Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 602: The thief is abominable!

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; The three of them were a little ignorant, and all the money was divided between them, and each of them sent a large bird? & bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Niu Youdao turned and walked away, and Guan Fangyi sent the three finger bells again to send, without a good air: "What are you going to do, hold it, it is for you."

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Xia Hua was a little afraid to talk to the channel: "Send? Give it to us for nothing?"

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Guan Fangyi: "Why? I do n’t want it!" & bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Why not? The three of them quickly grabbed one each, and some of them could n’t put it down. The tone is not important anymore.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; "How do I use it without teaching me?" Guan Fangyi was not angry.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; This is not necessary. I have n’t eaten pork and have seen pigs run and heard and heard.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Guan Fangyi turned away. & bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; In a moment, three large birds fell from the sky and fell outside the water pavilion. Fei, Zheng, and Xia quickly ran to claim each of them.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Shang Shuqing stood at the balustrade and witnessed the joyous appearance of the three heads, and he also laughed, and later saw the three heads personally control the three birds to take off .

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; caught up with Niu Youdao ’s Guan Fangyi and kept mumbling, “Say what I ’m giving, my old lady will keep it for you, throw it to me when you ’re not using it Take it from me. I'm cheap, I know I can't hold it, and I can't help but grab myself. "& Bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; The sword-fighting cow smiled," Not just three Birds, I will give you 100 million yuan from Gao Jiancheng, and you make a lot of money. "

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Guan Fangyi yelled, "Let the old lady be happy, how come a hundred million? If he is greedy, he can't be greedy." WWW.aiXs. ORG

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Niu Youdao stopped, turned and looked at her, jokingly said: "If that is really the case, do you want it or not?" & bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Guan Fangyi stared, "Yes! Why not?"

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Niu Youdao said, "The matchmaker, I ’m not a flatterer. I found that you are getting younger and younger."

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Guan Fangyi was stunned for a moment, and immediately smiled and scolded: "Let's talk less good, come to something affordable."

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Niu Youdao approached the past and said in her ear with a very sincere and serious tone: "No matter whether the years are merciless, you are the most beautiful woman in my heart." Pass by. & bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Guan Fangyi was stunned in place, silver teeth scratching her lips, and a look of love and hate intertwined in her eyes.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; On the whole, she was pretty good to talk about, the one million to give to Su Renjie, and these three birds, she just complained for a while, unlike the usual way to let cattle have Dao Fei talked about it, in order to protect too many people who died here.

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& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Inside the Grand Palace of Yanjing Palace and the Hall of Chaotang, a group of courtiers came out one after another.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; When the group officials stepped down, they witnessed a large bird flying into the palace from outside, and there was a slight whisper of voice among the group officials. & bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Gao Jiancheng also asked the person next to him, "The old eyes are dizzy, and the man on the bird seems a bit familiar."

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; The younger officials on the side immediately whispered back, "Looking like Grandpa Grandpa came back from outside."

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Gao Jiancheng oh, his eyes flickered, no more words.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; out of the court, some officials have to leave the palace, and some have to stay in the palace. The government ’s central office is poor. It is natural for Gao Jiancheng to stay at this level.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; On the way, a bodyguard hurried to the arch, "Master, your steward is waiting outside the palace."

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Nodding his head high, waving his hand to retreat from the screen, and then gave a few words to his subordinates before he walked out of the palace.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; As soon as he left the palace, the butler Fan Zhuo stepped forward to greet him to the side, and whispered: "Master, Grandpa has an accident, and fell into the hands of Niu Youdao."

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Gao Jiancheng was startled, "What's going on?"

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; "The uncle went to Qingshan County to attack Maolu Mountain Villa with Ga Miaoshui, and he missed. This is a letter sent by Niu Youdao, letting the lord redeem the money." Fan Zhuan wrote in a letter.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Takasumi was established and shook the paper to view. After seeing the content clearly, his face gradually became pale, and people were a little shaky.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Fan Zhuo quickly hugged his arm and whispered, "Do n’t get excited, do n’t get excited, think of a way, think of a way. God bless, uncle, it ’ll be fine."

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Gao Jiancheng, who slowed down, smiled bitterly, "I have no pity for the life of the wicked son. If he died, he would have been alive and squeezed in the hands of Niu Youdao. The Gao family is over! I have said again, wicked son, that his habit of spying is still unchangeable. Even if he went to the front line in person, do n’t he understand the reason why Qianjin ’s body does n’t sit in danger? ”

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Fan Zhuan: "The lord is thinking too much, maybe not so."

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Gao Jiancheng sighed: "Niu Youdao has never seized any benefits, whether in two counties or in the entire Nanzhou, this person is advancing and retreating, he is not a wealthy person, you think Niu Youdao took Shao Ming only to blackmail some money? This is the chess piece sent to him, and it is also the iron proof that the court secretly attacked him. Have you thought about the consequences of Shao Ming coming out to testify the court? "

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Fan Zhuan ’s complexion changed a lot. If that ’s the case, the Gao family is really over. The master must also be involved, the throat knotted, and said hardly: "He made the price, maybe Really need money. "

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Gao Jiancheng: "Confused! Do n’t say I ca n’t get 100 million, even if I ca n’t get it, I ca n’t give it to him. Do you think he came to the Gao family? His purpose is to give the court It ’s troublesome here. If I really spend 100 million yuan to trade, everyone he must get is well known. The private settlement undoubtedly confirms the sneak attack of the court. Even if the people are rescued, the Gao family is completely finished. One will not let go of the Gao family! "

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Fan Zhuan was really panicked this time, "What should I do, is it really irrecoverable?"

