Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 719: I just want to make friends with Elder Chao

Wu's second son received the letter and went away.

Niu Youdao also pestered the sword and turned away, Guan Fangyi raised Chao Shenghuai on the ground to keep up.


Wu Yier after Yi Rong sent the letter to the disciples who guarded the mountain gate at Wanshoumen, indicating who the letter was given to and left.

As for who sent it, there is no need to say more.

The letter to Chao Jing, the elder, did not dare to delay the following disciples, and sent it to Chao Jing as soon as possible.

When the letter arrived, Chao Jing was talking to the following disciples and received the letter. Chao Jing asked casually, "Who sent it?"

The disciples sent the letter respectfully and said respectfully: "The disciples don't know. The sender said it was piggybacked by an elder and an old friend. It was not revealed who it was, and the elder knew it when he saw it."

Old friends? Chao Jing suspiciously, waved his hand to make him retreat, then opened the letter to check, looked at it, his eyes showed a look of surprise and uncertainty.

The letter mentioned something, and his grandson of the Butterfly Dream Realm caused the Raksha tide, killing a group of disciples of the Thousand Beasts. In order to avoid responsibility, Chao Jing secretly suppressed this matter, making a large number of disciples die Not white.

The letterman said that Chao Shenghuai told him, and Chao Shenghuai is now in his hands.

The letterman asked him, how much is this worth? Appointed a place to ask him to meet alone, let him go to the appointment alone, do not bring people.

Chao Jing sneered in his heart, and somehow he didn't know where to live or die, but he dared to play this threatening trick with him.

Slowly closing the letter, Chao Jing ordered a disciple, "Go and call Chao Shenghuai."

"Yes!" The disciple immediately ordered to leave.

The negative hand waited for a while in the courtyard, and the disciple came back quickly. The reporter reported: "Master, Chao Sheng is away, saying that I went to Vientiane City to buy things. I have already explained the disciple who was with him, waiting for him Come back immediately and let him come. "

Not there? Chao Jing raised his eyebrows slightly. It seemed that his grandson might have fallen into the hands of others. He immediately waved his big disciple, Xu Huo, and secretly commanded him to lead someone in secret.

The letterman asked him to go to the appointment alone. He was almost stupid. He had to secretly arrange it. He wanted to see who was doing it in secret.

Xu Huo left for a while. After everything was set up and returned to life, Chao Jingfang left Wanshoumen alone and went down the mountain.

The meeting place was a little far away from Wanshoumen, in a deep mountain gorge.

When Chao Jing arrived and looked around, he didn't see anybody, and suddenly looked up again, only to see a large bird passing by from above, and a figure flew down, slowly falling in front of him, standing calmly with his sword, smiling. Watch him.

Chao Jing frowned: "Niu Youdao! Is it your old husband?"

He is not familiar with Niu Youdao, but he is also familiar with it. After all, Niu Youdao has lived in the Thousand Beasts Gate for so long, he has seen it.

Niu Youdao smiled and nodded, "Boldly bother, and hope Elder Chao forgive sins."

Chao Jing's eyes are weird, his thoughts are changed a thousand times, and the other party's identity background is associated with this battle of Song Yan. There has been a rough speculation about the intention of Niu Youdao, squinting: "What do you want to do?"

Niu Youdao said: "The rivers and lakes are walking, the road is walking, and the friends are making. I just want to make friends with Elder Chao."

Chao Jing, with a tense expression, suddenly smiled, "Guests who can stay in the Wanshoumen Guest House are friends, what do you say?"

Niu Youdao also smiled, "In contrast, Elder Chao makes sense."

Chao Jing said: "As a friend, should my unfilial grandson be given to me?"

Niu Youdao: "Don't worry, just make sure that Elder Chao really has the intention to be friends, so Sun Zihui will hand it to you without any damage."

Chao Jing: "If it is for the battle of Song Yan, I'm sorry, but the old man is powerless."

Niu Youdao said: "I came here to help Elder Chao and help Elder Chao solve the trouble. The contents of my letter must have been seen by Elder Chao. I have the intention to help Chao Changlao wipe out this trouble. Is it Chao? Chang Lao did n’t want to express any thanks at all? "

Chao Jing sneered: "Joke, no matter what is unfounded, how can the old man be threatened by others."

Niu Youdao: "If Sun is to testify?"

Chao Jing: "He was just under duress in the hands of others."

Niu Youdao smiled and said: "In the butterfly dream world, there were two people who provoke Luo Chachao together with Ling Sun at the same time. They are both discerning and long-lived. They are both disciples and brothers. Afterwards, Sun was intended to kill and kill his mouth. It happened that these two were rescued by me. "

Chao Jing's expression twitched fiercely, trying to justify, Niu Youdao raised his hand and stopped, "No hurry, and listen to me slowly finish. Of course, Elder Chao can also say that the two were coerced to make false testimony. I don't know Chao Elders can know Chen Ping, Gao Lan, Liu Ding'an, Qiu Wenxian, brothers? "

Chao Jing's eyes flickered, how could he not know these four people, these four people are all disciples of Wanshoumen, and the disappearance of Wuying suddenly disappeared in Wangshoumen, he didn't know that Niu Youdao suddenly mentioned What do you mean by these four people, slowly said: "What do you mean?"

