Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 599: Obscurity

Hearing this, Shang Shu's bright eyes flashed endlessly. Although she didn't understand the practice of the practice, she could understand the situation in Yan Kingdom. This is indeed a great opportunity to annex the site.

Everyone present, look at me, I look at you.

Dachan Mountain and others are also pondering, Niu Youdao said something seems reasonable.

Huang Lie also moved, hesitantly said: "Do you want to take the opportunity to annex Dingzhou?"

The other party's intention had to make him consider a question. Fat is in his mouth, but he may not have that weight. With his Dachan Mountain's strength, he can't hold the territory of the two states.

Niu Youdao said: "We don't have such a good appetite, we just took the opportunity to bite him. As for how much we can bite, before the intervention of the three major factions, it depends on the speed of the Lord's capture."

Huang Lie frowned: "As the younger brother said, the three major factions will not sit back and watch, fearing that the three major factions will force us to spit it out!"

Niu Youdao said: "I won't ask for trouble when I'm full of food. I will deal with the three factions over there. Dachan Mountain only needs to cooperate with the army to attack, and I will take care of the rest! This time the emperor's grand ceremony is inviting the head of the emperor, I wonder if Dachan Mountain would like to be with me? "There was a hint of cold inspection in the words.

Obviously it is a good word, but it feels to everyone in Dachan Mountain that such a good thing is before you, and you do not agree?

There is always a sense of suspicion in the other party's words. It seems to suspect that the attack on Maolu Mountain Villa was due to their collusion with the court, and whether the court has the handle of colluding with it, so they dare not move the court.

To put it plainly, if you dare not move the court, it means you have ghosts in your heart.

The other party did not say it clearly. I also said that I believe that Dachan Mountain would not do that. Now I also say that it is for the benefit of Dachan Mountain. However, I always feel that I am trying to use this matter to test Dachan Mountain. There is obviously something wrong. The smell of turning your face on the spot!

Huang Lie glanced at the Huayi man and the group of black-faced masked men. He didn't answer yet, but looked at the accompanying senior leaders of Dachan Mountain and asked, "What do you think about this?"

The Dachan Mountain people were a little bit uncertain, and they all secretly observed the Huayi man and the black masked people.

To be honest, they all knew clearly that the strength of Dachan Mountain at this time never reached the point of expansion, but the atmosphere in front of him was quite wrong. Niu Youdao made it clear that he sharpened the knife in the back, and if it was wrong, he would put a knife on their neck.

But Niu Youdao did not pierce, they were not easy to pierce, once pierced, the words of both parties were not so pleasant.

I really want to force the cow to say what you do or not, Dachan Mountain's face is ugly, and it will make it difficult for me to step down. At that time, I promise to succumb, if I don't agree, I will turn my face!

"Why not answer? Could it be that Dachen Mountain has a double heart?" Niu Youdao pressed again.

An elder said, "This matter is not trivial. We have to think carefully. Can you really guarantee that the three factions will not let us spit out what we eat?"

Niu Youdao didn't talk to them about absolute guarantees. "There is no guarantee or guarantee. I will try my best. In short, you don't have to worry about the three factions. If something goes wrong, you can blame me."

The elder immediately said to the same door again: "The court's current situation really does not dare to go to great lengths, and we seem to have nothing to lose. Let's try it."

He found a step for everyone, and immediately the other elders followed him.

In the end, Huang Lie nodded his head and said, "Well, let's try it to see if we can bite a few bites of fat. Brother, if there is nothing else, we will go back and lay out the matter first." Continue to stay.

Niu Youdao said: "In this way, Dachan Mountain has agreed to attack Dingzhou. I must also set it up on this side, but can it be a joke of playing Niumou?"

Huang Lie: "My brother is worried, Dachan Mountain is a non-verbal and unbelievable person."

"Good!" Niu Youdao bowed his hands and smiled.

All he wants is that the other party agrees to come down with his own words, and that's all he needs to do. Now Nanzhou can't be easily turned back by anyone.

As they watched everyone leave, Guan Fangyi approached Niu Youdao and muttered: "You nodded and agreed with your head!"

Niu Youdao glanced at her, and muttered: "What nonsense, pay attention to the impact, I did not force others."

Guan Fangyi suddenly looked disdainful and hated this kind of bitch? The son still set up a torii. He had the ability to tell Dachan Mountain before showing his strength here. See if people will agree with Dachan Mountain. Use a soft knife to push against the waist of others.

Niu Youdao didn't pull this with her, and turned to Fei, Xia, and Zheng. "The three masters have worked hard. I will not let the three factions pay the price in this battle. I will go to wash and rest first, then come back to me. "

The three of them glanced at each other. This was to benefit them. They wanted to see what the benefits were.

He was blood-stained, and it really wasn't like talking for a long time, so he left and left together ...

A bird took Huang Lie and others to take off, looking down at the mausoleum between the mountains and rivers below, Huang Lie said with a melancholy: "I didn't expect such a strong power hidden behind this man, his attitude towards the court this time Very strong! "Said to shake his head.

