Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 656: Good news

Please enter the text. Please note: According to the requirements of relevant national laws and regulations, please do not upload any pornographic, vulgar, political and other illegal content, we will review and report according to the regulations. Shan Dongxing was very worried. "Can we get past two million people?"

Wu Gongling: "Elder Shan also hopes to take away 2 million people? This is a group of people who haven't experienced long-term regular training, can't walk fast and can't move, and don't have any fighting experience. They are scared and frightened by a bunch of bullies People and strong momentum are okay, and it really depends on them to fight, that is a joke. Before, we can use the contradictions of the court to take advantage of the advantages. Now the Nanzhou people command the five road princes and the six road princes to join forces. If you do n’t run, you still have to wait to die? These people from the Wuhe bring waste food and use it to block the chasing soldiers for us. Do n’t expect to take them away. It ’s good to take away the headquarter of Cangzhou. ”

Shan Dongxing was distressed, "If you know you are not enemies, why did you promise to rebel?"

I really regret it now. Based on what the Cangzhou rebels burned and looted, how could the court let them pass? He killed Qu Yunkong, the head of Tongxian Pavilion, and the daughter of the former head of Zijin Cave. It is impossible for the three major factions to let him go.

It's too late to surrender now.

Wu Gongling: "It has not been blinded by them yet. I thought that the battle between the Korean and Song armies would take advantage of the situation and wait until the benefits of the distribution are indispensable to us. Whoever wants to drag the two countries has not responded now, this is pushing us into the fire pit , Can we not ask for self-preservation? Now going east is our only way to live. As long as the riddle is successful, we still have hundreds of thousands of horses in our hands, which is the capital of self-preservation! "

Shan Dongxing now has no choice, he doesn't understand the battle between the army, he can only rely on the veteran of the battlefield, and then he grumbles: "Tongxian Pavilion's ambitions will not change, and he will continue to support the general!"

Wu Gongling was disdainful. Is there any way out for Tongxiange besides being tied to Laozi? He smiled on his face and said: "Nature is a blessing!"


"The Shang dynasty killed Shi Sheng?"

At the Imperial Palace of Yanjing, Shang Jianxiong, who heard the news after the case, raised his head and asked in surprise.

Tian Yu held the report in his hand and nodded: "Your Majesty, there is nothing wrong with Ga Miaoshui seeing it with his own eyes. Shi Sheng broke into the Shang Dynasty Sect Barracks and tried to make a difficult case. On the spot, Shi Sheng and the heads of his two capable disciples were chopped together, and the first level was given to Su Qitong! "

Shang Jianxiong's face was unpredictable for a while, and finally he sneered, "It really has a father and a son. At that time, Ning Wang ordered the killing of Elder Lingjian Mountain, and this time he was replaced by his son. Okay, this unrepentant character is interesting, and really interesting. "

Then he lifted his chin again, "Pay attention to the reaction over there."

Tian Yu knew what he was referring to, and sighed, "Yes!"

It means that the three major factions are over there. What else can they do? When the news arrived, the three major factions were shocked.

In a pavilion, Long Xiu suddenly stood up under the gaze of Meng Xuanhe and Gong Lince. His face appeared gritty, and he sneered.

Outside the pavilion, a group of disciples from the Xiaoyao Palace rushed over, clamoring with anger, and threatening to clean up the Shang dynasty or the blood debt.

Among them, Shi Sheng ’s disciples, weeping more than once, please be in charge of it.

The disciples of Shi Sheng were really sad. When Shi Sheng died, the pattern of forces in the door had to be rewashed to a certain extent. The people of Shi Sheng ’s line were afraid to stand by.

Yi Shu said indignantly: "Master, there is no way for Niu Youdao to stand up. Where did the Shang dynasty dare to be so brave? The elders of Dare to dare to kill, how can they let go! "

"Shut up for me!" Long Xiu suddenly snorted.

Gong Lince and Meng Xuan glanced at each other, and the former said: "Brother Long, at this time, I still hope to be calm. I might as well talk about things afterwards."

At this time, it is really unwise to ask the Shang Chaozong to settle the accounts. The two of them will not let the impunity come.

Of course, the two also believe that Long Xiu can understand the powerful relationship.

After Shi Sheng ’s death, the matter was finally temporarily suppressed. There is no way. In the current situation, rebellion is greater than anything for Yan Guo!

Immediately afterwards, the Pingguo Jiebao newspaper began to arrive in Beijing.

The impact of the Shang Dynasty dynasty Shi Sheng on the war was huge, and it was even more thrilling for the several traitors who rebelled against the princes. The elders who were still watching were also frightened. Then look at the Shang Dynasty That military order came one after another, it was a secret killer!

Who dares to doubt the determination of the Shang Dynasty to suppress the rebels and only the princes? Even the elders of Xiaoyao Palace were killed!

First, the army of Su Qitong broke through the Luoxialing, causing the rebels to flee, and then the Qianlijiang was changed to chase.

Then the four-way army quickly executed the order to counter the generals, and the five-way army launched a comprehensive offensive. The rebels defeated all the way.

Of course, the defeat of the rebels was good. In fact, they did not encounter any decent resistance at all. They simply ran all the way to recover the lost rebels, but naturally they would not say that they were picking up the cheap when reporting. Thanks to the credit, the success stories spread to the capital like snow flakes.

"Good news! Good news! The counterinsurgents conquered the Luoxialing and hit the Qianlijiang all the way, the rebels could not be defeated!"

