Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 652: 4 off

Outside Dingzhou City, a cloud of dust came from a distance, followed by the rumbling hoof trembling the earth.

Xue Xiao, who had received the news in front of the city, twitched.

It ’s not just him. The officials at the upper and lower levels of Dingzhou ’s capital are a little bit nervous and a little scared.

The rebellious general Shang Chaozong set Dingzhou Prefecture City as a gathering place for Nanzhou people and horses, and the people and horses coming from the border of Nanzhou continued to gather from the southwest.

The reason why I was afraid was that the rebellion of the Shang dynasty was false, and it was true to seize the opportunity to attack Dingzhou City.

But who dares to talk nonsense about this undocumented thing? They couldn't stop it.

The war was urgent, and the Shang dynasty did not even call on the men and women in western Nanzhou, and let the men and women in eastern Nanzhou set off first to avoid the delay of gathering back and forth. This is also a reasonable thing. Shang Chaozong insisted that this is the best place to gather. As a general rebellious general, how to use troops is what others say. Dingzhou refuses to count it. What do you want to delay the war?

The cavalry from the rumbling force was like a row of mountains and seas. When they arrived outside the city and stopped, they were still in the mist and dust. A banner of the word "shang" stood.

At the head of the city, Wan Qingyan, the head of the Xianyun School standing next to Xue Xiao, asked, "Is this the Ying Yang Wuliewei?" Seeing Xue Xiao nodded slightly, he couldn't help but praise, "Just by this move If Ben Lei and Jing Ruo are virgin, they will be well-known! "

Seeing that the other party had no intention of attacking, Xue Xiao didn't say much, quickly turned around, led a group of people down the tower, and also stepped on the horses and left the city.

"The prince worked hard all the way!"

Meeting with Shang Chaozong in the army, Xue Xiao, sitting on horseback, laughed and bowed his hand to salute, glancing at the female general with a spear beside Shang Chaozong.

The dusty servant of the Shang dynasty sat on horseback and was indifferent, expressionless: "Warhorse, can the food be prepared?"

Xue Xiao was a little embarrassed and still smiled back: "The grain that the army used to chew is naturally ready, and the horses have gathered 3,000 horses."

Ga Miaoshui went out on the horse, and came to the middle of the two, calming down for Xue Xiao: "The army is working hard, Master Xue may wish to welcome the lord to the city and rest."

"Good!" Xue Xiao turned the mount to invite him, "Yes, please!"

Shang Chaozong remained indifferent and continued to ask: "How many people have I come from Nanzhou?"

Xue Xiao replied: "There are currently less than 30,000 people, and they have camped five miles away." He pointed in a direction.

Shang Chaozong turned the mount, knocked his horse's abdomen with his legs, and galloped out first, heading in the direction of his finger.

Feng Ruonan kept up with his horse, and 20,000 cavalry followed him like a dragon.

After a while, the scene left only Xue Xiao and Ga Miaoshui and other people to eat ash, the two looked at each other silently.

"Something, I kindly prepared something to treat the army, but I did not appreciate it." Xue Xiao couldn't help but scolded.

Ga Miaoshui waved his hand, "Forget it, it's not when you don't care about this. If you don't enter the city, you can also save yourself. Send the army's stuff to the military camp where the Nanzhou Renma is stationed.

He didn't stay long, and led several eunuchs to eat ashes and followed.

Soon, a group of people came out of the city, carrying pigs and sheep, picking chicken, duck and fish meat, pushing a cart of drinks, and rushing to the Nanzhou military camp ...

The Nanzhou army was temporarily stationed. There were about 30,000 people at this time, and there were people behind. However, the Shang Chaozong, who had no later departures and was far away, had a fast speed.

Shang Chaozong merged with the men who had arrived earlier, and immediately ordered to take the time to rest.

The treats sent by Dingzhou Fucheng are not polite. They should eat what they drink, but they should not move at all. Anyone who sends them will be pulled back.

The Shang dynasty continued the rules of the Ning Dynasty. The army should not drink alcohol in combat, and drinking it was also a celebration wine after the war.

At the dinner table, Ga Miaoshui, who had returned from the camp, asked, "How long will it take for the 400,000 troops to arrive?"

The court was satisfied with the men and women dispatched from Nanzhou this time.

Nanzhou originally had 800,000 horses, but most of them were from Tianyumen.

After the change in the seizure of power in Nanzhou, the Shang dynasty can still rest assured that Ning Jing is not overkill, and 800,000 horses were cleansed by the Shang dynasty to 500,000.

Only a small number of the 300,000 horses cleaned were killed, and all others were dissolved.

Although due to financial problems, the princes of Zhongnan Prefecture are the most crowded, but 500,000 people are willing to dispatch 400,000 rebellions, and the court has nothing to say.

Compared to those princes whose 400,000 horses only wanted to dispatch 200,000, sincerely I don't know how good it is.

Shang Dynasty Sect said: "The king has ordered that all the horses march in a hurry, and two hundred miles a day!"

Ga Miaoshui was afraid of procrastinating here. Hearing this, he was relieved and nodded.

After the army rested, Shang Chaozong ordered to leave again.

Ga Miao Shui heard the news from the camp and caught up with Shang Zong, who was overwhelmed, and asked anxiously, "Why, Lord, the army is not fully assembled, why do you leave now?"

"After the assembly, the follow-up army will rush to the next assembly point. The military situation is urgent, and my forwards must be in place first! At the same time, we must urge all the way.

Shang Chaozong dropped the words and led the army to go on the road again.