Others knew that it was not this that he sighed with, but something that Niu Youdao used to force people to agree.

It's just that there are some things that everyone knows clearly. Before deciding to repent and destroy promises, no one will pierce them, and they won't be blunt when they go back, otherwise they will lose their face.

Sometimes, the thing of strength often stands for truth. Niu Youdao called them to show his strength this time. What a **** is to remind them to be honest.

"Who is that man in flowers?" An elder changed the subject.

"It is rumored that the Shangqing Sect had a unique name called 'Qingyun Jianjue'. The Shangqing Sect shook the world with this name, but unfortunately no one would practice it after three generations, which also led to the decline of the Shang Qing Sect. No one has cultivated the Shangqing Sect for so many generations. Who among the people related to the Shangqing Sect can have this talent? Who has such a high level of cultivation? "

"Do you suspect Zhao Xiongge of Demon Ridge?"

"I also suspect that the Qingyun sword tactics reportedly are blue, but this one is **** and a little different."

"Niu Youdao, the origin of Qingzong, is there. I think it may be Zhao Xiongge, otherwise where would he find such a master?"

"No need to guess, Zong Yuan will be killed, there will be changes in Danbang, and it will be known when the ranking changes."


boom! There was a loud explosion in the mountain forest, and one of the five black masked men who attacked together was beaten and Ga Miaoshui rose from the siege.

The two red hunting eagles passed by quickly from a low altitude. A black masked man driving a bird took the masked man and the other arm sandwiched Gao Shaoming in a coma.

The four black masked men teamed up and quickly jumped on the birds.

Ga Miao's body turned upside down, gliding toward two red hunting eagles flying low.

The four masked men in black waved a black ball together and threw a large smog into the air.

Ga Miaoshui turned around to avoid the smoke urgently. After he looked up at the air, the two red hunting eagles had already flown to the sky, and he could no longer catch up.

After drifting down to the ground, Ga Miaoshui watched the black dots away, his face smashed, and the soft sword swaying in his hand shook like a spirit snake into the waist belt.

Turned around and flew a few times, found the black jade carving that was tragically dead, and stared for a while.

I didn't expect there was a red hunting eagle on the side of Maolu Mountain Villa. Otherwise, I would not easily go to the battlefield to watch the battle afterwards. As a result, my flight speed was not as good as others and I was caught up.

Without a long stay, one shone away.

On the bird in the air, a masked man coughed up with blood.

The companion helped him and asked, "How is it?"

The vomiting blood-masked man shook his head, "I'm afraid I'm going to rest for a while. Damn, a dead **** in a palace, I haven't heard that he shot in the practice field, I didn't expect it to be a hidden master, let's do it together. Not for him. "

Several people looked at each other. Except for the one who caught Gao Shaoming, the clothes on the other people's clothes were ripped open, and they all saw blood.


Outside the Maolu Mountain Villa, the army is still searching, and it is necessary to search all of this area like a sieve to avoid the assassin lurking.

In the water pavilion, Su Renjie and Niu Youdao interviewed.

"Pills for cultivation are of no use to you. You can leave it. The other found property will not be handed over, and it will be handed over to the lord." Niu Youdao, who was sitting at the table, pushed the handed box back. Then he gave Guan Fangyi a gesture again ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The latter took out a pile of gold tickets, "Here is a million gold tickets, and treat me to the generals on my behalf."

Su Renjie hurriedly resigned: "There are already a lot of properties found. How can you ask for your money, Dao Ye for Nanzhou ..."

Yuan Gang said aloud, "Whatever you say, let you take it and take it. The family members of the soldiers who died in the war should be cared for. The heart of Dao Ye should be in place for every household. Do you understand?"

Su Renjie looked at Shang Shuqing again and saw that Shang Shuqing nodded slightly. He had to accept the brethren to thank him.

After his departure, Shang Shuqing tried to ask: "Dao Dao, my elder brother has sent a letter saying that the mansion there has been packed up. Can you listen to what Dao said to the emperor's head and changed your mind?"

Niu Youdao raised his hand and patted his forehead: "The troubled county lord helped me reply and explained that I never thought about moving to Fucheng. It was just a blind eye. I didn't tell the prince that the truth was to make the movement over the Fucheng false and true. Help me apologize Suddenly trouble him. "

Shang Shuqing doubts, blind eye method, what blind eye method? She couldn't figure it out.

Not to mention her, many people around Niu Youdao are confused, is it related to this attack?

Without telling her the answer, Niu Youdao got up and walked back to his yard.

The man in Huayi followed him and followed him into the room. He couldn't help but ask, "What's going on with the blind eye method I just said?"

What he knew was really limited.

Niu Youdao silenced for a moment without concealing him, "I expected that the court would not be willing to give up after the failure of Golden State, but I could not come at the rhythm of the court. They have time to prepare, but they can't let them prepare too well, fearing that they can't eat enough. Once I hid in Nanzhou Shishifu, it would be difficult for them to move me again! "

The man in Huayi faintly understood that this was to force the court to shoot within the time he specified.

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