Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 936: The trouble should end it

Upon hearing this, Tianhuo taught everyone to be angry!

Such a rebellious word, and it was spoken in public, even the people at Zijindong were not surprised.

"Sinny beast!" Qian Fucheng was furious, and with a scream, he would start before flashing.

Wu Zhao, who was in charge of protection next to the Fire Phoenix, pulled the Fire Phoenix behind him, took a distance away, and at the same time drew his sword and pointed at Qian Fucheng. The warning was obvious.

boom! Gong Lince took the case and said in a deep voice: "What do you want to do? Want to grab someone in my Zijin Cave?"

A group of figures flashed, and a team of Zijindong masters stopped in front of Wu Zhaoxing.

"Go away!" Yu Wenyan stepped forward, grabbed Qian Fucheng's shoulders and dragged him behind him. The situation was so troublesome, he had the heart to kill Qian Fucheng. What kind of politeness would he forget? polite.

The other is that the bet has people from the world's money bank testify, what is the matter of ruining the bet? Really want to make money into chaos, I am afraid that it will cause more trouble.

Niu Youdao also said aloud, and asked Gong Lince, "Master, what do you mean? Isn't it a look? Why do you want to start?"

Yu Wenyan ignored the audience and stepped forward to point at the phoenix that was being guarded. He said angrily: "Sinister, do you know what you are talking about?"

Fire Phoenix is ​​silent.

Yu Wenyan asked sharply, "Where is the Kunlin tree, let him get out!"

Upon hearing this, Fire Phoenix looked firm and replied aloud: "Without Brother, I'm a husband and wife. The husband and wife are one. I mean what he meant."

Here and there, she reminded her so much that she could say this just because she didn't want Tianhuojiao to take Brother back.

She wanted to keep the life of her brother, and would rather betray Tianhuo Sect, rather than send her to death.

Brother was closed for ten years in a closed place. She waited outside for ten years. Their marriage was postponed for a full ten years. Just when they were newly married, let her husband die, she couldn't do it!

Yu Wenyan flicked his fingers and screamed, "Fuck! Let your brother come out!"

"What do you want to do?" Niu Youdao came forward, the pestle sword was caught between the two groups of people, obviously afraid that someone would mess up, and would not put the Fire Phoenix alone under too much pressure, waved: "First take the people down . "

Wu Zhaoxing quickly dragged the Fire Phoenix away.

Yu Wenyan stepped forward, and a group of Zijindong masters quickly stepped forward to block, and the two sides confronted together.

Gong Lince said in a deep voice: "Brother Yuwen, you better not be impulsive. I hope you remember what you said before. You said that you just came to meet people. My Zijin Cave is not a place where you can let people go wild!"

Yu Wenyan's face was slightly distorted, and she gritted her teeth: "Kunlin Tree, I want to see Kunlin Tree."

Gong Lince: "Brother Yuwen, I suggest you stay calm. Your emotions are a little impulsive. It seems that it is not suitable for meeting people now."

Yu Wenyan: "She said such a big deal, and I suspect that someone took the life of the Kunlin tree to threaten her. I must confirm whether the Kunlin tree is safe before I can talk to you."

He said this, Gong Lin's strategy was doubtful, and he looked back at Niu Youdao.

Niu Youdao was not a vegetarian, and immediately excused himself and said: "Yu Wen, what do you mean? Threats? What threats? You talked to Zijindong, and we put people here, What threats are needed? I do n’t care if they are disciples of the Tianhuo religion, as long as you have negotiated with our sect, I let them go. What are the threats? "

As soon as this remark came out, Gong Lincai thought about it, Niu Youdao really didn't need to do that kind of thing.

Yu Wenyan: "Then let Kunlin Tree come out to see me!"

Niu Youdao turned around and asked Gong Lince, "Master, what do you think?"

Gong Lince: "Since Yu Wen's head is not at ease, let him see it, nothing can happen."

"Follow the rule of law." Niu Youdao responded, and turned back to Guan Fangyi: "Mother, why didn't you bring Kunlin Tree together?"

Guan Fangyi said helplessly: "Kunlin Shu didn't want to come out to meet the people of Tianhuo, Huo Fenghuang also said, faceless."

Niu Youdao said angrily: "How can he be? My cottage is a clean place, not an endless place. I personally go to please, if I don't come, I'll drag him too!" Stride away.

Yuwen Yan came out in the back, "Don't play with me ... Do you play tricks one by one, threaten the other one? Two people bring it out together, I have to see both of them present at the same time, to confirm whether they are hurt Coercion and threats! "

Guan Fangyi, who said this, was pounding in his heart, secretly, no wonder he could teach the master of Heavenly Fire, it was not simple!

Niu Youdao paused and turned back with a sneer: "Yu Wen, you think too much, okay, as you wish!" Then Chong Gong Lin Ce extended **** and shook!

Tianhuo taught everyone that they didn't know what they meant, and they couldn't help looking at Gong Lincai together.

Suggest this at this time? Gong Lince was speechless and looked up at the roof of the corridor.

Relevant personnel at Zijindong understand what Niu Youdao means by this gesture. The 20% benefit is not to be forgotten!

With the big sleeves thrown away, Niu Youdao went directly to the place where Kunlin trees were placed under house arrest.

Boom! Niu Youdao was the door that kicked open, and the Kunlin tree in the startled room suddenly stood up, and pulled the sword wound on his leg, and his cheek had a reaction after pain.