Niu Youdao said: "At the time when the birds of Ten Thousand Beasts caused plague, there were two or thirty large birds killed, but according to the four people, it was not a plague, but something else. Someone inside the Thousand Beasts thought Seeking a fortune, secretly doing things, stealing five large birds under the guise of the plague! Ha ha, five large birds, this is not a small amount, and the four brothers and sisters participated in it. Some people thought afterwards Killing people and killing my mouth, unfortunately, I was rescued again. "

Chao Jing was stunned in his heart. At first, he felt that the plague had come abruptly. Could it be that there was nothing wrong with it, Shen said: "I can't understand what you mean?"

Niu Youdao: "Aren't you instructed behind the scenes?"

Chao Jing said angrily: "Why don't you, an old man, arbitrarily plant your arrogance? There are counts of how many birds died during the plague, and where did you steal them?"

"Is it?" Niu Youdao said with sarcasm, looked up at the sky, and raised his hand to make a gesture in the air.

The bird hovering in the air suddenly swooped, and threw another figure as it passed over the canyon.

Niu Youdao raised his hand to cast a spell, which slowed down the felling of the person who fell down. He grabbed the neck of the person, and made the person stand in front of him, pushing the person's neck, and asked, "Qiu Wenxian, Can Elder Chao know this disciple? "

Chao Jing stared at the person who came to examine it, and to be honest, he could not recognize the following disciples, but when he met, he could confirm that he was a disciple of Wanshoumen.

But Qiu Wenxian, who fell in the hands of Niu Youdao, recognized Chao Jing. When he saw Chao Jing, he instantly panicked.

Suddenly, he was taken out of detention, but I didn't expect to bring him to see the elder.

"Qiu Wenxian, when the plague occurred at Wanshoumen, what did you do to take the opportunity, and did not actually recruit Zhao in the face of Elder Chao?" Niu Youdao pushed the people out to Chao Jing, and spread his hand. Prove that there is no threat, and the other party can save the person at any time.

However, Qiu Wenxian, who was staggering a few steps, was so scared that his legs fell down and sat down, looking at Chao Jing with horror.

A huge shadow has always gathered in his heart. When he was in distress, could he not know that Chao Shenghuai was going to kill him and kill his mouth? Behind him, Chao Jing was instructed, he could not be sure, but Chao Shenghuai always said under the guise of Chao Jing After everything is done, he will be his own person, who can help him gain a foothold in the Thousand Beast Gate.

After being robbed, he actually didn't want to go back to the Thousand Beasts Gate, but how could he make a choice when he fell into the hands of others?

The person who controls his destiny is the chess player who controls the offspring behind him. His destiny does not belong to him.

Chao Jing's gloomy eyes fell on his face, and Chao Jing didn't want to be confused. When he had this opportunity, he wanted to find out what happened to the plague. Shen said: "Are you Qiu Wenxian?"

Qiu Wenxian climbed up tremblingly, knelt down, and knelt with a sincere fear: "Disciple Qiu Wenxian, see the elders!"

Chao Jing said one by one: "A plague occurred and more than 20 large birds were killed. Do you know anything behind this?"

Qiu Wenxian was in a panic, Chao Shenghuai wanted to kill him! And Chao Shenghuai is Chao Jing's grandson, how does this make him speak?

Chao Jing: "The truth of the matter gave me fifteen to ten, say!" The last word was a sudden sip.

Qiu Wenxian was terrified, lying on the ground. "It was Chao Shenghuai who instructed the disciples to do it. When the Linghua Valley happened ..." he anxiously instructed Chao Shenghuai, how did a few people cover their eyes and steal the birds that would be destroyed The story of the corpse is detailed.

Chao Jingting's facial muscles kept shaking, and his mind had already been associated with what happened afterwards in the Juling Mountain Eagle Nest. From this, he had already guessed the purpose of doing so, stealing the corpse to steal the day!

Qiu Wenxian knelt on the ground and raised his head in a choked voice. "The disciple didn't know what Chao Shenghuai was doing at first. Later Chao Shenghuai deceived us down the mountain to kill us. After the disciples fell into trouble with Chen Ping, Gao Lan and Liu Ding'an Inquiring each other, Fang Zhichao Shenghuai made several steps for us in order to steal birds ... "He then pieced together the complete information about the theft from what others learned.

As for what role Niu Youdao played in this ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ he did not know anything, Chao Shenghuai did not tell them, nor would they tell them, if they were involved by outsiders, they did not dare to help Chao Shenghuai does that kind of thing.

The only thing related to Niu Youdao, he only knew that a few of them ended up in Niu Youdao.

Chao Jing was still struck by five thunders, and his face became black.

That is not a matter of five birds, but the loss of more than 20 large birds, the value of which is sky high. For this matter, the elders of Linghua Valley and Juling Mountain all stepped down. , Did not expect that his grandson was behind the incident.

"Huh!" Niu Youdao shook his head. "Wonderful! It's really wonderful! A Chao Shenghuai dared to turn his hands over the clouds and rain inside the Wanshoumen, and made such a horrible big case, and arranged so delicately, if said There was no one behind him who could support him. A young disciple dared to do such a thing himself. I was afraid that nobody would believe it. Elder Chao, what do you say? "

Chao Jing's cheek twitched and said: "Do you want to threaten me with this? Useless! This matter has nothing to do with me, Wanshoumen will find out!"

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