Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 964: Avoid heavy

In fact, it is indeed a bit like telling a story. It is all about the story after he joined Zijindong. Although he was named Elder Zijindong, he did not enjoy the power that elders should have. Give him the power of the elder counselor to discuss and participate in decision-making, and hide everything from him.

The Nanzhou people he led led to outstanding achievements. When he shared the results, he not only failed to reward the merits, but was also suppressed by the cooperation of Zijindong.

Suppression is enough, and he will be forced to hand over the secret recipe of winemaking to break his fortune.

I paid a visit to a master, and as a result, I haven't even met the master several times.

In short, the paper detailed the various injustices he encountered in Zijin Cave, denounced the various shameless things in Zijin Cave, and scolded for not having a good thing. Finally, I hope that the Pavilion can preach justice for himself.

Ding Wei: "I let you write about the shortcomings and shortcomings of Zijin Cave!"

Niu Youdao said, "Ding is in charge. Isn't the statement next time the shortcomings and shortcomings of Zijin Cave?"

Ding Wei's Chinese roll was thrown on the case, "It's not for you to write about these petty things. The intrigue between you inside Zijin Cave, and the fact that you compete with them for power is your family affair. I'm not interested in who is right or wrong. The shortcomings of each school And questions, and what have you done that is not conducive to order in the world, do you not understand or deliberately confuse me here? "Cold killing has emerged from the eyebrows.

Everyone looked at each other, inside the Zijin cave, fighting for power and profit? Niu Youdao Xili wrote three big pictures. Is it actually this? It's all so-called petty things, so it's no wonder that there is so much to write about.

Niu Youdao bowed his hand again, with a look of embarrassment: "This ... please forgive my sins, and it is by no means confusing. It is really because I have been suppressed and rejected by Zijindong shortly after joining Zijindong. I am not given any real power at all. My elder has no power to participate in decision-making. The master who has visited a Zijindong not only has not met a few times, he has not even said a few words. "

"They're hiding me from everything they do, and don't let me and my people run around in Zijin Cave. What they did with my back, I really don't know. As for the shortcomings and problems that Mr. said, there are still things to do Anything that is not conducive to the order of the world, this ... this, I really do n’t know anything, ca n’t I just make it up? I really do n’t dare to blind Mr., I can only give what I know after I went to Zijin Cave Write down in detail, the sir can verify that if there is a deception, willing to die, there will be no complaints! "

The words are pitiful, so miserable at Zijin Cave, but it seems reasonable.

"..." Ding Wei was slightly choked and speechless. After his eyes flickered a little, Shen said: "I will naturally verify here, if you are blinded, you will naturally bear the consequences!"

This is just to say, the list of participants is known in advance, and the cabinet has also verified the situation of the personnel in advance. Niu Youdao was suddenly selected by Luo Fangfei, which is somewhat surprising. He therefore paid special attention to the situation of Niu Youdao. Niu Youdao was somewhat aware of his situation in Zijin Cave, but the specific circumstances and Niu Youdao ’s knowledge of the internal affairs of Zijin Cave were not as he himself said. To be confirmed.

But when Niu Youdao did this, he couldn't find any entry point to accuse Niu Youdao. As Niu Youdao said, you can't force him to make up things.

Of course, if he had to find the trouble of Niu Youdao, it wouldn't be impossible, but it wasn't necessary. After all, it was Luo Fangfei's person. Many people wanted to know what Luo Fangfei wanted to enter the Holy Land.

After finishing his speech, he did not let Niu Youdao sit down, and took other documents to check.

I wouldn't have looked at other people here, but because of Niu Youdao's outing, he wanted to see if other people are doing the same kind of fart as Niu Youdao.

I do n’t know if other people understand the meaning, and the intestines are regretful, yes, you can write like Niu Youdao, and write about the fly camp dog Gou inside the school!

I really regretted it. They actually wrote exactly what Ding Wei said.

Shen Yidu, Chao Jing and others looked at Niu Youdao with different looks, but each one was determined in his heart. This duo really seemed to have known the insider in advance, and there was already a countermeasure, unlike their temporary unsolved!

Qin Guan and Ke Dingjie of Zijin Cave could n’t help but look back at each other, they both felt relieved, and they were very happy. They found that the Zongmen accounted for it. This elder cattle still has some skills. Sure enough, it was easy to help Zongmen escaped the possible disaster.

The two now only realized that they had misunderstood Elder Niu, and Elder Niu had a good hand to avoid the weight!

Ding Wei refused to sit down, and Niu Youdao stood there honestly, standing tall with his eyebrows obediently. At least his attitude should not cause Ding Wei to be unhappy.

The situation is not as good as people. People have to bow their heads under the eaves. He is not Yuan Gang, who would rather bend than bend. It is nothing for him to bend and stretch.

