Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 969: Get people back as soon as possible at any cost!

"What are you doing? So many people can still let her take them away? Without permission, the participants can't walk out of the compound, don't you know?"

Shou Que Shanzhuang, the manager Huang Ban came back, but as soon as he heard that Niu Youdao was taken away by Luo Fangfei, he was shocked and angry.

Someone said bitterly, "We can't stop it, but we can't stop it. We can't handle her without permission?"

"What about doing it, fearing that the **** will not succeed? This is not the Da Luo Holy Land, or the place where the **** is arrogant and willful!" The man has been run away, how can he make a difference?

As for scolding Luo Fangfei ’s sluts, it ’s nothing. He is not a general monk in the spiritual world, but a person in the Great Yuan Holy Land, and he ca n’t be guilty of fearing the Great Luo Holy Land.

When he scolded, he still had to face the reality. He could not solve the problem with anger and scolding. After taking a few deep breaths, Huang Ban asked: "Do you know where that **** took the cow?"

Someone said: "I only saw that I took the Holy Land exit, and then I saw Luo Fangfei returned from the exit alone, but I didn't see Niu Youdao back, maybe it was sent out of the Holy Land."

"Let's go!" Huang Ban drank, waved his hands, and flew out of Shouqi Mountain Villa directly to the exit to inquire.

The result was indeed the case. The exit guard proved that Luo Fangfei had indeed brought Niu Youdao out of the holy land, and Huang Ban hurriedly left the holy land, came to the entrance of the holy island, and checked the situation with the entrance guard again.

As a result, it was confirmed again that Huang Ban quickly led people out of the siege and rushed to the place to guard the correct direction. A group of people appeared on the coast where Niu Youdao had stayed before, but where can they still see the silhouette.

The entourage personnel asked, "Yuan Guan, the person should have left, what should I do?"

Huang Ban had a black face and did n’t catch up with Niu Youdao. For a time, he could do anything. The sky and earth outside, the vast sea, did n’t even know which direction Niu Youdao went. Looking aimlessly is like finding a needle in a haystack.

As for using too many people to search, he has not so much authority to arbitrarily use the personnel of the cabinet.

"Go back!" Huang Ban quickly led people back, returned to the Holy Land, and rushed back to the Shou Que Mountain Villa, and ordered someone to urgently send a message to Ding Wei.

At this point, he can no longer call the shots, and Ding Wei must come forward to solve ...

On an island in the vast East China Sea, Niu Youdao stepped on one person on the ground and wore a big-headed machete around the neck of a person under his feet.

The face of the trampled person repeatedly begged for mercy on the ground; "Uncle forgive life, uncle forgiveness, misunderstanding, pure misunderstanding."

A few people around watched with swords and tigers, and shouted, "Let go of our island master, spare you not to die!"

Several people fell on the ground, or their nose and mouth bleed and groaned, or they were unconscious, and some of them were beaten up, all of them were injured by the cow.

This is an island where demon repairs are entrenched, and it is they who Niu Youdao is looking for. They need to ask for help and clarify their identity. The hospitality on the surface is warm, but it is poisoned under the dark.

Niu Youdao was alone, how could he not guard, he concealed his vigilance, this trick failed to hide from his old rivers and lakes, he saw through.

Seeing him see through, it's not soft, a group of monster repairs come directly to the hard, and the result is not a bullish opponent, so it became like this.

Then again, what can a little demon on a small island do, and Niu Youdao, if they can't even clean up, it's been so many years.

Niu Youdao held a knife over the neck of the person under his feet, ignoring other people's clamor, "Misunderstanding? You are not guilty, don't you know that I and you, the main wave of the East Sea Fubo Temple, are the brothers? I dare to I'm doing it, living impatiently, right? "The blade pierced the skin of the neck of the opponent.

"Misunderstanding, really misunderstanding!" The island owner exclaimed in pain and repeatedly explained: "Uncle, if you are really a wise man, we naturally treat you as an ancestor, but your statement is too unreliable. , Dao Ye has gone to the Holy Realm with Lord Fubo Temple, you run and say you are a good man, how can we believe it? "

Niu Youdao: "Did I tell you, I just came out of the Holy Land."

The island owner who was trampled could n’t help crying, “You ’re joking with me? Where is the Holy Land, why do you want to go in and out if you want? You should n’t look for reasons like this, if I listen, I ca n’t make it up to you. "

What the other party said also made sense. Niu Youdao did n’t know what bad luck he had recently. He encountered such unexplained things, and he was too lazy to talk to the gang of demon. The blade poked him in the neck. Under my knife, can I make a deal with it? "

The owner of the island repeatedly said: "Okay, forced to do so, and can give an explanation." He immediately shouted at his surroundings: "What is stupid, and there is no news, he said that Niu Youdao Taoist came out of the Holy Land. , To borrow a manned bird for use. "

The hostages are in the hands of Niu Youdao.

That's right, Niu Youdao is about borrowing a manned bird from the East China Sea. The purpose is naturally to return to Zijin Cave.

