Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 604: If you can't win, you have to fight

At noon, Gao Jiancheng left the palace and went home for lunch.

As soon as he got out of the wagon and entered the house, the meal was unmindful, and he went straight to the study. The butler Fan Zhuo didn't ask for it, but followed him to the study.

Gao Jiancheng had a calm surface, a scorched heart, and a dry mouth. He didn't know how much tea was poured this morning, and he was still thirsty.

After he ran his mouth, Fan Zhuanfang with a worried face asked, "Master, how is it going?"

Gao Jiancheng put down the teacups, "The heads of Feihua Pavilion and Zhen Ling Yuan are both hung from the head of Qingshan County. The situation in Nanzhou is not good. Listening to the news, it seems that Shang Chaozong is gathering people to rush State."

"Ah! It is impossible to attack Dingzhou. Can Shang Chaozong have such a bold heart?" Fan Zhuan was not surprised.

Gao Jiancheng: "What is bold and timid, he hasn't swallowed it in Nanzhou yet. It is reasonable not to dare, but Tong Mo is already arranging manpower to recount the soldiers and horses in the state capital controlled by the imperial court and enlighten the following ministries. Ya is saving money. I can see that he is already preparing for it just in case. "

Fan Zhuan was somewhat suspicious. "Because of attacking Maolu Mountain Villa, Niu Youdao will have to make troubles. Can the three factions sit and watch?"

"A little Maolu Mountain Villa could defeat such a strong attack, and even Zongyuan was killed. This is clearly a precaution. Even though there is foresight, Niu Youdao does not warn the three major factions. Think about the killing of Song Eng, which led to the pressure of Song's army ... Lao Fan, I dare not think about it, I am terrified! "Gao Jiancheng tapped on the table lightly," I have been planning for a long time, and Dingzhou is afraid of being robbed! "

Fan Zhuan thought deeply and immediately worried: "What about the uncle? Once Nanzhou tears his face, how can he make him uncomfortable?"

Gao Jiancheng Youyou sighed: "The life and death of the wicked son is not important, but Gao's children and grandchildren are full of ups and downs and more than a hundred lives are afraid that he will be affected by him. The current situation seems to have a silver lining."

Seeing his weird eyes, he seemed to have made any plans, and Fan Zhuan hurriedly said: "Master, what plans are there sooner rather than later!"

Gao Jiancheng said in a low tone: "The Shang dynasty will not return troops. Once the troops are dispatched, the court will never admit that Shao Ming was sent by the court. This is the silver lining!"

Fan Zhun wondered, "Where is the hope? Didn't the master also say that, Niu Youdao is holding people in his hands, I am afraid that he will not be willing to give up!"

"So we must stop Niu Youdao from taking Shao Ming to make a fuss!" Gao Jiancheng lightly pressed the table, "The court did not admit that he sent Shao Ming to attack Maolu Mountain Villa, and Niu Youdao also thought that Shao Ming did not exist anymore. how is it?"

Fan Zhuan suddenly realized that he understood, "In this way, the court will not lift stones and hit their feet, it will suppress the people in the DPRK from pursuing the uncle ’s whereabouts, and will not be involved in the lord, the crisis of the Gao family will It's over! But ... "He looked embarrassed." Will Niu Youdao let us do it? "

Gao Jiancheng sneered, "Isn't he asking for money? Just give him! Compared to the life, death and future of more than a hundred people in the Gao family, what kind of money can be considered, as long as you can keep the existing money, the money will come back in the future. . "

Fan Zhuan was confused, "Master, do n’t you say that Niu Youdao will be known to everyone even if he gets the money? What ’s more, Niu Youdao is asking for a 100 million gold coin! If you want to get the money, if you really want to spread it, I'm afraid it won't be covered. "

Gao Jiancheng: "Who said he was given 100 million? Where can I get 100 million to give him, can you count it for 10 million?"

Fan Zhuan was puzzled. "Ten million dollars can be brought together, but one hundred million becomes ten million. Isn't this difference too big? Can Niu have a way to relax?"

Gao Jiancheng asked in a low voice, "How much is the country of Yan Kingdom worth?"

"..." Fan Zhuo was dumbfounded, stunned, and hesitant to speak.

Gao Jiancheng got up and went to his side, whispering: "The ambition of the Shang dynasty is well known to passers-by. This conspiracy is more and more evidence of this. I have high authority in the middle of the dynasty, and I have been operating in the territory of Yan for many years. Officials are all over the place. If I ’m willing to help in exchange, would n’t that be their ambition, how would they choose?

Fan Zhuan understood his intention, and naturally understood what it meant, taking a breath.

Gao Jiancheng knew what he was thinking in his heart and waved his hand: "As of now, my Gao family has no retreat, who is in the middle of the world, you and I know everything, and all are jackals, tigers and leopards. If I collapse , Everyone pushes the wall, breaks the drums and beats people, and you ca n’t step me to death, and even those cats and dogs will dare to act arbitrarily on you, how can you make me watch the Gao family go up and down and become a pig dog? ? It's not just my Gao family who is unlucky by then, all the students who depend on me are all finished! "

Fan Zhuan shuddered: "Master, this is ..." Some words are not easy to say, but he has to remind, "Once things are revealed, there will be no end to it!"

