Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 929: 1 basket of fruity

Fire Phoenix is ​​afraid that he will mess up with himself, and when he is sad, why would he think so far-reaching and nervous: "Naturally it is to return to the fire of heaven."

She didn't understand the meaning of the other party's words at all.

Before the young couple met, Niu Youdao looked at it with cold eyes, and they saw that they were dying and dying to be alive. I do n’t know if he thought deeply, he could n’t let the game he set up in vain. He specially reminded him. "Do n’t be nervous and scared, I ’m here for you and for Kunlin Tree. There was something disrespected earlier, but I was angry at Kunlin Tree ’s unreasonable troubles. Now that I ’m calm, your emotions should be stable and stable. You can rest assured that I Will not mess up with you, I ’m doing it for you? "

Hearing this, although Fire Phoenix does not necessarily believe in him, he is more at ease and wiped away tears, "What's the value of Elder Niu?"

I asked the previous words in vain, didn't listen at all, Niu Youdao was speechless, but still smiling with a smile: "Qian Fucheng wants to take the Kunlin tree away. Do you know the end of Kunlin tree after leaving this place?"

Fire Phoenix slightly puzzled and said: "Are you saying that Zong Men will severely punish Brother?"

Niu Youdao: "I remind you again that your brother has a gamble, and the people in the world's money bank agreed and came forward to be a witness to this gamble. No one in the world except the Yange Pavilion. Fucheng could have prevented your brother from agreeing to this gambling agreement, but not only did he, the elder of the Tianhuo religion, not stop, he also helped the side. Is this responsibility Qian Fucheng shouldered? "

The phoenix's eyes gradually enlarged, and they seemed to understand something.

Niu Youdao continued: "Tianhuo Tao is not only to severely punish your brother, he has the same guilt as money, but you should now know the purpose of taking away your brother?"

Fire Phoenix seems to understand something, hesitantly said: "Nature ... Nature is brought back to brothers to facilitate business?"

Niu Youdao said: "What about this gambling contract? I said that no one dared to rely on this account except the 缥 玈 阁. The people of the world's money houses will not force anyone to make this gambling, and generally will not participate in this kind of gambling. Things, this is when both parties have agreed in advance, and they both went to invite, and both agree that the people of Qianzhuang came out as intermediaries, and there is no opinion from both sides, and the Hangzhou manager came out of this. Break the contract? Do you think Does Dianhuo dare to play the world ’s money houses? The bills of the world ’s money houses are very hard. The circulation of the world ’s coins must go through the world ’s money houses. The world ’s money houses rely on credibility. Does the Tianhuo teaches to damage the credibility of the world ’s money houses? "

Huo Fenghuang wondered: "Do you mean that Elder Qian can't bring Brother back to Tianhuo?"

Niu Youdao said: "It's not that you can't bring it back, but you don't dare to bring it back. There is the guarantee of the world's money houses. Tianhuo dare not dare not to hand someone in. What's the point of bringing it back? In the end, you still have to hand it over, you said What will Elder Qian do? He would rather leave you hostage than take your brother away, why do you say? "

Fire Phoenix was horrified, "He wants ... he wants to be against his brother!"

Niu Youdao nodded slowly, "Not only is it unfavorable, I am afraid that I will kill your brother! As long as I let go of Zijin Cave, it is not Tianhuojia who forcibly broke the contract to take people away, the world's money houses can't control it, your brother If something unexpected happens on the way, beyond the gambling contract, the world's money houses will not manage this kind of chores, and it will not be related to Tianhuojiao. "

"Once Skyfire teaches your brother, and someone grabs the handle and proves that Skyfire is destroying the contract, what are the consequences? There are some things that Elder Qian can do, but Skyfire can't, at least things can't come from Skyfire. "

"As long as I let your brother leave this place, your brother will inevitably encounter unexpected events. I leave your brother, not to hurt him, but to save him!"

Fire Phoenix understood, and grinned, "Save him? What do you do to save him? If you really want to save him, you should put a smile on the gamble, and let the two of us go back. No, this is the real rescue. You hold him up ... Elder Niu, do you think I'm stupid? You made our husband and wife like this, do you want me to be grateful to Dade? "

Niu Youdao: "I made your husband and wife like this? Can this be blamed on me? Who is bothering me, you know better than anyone else."

"Also, I bet that although I am the party, but do n’t forget, I am the elder of Zijindong after all. Things are getting bigger. With such a good handle in your hand, do you think Zijindong will let it go? The battle for the interests of Zijin Cave and Tianhuo Religion has already been involved. Zijin Cave must take the opportunity to provide conditions to Tianhuo Religion, and it is a very high condition. Zijin Cave will not miss such a good opportunity. You think I can still make the decision now. ?"

Fire Phoenix said indignantly: "Since you can't be the master, why do you come to me?"

Niu Youdao raised his eyebrows and said, "According to the gambling agreement, you are already my servant. Isn't it possible for me to see my servant?"

The phoenix subconsciously leaned back against the wall again, weeping nervously: "The servant is the servant, and things other than the servant I think I promise!"

Niu Youdao is quite speechless, do you look like a bad person? Why do you always think of yourself in that respect, "You think too much, I came to tell you, I don't want you to fall into the hands of Zijindong, and you don't want your couple to be hostages for the exchange of interests between Zijindong and Tianhuojiao . "

Fire Phoenix didn't believe it and smiled with tears: "Can you have this kindness?"

