Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 455: Hey, it's you!

Out of the dark hut, walking in the dark alley, Lu Shengzhong cast a spell to disperse the spirit of the body, expelling a strong alcohol.

While walking, he tore off a heavy mask on his face, there is another weight below. The coat on his body also took off, and there was another suit of color in it, and the one he took off was just thrown in the stinky ditch passing by, and didn't care.

As long as he walked out of this place, Chao Shenghai's guy couldn't figure out who he was. When the incident happened, even if Wanshoumen personally searched, it would be impossible to pull him out of so many people in Vientiane City.

As for whether Chao Shenghuai will succeed, that is not what he is worried about. Naturally, it is best to succeed. It is also good not to succeed so that Niu Youdao can conflict with Wanshoumen.

After walking around for a while, he came to another alley exit and stopped for a while, only to make sure that no one was passing by before he turned out.

Walking on the dark streets of the night, I crossed half of the Vientiane City, and returned to the house where I rented. When I opened the door, I took off the sign hanging on the door. The word "rent" was written on the sign.

This brand was hung up by himself. That's right, the house he rented by himself had to be rented out again.

Of course, this is just his previous plan. In order to find a suitable target, after finding the goal of Chao Shenghai, he no longer plans to hang this brand.

When I pushed in the door, a question came suddenly behind me, "Friend, how much does this house cost for a day?"

Lu Shengzhong looked back and saw a thin black man standing beside the road, and he said, "One hundred gold coins a day!"

In fact, when he rented it, the original homeowner only needed ten gold coins a day.

Ten gold coins a day is considered a sky-high price, but the market is like this. The ordinary Vientiane City is deserted. Only the Spirit Beast Association will gather a large number of people. Each Spirit Beast Association is a good time for the people of the Vientiane City to sit and get rich. What conditions are there? Home will not miss.

Of course, in general, an ordinary house can't take ten gold coins a day, but the location of this house is indeed quiet. Although the house is not large, the internal environment layout is not bad, so I rented such a high price.

He did n’t want to speculate to make the difference at this time. The reason for finding this good house to sublet is also very simple. Those who are willing to pay 100 gold coins a day for rent will not be simple people. They should have considerable strength. Niu Youdao caused trouble there.

Looking around for the target to take the initiative to find the door to leak the news is risky and prone to suspicion. As the host unintentionally leaking a message, it is much simpler and safer.

As for whether this sublet will cause the original landlord to be unhappy, there is no need to worry at all. How to deal with it when I rent it will not take up your house, nor will it damage your house, let alone Going is not a mistake.

The only worry is whether I can rent it out.

"Good!" The man in black nodded with a smile. "One hundred is one hundred."

Upon hearing this, Lu Shengzhong Zhenger turned around and seriously looked at the other party. He just held the idea of ​​giving it a try, but didn't expect to be really generous to rent.

He didn't mind adding trouble to Niu Youdao again.

Lu Shengzhong stood beside the door and made a gesture of reaching out.

The man in black turned around and waved his hand. The sound of horseshoes came from the distance in the darkness, and there were white traces coming here.

Gradually, the white trace became clear. She was a woman in white clothes like snow. Her face was half-covered with a white gauze. Her posture and appearance were quite charming. The woman followed four rides, a horse was empty, and the other three were riding in the same black clothes as the people before them.

Siqi stopped at the door. The woman in white in front of the door was shining under the lantern and looked at the courtyard of the house with cold eyes, and then led several people to turn off the horse.

After Lu Shengzhong led several people into the area, he first took a few people to see the environment of the house.

Several moon butterflies glowed. At the beginning of the inspection, the woman in white asked lightly, "I don't know your name?"

Lu Shengzhong replied: "Zhu Jiang!"

He answered the name of the original landlord, and it is impossible to report his own name.

After transferring the whole house, the woman in white had no opinion, and her men drafted a contract on her behalf, ready to pay on the spot for delivery.

After glancing at the man in black who had drawn up the contract, Lu Shengzhong smiled and asked, "I watched a few people, did you come to Vientiane City to get rich?"

The leading thin man among the four black men smiled and asked, "Why do you see it?"

Lu Shengzhong said, "It's normal for visitors from outside to sell strange animals and beasts to our Wanshoumen. Many people make a fortune here. Just now I heard a fun thing, the T-shaped room on the second floor of Tianyun Inn There is a bear demon. "

"Fun?" The thin man was strange. "Does bear demon have anything to do with fun?"

Lu Shengzhong: "I heard that it is not an ordinary bear demon, but it is the golden king bear in" The Beast Records ". It is said that it was deceived by his peers. The bear demon is also pitiful. I'm afraid that those guys may not succeed. The real guests who have come from here must have been invited to live in other mountains on the hill by our Thousand Beast Gates. Knowing this news, it is inevitable that no one will try to cross the hand. After all, at least one million gold coins for our Thousand Beast Gates! The price of such a windfall is very normal. "

He is suggesting that Niu Youdao has little strength over there, so he can rest assured.

The lean man looked at the woman in white and saw that she was also listening, and then said: "Who else can win the Ten Thousand Beast Gate on the Ten Thousand Beast Gate?"

Lu Shengzhong waved his hand and said: "How can we, the Thousand Beasts, do something black and eat black, really want to do this, once the reputation is broken, who will dare to send strange birds and monsters to the door?"

