Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 417: 2 kits

Peng was startled and angry again: "What does it mean that everything has disappeared?"

The disciple bowed his head in fear, which made him answer.

Look at me, the high-level officials in the hall, I look at you, here I am afraid that moving the bull will anger the Shang Chaozong, and I have been waiting until the Shang Chaozong is separated from his men's military power, and until the Shang Chaozong is controlled, this Only ready to control Niu Youdao.

Who wants to wait until the time is right to knock the door open and kick the door, but no one is in the room.

Everyone realized that Niu Youdao just disappeared at this juncture. It was no accident or accident. He was waiting here, waiting there, and both sides were moving at the same time. Obviously both parties had been plotting for a long time.

It was this possible long-term plan that made Peng desperate and desperate, striding back and forth in the hall, his face full of anger.

Precisely, there is a feeling of being beaten, although both sides are plotting, but the meaning is completely different, which means that they do not know the other party ’s premeditated, but the other party has insight into the premeditated side.

Because the other party may have insight into his premeditated side, Peng was also anxious in his heart.

No matter what deeds Niu Youdao has done before, whether it is Peng Youzai or Tianyumen, facing Niu Youdao or having a sense of superiority, there is a sense of looking down from the top, knowing that Niu Youdao needs Tianyu The shelter of the door is to ask for life on the site of Tianyumen.

At this moment, the sudden disappearance of Niu Youdao made everyone realize that it was not good.

Fang Rangpeng also realized the feeling of being stubborn, and even panicked. If he really ran, he would go astray. I was afraid that the guy would not sit back and watch Shang Chaozong suffer. If the guy intervened, he would not know what would happen Come.

Peng, who was pacing back and forth, stopped again, sighing in the sky, and it was okay to change other people, but this person was ... Niu Youdao's handwriting gave him great pressure after all, which made him extremely worried. And worry.

Feng Entai's mood is complicated, both fortunate and worried, fortunately Niu Youdao ran away, he would not be embarrassed, and worried that Niu Youdao is doing things against Tianyumen, this time for the entire Tianyumen, It is really too important to be lost.

"What are you still doing here? Don't you want someone to find?"

Although it is known that the possibility of finding Niu Youdao is very low, that fellow can escape the killing of Xiaoyue Pavilion. The force of Tianyumen wants to find people aimlessly. It is a bit choking, but Peng is still unable to bear it. Live to the disciples who came to the report to yell.

"Yes!" The disciple hurried down and left quickly with his head down.

After a little silence, Peng faced everyone again and said, "Let's discuss this matter. Do you think he will intervene with Shang Chaozong after he escapes? If he intervenes, how will he intervene? Brainstorm and prepare early!"

"Maybe I just realized the danger and ran away."

"Not necessarily, the relationship between this guy and the brothers and sisters of the Shang family is very strong, and it is likely that they will intervene."

"Then how can you intervene? On Yan Guo's side, the three major factions nodded their heads and agreed. Does the irrelevant person have the courage to intervene? Niu Youdao is useless to find anyone."

"Yan Guo is not here, will he look for forces outside Yan Guo. For example, in Jinzhou, he seems to have a relationship with Hai Ruyue. Hai Ruyue also ran to Qingshan County in person. If Jinzhou people intervene Then it ’s troublesome. "

"This is not possible. Hai Ruyue's woman came to this stage today and distinguished the pros and cons. The reality is very good, and it is not impossible to understand that it is beneficial for Jinzhou to win the ally of Nanzhou. Besides, this kind of thing can not be avoided. If the moon rules, it is impossible for Wandong Tianfu to sit back and watch his own interests being damaged, and it is impossible for Jinzhou to send troops and tear our faces? "

"His relationship with Bingxuege seems a little unclear. Will he find Bingxuege?"

"He looked for the Ice and Snow Pavilion. The Ice and Snow Pavilion provided refuge for him at most. It is unlikely to break the rules and suddenly intervene in such things."

A group of people talked, discussed and discussed, but failed to discuss a possible way for Niu Youdao to intervene.

Feng Entai was silent, and he was not good at saying anything.

"Can he directly command and dispatch the men and women of Shang Chaozong?"

Someone suddenly said something like this, which immediately aroused Peng Youzai's high vigilance and alert: "Notify Feng Lingbo, let the warlords and horses take good supervision measures, and must not allow Niu Youdao and the generals of Shang Chaozong to be connected ... "

In the mountainside courtyard, under the eaves, Meng Shanming was sitting in a wheelchair, and Shang Chaozong and Lan Ruoting were standing silently.

Feng Lingbo, under the name of military discipline control, controls all external communications and communication gold wings. Shang Chaozong is naturally no exception here, which means that all external contacts here have to pass through the hands of others. He has no direct command and control.

At the same time, here is closely guarded, and it is impossible to leave.

Although Feng Lingbo was elected as the governor, some things were realized, but after facing it, it was still difficult to accept.

However, there was no choice at all. There were many Tianyumen disciples around Shang Chaozong, who could protect them and kill them.

A guard ran in from outside and reported: "Your lord, the lord is here."

