Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 654: cut!

It is not a fool that three people can become the heads of the three major factions. Before that, the five elders were specially called. Why? Naturally, I know something well and know that some people want to save their strength and refuse to work hard.

But what can it do? The situation in Yan Guo is already precarious. Killing the elders and causing chaos within the three major factions?

Now Nanzhou suddenly came to this hand, and the three heads did not know whether they should be happy.

In order to save their strength, the five guys tried their best to get Nanzhou to take the shot. As a result, when Nanzhou shot, it was to force the five to work hard.

Going back and forth and back again, I wonder if the five will feel like they have lifted a stone and hit their feet.

The five and Nanzhou both exerted their strength. The one fighting was a wonderful one, and the three heads felt pain for the five.

Originally good, your honest contribution will be over. Now you are done. Not only do you have to contribute, but you are not pleased. If you lose the rebellion, you will lose a lot. If you succeed in the rebellion, your reputation will be taken up by Nanzhou.

It stands to reason that the five road princes were unfavorable even before they were sent to the division. Now they are won by the commander of Nanzhou. Even though the five road princes sell their lives, all the credit is given to Nanzhou.

Look at me, three heads, I look at you, a little speechless.

In order to preserve the Yan Kingdom and the interests of the three major factions, the three of them naturally had no opinion on Nanzhou's decision, but how did they feel that the three major factions suffered a loss, and how did they feel still superior to Nanzhou's chess.

"Hey, I have no opinion." Meng Xuan laughed bitterly, drinking wine.

Long Xiu and Gong Lince also had no opinions. Then, after the eunuch's intention, he retreated and turned away.


In the camp, Shi Sheng and Su Qitong, the elders of Xiaoyao Palace, squinted.

After a moment of silence, Shi Sheng looked down at the rebel military law in his hand, frowning with incomprehension, and looking depressed.

After a while, Shi Shengfang raised his head again and asked, "Dare Nanzhou people really dare to attack Haozhou people?"

Su Qi said the same way: "Elder Shi, this should not be asked of you, but rather I should ask you. Is Nanzhou really daring to help the three major forces?"

Shi Sheng sighed aloud, how to explain this to him, the key to this matter is that no one of the three major factions can jump out to blame. It is not said that it is to fight against the three major factions, but to implement military laws against the princes who are unfavorable to rebellion. This is in Baoyan State, and also to protect the interests of the three major factions. ?

He waved his hand, "You answer my question first."

Su Qitong's eyes flashed slightly, and he understood that in this matter, the little prince had no temper and was restrained by the little prince.

Thinking of his relationship with King Ning, the little prince began to soar, and he wondered whether he should be happy.

After a little consideration, he slowly said: "Is it a child's play to open military law? Elder Shi, I don't know others, but I am very clear about Meng Shanming. The military law is like a mountain, and I dare to delay the war. There is nothing to dare. If you don't mention it, if the Haozhou people dare to delay the military order, the Nanzhou people will definitely implement the military law! "

Just then, there was a sound outside, "Report!"

A piece of information was sent here, and it was reported that Nanzhou did not dispatch 400,000 horses, but only 100,000 horses!

The two looked at each other from behind, Shi Sheng tried to ask again: "The Haozhou horse you brought out is full of 200,000 horses, and you are still afraid of the threat of his 100,000 horses?"

Su Qitong knocked on the paper, "Elder Shi, 100,000 cavalry! Come and go like the wind, Ying Yang Wuliewei, this is not a fear of threats, but a real threat!"

Shi Sheng hesitated and asked again: "If all the princes of the Five Routes delay sending troops?"

Su Qitong: "Doesn't Elder Shi think that the Nanzhou men and women dare not implement military law? If I were the commander of Nanzhou, I would kill them all! Whoever is close to the Nanzhou horses is the first hapless man, and we are the closest!"

Shi Sheng was entangled and hesitated.

This taste is too uncomfortable. It is impossible to openly rebel against the military order of the rebellious general. It is impossible for Yan Guo and the three major factions to face this situation. How dare they openly resist? His identity is the elder of the three major factions, give him the courage, he did not dare to do so, at most only dare to procrastinate and procrastinate!

But the other party must follow him hard. Once the Nanzhou people really want to enforce the military law, they are accounted for by reason. Once the Nanzhou people attack, the resistance here is neither right nor not. Instead of working hard with the rebels, but with the court rebellious horses of the rebellious horse, Yu Qingli could not stand here. In the same words, his identity is the elder of the three major factions.

The key is that at this time, in the face of such things, neither the court nor the three major parties will help him speak.

But he was still not reconciled and asked, "How to avoid hiding?"

Su Qitong: "Elder Shi, 200,000 horses, such a big movement, where to hide? So many people have to rely on supplies to eat and eat, there is no way to hide! People have four legs, most of our two legs, run Are you a winner? We ca n’t hide from nothing. We really want to do this, but we have n’t even the last piece of shame, and we are clear that we are avoiding war. How can the elders explain to the three majors? "

Shi Sheng was pacing back and forth. Nanzhou held the commander-in-chief of the rebellious general, and he was uncomfortable in his heart. He secretly scolded those who made the decision to release his troops to Nanzhou.

Suddenly there was another sound outside, "Report!"

What was sent in this time was not intelligence, but a military order issued by the counterinsurgency commander: the Haozhou men were ordered to send down the Xia Ling immediately, at any cost to overcome the pass held by the rebels, and then the Haozhou army advanced with a full offensive to push the rebels Suppress the east of the Qianli River, and then guard against the river, collect and control all the bridges and ships that cross the river, and do not give the rebels the opportunity to go westward, and cooperate with other four-way forces to encircle and suppress the rebels!