The contract was drafted and Lu Shengzhong had read it and confirmed that it was correct. After receiving the money, the two parties were drawn and the contract relationship was finally established.

After pretending to be the landlord's host, after explaining a few precautions, please invite a few guests to rest early, and Lu Shengzhong will leave.

He is not going to come back this time, and the deposit given to the landlord will not be required anymore.

The lean man sent Lu Shengzhong out of the door. After closing the door, he saw the woman in white standing under the eaves and looking up at the moon. He arched and said: "Lord Master, take a rest early."

The woman in white slowly said: "He is not Zhu Jiang!"

The lean man was surprised, "Why did the mountain master decide that he wasn't?"

The woman in white didn't explain the reason, "This is a strange thing, let two people stare."

The thin man was not easy to ask, waved one person, and the two left quickly.

The woman in white stepped down the stairs and walked under the moonlight. Looking at the courtyard, she was puzzled by the past.

Ask her why she knew that the person was not Zhu Jiang because she knew Zhu Jiang's ancestor.

Zhu Jiang ’s ancestor was Zhu Chicheng, the head of the Ten Thousand Beasts, and she was the spiritual pet of Zhu Chicheng, who was her master.

That was more than a hundred years ago. Zhu Chicheng explored the "Butterfly Dream Realm" and never returned until the Butterfly Dream Realm was closed. When the Butterfly Dream Realm opened again, Wanshoumen sent a large number of people to enter the search, damaged the soldiers and defeated the soldiers, and did not find Zhu Chicheng.

It ’s impossible for Ten Thousand Beasts to have no head, and someone will replace it later, but she was still a little girl at that time, she was very unhappy, made a lot of noise, and did not understand the mood of her successor. Looking at Zhu Chicheng's face, although she was not given to her, she was expelled from the Thousand Beasts Gate.

Later, when she grew up and became successful, every time the Butterfly Dream opened, she would run to find it as she did now.

As for the descendants of Zhu Chicheng, it is obviously impossible to have Zhu Chicheng's scenery when she is in power, and every time she comes, she will be quiet and do something about Zhou Ji, giving some money or something. This time is the same, so even if a hundred gold coins will stay a day, how can she not know the current landlord Zhu Jiang?

I don't know how long I remembered the past under the moon, and the moon became slanted.

The thin man came back in the moonlight, and immediately met with his hands to report: "The Mountain Master, that 'Zhu Jiang' did have a problem. He changed his appearance and appearance one after another, and finally stayed in an inn. The beard stared over there. Alright? "

The woman in white said with cold eyes: "Want to trouble yourself? Is Vientiane City a place where you can do anything casually? Things are unclear, can you blindly mess up? First stare at the situation and talk about it."

The thin man was busy, "Yes!"

The woman in white, "He deliberately mentioned that the golden king bear seems to have no plans, you go to explore the situation, be aware of it first, in case of unexpected."


Early in the morning, Guan Fangyi pushed the door in and Niu Youdao was taking a wet towel to clean his face.

Guan Fangyi lifted her skirt and sat on a chair, looking at Erlang's legs.

The wet towel was thrown back into the basin, and the circle took the basin out.

While looking at his image left and right in the mirror, Niu Youdao asked, "Hasn't Shang Qingzong come yet?"

Guan Fangyi, "No!"

Niu Youdao sneered ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It seems that the elder Tang is very stubborn and refuses to be soft, hehe, it is better to die. "

He guessed that Tang Yi hadn't been able to persuade Tang Susu, otherwise he should have come to the door already.

"The big man looks in the mirror endlessly, like a woman, can't stand it."

"Misunderstood, the effort of combing my hair is not at home."

Guan Fangyi put his legs up and walked over again. "The notice was posted in the city, and the starry night at the Beast Gate confirmed that the butterfly dream world might be opened in the afternoon. Do you really want to run in and see?"

Confirming that the hair bun is straight, Niu Youdao straightened up in front of the mirror and smiled: "I missed this opportunity and I have to wait until the next decade, and all come. I can't see it by the way."

The so-called Butterfly Dream Realm was said to have been the residence of Emperor Wu Song of the Wu Dynasty long ago. After Shang Song disappeared and Wu Wu Li Ge disappeared, a large array was imposed to block the Butterfly Dream Realm. Perhaps there is one thing that Li Ge did not anticipate. During the solar eclipse every ten years, under the influence of the power of the star array, the blockade of the large array will appear flawed, and the entrance of the butterfly dream world will briefly open for three days.

The entrance is in the territory of the Wanshoumen, and the Spirit Beast will be fixed during this period, which is also a way for the Wanshoumen to entertain guests from all directions, and it will open the eyes of all parties.

"Who is sneaking?"

Suddenly Yuan Gang's shouts came from outside.

Niu Youdao raised his eyebrows and gave Guan Fangyi a look.

At this moment, Yuanfang's voice came again, "Hey, it's you!"

Niu Youdao heard immediately turned around, and went out to see what was happening, wanting to see who Yuanfang knew.

In the hallway outside, a lean man was stopped by Yuan Gang, and his eyes were squinting with the round square emerging from behind.

Yuanfang seemed unable to remember the name of the other party, patting his head confused and said, "Who are you from that Yunshan Mountain, who blocked us and robbed us."

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