He is now alone, and there are many Chou families. There are too many people who want to kill him. Of course, it is safer to go back to Zijin Cave.

And this vast sea, it takes too much time and effort to cross by mana. After crossing the sea and land, there are many distances. It is more convenient to borrow a foot.

However, this toss is really tossing for a while.

The peak of the little demon on the island heard that Niu Youdao was coming, and did not believe it. He sent a person who had seen Niu Youdao to verify that it was a demon repairer who had been to the secret realm of Tiandu.

When people saw it, they were really wise and returned to the emergency report again.

Three large birds flew in the distance until the sky was bright. The leader of the East China Sea, the East China Sea King, came. More than one came, and many of them ran together to see what happened.

Before the arrival of the East Sea Great Saint, the demon repairs in the nearby waters had gathered a lot on this island. I heard that Niu Youdao came out of the Holy Land, and it was mostly lively.

A group of people descended from the sky and saw that they were really good. The Great East Sea Sage was amazed. "Niu is good, are you really?"

"No way!" Niu Youdao smiled, leaned over and dragged the person on the ground, patted the other person's shoulder, "Brother, offended. Look, I didn't lie to you?"

The situation has been heard by the Great Saint of the East China Sea. Although Niu Youdao wounded people here, he did not commit any poisonous hand. He waved and shouted, "I don't want to thank others for their mercy!"

A group of monsters on the island immediately complained to Niu Youdao and made a grievance: "I have no eyes, I thank Master Dao for mercy."

The grievances are because the big saints do not see the loss and make the decision for them. For the big esteemers in the East China Sea and others, it is more important for Niu Youdao to run out of the holy realm than they have suffered.

"No need to thank, misunderstanding." Niu Youdao smiled generously, and looked like he didn't care anymore.

"Go!" Dahai Shenghai waved his hands, letting these obstacles retreat, walked to Niu Youdao, staring at Niu Youdao's crimson and little clothes, curious: "How to dress like this?"

Niu Youdao: "Everyone who came in was stripped and dressed like this. Lang Jingkong is no exception."

The Great Master of the East China Sea was very surprised. People including Niu Youdao saw him enter the Holy Land on the Holy Island and asked, "How did you run out of the Holy Land, did you not experience it? Lang Jingkong, You came out alone? "

Niu Youdao sighed: "It's a long story. I didn't figure out what happened and was thrown out." He pointed around, "So many people, it seems that I'm out of the holy The news of the environment is unsustainable. Da Sheng, I have a lot of hatreds. I have leaked whereabouts. It is not safe to stay here. I have to return to Zijin Cave as soon as possible.

Donghai Dasheng didn't force him, not only borrowed transportation tools, but also sent each other himself.

Isn't it a long story? Even longer, he had to figure out why Niu Youdao came out. The purpose of giving each other personally was to ask what happened on the way.

Three large birds took off together, carrying cattle and flying away, and a group of people including Donghai Dasheng joined in the escort.


"I let you handle all the things you have done, and you just started this kind of thing for me at the beginning?"

In Shouqian Mountain Villa, Ding Wei, who received the news, returned urgently from Dayuan Holy Land. After clarifying the situation, he scolded Huang Ban as a dog blood sprinkler.

Huang Ban said with a sad face: "I didn't expect to leave for a while, Luo Fangfei came running, it's all my fault, willing to be punished by Mr.!"

"The punishment, you have to get me back first!" Ding Wei scolded and walked back and forth, "What the **** are you doing, do you want to deliberately mess with me?"

It ’s hard to think about it. It ’s such a great thing to do in Holy Realm ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It just poke out the basket from the beginning, how do you think about him?

Stopping and turning back, he scolded again: "What are you still doing here? Haven't you found someone yet? You brought someone to find it yourself. Niu Youdao can't let go of all the places he might go. Be sure to find someone back! In terms of manpower, you can use all the personnel in the 缥缈 阁, and get people back as soon as possible at any cost! If people can't find them, they will come to see me.

"Yes!" Huang Ban took the token to take command and walked away quickly.

Soon after, Huang Ban appeared on the Holy Island, and brought a large group of people in the monastery. Dozens of large birds flew to various places. At the same time, hundreds of gold wings were released in the siege and flew to the points around the monastery. To convey instructions and use people from all over the world to find people is really a situation at any cost.


Daluo Holy Land, the Daluo Temple on the main peak is magnificent, and the eaves are raised.

Inside the hall, the sapphire floor is smooth and clean, and the entire hall is made of sapphire. The vision is refreshing and it also gives people a very solemn sense of depression.

The hall was empty, Sha Rulai and Luo Fangfei stood side by side, standing still and waiting, waiting for the wrath of thunder that was about to come or might appear.

"Brother, I'm sorry." Luo Fangfei suddenly whispered again, she was not the first time to apologize.

Sha Rulai has also been silent, and really does not know what to say.

When the woman said that she would get out of Niu Youdao again, he didn't say anything, because it was impossible, Ding Wei was impossible to let people go, and it was not a bad thing to let this woman bump into the wall, who I thought, this woman gave away Niu Youdao without any effort, what should he say?

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