Shang Zhaozong Yixi asked, "Is Dao Ye here?"

At this point, they really have no choice. Things have always been under the control of Tianyumen, and they can't help but can only count on Niu Youdao.

During the talk, Shang Shuqing had come quickly, came to the few people under the eaves to salute, "Brother, Uncle Mon, Mr. Lan."

"Sovereign Lord!" Meng Shanming and Lan Ruoting salute together.

After Shang Chaozong waved his guard back, he quickly asked, "How about Master Dao?"

Shang Shuqing shook his head and said: "Dao Dao didn't come, he said he had something to do, and said he would come again tomorrow. By the way, when he said goodbye, Dao Dao gave me a kit and said if brother asked him, let me Open this kit to my brother. "Finally, a kit with a black ribbon around his mouth was drawn from his sleeve.

In fact, Niu Youdao gave her two kits, but only repeatedly explained the usage.

One is to take out one for Shang Chaozong in this case.

The other is to open it in case of a real crisis. Don't take it out before that, and don't let anyone know. Otherwise, once the leak is revealed, things may change.

It is a matter of great importance. It involves the efforts of the entire Nanzhou and so many people over the years. Niu Youdao said that he was not serious.

Shang Shuqing reckoned that his elbow turned back, and he did what Niu Youdao told him, temporarily concealing the existence of another kit.

The eyes of the three on the steps quickly fell on the kit.

Shang Chaozong jumped down the stairs and quickly took the kit into his hand.

Just about to take a look at it, Lan Ruoting frowned suddenly: "Since it's coming tomorrow, why do you want to send the kit today?"

At the right point, Meng Shanming's brow jumped sharply, "I'm afraid it won't come."

The emperor Zong of the Shang Dynasty was anxious, and now all counted on Niu Youdao for help. If Niu Youdao ran away, it would be over, and quickly opened the kit in his hand to see what was inside.

Seeing him in a hurry, Shang Shuqing persuaded: "Brother, don't worry, Dao Ye is not that kind of person."

She still has faith in Niu Youdao, and she does n’t think Niu Youdao can leave them alone, not to mention that she does n’t care, because she still has a kit for the future. If you want to leave behind, there is no need to make another one for the back.

Shang Chaozong had ripped apart the kit and found that there was nothing else in it. There was only a piece of paper. When I opened it, it was a letter.

After quickly reading the contents of the letter, people gradually calmed down, looking thoughtful.

Lan Ruoting also went down the stairs, and asked close, "Your lord, what was written in the letter?"

"Alas!" Shang Chaozong sighed softly, did not speak, and showed him the letter.

Lan Ruoting watched Xin Duanping, and after watching it, he was speechless.

Niu Youdao's general content in the letter was: Let Shang Chaozong forgive him, he has temporarily avoided the disaster, both for himself and for Shang Dynasty. Tianyumen has already started to feel bad. It is about Tianyumen's huge interests. No matter who blocks Tianyumen's way, Tianyumen will not be polite. No matter whether Tianyumen will move him or not, he can't stay any longer. If he stays, everyone will squeeze in Tianyumen's hands. Life and death are all calculated by Tianyumen. Yumen has no worries, not only is he in danger, but even Shang Chaozong is also in danger. Only when he got away and made Tianyumen scrupulous, Shang Chaozong could be safe.

The last words are still Niu Youdao's constant meaning, the intention of Shuntian Yumen, help Tianyumen win Nanzhou!

Luowei has attached a line of words that will be destroyed after he believes!

The meaning of the letter is mainly to explain the reason for leaving, still not saying what to do.

The letter reached Shang Shuqing again. After reading it, Shang Shuqing gave it to Meng Shanming ...

A few days later, the temporary command center set up on the mountainside of Tianyumen, the relevant personnel met again.

Peng was also leading Tianyumen's top executives at the scene, and Feng Lingbo was the biggest at this time, standing in the first place ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The two sons were wearing battle armor standing behind him, majestic.

Commanding so many men and women to fight, Tianyumen has no experience at all, and can only stand by the side.

Feng Lingbo glanced around at everyone, and Chong Qiang said forcefully: "The spies sent out have obtained some new information. The court has secretly mobilized half a million troops to secretly gather in the upper six counties of Nanzhou. , The situation is very unfavorable to us, I wonder if you have any high opinions on this? "

Everyone was silent, and Peng couldn't do anything about it. He estimated that Xiaoyao Palace, Zijin Cave, and Lingjian Mountain had no temper for the court. The court could not let Nanzhou lose and do nothing, otherwise Yan Huang, Shang Jianxiong could not deal with Yan. State officials explain.

It is impossible for the three major factions to tell the imperial court that Nanzhou will let the rebels take control. If the imperial court really speaks so well, there is no need to fight. The three major factions just need to speak directly.

The intertwined thing is to restrain each other. After all, the imperial court is still the biggest force in the secular world of the Yan Kingdom, and arbitrarily instigating Shang Jianxiong will inevitably cause turmoil in the entire Yan Kingdom, which is not good for the three major factions.

The imperial court was silent, and had to come in secret, and the three major factions were not easy to block. They could only open one eye and close one eye.

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