Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1016: Looking for the core, the rain is coming

Xie Yu was also overjoyed and said, "There are people who have fled from all directions on Sirius Island. If I gather them together, I should be able to delineate a roughly occupied area."

Xie Yu immediately gave an order to mobilize all the powerhouses present, scatter out to find the people on the major islands, and return to report.

Kong Yu, Wu Ying, Xie Yu, and Yang Qingxuan sat in the main hall, spread out the map of the second island chain sea area, began to depict the location of the huge barrier, and marked the occupied islands.

Before long, the major information was marked on the map.

Kong Yu and the others are all with joy. Somewhere in the second island chain, they are surrounded by five huge barriers, and the islands around this area are the first batch of islands to be occupied.

Kong Yu patted the map, pointed to the area, and exulted: "The core of the huge barrier must be here!"

Xie Yudao: "This area is also very large, up and down, left and right. I am afraid that it is 100,000 nautical miles away. It is extremely difficult to find the core. And we don't even know what the core is. A treasure that sinks to the bottom of the sea is even more impossible."

When Kong Yu heard the words, the enthusiasm was mostly lost, and she sat back in her position, looked at Yang Qingxuan and Wu Ying, and asked, "What can you do?"

Wu Ying was also helpless. She naturally understood how large a small piece of the map was in the real sea.

Yang Qingxuan pondered, and said: "Since it is necessary to provide energy to the huge barrier and connect the key points, it must not be small. If the size is too small, at least it should be of the level of the sacred artifact, so that it can be continuously maintained. Live barrier consumption."

Kong Yu immediately denied: "It is absolutely impossible to be a holy artifact. Every holy artifact is famous on the holy artifact list, either disappears without a trace, or has its own name. If the sea king really has a holy artifact, he would not be willing to take it. Come out and be the core."

Yang Qingxuan nodded and said: "That should be a very large existence, and it can continuously supply energy. Perhaps it is a Lingshan vein on the seabed. But whatever it is, it will inevitably emit strong energy fluctuations, I I think it’s not particularly difficult to find it. Even if there are 100,000 miles of sea area, if 10,000 celestial powers are scattered and searched, they can be found within a month. If there are only 300, it may cost Half a year ago."

Kong Yu said: "I can't wait for a year or a half. It is imperative to break through the huge barrier. If the heaven is not enough, let the top of the broken Nirvana state, if not enough, let the top of the Sanhua state. Jie Yu, you can move here. How many people? Above the ground."

Xie Yu thought for a moment, and said: "The celestial position has been roughly counted just now. It is about 300 people. If it is above the ground level, there should be more than 30,000 people."

Kong Yu immediately gave an order and said: "Okay! All 30,000 people will attack me to find the core!"

The next day, on Sirius Island, a large number of warriors turned into streamers and flew in one direction.


Somewhere in the second island chain is an island made of huge deep-sea smoky crystals.

An ordinary simple bungalow, like a rectangular parallelepiped placed on the broad ground, without any decoration and patterns.

There are a large number of lean sea people in it, busy, collecting information from all over the world.


The Sage Tea abruptly stood up from the Grand Master's chair, and the chair under him was shattered due to the fluctuation of the force.

The face of the tea sage is extremely ugly, staring at a message in his hand, his face is like a frosted eggplant, and he coldly said: "Is the situation above true?"

Two lean sea races stood in front of them, shivering, and knelt down in a "puff", one of them said with fear: "Really...exactly...I...we...verified...verified several times... "

The tea sage scratched with five fingers, and the silver foil that recorded the information turned into dust. His face was pale and he shouted: "Tell me to order the seventeenth, nineteenth, twenty-second, and The water division and guardians of the 23rd and 31st barriers are all recalled!"

There was a brief silence in the bungalow, and everyone's complexion changed drastically. Then they left their work, ran up and down, and started to get busy quickly, conveying orders.

The tea sage had a gloomy face, and his figure shook before disappearing into the house. The next moment he appeared directly above the Smoky Crystal Island, looking into the distance.

The gang wind blew on him, raising the corners of his clothes.

"Master Sage, now that I know the direction of the enemy, it's better for me to meet them and kill them before they reach this sea area."

Behind the tea sage, a man appeared at some point with brown skin, his hands clasped in front of him, and a closed vertical eye between his brows, his eyes filled with coldness and disdain.

The tea sage stood quietly without answering.

The man frowned and said, "Are you worried that I can't complete the task?"

The tea sage bluntly said, "Yes."

The man was furious and annoyed: "My sage, you should know my strength!"

The tea sage said: "I naturally know that it only takes half a step to step into the realm. Of course it is no problem to sweep a few human chiefs. But the people who came this time are afraid it is not easy."

The man's emotions were suppressed, and he said, "Why is it not easy? Those strong men should be trapped by the king in Haitian Cliff, right?"

The tea sage said: "These people came from Sirius Island, and they went straight to this sea area. They must have come for Smoky Crystal Island. Sirius Island was just besieged by the ghost fish tribe, although they were lucky enough to defend it. It must be a serious injury, and there can be no power to come to Smoky Crystal Island."

The man snorted coldly: "The ghost fish clan has really lost the face of our sea clan. They have attacked an island four times, and they have returned without success. What a waste!"

The tea sage frowned and said, "It stands to reason that this attack should be successful. It seems that it coincides with my speculation. There must be a strong person coming on Sirius Island and repelling it. The ghost fish tribe, and have found the direction of Smoky Crystal Island, wanting to destroy the huge barrier."

The man was shocked: "Smoky Crystal Island is basically a floating island. It was moved from the abyss of the Black Sea by an adult using a large shift technique. It floats and floats. How could the Human Race find it?"

The tea sage said: "Don't underestimate the wisdom of the human race. I guess they only know the sea area where Smoky Crystal Island is, but don't know the exact location. But even so, the exposure of Smoky Crystal Island is inevitable."

The man was shocked: "It's better to let me and the five water divisions go to meet the enemy and block them out of the 100,000-mile sea area. If we fail, the sage still has room for maneuver."

The Sage Tea sighed, shook his head, and said, "There is no room for maneuver, and there is no need to maneuver."

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