At least his goal was achieved. He did n’t need Ding Wei to keep them secret after writing. This secret, even if it was not made public, could not be explained clearly when he wrote it. He needed to let the people of Zijindong know that he did It has not been done to put the Zijin Cave under the danger of the sword.

He knew in advance that Ding Wei's attention was likely to be caused by his abnormal behavior, and it might attract Ding Wei to read what he wrote, and there must be a dissatisfaction after reading it. All he wanted was this question and answer, so that he could openly dispel himself .

As soon as the problem came out, he had an advantage that no one else had. That is, shortly after he joined Zijindong, he had no reason to give up his advantage.

Of course, he also took a huge risk in doing so. Tiangu ’s experience is still fresh in his memory. Sharulai ’s sentence of “husband ’s opinion, the big one is the rules” is even more impressive. He did n’t know that Ding Wei and Sharulai Isn't the style of action the same?

However, he believes that Ding Wei is not the case. In Tian Gu, he did something wrong. He shouldn't do it in Tian Gu, and his move here is reasonable. Ding Wei can't say anything at all?

Both gambling and temptation.

Ding Wei is embarrassing them with this problem. He Niu Youdao is also responding to the situation of exploring the Holy Land in this way. Whether he can make sense or not, this determines how he will deal with the situation afterwards.

Sacred Realm and Yuji Pavilion are just powerful opponents for him. He doesn't have the fear of other people in his heart. He personally believes that Sacred Realm manages so many people. It is logically impossible to make any sense at all. Speak, otherwise it would have been messy.

If Ding Wei is really unreasonable, he doesn't talk at all. He won't sit still and will not make Ding Wei feel better.

After entering the Holy Realm, he was quickly observing the surrounding environment, entering a dangerous situation, and quickly observing the surrounding environment is his instinct to prevent risks. He could not survive to the present with luck without the minimum response ability.

Although he was hurried and hurried to this place, the surrounding terrain has been roughly remembered by him.

When I was studying and thinking, I thought that he was thinking about how to write it. In fact, after he made a decision, it was not so complicated to write down something about Zijindong. What he really thought about was how to get out of it once there were adverse consequences.

Recalling the surrounding terrain and terrain in his mind, he can easily determine the direction of the terrain according to the height of the mountain. In this regard, he has extremely rich experience and gives him certain conditions. He can even determine where there is an underground river. .

Which direction is easier to escape? The surrounding Yunshan Yunhai is his best cover, as long as he escapes into the Yunhai under the mountain, he can increase the chance of getting out, and the environment is easy to hide his trail.

After a certain judgment of the external escape environment, he quickly judged the internal environment.

The people in the 缥缈 阁 are a little arrogant. They did n’t take them too seriously. They are not very vigilant. If they suddenly find it difficult to get out of their own hands, they still have the distance to escape from the top of the mountain to the sea of ​​clouds. Certainly.

It is best to use Shen Yidu, Chao Jing and other people's judgments on this place when fleeing. They can scare them if they yell for a while, which can make them mistakenly anxious that they will die for this reason ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ If they can be forced to resist together, they will create even greater disturbances. No matter how bad it is, it can attract the people here to prevent other people from messing up, contain a certain amount of power to kill yourself, and make it easier for you to get away in a short time.

When fleeing, it is necessary to **** the weapon in hand. It is best to **** the clothes of a person in the cloud by the way in the sea of ​​clouds, so that you can cover it later.

As long as you can get out of your way and get time and space for yourself, you can cope with it calmly.

Before writing down something on the paper, he had thought a lot and prepared himself to deal with various emergencies. There were only three situations after the accident.

First, the biggest possibility is that nothing will happen. Under reasonable circumstances, Ding Wei is unlikely to mess up. Second, he will be detained and punished slightly, so that he will endure, and being punished can avoid a series of subsequent troubles. Third, Ding Wei wanted to give everyone a chance to kill Ma Yi, so that he would not sit still and die!

The facts proved that his judgment was correct.

The scene was silent, only Ding Wei had seen a document and a movement.

Even after reading a few copies, I did n’t like Niu Youdao. After I found out that there should be an alternative to Niu Youdao. Make a few copies and give them to everyone. "

"Yes!" Someone immediately came over to pick up the paper and took it away with the tray.

Ding Wei also got up and left, without a word, just left.

Afterwards, some people in the pavilion announced that they would come here today and let everyone rest here for a time. Each room is a unit. There is a room here for everyone to rest temporarily, waiting for the next training arrangement.

Out of the pavilion, a group of people were led by the personnel of the pavilion to take a temporary resting place. Shen Yidu and Chao Jing and other people approached the moving Niu Youdao either intentionally or unintentionally.

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