To launch an offensive at any cost here, Su Qitong and Shi Shengzheng discussed whether to execute the military order, who would have known that the new military order had arrived again.

The new military order gives three days here. If the Xialing Pass is not taken within three days, it is regarded as a war avoidance and a slack war. The Nanzhou law enforcement supervisors immediately attack the Haozhou army!

A series of three military orders came one after another, one more aggressive than the other. There was no room for any discussion at all, and the teeth of Shi Sheng hated itchy!

At the same time, the other four princes and horses have also received orders to rebel against the generals.

Ming Jingzhou Xu Jingyue and his soldiers sent Yuanzhou occupied by the Cangzhou rebels, cut off the supplies of the rebels from the sea, and sealed the rebels from the south.

Mingtu State Anxian called for a full-scale attack from the north to block and repress the rebels.

The Fuzhou Shi Xinmao horse launched a full-scale attack from the east, blocking and repressing the rebels.

Fate Changzhou Zhang Hu and his horse broke through from Dangmen Mountain, and the army directly attacked the hinterland of the rebel army.

This is tantamount to launching an attack on the rebels from four directions at the same time, making the rebels dizzy and sending a group of people into the chaos.

The military orders are all deadlines, and they all require when and when strategic and tactical objectives must be achieved.

However, the five roads are watching.


"A good one who does not suppress the rebels but only the princes!"

In the Chinese military account on the bank of the river, Luo Zhao took the information in his hand on the case and walked to the map. Shen said, "Why is Wu Gongling, why haven't you shrunk your troops? Do you want to sit and wait like a sand? "

Wen Youdao: "The meaning there depends on the situation."

Luo Zhao turned his head back, "This scattered force can't be delayed with Yan Guoping's rebellious horse, and immediately contacted South Korea to jointly urge Wu Gongling!"



One day later, the Haozhou people have not moved.

On the battlefield, the Shang dynasty was resolutely popular, and Nanzhou had already gathered 50,000 Tieqi on standby, and immediately went straight to the Haozhou people. The degree of decisiveness is undoubted!


After the military service was delivered, Su Qitong got a look, his face changed, and he said to Shi Sheng: "Elder Shi, the Nanzhou people have rushed to us like thunder. The checkpoints we set up along the way have been leveled, killing me more than a thousand Man! Elder Shi, this is not a children's play, it is really going to start with us! "

Shi Sheng grabbed the military and checked his face. Afterwards, his face changed drastically, and he hated to say: "A group of things that don't know life and death, dare to be arrogant!"

He had a chance before, and wanted to wait and see to see if Nanzhou really dared to move his man. Who wouldn't need three days, only one day came to death.

One torn the paper in his hand and waved it anxiously.

The army of Haozhou immediately pulled out, rushed off the Xialing Pass, and the men and horses in front received the order, and also launched the attack on Luoxialing as soon as possible.

In fact, there are not many defenders in Luoxialing, but the problem is that they do not want to work hard to preserve their strength. This is more true, and it paid the price of more than a thousand people killed and injured, and won it in less than half a day.

The mighty army of Haozhou entered the Luoxialing Pass and went straight to the rebels.

Nanzhou Tieqi almost arrived, trailing behind the buttocks of the Haozhou men and horses, and forced the Haozhou men and women to attack the enemy with a knife rested on the neck of the Haozhou men and women.

"Yongye, the elder Shi Sheng of the Xiaoyao Palace is here!" A general came to the Chinese military account of Shang Chaozong to report inwardly.

A few people in the account looked at each other, and they all knew that it was Xingshi's guilt, and they looked at Shang Chaozong together.

Shang Chaozong said blankly: "Stop, drive away, if dare to break in, let Jin, Wei, Qi Xiu take him down!"

Afterwards, Shi Sheng really broke into, and it was really won.

"Shang Chaozong, your big dog gall, dare to move me!"

Outside the tent, Shi Sheng roared angrily, and was restrained by the monks of the Western Three Kingdoms together with the two disciples who accompanied him.

He wanted to find the fault of the Shang Dynasty dynasty with the murder of the previous level guards. Whoever wanted the Shang Dynasty ancestor to be brave, actually dared to catch him!

The monks of the Western Three Kingdoms have long seen this group of kings and **** as discomfort. Before that, they were pitted by this group of dogs, and they took a few people to them.

Hearing the outside scolding, everyone in the tent looked at each other.

Shang Chaozong asked ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Has the other four people been moving yet? "

The general replied: "No news has been received yet."

Shang Chaozong said coldly: "It seems that this king will not sacrifice the flag to kill people, and will roar outside and disturb the army's heart ... cut!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the account was shocked. Ga Miao Shui and Huang Lie's eyes widened, thinking they had misheard.

"Yeye ..." Meng Shanming made a sound, seeming to want him to think about it again, but he was coldly glanced at by Shang Chaozong, and was silent before he finished.

The cloak of the unruly hand flicked behind him, and the detective of the Shang dynasty put the arrow pot on the case, pulled out a commanding arrow, waved his big hand, and threw it out of the account.

Everyone watched the lingering arrow that rolled out of the air and flew out of the tent and landed on the grass.

What followed was a shocking clang of the Shang dynasty, "cut!"

PS: Huang Zhongdalu, contending on the list, congratulations on the birth of the new leader "Lu Ayou" and "Weiqiandao", thank you for your support!

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