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Gao Jiancheng raised his palm, "Do n’t worry, panic and chaos, calm down. For the time being, you do n’t know, you go back to find out the news, I will touch the situation here again, first Make a decision when the situation is clear! "

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; "Okay, old slave, go back and explore."

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; After Fan Zhuo left, Takasumi became quiet and pondered for a while, then he immediately adjusted the entire dress into the palace, but the dry and thin body was like Qi Yuxuan's appearance, and there was no slight difference.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; a snapping sound! ..

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; In the Imperial Study Room, Shangjian, who had not changed his clothes, was so angry that a teacup shattered, pointing at the Ga Miaoshui, "The tens of thousands of monks, masters gathered, and even dispatched Zong Yuan, actually missed, what are you doing? "

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Ga Miaoshui explained: "We seem to have been caught in the bull trap. There seems to be preparation there. Tens of thousands of monks from both factions did not even break through the outer defense lines. A lot of bows and arrows and siege The crossbow slammed like a downpour, and only the external impact caused heavy casualties. In Maolu Mountain Villa, some people saw the high-level sitting of Dachan Mountain led by the head of Dachan Mountain, including the top masters, even Zongyuan was not that. The master's opponent died in the opponent's hands. The preparation is so complete, it would be impossible if it were not a trap! "

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Shang Jianxiong grinned, "Trap? Do you tell this to the widow? What did you do earlier? Are you blind?"

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Ga Miaoshui bowed his head.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Tian Yu frowned aside, "Top Master? Where is the top master in Maolu Mountain Villa?"

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Ga Miao Waterway: "The other party intentionally conceals the true appearance, but the trick he uses is like the legendary" green cloud sword trick "."

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Tian Yumu was suspicious, "Do you suspect Zhao Xiongge of Demon Ridge?"

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Ga Miaoshui: "It is very likely that besides him, I can't think of anyone else. Niu Youdao and he were all from the Qing dynasty after all."

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; "The Shangqing Sect, the Shangqing Sect, and the remnants of Ning Wang, the widows have long said they want to eradicate them, and they should not listen to Song Jiuming's reproach! The storm of the year asked the three major factions to send horses! "Shang Jianxiong waved his fingers to Tian Yu." You immediately contact the three major factions and make an essay on the above Qingzong, so that they can solve the problem! "

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Tian Yu was embarrassed, and wanted to ask him, Ning Wang ’s affairs made Yan Guo like this. The three major factions are afraid that their intestines will be regretted, are they willing to toss again?

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; But he would not say this, shook his head and persuaded: "Your Majesty, what happened in those years has not passed, the problem is that now Niu Youdao has become a climate, and Niu Youdao is in Nanzhou. The up and down influence is too great, even the Dachan Mountain, which controls Nanzhou on the bright side, can't hold him down. If you don't want to stop Nanzhou from ending, the three major factions should also be afraid of him by three points. This thief means too Gao Ming, but he did not run any of his own forces, paralyzing everyone, and waiting for everyone to react is too late! "

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; "Nanzhou and Zhao Guojinzhou are now at the same level, and the example of cooperating in front of them is just over. If there is any action, Jinzhou will not sit back and watch! In addition, there is a Korean army in the north, and Song Guohu in the east. At this time, the three major factions would never want to see that the internal chaos in the Yan Kingdom would not end, and the three major factions would not dare to act rashly on him now! Now find the three major factions. Why send someone to Nanzhou to attack without authorization. The three major factions will worry about causing the Nanzhou army to wreak havoc. Once Golden State is involved again, it will become more difficult.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Shang Jianxiong said something awkward in his heart. This time, after all, he was doing the work of the three major factions, and the bad was a failure, and he pondered: "Nanzhou Ruoxing Bing, Dachan Surely Shan will not cooperate? "

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Tian Yu: "It stands to reason that it will not happen, Dachan Mountain has just arrived in Nanzhou, and its feet have not stood firm, so as not to cause trouble to itself. But the current situation, the three major parties Yan The domestic ministry seeks stability and does not want to give foreign enemies a chance! "

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Shang Jianxiong gritted his teeth and said: "Did you just let that bull be right?"

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Tian Yu said bitterly on his face: "Your Majesty, you ca n’t break into Maolu Mountain with such a strong force. Let ’s talk about whether you can succeed if you put in your hands. In the past, it would be better to calm down for a while and find a good opportunity later. It is impossible to kill him at this moment. It is really inappropriate to make the matter bigger. It is really impossible to end it. The three major parties have no way to explain it! "

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Shang Jianxiong sighed in silence ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ At this moment, an **** outside sent a message to Ga Miao to receive it in front of the water. Tian Yu.

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Tian Yu's face changed when he saw the information. "Hey, the thief!"

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Shang Jianxiong glanced coldly, "What's the matter?"

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; Tian Yu: "The bull thief is cruel! He hung the two heads of the Zhen Lingyuan and Feihua Pavilion and the two high-level leaders who were arrested at the head of the city outside the Castle Peak County. This is the scourge of destroying the two factions. The disciples of the two factions begged for help from His Majesty and asked His Majesty to save people by their hard work! "

& bp; & bp; & bp; & bp; p: Add a new leader to the fan list, thank you for the support of "Fu Huan", bow to thank you!

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