Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1021: Successful provocation, huge battlefield




Under the command of Yang Qingxuan, five thousand people shouted in unison, and they all used sonic martial arts.

The sea couldn't bear this terrible sound wave, and there were waves visible to the naked eye in the sky. The sea and the sky shook together, and the whole world became irritable.

The warriors on Mojing Island opened their eyes one by one, no matter where they were still settled.

Lu Wudao solemnly said: "All are calm, don't be provoked."

Having said that, but the overwhelming voice of "cowards" came, and the Sea Clan warriors stood up no matter where they were still able to sit. They all stood up, glaring and raging inside.



The huge sound was still roaring between the sea and the sky, and the blood and anger in the marine people's body continued to spread on the Smoky Crystal Island, and the entire island became unstable.

With a wave of the tea sage, an enchantment spread out from the sky, covering the entire island, completely isolating the sound waves.

The Smoky Crystal Island stabilized, and the irritated Sea Clan slowly calmed down.

Yang Qingxuan sneered and ordered: "Laugh!"

"Haha!" The five thousand warriors of the human race immediately understood, and each spread out, making all kinds of mocking smiles and wretched movements at the Smoky Crystal Island, and they all smiled.

The tea sage secretly surprised: "Not good!" The Smoky Crystal Island had just stabilized, and the manic and angry force began to spread on the island again.

The tea sage ordered: "Close your eyes and don't look at it!"

The water division, the guardian and the others all had their faces stern, staring at all kinds of taunts and provocations in the distance, their expressions getting ugly.

"My lord! It's hard to forgive me this time! Although I know they are provocations, the dignity of our clan cannot be insulted! After I kill these young Xiaoxiao, I will confess my guilt!"

A water secretary stood up. From the back of his forehead to the tailbone, there were scaly scales. Under the rush of anger, the scales were already standing upside down.

The sage tea said in anger: "Yemu! You..."

Yemu turned a deaf ear, shouting loudly: "The **** people, come with me!" As he said, he rose into the sky and killed Yang Qingxuan and the others.

The Sage Tea said in surprise: "Not good!"

On Smoky Crystal Island, a large number of sea races rushed up, followed behind Yemu, and continued to increase.

Even the remaining water divisions were murderous and ready to move.

The tea sage knew that he couldn't stop it, and sighed long.

Akehan said: "Master Sage, I also agree with Master Yemu's approach. These human races are too hateful, not killing is not enough to vent their anger!"

The tea sage waved his hand, a little depressed, and sighed: "Let's attack, the position is messed up, and all the arrangements are invalid."

Ake flashed a brilliant light in his eyes and exclaimed: "Lead! Don't worry, you don't need that formation trap. With our blood and combat power, it is enough!" He called a group of warriors and rushed out.

Among the four major water divisions, only the green vortex remained standing in place.

Seeing that the radical will work, Yang Qingxuan immediately ordered: "Retreat!"

Thousands of marine races rushed up on Smoky Crystal Island, and a large number of marine species were sneaking underwater in the sea, forming a huge shadow.

With their 5,000 combat power, it is difficult to match. Disperse at once, and desperately retreat.

Those sea races are all burning with anger, where will they let them go and chase after them.

Kong Yu showed a knowing smile and said in admiration: "This young man named Yang Qingxuan is really a wise and courageous evildoer. Pass the order and meet the Sea Clan!"

Xie Yu hurriedly said in a loud voice: "Face! Everyone listens to the order and meets the Sea Race!"

The team of 20,000 people, excited at once, spread out in the air, forming a huge snare, encircling it forward.

Seeing Kong Yu's movement, Yang Qingxuan shouted decisively: "Stop all and meet the enemy!"

Those five thousand pioneers were extremely convinced by Yang Qingxuan's words at this moment, and they all stopped one after another and turned around to kill the Sea Clan.

The Sea Clan rushing in the forefront were the first ones to follow Yemu rushing. There were not many people. They greeted five thousand people at once, and they were scattered in the air.

Most of the sea races were not prepared enough, and they ended up like Werner at once, being bombarded by dense attacks.

Yemu himself was surprised, and under the violent attack, he awoke from his anger and hurried back. It was not until the arrival of reinforcements from the rear that the situation was overcome. But the Sea Clan who rushed up with him first were almost killed and wounded.

Moreover, Yang Qingxuan's five thousand people and Kong Yu's twenty thousand people successfully rounded together, forming a giant net that surrounded all the main forces of the Sea Clan.

The entire battlefield stretches for thousands of miles, unfolding on the vast sea, with magnificent waves.

In the sea, there are constantly rolling waves, and various sea beasts emerge in endlessly.

Kong Yu stood quietly in the center of the battlefield, standing with her hands behind her, staring straight at the tea sage on Smoky Crystal Island, locking it in.

The same is true for the tea sage, motionless.

Both knew that the core of this battle was the outcome between them. Both of them are waiting, waiting for the clarity of this huge battle. That was the final battle.

Wu Ying led the last five thousand people, standing in the distance to watch the battle, and did not participate. These last five thousand people are also the key to victory and defeat, and they are the final chips under Yang Qingxuan.

Sage Tea naturally saw these five thousand people, his face was extremely ugly.

The scene of the battle in the center continued to expand, and the nets laid by the human race were also washed away, entering an extremely chaotic situation.

Moreover, some huge sea beasts can easily injure their own people by accident. So the battlefield has expanded and expanded again and it has stretched for thousands of miles.

Yang Qingxuan was holding the Nanming Lihuo Sword and shuttled on the battlefield with a weird way of being. He didn't fight the Sea Clan head-on, but kept attacking. Almost every sword went down, he would harvest the life of a Sea Clan.

The tea sage moved his gaze away from Kong Yu, fell on Yang Qingxuan, gritted his teeth, he used the sound transmission technique, and said coldly: "Ake, you go kill that human race!"

Yang Qingxuan was stared at by the tea sage, and he was instantly on his back, as if he was being stared at by a beast in the forest, causing his movements to stagnate and immediately alert. At the same time, a strong murderous aura was approaching him quickly!


A sharp light flashed in the air, and the place Yang Qingxuan stood was cut in two. Yang Qingxuan escaped a blow with his keen insight, and looked dignified in the direction of the attack.

"Even though, it's no wonder that Bedo is not your opponent. Hmph, I have no one in the Sea Clan, so I have to let me take care of you myself!"

Ake's figure came out of the void with a look of anger and murderousness.

Kong Yu frowned, his fingers twitched slightly, pressing down the restless Zhen Yuan, and also transmitting the voice to Xie Yu, and said urgently: "Save Yang Qingxuan!"

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