Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 617: I'm not as good as him!

Long Xiu also sat next to the couch, grabbed Niu Youdao's wrist to check the injury, and found that the injury was not light and frowned.

Niu Youdao was a little wary, realizing that Long Xiu's mana had raided his Dantian Qihai detective.

This really made him nervous. It is estimated that the other party also noticed that his true Qi purity was abnormal, and wanted to explore his cultivation ground.

Fortunately, he didn't notice the method and immediately shrank back. Niu Youdao couldn't help but secretly rejoice. Because of the practice of Qiankun's tactics, the source of the law is still in charge of the governor and is not in the sea of ​​Dantian.

Putting down his hand, Long Xiu said in a deep voice: "My apprentice Yi Shu hit?"

Is n’t this a question? You do n’t know if you can come here?

Niu Youdao slandered and smiled bitterly on her face: "Yes, I didn't expect that she would shoot suddenly. She was too late to defend and was caught off guard. Fortunately, I was always guarded by me and saved me in time. After that, the girl Yi Shu's killer was stopped, otherwise my life escaped the court's poisonous hand but I couldn't escape the girl's jade hand. "

Long Xiu asked back, "Who blames?"

"I ..." Niu Youdao looked at the window and whispered, "Master, you ..."

Long Xiu raised his hand and stopped, "You young people's business has nothing to do with me. You don't care about her courtship, just need to be so anxious? Did you move her hands?"

Niu Youdao firmly denied: "Master of the palace, you gave me a hundred guts, and I dare not move her hands!"

Long Xiu thought about it too, and he thought it was impossible.

However, Niu Youdao did not blindly deny it and continued: "It was close to her when she was talking. She saw a house here and asked me where this was. When I replied, I accidentally rubbed my hand. After a bit of her, the result ... Palace Master, how do I feel that the girl Yi Shu has opinions on me, and she is always welcome to me, and I only met with her a few times, and did n’t even say a few words, as if I did n’t offend me. She? You see, a little displeased, she directly gave me a poisonous hand. It was beyond defense. She was almost scared to death if she was not killed. "

Long Xiu frowned, and he had been aware of this for a long time. His apprentice seemed to have a prejudice to the cow.

But what can I do? He eventually lost his interest in staying at Maolu Mountain Villa, and did not let Yi Shu apologize to Niu Youdao, so he left.

Niu Youdao was injured and didn't go to see him off again. In fact, as soon as Long Xiu left Liuxianzong, Niu Youdao immediately moved to hide.

When he was injured, he kept a high degree of vigilance in the face of Long Xiu. As soon as Long Xiu left, he feared that there was an accident. He moved quickly and did not return to Maolu Mountain Villa, but went to the cobweb-like tunnel under the garrison defense area. Inside.

Not many people knew where he was, only Guan Fangyi accompanied him to leave.

Involved in the ups and downs of this world, many things have to be careful everywhere.

After entering the tunnel, he sat down in a basement room where weapons were stored. As soon as Guan Fangyi, who supported Niuyoudao, let go of him, he took out a pill of Tianjidan and asked, "Can I take medicine now?"

The price of Tianjidan is not cheap. Niu Youdao was a little surprised. He waved his hand and said, "This kind of wounded criminal cannot use such a good medicine."

"Lao Niang didn't want to accompany you in the tunnel, he was suffocating and went out early." Guan Fangyi squeezed his mouth and forcibly poured the medicine into his mouth.

After releasing her hand, she found that Niu Youdao looked at her eyes strangely. She immediately waved her hand and collected the moon butterfly. The basement immediately fell into the darkness of silence, and they could hear each other's breathing.

Niu Youdao is speechless, is about to adjust the rate of refining and refining the medicine.

Guan Fangyi's mumbling voice sounded, "You're good, you take the advantage of the young girl's butt, and I have to pay you to buy medicine. Remember, Tianjidan's money is in the account you owe me on."

Niu Youdao sighed in the dark, "You and Yuanfang are a natural match."

"Bah, compare me to him less, he doesn't even match the shoes for the old lady. You don't know yet? When Long Xiu arrived, Lao Xiong Na found that the situation was wrong and immediately took things and took a group of monks to slip through the back door. , Wanted to run away, but was blocked by the army, so he failed to run. What are you going to do with him? "

This was heard by Guan Fangyi afterwards. She now understands it more and more deeply. Why Yuan Gang didn't do it, she beat the Yuanfang as soon as she did it. It was so cheap that she wanted to do it even after she saw it. .

Niu Youdao said: "Ah, there is nothing to deal with, I don't force him, he is free, he wants to go at any time. Just like you, if you want to leave one day, I will never stop you. If Even the people around me do n’t want to stay with me anymore. It ’s not your fault, it ’s my fault. ”

Guan Fangyi was silent for a while, and suddenly said in the darkness: "You are cruel enough, for such a thing, you have been so cruel to make you hurt yourself like this. In fact, again, there is the Xiaoyao Palace The background is not necessarily a bad thing. Marrying Yi Shu can help the Yaoyao Palace. The way forward may be better. "

Niu Youdao said: "Is it easy to go? Xiaoyao Palace is only one of the three major factions. Standing in this team may not be a good thing.

