Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 414: Lobby lobby

Guan Fangyi appeared beside him, "Are you going to war?"

Niu Youdao said: "For Tianyumen's current strength, eating Nanzhou is a bit reluctant, but as long as Nanzhou is won, Tianyumen, a practice school, has entered another level. Yumen ’s most reigning leader in history, unless his successor has greater achievements, it is difficult to deny the merits of Peng Youzai. Nanzhou is afraid that he will be occupied by the descendants of the Peng family for a long time. Taking into account, imperative! And Nanzhou is a necessary springboard for Shang Chaozong to expand its strength and step onto a larger stage. Tianyumen could not bear it, nor could Shang Chaozong. "

Guan Fangyi sighed: "With the flames of war, some people can do what they want, but they don't know how many people are going to destroy their families."

"It's meaningless to lament this in this troubled world. Let's go and have a look." Niu Youdao raised his finger and pointed to the direction of the craftsman's camp. The two went down the mountain together.

Down the mountain, when Yuan Feng and others came to gallop, Niu Youdao reached out and stopped, asking for two horses.

Nowadays, the number of war horses at the hands of the Shang dynasty is generous, and hundreds of horses are left in the mountains for the people here. It is appropriate for Yuan Gang and others to take the initiative to take care of them.

When the two turned their horses, Niu Youdao gave Yuan Dahu and Gu Younian a glance. Since these two old men with missing arms and legs were brought by Yuan Gang, he had never asked anything.

He and Guan Fangyi just found a transportation tool hand in hand, without galloping, riding horses out of the valley without any trouble.

Guan Fangyi's skirt was fluttering, her hand fan was on horseback, her eyes looked left and right, and she was laid-back.

Arriving at the craftsman's camp, the horse threw it to the guards to watch. The two went in and saw that they were loaded with oil and rust-proof bundles of knives and guns, and there were bundles of stacks of armor, which were all loaded and escorted.

The air was filled with the smell of fireworks, and some carpenters were assembling the stone-throwing vehicles used for the siege.

boom! The sudden sound from the back of the mountain attracted the two to see what happened.

When I came to the mountain, I saw a row of siege crossbows arranged. The craftsman was conducting a test. A stainless steel spear was installed in the trough. Several people pulled the pedal together with great effort. As a craftsman waved the mallet and smashed the machine spring, with a bang, the spear screamed out, hitting the painted spot on the stone wall opposite the center.

The gravel fell, and the trembling spear slammed into the stone wall. This power was not small.

Guan Fangyi's eyelids jumped straight, saying: "When the army is fighting, this thing poses the greatest threat to the monks, and the monks with Jindan's behavior can't bear it at all."


Yanjing, the same as the year, is getting richer, whether it is poor or rich, all have to pass this year.

In the mansion of Da Sikong, Zhou Shouxian, the prince of Nanzhou, bowed his head on his knees, his forehead rested on the ground, and sobbed at Da Sikong Tongmo sitting behind the case.

This was because the cart pulled the gift to give the New Year. When it came to sadness, he couldn't help crying.

Tong Mo sighed: "Brother Zhou, not so much, get up quickly."

Zhou Shouxian raised his head, choked, and pointed out the door, "Xiangye, Nanzhou's next five counties, prepared for a long time, a lot of hoarding of grain and sword soldiers, all day long, the sword was sharpened, the arrow was already on the string, and the soldiers were ready to swing north The annexation of Nanzhou, the Xiaguan all day long and trembling, like the thin ice, if the court will not send troops to reinforce, it will be too late to regret! "

There is no way to get here. Before coming here, I went to the palace first and pleaded with the emperor. However, the emperor obviously feared that the war would cause Yan internal chaos and would be taken advantage of by foreign enemies. At that time, the entire Yan Kingdom was in danger and had been in danger. Hesitate.

His daughter is a concubine favored by the emperor. He can become a Nanzhou state animal husbandry, and his daughter has done a lot. However, this time, his daughter repeatedly persuaded the emperor to send troops, which had angered the emperor. For several days, even the emperor's face could not be met.

For him, the current position of Nanzhou State Animal Husband is to put him on the fire.

Tong Mo knew that the situation was critical, but still comforted: "Brother Zhou, it is not as serious as you think. There are Xiaoyao Palace, Zijin Cave, and Lingjian Mountain. Nanxia's next five counties dare not act lightly."

Zhou Shouxian: "If Xu Yizhongli, the three major factions may not be relieved!"

Tong Mo: "You can rest assured that neither me nor your majesty will sit back and watch. I will communicate with the three schools."


Yunshan Wuhai Xiaoyao Palace, looking into the distance, looks like a fairyland.

Down the Miyako Mountain, dozens of rides galloped out of the valley, ran up the official road, and went all the way.

This line is the people who support the two main schools behind Nanzhou, the Zhen Ling Yuan and the Fei Hua Pavilion. The year is approaching, and it is the gate to pay tribute to the Xiaoyao Palace. Jin Wuguang, the head of the Zhen Ling Academy, and Cao Yuer, the head of the Feihua Pavilion, personally led people to come to the confession.

No way, Xiaoyao Palace, Zijin Cave, and Lingjian Mountain are the three largest schools of the entire Yan Kingdom. These three schools are over the Yan Kingdom. The Yan Kingdom is the sphere of influence of these three schools. It is impossible to discuss life within the influence of these three factions and want to sit on one side without the permission of these three factions.

All the martial arts in Yan Kingdom who have been enemies and territories have to pay tribute to the three major factions, otherwise they will have the worry of destroying the door.

This is basically the case not only in the Yan Kingdom, but also in the Seven Kingdoms. There are several such powerful martial arts in each country. They have a place in the Ningxia Pavilion and enjoy the worship of other martial arts in the country.

