was also afraid, because someone threw a lot of mice into the cellar and I blindfolded Liuer for the first time. The child shouted hungry, no one gave us food, do you know how Liu Er and I carried it? The mouse, Ru Mao, who drank blood, survived on the living mouse, and this was the news that you came back. "

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