Guan Fangyi didn't know what he thought. Since he said this, he must have his plan. This person's mind is unpredictable, and he doesn't understand it. However, he is still curious and took the opportunity to ask clearly, " What kind of woman can enter your eyes, is it true that you really plan not to marry for life? "

Niu Youdao whispered, "The rivers and lakes are running, the wind is good, the rain is not bad, the exchange is not bitter, the world is not falling, one less **** and one more calmness. How can there be no way to distinguish the hue, you can only help yourself It is self-denial! Shao Pingbo killed his brother and mother, why not? "

Guan Fangyi is thoughtful. In fact, this situation is true for most people in the spiritual world. Many people practice life, and do not want to marry for life, do n’t they just want to be in bondage?

It's just that the guy next to him did something a little bit, and she never seemed to be close to female sex. This concentration is like what young people can have. She even wondered if it was infected by the group of monks.

In silence, Niu Youdao meditated cross-legged to heal.

In the dark, I don't know how long time has passed. Footsteps came from the empty tunnel. Guan Fangyi was alert and slowly stood up.

Niu Youdao said lightly, "Monkey!"

Guan Fangyi turned back in the dark, wondering why he concluded that it was Yuan Gang.

Later, a firelight is approaching in the outdoor passage. When a torch dazzles at the entrance of the cave, it is the tall body of Yuan Gang who is holding the torch, carrying the three-roar knife behind him.

Yuan Gang walked to Niu Youdao and looked at the blood stains on Niu Youdao, his eyes chilled, "I heard that Yi Shu hurt you?"

Niu Youdao with his eyes closed said slowly: "Without your trouble, I won't let her hurt me, and she won't hurt me either. I have a fair share of this matter. At this time, I must always pay attention to the situation in Nanzhou and Dingzhou. The two of you have to leave a housekeeper, you ca n’t leave both, go back! "The last two words have reprimands.

Yuan Gang didn't talk much, turned and went out, and the flames went away in the outside passage.

Guan Fangyi looked back again, it was already dark, and the figure of Niu Youdao could not be seen clearly ...

It snowed, and the snow was overwhelming.

The Xuan Pavilion dangled on three sides, half on one side, and Shao Pingbo stood under the half-stretched bamboo curtain, staring at the ice layer submerged in the lake, and several old branches of the lotus abruptly on the snowy white.

Tao Lue, the head of the Jinuo State University, appeared at the entrance. He lifted the bamboo curtain with both hands and let the individual come. It was Jin Huang Taishuxiong, who had a black fur.

A brazier was placed in the four corners of the Xuan Pavilion. Two black water platform messengers were crouching in front of the brazier to burn paper. Instead of paying homage to them, the news copied from the black water platform was burned. Shao Pingbo saw it and burned it.

Seeing Taishuxiong and Tao Lue arrived, the two messengers immediately stood up and were about to salute. Taishuxiong raised his hand and stopped him, not letting them alarm Shao Pingbo in contemplation.

Tao Luo took what had not been burned in the hands of the two, waved his hand, and motioned for the two to retreat. He continued to squat there.

Taishuxiong was sitting next to the case with the brazier, looking at a piece of paper on the desktop, he saw a lot of names written on it, and a lot of lines were drawn between them. He looked at it for a long time. Did not understand what it meant.

Suddenly a cold wind engulfed Shao Pingbo back to his nerves, tightening Qiu Pei to turn around, seeing Taishuxiong, stunned, and immediately stepped forward to salute, "Your Majesty."

Taishuxiong got up with a smile, "Listening to Tao Lue, you have selected the manpower to send to Qi ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I thought of the cold and freezing of your sick body, I came to see you, Did n’t disturb you thinking about it. "

"No, just thinking about it, but Weichen didn't greet His Majesty ..."

"Eh, the lone king won't let them report it." Tai Shuxiong waved his hand, and the topic passed, staring at what Tao Lue burned, and asked, "Have you ever read the intelligence?"

"seen it already."

"Mao Lu Shanzhuang was attacked, Zong Yuan collapsed, Zhao Xiongge shot to defend Maolu Shanzhuang, but it made the lonely king somewhat surprised."

"Your Majesty, it is not an accident."

"How to say?"

Shao Pingbo immediately explained his reasons for letting Shang Qingzong and others go, "The remaining lines of the Shang Qing Zong, the roots are broken, and Zhao Xiongge's shot is also a matter of reason. It's just that the enthusiasm shown by Maolu Mountain Villa is also cattle. You have the confidence to stand on your feet. If your majesty wants to seize the opportunity again, I am afraid it will be difficult. "

His real idea was not that there was any problem with solicitation, but the strong defensive ability displayed by Maolu Mountain Villa. Even if he wanted to borrow a knife to kill people, it would not be so easy for Jin Guo to succeed.

Taishu Xiong yelled and nodded, "The lone king has suspended it over there, lest he make a joke. He is now sending Nanzhou troops to Dingzhou suddenly, which is very unexpected from the lone king, is it Yan? Will the three major factions of the country not intervene? Can this battle be fought? What do you think of this? "

Shao Pingbo was hurting just now, and now he mentioned that there was a trace of loss that was hard to conceal on his face, and he sighed: "Wei Chen also now understands his real purpose of killing Song Envoys. In order to relieve Nanzhou from pressure, Yu Yanting thought that this game was a set of rings, a ring to cover up a ring. It was really unfathomable, and the micro minister was convinced ... I am not as good as him! "

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