Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1141: Horrible conjecture, Ziyan·Sunder Armor

Secondly, you can use the incombustible purple fire. When he touched the enchantment just now, he could not estimate the power. As long as he casts the purple fire with all his strength, he can at least break through an escape exit.

After thinking about it, he didn't rush, and sat down directly on the edge of the barrier, adjusting his breath and practicing.

In fact, most of his power has recovered, just waiting for the result of the battle between the Jiang family and the gray robe men. If he broke through the barrier and escaped now, then the firepower of the three people would definitely hit him.

After another while, Yang Qingxuan's power returned to its peak.

But the battle between Jiang's father and son and the gray-robed men is still going on fiercely.

The Jiang family's father and son practiced with ice-type supernatural powers, lowering the temperature in the entire space to below zero. Even around Yang Qingxuan's body, ice flowers formed from time to time.

And the gray-robed man completely turned into a tiger body, attacking fiercely and fiercely, moving around and punching, accompanied by the tiger's roar.

The two fought more and more fiercely, and fell into a situation of life and death.

After Jiang Yin's sword was shattered, he held a war gun in his hand and attacked from the side from time to time.

In the seemingly tied situation, the gray-robed man began to weaken.

Yang Qingxuan kept his eyes on the gray-robed man, carefully observing his every punch and the various changes in his aura.

Because this gray-robed man is the second-level extreme realm of the realm, so the "Bai Yuxian Jue" in his hand is definitely more than half.

The Holy Spirit family is declining in the sky star field, only the Xuanming Wei family in the moon night of the twenty-four bridges is still at the peak. But I have never heard of the existence of the White Tiger Holy Spirit in the extreme realm.

The gray-robed man's supernatural power realm was obviously much higher than the first part of "White Royal Fairy Art" he knew.

A weird idea arose in his heart. When Xuantianji refined the Four Holy Spirits map, it was because the power of the four Holy Spirits was too weak, and the power of the gray-robed man in front of him was obviously higher than the four Holy Spirits captured by Xuantianji.

Did Xuantianji not find this person, or did this person just show up recently?

There was a sudden shock in his heart, and suddenly he thought of a word-farm!

Fu is cultivated from the "Suzaku breeding farm", so there is a "Suzaku breeding farm", will there be a "white tiger breeding farm" or even a "basalt breeding farm"?

If so, who is manipulating this?

As one of the four holy spirits, the rabbit is dead and the fox is sad. In addition to anger, Yang Qingxuan's heart also has a trace of fear.

Seeing that the gray robe man and the Jiang family were about to fight, and both of them were wounded and colored, Yang Qingxuan stood up and walked straight to the edge of the barrier.

He stretched out his right hand and gently pressed it on the barrier, and suddenly a circle of ripples spread under his palm, which was the imprisoning power of the barrier, and slightly bounced his palm.

The robe fluttered gently under the rotation of the true essence.

After reaching a suitable distance between the palm of his hand and the barrier, Yang Qingxuan screamed, and a cruel color flashed in his eyes, and the terrifying heat rose by itself, scorching the world.

A little purple flame ignited faintly, and the flame gradually became stronger. In this scarlet enchantment, it was like a flower of the other bank blooming in the land of death, rapidly expanding.

"Purple Flame, Sunder Armor!"

Yang Qingxuan pressed down with a palm, and thousands of flames were condensed in the palm, pressing **** the barrier.

"Boom!" A single-person-high gap was blasted out, and Yang Qingxuan was also shocked, backing a few steps, a trace of blood spilling from the corner of his mouth.

A huge black circle emerged in the air, trembling violently.

There was still purple fire burning around the gap, but it was closing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As soon as Yang Qingxuan's figure flickered, he fled to the outside.

"What? Impossible!"

Jiang's father and sons were shocked, especially Jiang Yulun, their minds trembled, the rhythm in their hands slowed down, and the gray-robed man counter-attacked and slapped them in the air.

Jiang Yulun let out a scream in anger, the surrounding temperature dropped sharply, countless crystal dust attached to his arm, turned into arm armor and hand helmet, and slammed it with a fierce punch.


The two banged against each other and flew away.

The terrifying air wave impacted on the radius of the sky, and directly blew back Jiang Yulun's mind.


Jiang Yulun spit out a mouthful of blood, and hurriedly printed the tactics with both hands.

The barrier of Fangyuan enchantment flashed in the air, then turned into a red light, converged into the black ring, and flew into his hands.

Since the barrier was broken and Yang Qingxuan escaped, the radius of the moat was of little use, so he simply took it back.

Jiang Yin hurried forward and held Jiang Yulun, "Father, are you all right!"

Jiang Yulun turned a deaf ear, with a gloomy face, staring at the gray-robed man with cold eyes, and shouted: "Give me the sacred artifact!"

The gray-robed man also suffered serious injuries, with scarlet blood dots on his robe, like plum blossoms, and sneered: "Unreasonable!"

"In this case, you can't blame me!"

Jiang Yulun looked resolute, took out a fist-sized yellow pill, a trace of madness appeared in his eyes, and he directly stuffed it into his mouth before swallowing it.

Jiang Yin's expression became very scared, and he trembled: "Father...that is...that is..."

After Jiang Yulun swallowed the pill, he said sensibly: "I don't care about it!" He pointed to Yang Qingxuan, and said coldly: "You go and kill that man. I will kill this gray-robed man!"

"Yes Yes!"

Jiang Yin was horrified in his heart, and even some did not dare to approach his father. After getting the order, he felt like a pardon, and hurried to Yang Qingxuan.

Both Yang Qingxuan and Huipao were surprised secretly. After Jiang Yulun swallowed pills, the original cultivation base of the extreme realm seemed to continue to rise.

There are many kinds of elixir for the sudden increase in cultivation, but one is extremely harmful to the human body, like the Jiuwen Shengdao pill that Hongyuan swallowed before; the second is only useful for lower realms, the higher the realm, the more effective the elixir is weak.

Like the pill Jiang Yulun swallowed at this moment, it was almost unheard of to increase the cultivation base of the extreme realm.

However, the Fengyin Chamber of Commerce has been in business for many years, with great financial resources, and it is not surprising that there are some superb collections.

The gray-robed man showed an angry expression in his eyes, and the bronze mask was stained with blood. After transforming into a white tiger, he became even more hideous. With a roar, he rushed towards Jiang Yulun.

Yang Qingxuan stood quietly on the spot, his physical stamina had already returned to its peak, although he was injured a bit by breaking the sky, it didn't hurt the elegance.

Seeing Jiang Yin rushing forward, he couldn't help but sneered and said, "Are you looking for death?"

Jiang Yin laughed and said: "Haha, looking for death? You who said these words are the real looking for death!"

His eyes sank, a cold light flashed in his hand, and a spear gathered in his hand and pierced straight away!

There was a sharp violent noise in the air, and the entire void became distorted under the sharp edge, and the fierce might crushed it.

Yang Qingxuan didn't avoid it, the waste gas erupted in his body, instantly flooding the meridians all over his body, and his hands quickly printed the tactics, patted it out, and shouted, "Eight wastes return to nothing!"


The strong barren aura dispersed at once, with an endless barren aura, eroding the world into a vast expanse.

Jiang Yin's shot pierced into Huang Qi and was swallowed without a trace.

//Tonight at 22:00, WeChat and QQ public account (taiyiss) will simultaneously push-"Taixuan Sword Tomb-What Kind of Martial Soul Is It?" and the illustrations of Taixuan Sword Tomb. Taixuan Sword Tomb is the most peculiar among the ten martial arts spirits.

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