Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1143: Heaven and earth change, escape to heaven

Everyone's complexion changed drastically, and they looked up into the distance.

I saw a dark crack in the sky, from which we could see the stars and universe, thunder and lightning split thousands of miles, and the vented energy set off a hurricane, and the whole world was eclipsed and turned into oppressive chaos.

The gray-robed man laughed ferociously, and even danced morbidly, saying: "Haha, the master is here! You all have to die!"

Ye Wucha glanced at him coldly, a scimitar appeared in his hand, beheading the past.

That knife was an understatement, but it brought out a killing edge.

The black blade light curved like a hook moon, sliding across the space silently.

The gray-robed man's laughter stopped abruptly, his entire face became dull, a line of blood appeared in his throat, and his head rolled down.

Ye Wucha sneered, "Noisy!"

The gray robe man's neck spurted blood, and fell into a daze.

The head fell to the ground, the mask fell off, revealing the pale and scarred face inside, extremely ugly. The eyes that had lost their brilliance were full of anger, fear and bitterness.

When Yang Qingxuan grabbed it in the air, the storage bag on the gray-robed man was shot out in the air and flew towards him.

Jiang Yulun trembled all over, staring at the storage bag like knives, roared like a beast in his mouth, and rushed up when he shook his figure, snatching the storage bag into his hand, and then laughed wildly like "haha".

There was a chill in Ye Wucha's eyes, and the sickle passed in the air, and a dark crescent moon appeared.

Jiang Yulun watched Liulu and was prepared for a long time. After a loud shout, his left hand blasted over.

A layer of steel-like luster appeared on the arm, like some kind of helmet-like shape, which hit the crescent moon with a "boom" and annihilated it, but he was also hit by the impact and was shaken away.

Ye Wusha wanted to make another move, but was stopped by Ye Sheng, and shouted, "First deal with the coming people!"

As soon as Ye Sheng's body shook, he appeared thousands of feet away, a black knife emerged from the void, grabbing it in his hand and slashing down at the vision!


The entire sky was split by this knife, and countless visions were disintegrated from under the knife's light, and this cross-regional transmission seemed to be directly cut off!

At this moment, within the endless void, a huge black hand suddenly stretched out, and countless black thunder lights flickered around the hand, and it suddenly grabbed the black knife.

Ye Sheng's face changed drastically, that black hand enveloped the sky, and a trace of pressure fell, making him unable to move!

Ye Wucha screamed: "No! It's the realm king!"

His face was pale, his hands flashed with a cold light, and countless black qi violently clung to the sickle.

The black energy was like a blade, as if the blade was lengthened and magnified several times, and it was cut forward. Wherever it passed, the space was cut by a deep black crack, which was difficult to heal for a long time.

Ye Sheng also made a comeback with the black sword, and a blade of light across the world slashed out, slashing at the giant hand with a fierce evil spirit.


The two collided, the aftermath of horror swept out, a large area of ​​space shattered, and the entire sky was covered with deep and terrifying cracks, a scene of doomsday.

Ye Wucha and Ye Sheng were counter-shocked, and both flew out after being hit, spouting big mouths of blood.

That hand was blocked, and it seemed that the opportunity to tear the space was lost, and the power of the tunnel was violently suppressed, suppressing the world.

But the black hand did not give up the struggle, and squeezed it slightly, and a large black glow shot out, directly squeezing a space.

"Rumble!" The roar was endless.

The cracks in the sky continued to expand, and the black hand actually suppressed the power of the space, and continued to tear the tunnel open, and it was about to come across domains.

When Ye Wusha yelled at the "King of the Realm", Yang Qingxuan sacrificed a small Wanlei magneto-optical disk, wrapped himself in a flash of lightning, and disappeared in place in a flash.

Jiang Yulun also looked at the vision of heaven and earth in horror, and hurriedly picked up his son whose life or death is unknown, and turned away.

Between the terrifying world, a slight yellow light flashed, revealing the figure of the palace-dressed woman, looking at the dark sky and the huge black hand in amazement, and said in shock: "This is..."

The woman's face sank and pinched with one hand, her body turned into petals and disappeared in place. The next moment, she appeared directly thousands of feet away.

Yang Qingxuan drove Xiao Wanlei's magneto-optical disk to run wildly across the sky, and soon left the area where Muyang Town was located.

But a steady stream of True Yuan fluctuations still came from behind.

He dared not stay, and flew forward at the fastest speed.

It wasn't until three days later that I was exhausted, swallowed a few more pills, and ran for another three days, and saw a huge city, then I collected the Xiaowanlei magneto-disk, flew to the city, and paid a certain amount of spiritual stone Into the city.


Just after Yang Qingxuan and the others escaped, the master of the black hand seemed to be very angry, and a murderous aura burst out from the crack, penetrating time and space, locking the two of them.

Ye Wusha felt cold all over, like falling into an ice cave.

This murderous spirit, with terrifying coercion, makes it difficult for people to resist.

Ye Sheng silently grasped the black knife and forcibly suppressed the fear in his heart.

Deep eyes stared at the crack that vented boundless power, and the light shone.

The black hand grasped downward, and a black glow spread out from the palm of the palm, and a powerful light swelled across the world, dividing thousands of meters of space into domains.

This undoubtedly accelerated the speed of the crack collapse of the entire space.

The entire sky became dark, the energy between the sky and the earth stagnated, and was plunged into a weird silence, only the strong murderous intent rolled silently.

The extreme night comes, and the killing will begin.

There was a trace of determination in Ye Wusha's eyes, his figure disappeared, and it flashed out a thousand meters away, the sickle in his hand was magnified several times, and there was a red light flashing on the crescent-like blade.

The red light scattered blood, sharp and yin evil.

"Blood River!"

Ye Wucha shouted angrily.

A blood-red blade light faintly lit up, like a red galaxy across the sky.

Ye Sheng had a black flame behind his back, spreading for thousands of miles.

The black flames concealed in the realm of this polar night, turning into thousands of streams of fire, burning the space into emptiness.

He completely integrated his breath, accumulating the energy in the black flame, and a black ball of light condensed on the palm of his hand.

But his own breath gradually wilted.

As he took a palm shot, the little ball flew around, burning the space into a trajectory of nothingness.

The two powerful attacks were entangled, causing a shocking shock and smashing into the black hand.

If these two tricks fall to any place, the mountains and rivers will collapse and the world will die. But the attack fell into the darkness, like drops of water dripping into the molten iron, only a trace of steam rising up.

The black hand suddenly squeezed, and the complicated runes flew out and turned into chains, directly squeezing the sword and the flow of fire.

A terrifying energy hurricane raged in the polar night realm, scouring the bodies of the two of them, smashing their bones to pieces.

Ye Sheng and Ye Wusha spouted blood, forcibly stabilizing their bodies, they were desperate, and a sense of powerlessness rose up in front of absolute power.

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