Ga Miaoshui looked awkward, quickly let the entourage summon the court, and let the court step up to urge the officials of the various state capitals. The Shang dynasty was so murderous, don't really hit the Shang dynasty. To.

At the same time, I was also very relieved. Zong Ruozhen of the Shang Dynasty led 400,000 horses along the way. It was really a worrying thing. Once it changed, it would be very troublesome.

After all, the use of Ma Chaoting, a native of Nanzhou, was still a little uncomfortable. Fang sent him to supervise all the way. Once he found something wrong, he immediately reported it!

After he led the people to catch up with the Shang dynasty, he found that it was wrong. Most of the 30,000 horses assembled were pawns. How could he keep up with the speed of the Shang dynasty's cavalry? Almost all of them were thrown away by the Shang dynasty.

Ask the reason of the Shang Dynasty, the same reason.

Because Xue Xiao hastily assembled three thousand war horses, there were more than three thousand cavalry in the lineup of Shang Chaozong's cavalry.

Many people are not cavalry, they can only learn along the way.

Under the murderous persecution of Shang Chaozong all the way, the state capital that received military orders along the way struggled to get his horses together.

However, the Shang dynasty did not need it for the time being, it was only necessary to confirm the position in advance. He led the men and women to continue to move forward, and the horses were not taken away, leaving the pawns who arrived later to catch up.

This is true along the way!

Ga Miaoshui also secretly praised the Shang dynasty's rapid use of troops. If all the princes had such a rebellious heart, why worry about the rebels.

Until the Shang dynasty officially stopped and formally set up camp in the territory of Jiezhou, Ga Miao Shuifang realized that it was wrong!

The wrong situation came from Xue Xiao, Dingzhou, saying that Dingzhou has no longer seen the Nanzhou rebels crossing the border.

Immediately after the news came from the eyes and ears of Nanzhou, the movements of people and horses in Nanzhou had stopped, and they had all stabilized, and there was no sign of sending troops again.

According to statistical information along the way, it is estimated that Nanzhou sent only 100,000 horses. What is the situation?

Ga Miaoshui found something wrong and immediately rushed into the Chinese military account of the Shang dynasty. Outside the account, he saw the people of the Shang dynasty, Meng Shanming and a group of generals discussing in the account.

Everyone in the account turned back or looked up at the Ga Miaoshui that was stopped outside the account.

Shang Chaozong waved his hand, and the monks and guards outside let the Miaoshui come in.

Ga Miaoshui met with a sullen face and asked, "Where is the 400,000 horses?"

Shang Chaozong calmly said: "The horses and horses are naturally on the way."

His demeanor became different when he marched into combat, quite like his father, King Ning.

Ga Miaoshui said in a deep voice: "No! According to what I know, Nanzhou has ceased to leave the country. On the way, together with the princes on the way, there are only about 100,000 people!"

Shang Chaozong: "How about 100,000 horses?"

In the first two steps of Ga Miao, he confronted him across the table. "The prince said 400,000 horses. I have also reported to the court. Now 400,000 has become 100,000. How can I explain to the court?"

Shang Chaozong: "The soldiers are not defrauded, and there are many eyes and ears in the court. How can this king let the secret military situation leak easily?"

Ga Miaoshui: "Wu Gongling gathered two million rebels, how can 100,000 horses rebel?"

Shang Chaozong: "One hundred thousand cavalry is enough! Isn't there a prince's five-road army?"

Hundreds of thousands of cavalry ... Ga Miaoshui was suddenly shocked, and finally seemed to understand the layout of the other party's way, in order to let all of Nanzhou's pawns have mounts instead of walking.

Shang Chaozong ignored him, looked to the left and right, and asked, "Can you understand the layout just now?"

"Understood!" Zhu Jiang responded together.

The emperor of the Shang dynasty sank like water, and said coldly: "The war is imminent, the military discipline is strict, and the military law can't fall down! Immediately pass the law of the king to the princes of the Five Routes. Army! Wherever the counterinsurgency war order goes, the lagging one, destroy! The fighter who delays, destroys! Those who escape from the battle, destroy! Those who are weak in fighting, destroy! "

"Yes!" All the generals took their lives and dispersed.

Only princes, not rebels! Ga Miao was stunned on the spot until everyone in the account was gone. He hadn't recovered from the "four extinctions".

Not far from the account, Luo Daan pushed Meng Shanming in a wheelchair.

Huang Lie walked escorted by his side ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Looking back at the dull back in his eyes, he couldn't help laughing, he also just learned that Nanzhou only sent 100,000 people to go out, the former Nanzhou The transfer of people and horses is an illusion, he is really bitter to hide.

"Mengshuai, can every 100,000 people urge the princes of the Five Routes?" Huang Lie was not worried.

Meng Shanming: "There is still no reason to disobey the military order, and anyone who does not listen to the order will fight! At this juncture, we dare to beat them, do they dare to hit us? My 100,000 horses are all cavalry, and if they want to run, they will not win. ! "

"Oh!" Huang Lie couldn't help laughing, and gently clapped his palms: "Without a voice, all the 100,000 horses were turned into cavalry. It's wonderful, so good!

Meng Shanming sighed: "Ah, the prince is also a last resort, just like the worries before the emperor's lord, the court and I are not in one mind. After the war, we will cross the river and demolish the bridge at any time. Once we break the grain, the army will wipe out the whole army. With these 100,000 war horses in hand, if necessary, they can kill horses to hunger and hunger, enough to support us to return to Nanzhou. If not, why should I wait! "

PS: Two good guys and two gangs, good things come together. Hexin League leader "mobile phone number 0040" and "Ruyu ^ _ ^ Golden House" were born, thank you for your support!

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