Niu Youdao said: "Is this kindness not important, the important thing is that once the two factions have been exchanged for benefits ... In fact, you should know that it is not important for you to be a slave and your life is not important for Tianhuojiao What Tianhuo wants to return is your brother. Tianhuo wo n’t let your brother fall into slavery. Have you ever thought about this result? Once because your brother let Tianhuo sacrifice a huge benefit ... one holds the highest position of Tianhuo The secret technique is impulsive and uncontrollable, and it has caused great losses to Zongmen. Have you thought about the end after your brother returned? "

The phoenix shook his head tearfully, "What the **** do you want to say?"

Niu Youdao: "I want to save your brother and I want to save you too, I want to protect you both."

Fire Phoenix cried out, "You said you can't be the Lord, why should you protect us?"

Niu Youdao said: "I can't keep you, I can't guarantee, I can only do my best. I just want you to know why I don't let your brother be taken away by money, and I will try my best to keep you both Life. If you still want your brother to be alive, I hope you can cooperate with me when necessary, and with your cooperation, I will guarantee that your husband and wife will be more confident. "

Fire Phoenix wiped tears and thought about his words, "How do you want me to cooperate?"

Niu Youdao turned and walked pacing away, calmly saying: "I'm not sure yet. I can't say more. I'll tell you when I see the situation. I'll just remind you first. Of course, if you don't want your brother to live, go to At that time, I will hand you over to Zijin Cave and let the two factions dispose of it. "

The Fire Phoenix stopped talking and finally shouted: "Why? I don't believe you can help us for no reason. I don't believe you can have this kindness."

"Why is it for no reason? You are my servants, my people, and my people are left to others to deal with, and I have no face. I have a foothold in Zijin Cave, and I have to mix here here, how can I make people Swept my face easily? "Niu Youdao stopped to explain.

Is that right? Fire Phoenix will be suspicious.

"If you want your brother to die, you just need to pass a sentence. If you are begging for your own death, I'll be useless no matter how hard it is, and I'm too lazy to bother." Niu Youdao threw his words away from his back. The door creaked and closed again.

The Fire Phoenix who is tearing his eyes against the wall is demented, thinking of Niu Youdao.

Niu Youwei, who had gone out of the door, smelled the familiar fragrance of powder, turned his head and saw that Guan Fangyi was hiding beside the door against the wall, and she was shaking with a smile on her hand.

Unlike before, the former Guan Fangyi often shouted, cursed at the words of bringing the old lady to the side as a thug.

It is different now. No matter where Niu Youdao goes, she always wants to get closer and see what Niu Youdao wants to do.

Niu Youdao Xin stepped down the steps.

With one foot kicked on the wall, the tube skirt of Fangyi back against the wall swayed, followed by the swaying fan quickly, and asked in a low voice: "You don't say those things for no reason, what do you want to do? "

Niu Youdao: "You have heard it, am I already clear?"

Guan Fangyi pouted, rolled her eyes, and the fan in the hand beat behind Niu Youdao, obviously cursing and hating!

When you followed Niu Youdao, there was always a sense of fear and fear. Now I feel at ease, where there is a cow and Tao, there is no fear of big winds and waves, and the status is not comparable to when I was in Qijing Fufang Garden. I do n’t need it now. You don't need to worry about Qi Jing's miscellaneous forces when you laugh at people. For example, not many people dare to be rude to her today.

And Niu Youdao has never restricted her freedom, she is now living very moist.

Not only her, but many people who follow Niu Youdao have the same feeling and mentality.

In their eyes, Niu Youdao is their Dao Ye, not just a polite terminology, but a group of people in the practice world are all dominated by Dao Ye ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ just walked out of here In the small courtyard, Chen Guishuo jogged to report: "Dao Ye, Guimian Pavilion is here."

The former disciples of the Shangqing sect, once the brothers of Niu Youdao, have already changed their minds.

When Chen Guishuo repeatedly recalled the past, he often secretly felt emotions. When he helped Song Yanqing, Song Yanqing died and the Song family collapsed. Running to Beizhou, Shao Pingbo also collapsed and lived in Jin Kingdom. As for the Qing dynasty, the ancestral court was lost and reduced to the Wei State. If you look at yourself today, it seems to be better than everyone else in the Shangqing sect. Now it is actually mixed in the Zijin cave that the Shangqing sect had to look up to.

"Gumian Pavilion ..." Niu Youdao froze for a while, and it has been a while in Zijin Cave. The people of Guimian Pavilion seemed to have ignored him. This time he took the initiative to find it, and I don't know what happened. After pondering for a while, I couldn't figure it out, so he asked with a bit of doubt: "Please."

"Yes!" Chen Guishuo hurried away.

After a while, Ju'an came, with a rattan basket in his hand, and came forward to salute the cow after he came, "Uncle Shi."

Niu Youdao glanced at what was in his basket, a basket of golden-skinned fruit, and asked, "What are you looking for, but the master is looking for me?"

Ju An said with a smile: "No, Shizu is quiet and will not act rashly. I just saw a tree with wild fruits over the back of the mountain. It is quite fresh, it is a local feature, and it is rare. Presumably, Uncle Shi has not tasted it. Sushun Road brought it to Uncle Shi for a taste. "

"Oh!" Niu Youdao doubted.

Ju An put down the fruit basket and respectfully resigned.

"Just to give a fruit?" Guan Fangyi murmured.

Niu Youdao stretched out his hand and took a fruit from the fruit basket, placed it in front of his nose and sniffed the fragrant and fruity fragrance.

ps: ashamed, ashamed, and allow me two days to resume normal updates.

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