Some martial arts want to pay tribute to the three major factions not yet qualified, such as Liu Xianzong.

On top of forces similar to the three major factions, it is the Nine Supreme.

The Nineth Supreme Master is truly above all living beings. The Nineth Supreme Master does not accept anyone's offerings and is not subject to anyone's favor, but it controls all the money houses in the world. There is only one money house in the world, called the world money house, which spreads all over the world and crosses the secular and spiritual worlds.

In addition to the world's money houses, no other money houses are allowed in the world.

For example, the gold tickets used in the world are also jointly printed by the Nine Supremes, and no other money tickets are allowed.

The person with the most money in this world is probably the Ninth Supreme Master. There is no way. Others can directly print money and control the currency flow of people in the world.

The places where the practitioners can do business are also under the control of the Nine Supreme ...

When the people who went to Zhenlingyuan and Feihua Pavilion went away, another group of people appeared in the nearby mountain forest. They avoided the Tianyumen disciples who had been hiding for a while.

Peng looked at the direction where the two factions were going, waved his hand, led the disciples under the door into the opposite mountain, and went straight to the Xiaoyao Palace ...

The Yuyu Qionglou, which is covered with flowers and flowers, can be seen from the sea of ​​clouds and mountains.

The two elders of the Xiaoyao Palace accompanied the palace owner Long Xiu. The only guests they met were Peng You, and other Tianyumen disciples were not qualified to come to this place.

It was also because Peng came to make confession again. At this time of the New Year's Day, the heads of the factions came to visit. Long Xiu met as usual and met with the heads of the factions.

Peng put a stack of gold tickets in his hands and put them on the case of two elders sitting side by side, then backed back to sit in the opposite position.

The eyes of Long Xiu and the two elders all fell on the stack of gold tickets. According to the rules, a county would pay 50,000 gold coins.

Fifty thousand said not much, much less said. More or less is for Xiaoyao Palace, fifty thousand gold coins are really nothing. A lot less, because 50,000 gold coins are not too small for the financial resources of a county. After all, each county still has people's livelihood to take care of. If it is dried, where will it be squeezed in the future?

What's more, the local forces and martial arts also have to share the benefits. It can't be said that the Xiaoyao Palace alone swallowed.

What's more, not only the family of Xiaoyao Palace, but also Zijin Cave and Lingjian Mountain, as well as the royal tax, were turned over in each county.

No one can squeeze too much on the counties, otherwise it will not smash their own place in the long run.

There are hundreds of counties in the entire Yan Kingdom, each of which has 50,000 gold coins, and the accumulated amount is reduced to a large amount. Not to mention the other inputs of the Xiaoyao Palace, the fact that each tribute can be used to nourish the past.

Counting it down, the five counties of Tianyumen will offer 250,000 gold coins, and Tianyumen will sell 50,000 more and 300,000 gold coins according to the preaching. However, the thickness of the golden ticket in front of us is far more than 300,000.

After counting, an elder said to Long Xiu: "One million!"

Long Xiu, who has a rather extraordinary temperament, looked at Peng again indifferently. "If there are more than 700,000, Peng's head will explain it."

Peng is here again: "Palace, Tianyumen's intentions, I hope to accept it."

Long Xiu: "Heart? I have heard that Nanzhou's lower five counties are martial soldiers, intending to annex the upper six counties. Before that, the Zhenlingyuan and Feihua Pavilion still condemned Tianyumen for misconduct against this seat. Please let Xiaoyao Palace do justice. The courtyard and the Feihua Pavilion are right. Do you suddenly take out the money and want to buy the Xiaoyao Palace? "

Peng Zai Zai: "The palace's main statement is too heavy. How can millions of gold coins buy the Xiaoyao Palace? If you really do it in the next time, it would be beyond your control. But then again, Tianyumen really has the intention to be the shepherd of the Xiaoyao Palace. , Also hope the palace master will complete. "

Long Xiu: "The ambition is not small, can the next five counties in Nanzhou still not satisfy your appetite at Tianyumen?"

Peng Youzai: "Dare not conceal the truth or lie in front of the palace lord, Tianyumen wanted to replace the realm of the Soul Academy and Feihua Pavilion because Tianyumen believed that it could do better than the two factions. . "

Long Xiu: "How could a better method?"

Peng Youzai: "The 11th County of Nanzhou ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ If you give the two factions, you can only pay 550,000 a year. If you take care of Tianyumen, Tianyumen can pay 1 million a year. ! "

Long Xiu: "Do you think if Zhen Ling Yuan and Fei Hua Ge can sit in the 11 counties of Nanzhou and don't pay one million a year for tribute?"

Peng is again: "Of course they can take it out, but what they took out is not the same as what Tianyumen took out. If you take out 1 million, the three tributaries will cost 3 million. They also have to spend their own money. If they come up with this amount, they will spend all their time on Nanzhou. In the long run, Nanzhou will collapse. Tianyumen is different. If the palace master has the opportunity, he can pay attention to Qingshan County and Guangyi County. Yumen is willing to let Lee manage the people's livelihood, turning the green hills and the broad two counties from a pool of standing water into living water. Businesses from various countries gather together. The people are healthy and prosperous. Their tax revenue is many times greater than other counties. This is one of them! "

"Second, money is small, and the stability of Yan State is great. Zhao State is on the side, watching Yan State Tiger for a long time, and has been engulfed for a long time, only because the princes inside Zhao State are restrained, Hai Wuji is only temporarily unable to look around. Ran Hai Promise is a generation who is striving to govern, and is gradually disintegrating the princes in Zhao Guo. Once it is allowed to achieve its purpose, the next step must be to focus on the fat piece of Yan Guo. "

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