"Good news! Good news! The counterinsurgency broke through Dangmenshan and the rebels killed were defeated!"

"Good news! Good news! The rebel army conquered Linhai County and cut off the rebels' supply!"

"Very good news! Good news! Insurgents resurrecting Yuanzhou!"

"Good news! Good news! The counterinsurgency broke through the rebellious home Cangzhou!"

"Good news! The rebels' home nest is lost, Cangzhou has been occupied by the counterinsurgency!"

In order to inspire the people, when the victory arrived, the imperial court deliberately let the messengers scream across the street to make everyone know.

As a result, the victory wo n’t come, and it wo n’t stop as soon as it came. Every time a county was overcome, a victory came from every county, and the million-strong princes of the five roads were victorious everywhere. Dozens of good news came.

Even the elderly in Beijing and China have never seen such a crazy success story. The momentum of the counterinsurgency is almost desolate, and the rebellion of the Yan Kingdom rebellion is just around the corner.

The people of Yanjing were very happy. Some wealthy businessmen were not happy, and they could finally keep their family business. With happiness, they cooked congee on the street, rescued the hungry people, and celebrated the winning streak of the rebel army.

However, these wealthy businessmen were all unlucky afterwards, and all of them were copied. The reasons for copying were various. One of them was for the sake of wealth, and there was a suspicion of hiding the enemy during the rebellion against food. The profiteers argued that the confiscation of the property was confiscated.

It turned out to be a profiteer to deal with. It was a buckle to pass the enemy's hat, and it was spurned by Wanmin.

"Before you swept away the decline, Lien Chan and Lian Jie were happy!"

"You don't look at who came out, Yongping County King! Who is Yongping County King, that is Ning Wang's son!"

"That's why, it is said that Yongping County King went out with Ning Wang when he was a teenager, and learned Ning Wang's skills in ten or nine. With Ning Wang's ability, one can imagine that Ning Wang would sweep the big civil war. Isn't that true? Can anyone stop it? "

"Yan Shanming, Qi Wuhen, telling the world, I heard that Meng Shanming was serving under the king of Yongping County!"

"My Dayan has such a tiger, it is really the blessing of Dayan!"

A group of Jingcheng students had a lot of discussion in the Jingcheng restaurant, drinking a lot and talking aloud.

A man at Linchuang was the embassy of Song State in Yanjing. Hearing these remarks, he whispered back: "How did this battle be fought? I went back to the news and asked what was going on."

"Yes!" The entourage quickly left.

The streets and alleys of the capital and the teahouses and restaurants were boiled by the success stories, and everyone was happy and excited.

At first, the imperial court meant to inspire the success of the newspaper. Later, when I saw the trend, it was a bit wrong. All the capitals were in the reputation of the father and son of Kuaning. The palace was furious. Too.

And those rich merchants who were rescued were copied from it.

Among them, insiders are silent on the experience of those rich businessmen.

The uninformed listen to the wind is the rain, and wish to dig up the ancestral tombs of the wealthy merchants, beating some people to ridicule the word "foolish people" ...

"How could the battle be like this?"

In Dasikong Mansion, a success report came, and Tong Mo, who was sitting behind the case, threw away the success report and couldn't help touching his forehead.

At first I saw a piece of good news and saw that the trend should be stabilized. He was relieved, but now it is a headache.

The battle was too fast to win, and the logistics supply could not keep up with the pursuit of the army. How could he, who is a complete manipulator of supply, not have a headache, and once he caused an unfavorable reversal of the battle, he would have to bear responsibility.

However, it did n’t take long for the relevant personnel to gradually understand what was going on and what was the unprecedented victory, but the rebel Wugong Ling was unwilling to fight and threw a lot of cheap money for the rebel army to pick up. The rebel army can win the scary whale, and all princes are lying to retaliate against the merits of the rebellion.

Shang Chaozong opened his eyes and closed his eyes to the situation of lying, and he knew what was strict and what to do on the battlefield, especially in the current situation. This situation was also what he needed.

The court of the Yan Kingdom can only pretend to be deaf and dumb. It cannot tell the people that we have not won, and we can only say that we have won.

There is something wrong with the recent atmosphere in Chaotang.

After the dynasty, the sun was good that day. Shang Yongzhong, who stepped out of the main hall, looked up and looked at the clear sky ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~

Not long after letting go down the steps, an **** came to ask him to stop, whispering: "Your lord, the Dragon Palace Master has asked." And he gestured somewhere.

Shang Yongzhong looked back, and saw that Long Xiu, the master of Xiaoyao Palace, was standing behind the moon gate in the distance, nodded at him slightly, and disappeared behind the gate.

I didn't know what to do with myself. Shang Yongzhong didn't dare to delay. He hurried away and walked around to see the moon gate. He saw Long Xiu standing by the pond and walked over to salute. "

Long Xiuxiao smiled, "Wang Yegui is Sima Yan, how do you view the current counterinsurgency war?"

Shang Yongzhong said: "The general trend has been determined, Wu Gongling has lost its territory, and the supply is difficult to last. It is destined to lose."

Long Xiu: "I don't want to give your imperial ancestor to this majesty of the rebellion. Can the prince be interested in going to the battlefield to replace the Shang dynasty?"

This is to give credit to yourself! Shang Yongzhong's eyes flickered, and he understood that the aftermath of the Shang dynasty's death was finally revealed. This was to start the Shang dynasty.

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