His injury was not good, and the injury did not last long. Plus, one was self-cultivated, unable to exercise his power and adjust the rate to speed up the recovery of his injury.

"Elder Bull!" Kunlin Shu looked at him hesitantly, wondering what he meant by this reaction, and asked again: "How about my sister?"

Sensing that the other party's emotions seem to be abnormal, his first reaction was still worried about the teacher and sister.

Niu Youdao's facial emotions slowed down. He came to him and sighed, "No!"

Kun Linshu's eyes widened for a moment, "Elder Niu, how can you not talk, you have said that as long as I obey, it will not hurt my sister, what happened to you?" There is obviously something wrong. Be desperate.

Niu Youdao said: "It's not how we treat her, but the people of the Tianhuo religion are afraid they won't let her go this time. Even if she doesn't die, I'm afraid that she might as well die after returning to the Tianhuo religion!"

Kunlin Shu was puzzled and wondered: "What do you mean?"

Niu Youdao sighed: "Not because of you!"

"I?" Kun Linshu said puzzledly: "I know that I have been involved in her, but things are not like what you said, she was just implicated, there is nothing wrong, why should Zong Men let her go?"

Niu Youdao said: "It's not because of you! The people of Tianhuo Religion have already arrived, and they have arrived at my mausoleum, and the leader of Tianhuo Religion, Yu Wenyan, has personally led the people. There will be no good end to being brought back by Tianhuojiao. In order to protect you, some unsavory words are spoken in front of everyone ... "He told the story of the Fire Phoenix and those rebellious words.

Kun Linshu's pupils contracted and his chest twitched, and he was too aware of the consequences of saying that in public.

In public, and in front of a foreigner, speaking such words is tantamount to betraying the teacher!

traitor! No matter which school, the traitor will not be soft. Once the sister and sister fall into the hands of Tianhuojiao, you can imagine the end. He cannot dare to imagine the consequences, but he is afraid of being worse than his end.

Niu Youdao: "Don't worry, things are not without chance."

Kunlin Shu asked: "How do you say this?"

Niu Youdao said: "Fortunately, you have a gamble. This gamble was made by the world's money houses, and it was Qian Fucheng who made a guarantee on behalf of Tianhuojiao as the elder of Tianhuojiao. It ’s okay for Yue Tianhuo Jiao to refuse to admit the account. According to the gambling agreement, you stay here, and they also take you with no temper. As long as your sister is here, they ca n’t help your sister. ”

Kun Linshu's face was painful, "I blame me, I blame me for doing everything."

Niu Youdao said: "I said, the road was chosen by yourself, don't regret it! I reminded you again and again before the test, I repeatedly gave you the opportunity, you don't want it! Is regret useful now? Or face reality! Since you are already my people, I will do my best to protect you. "

Kunlin Shu laughed: "The leader of the law came in person, the leader came to the person in person, can Zijin Cave hand us over? Can you deny the purpose of Zijin Cave?"

Niu Youdao said: "Do you think Zijin Cave will be easy to let go? I just participated in the negotiations between Tianhuojiao and Zijindong. I can hand you over. Zijindong asked Tianhuojiao for 300,000 horses and 300 million gold coins! "

"What?" Kunlinshu was taken aback. He never dreamed that he could be so valuable. "Impossible, Tianhuo could not produce this thing!"

Niu Youdao said: "Of course, this is just an offer, and there is definitely room for bargaining. But it is conceivable that it is your chance to send it to your door. This time, Zijindong will take the advantage. Zijindong will definitely take advantage of this opportunity. Pen ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Tianhuo will certainly not easily agree to it, and he does not want to be blackmailed! The ringer must be the person who answers the bell, and the key to solving this matter lies with you. "

Kunlin Tree stunned: "Me?"

Niu Youdao said: "Many things are complicated by human thought, but they are not so complicated. Facing the fundamental problem can be solved easily. I ask you why Tianhuo Jiao did not want to execute that gambling contract, and why he was shocked by Yuwen Yanfa. Are you going back? I do n’t think you ’re stupid enough to know that. You should know the answer. "

Kun Linshu was sad, "Because I am enshrined with the mysterious law of the heavenly fire, the heavenly fire will not let the supreme mystery leak out!"

Niu Youdao: "Yes, the root of the problem lies here. Since you know where the problem is, things can be solved. As long as you can make Tianhuo believe that you will not reveal the secret law, as long as Tianhuo believes this, Tianhuo will Will not accept the huge blackmail of Zijindong, as long as they are assured, they will give up your couple! "

Kunlin Shu shook his head in pain: "Can I guarantee that they can believe? Even if we stay, what will my master do? You have heard the threat of Elder Qian, and our husband and wife can't ignore their masters for themselves."

Niu Youdao raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder, "You are so confused, why don't you get rid of it? Only if you stay, can you keep your master!"

Kunlin Tree was stunned for a moment, puzzled, and asked quickly, "Why?"

Niu Youdao said slowly: "They hold your master as a bargaining chip, don't you have no bargaining chips? The Skyfire Promise in your hand is the bargaining chip in your hand. As long as they don't hurt your master, you will guarantee that you will not leak Mystery. And when they hold your master, you can believe that you will not leak. This is a causal relationship, understand? It is also the only way to protect your master, otherwise you think you can do nothing if you go back. Once it happened, would n’t it be difficult for your master to fail? "

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