Gao Jiancheng: "If I don't do anything, the looting is no longer there. I know the person of Shang Jianxiong too well. Although he has the heart of a strong country, he is not a responsible person, and he can't accommodate the officials. State compliments and flattering generations. The upper beam is not right and the lower beam is just a well-known saying. Yan is now in chaos, and it is all due to the rampage of the evil in the dynasty. "

Raised his hand and slapped it on Fan Zhuan ’s shoulder, "He would n’t do anything for my Gao family. I can foresee that my son clearly sold his life for him, but my Gao family would have to come down from home and be attacked. With those jackals, tigers, and leopards, how can I be reconciled? Since he is injustice first, he will blame me for being unfaithful! "

Fan Zhuan nodded with red eyes, "Understood, the old slaves understand, but the court is still powerful after all!" Remind the consequences of doing so.

Gao Jiancheng: "So I can't fake the hand of others. I can only go to meet you in person. I must never let go of any wind. I let you take ten million past, which is not a redemption, but represents my sincerity. I hold him. As long as you clarify my intentions, he will hold Shao Ming hostage and save Shao Ming's life. As long as Niu Youdao gives me an explanation, let the court know that Shao Ming is dead! It is not difficult for him, but it is related to the life and death of everyone in my Gao family! "

Fan Zhuan understood, all understood, at this point, no one can understand, nodded with tears in his eyes.

Gao Jiancheng lifted his arm, "Old Fan, it's not too late. You must rush to Qingshan County to see Niu Youdao as soon as possible. You must grab Niu Youdao before Niu Youdao and Shao Ming make an essay. Gao The misfortune, glory and disgrace of the whole family are pinned on your trip! "

Fan Zhuan: "The old slave understands, but the road is long, and the old slave is afraid that time is too late ..."

Gao Jiancheng raised his hand and stopped, "You don't have to worry about this. Prince Long is in charge of the Shang royal family. There is a large manned bird that can be matched by the court. The royal family, the scope of the supervision of the old man, the children of the Shang royal family these years The old man did not know how much he had done for the broken things, and Prince Long did not even give the old man his face. "

Fan Zhuan was a bit embarrassed: "The old slaves are getting older, and they can't eat or fly around this day. They can't control it. This matter is confidential, and it's inappropriate for the monks to escort.

"Let the monk escort, arrange people afterwards ..." Gao Jiancheng raised a finger and made a gesture of wiping his neck to kill.


Outside Dingzhou Shishifu, horseshoes kept stopping and galloping, and the generals arrived one after another and received urgent orders.

The staff was almost there, Xue Xiao hurriedly issued a military order to send troops.

When the generals took their orders away, two groups of monks came by accident and ran into the door of Shishifu.

The two groups of monks are the two schools in Dingzhou, Tianhua Cave House and Xianyun School.

However, it is basically unlikely that the imperial court will control a site controlled by the imperial court. The first is to worry about poor control and checks and balances. Secondly, the North Korean and Chinese officials all want to win one or two for the martial arts that surround them. Therefore, the coexistence of the two factions is at the very least, and some state capitals even have several martial arts coexisting.

And those martial arts are also waiting to grow up to be able to sit on the same side as Tianyumen and Dachan Mountain.

"Brother Wan also came."

The heads of the two heads of hands met in front of each other.

Xianyun School head Wan Qingyan said in a deep voice: "Can you not come?"

The two led the others in, and went straight to Zhengzhengtang, where they saw Xue Xiao with a black face.

After seeing it, Wan Qingyan asked, "Master Zhuzhou, I heard that the Nanzhou army attacked Dingzhou because you killed the people of the Shang Dynasty, robbed the money of the Shang Dynasty, and returned Did the woman who robbed Shang Chaozong have this? "

Xue Xiao's cheeks twitched and handed over a piece of information to the two of them to watch. Shen Chen said: "Does this kind of **** believe in Brother and Guy? This is the news from Bian Junshou. When this happened, the Nanzhou people killed them directly, and they cooperated so well. This is clearly the long-term deliberate provocation of the Shang dynasty! "

After reading the information, Wan Qingyan stretched his face and said: "Now it doesn't make any sense. The key to the question is, did your people rob the Shangzong women, did your people provoke it first?" I shook the paper ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Now people are stolen and obtained, holding iron proof, even your own people admit it, you can't afford it, can you explain it clearly? People didn't force you, people just passed by, it was your people who pretended to be robbers under the pretense of robbers. You have no way to discipline yourself. Why is it a trap dug by others? "

Xue Xiao Tieqing put a face on his face, "I have reported to the court, is it Nanzhou's provocation, the court knows it well. Now it is useless to say that the two came just right, and they are just inviting two factions to join me in defending the enemy! "

Gai Huan said, "How do I fight? The Dingzhou people have deployed a lot to defend South Korea and the Song Kingdom. Many elite disciples of my two groups have gone with the army, and Dingzhou is empty. Mountain, or is the team of Master Xue able to block the tiger and wolf master of the Shang Dynasty? There is no way to fight this battle! "

Xue Xiao, who was stubborn, finally couldn't help but broke out, "What did those two say? Sit and watch without resistance? Will the court spare me or the two of you afterwards? You have to fight if you do n’t fight, you have to fight if you do n’t win! ”

Boom! Wan Qingyan kicked off the chair beside him, venting his anger.

Gai Huan stretched his cheeks and said: "Immediately let the court contact the three major factions. Please ask the three major factions to stop!"

Xue Xiao spread his hands, "Does the country's current deployment of troops need me to teach? As the news here passes, the court will definitely find three major factions. Perhaps the Division of Intelligence has already reported the situation to me first. Now we can only be a hard support. Even if we pay a huge price, we must support the people of the three major factions to come forward to solve it. Let us not allow the Shang Dynasty Zong commander to drive in directly, no one of us can afford that responsibility! "

: Something is delayed, the next chapter will be later. Second, go on the durian!



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