Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1149: Rush to kill

Huang Yun stared at the dozen or so people, sneered, put his hands on his chest, and said contemptuously: "Qing will not leave, I will give you one last chance. All the students and materials in the martial arts gym are left behind, and then you low-level planes will come. Lower class people, get out of here!"

An old man headed by Qing Buli said in a deep voice, "Huang Yun, what happened last time is clear enough. Although we don’t cause trouble, we are not afraid of trouble. Force, just stop blaming us for being impolite!"

Huang Yun sneered and said: "Don't be polite with me, I'm afraid I'm embarrassed when you start your hands later."

Qing Buli's face was extremely ugly, the opponent was aggressive this time, and looked confident. And among the dozen or so people, there are three unfamiliar faces, all exuding a cold and strong aura.

Huang Yun smiled contemptuously: "One more good news, you don't have to go back to Dreamling City. Because Bai Lirui has gone to your martial arts school. And Bai Lirui just broke through to the heavenly position, hahaha!"

Qing Buli's expression changed drastically while waiting for others.

Lu Jiangpeng sternly shouted, "Are you trying to kill them all?!"

Bai Lirui is the deputy director of the Kaishan Martial Arts Hall, and has always been the power of the peak of Broken Nirvana. If it is only the peak of Broken Nirvana, there are Jiang Yi and Su Ye in the martial arts courtyard, and the eight sons of Tian Cong can lay the eight-tone string array. There is a war.

But the words of heaven...

The upper floors of the Tian Cong Martial Arts Hall were gnashing their teeth.

Qing Buli acted decisively and said coldly: "Okay! We accept the plant and leave Dreamling City immediately, but you must not harm anyone!"

"Haha, now I just thought of negotiating terms with me. Don’t you think it’s too late?" Huang Yun laughed wildly: "My order to Bai Lirui is that all men will be killed, and women who are ugly will be killed. Just stay. I plan to build a brothel in Mengling City. These girls who have some cultivation skills will be very popular."

"Hahahaha!" There were more than a dozen people in the open mountain martial arts hall, all of them laughed wildly with Yin, extremely wretched.

One of them looked at a female elder in Tiancong Martial Arts Hall, licking his red tongue, and that female elder was Yin Yao. His eyes burst into cold murderous intent, and water vapor appeared around him.

Huang Yun turned around, clasped his fists and saluted the man, and said in kindness: "Master Jia, what do you think of this girl? The beauty at the peak of Nirvana is the one I mentioned to you."

Jia Zhengang stroked his beard and smiled and said, "Yes, not bad. I will take this girl back soon after destroying this hillbilly gathering place."

Huang Yun smiled and said: "The low-level planes are nurturing people. I saw that they have a few good girls in their martial arts gym. Master Lu and Master Zhai can also take a few back to taste, maybe they have a different taste."

"Hahahaha!" There was another burst of Yinxie laughter.

Qing Buli's face was dignified, and the three people Huang Yun tried to please were strangers who he could not see through his cultivation base!

"Yin thief! Damn it!"

(Author's note: As long as the word typed in pinyin is typed, the entire chapter will be blocked, and I have nothing to say.)

Yinyao was trembling with anger, biting her red lips, her pretty face was gloomy, and the surrounding water vapor was rising, if the domain continued to expand, under the sky, there would be drizzle.


Yi Kun was about to stop, but was stopped by Qing.

Yin Yao's figure flickered and disappeared in the rain. Then there was a graceful figure that appeared in front of Jia Zhengang, like a fairy in the rain, patted it with one palm.

A sword gas was generated out of thin air, and the thousands of rainwater condensed into a sword, trailing silver light, and slammed away!

Jia Zhengang sneered, his eyes flickered, and he raised his hand and patted it contemptuously.


The purple palm light smashed the sword rain, bursting out the zigzag light of thunder and lightning.

The fierce energy fluctuated out, breaking the realm of rain at once.

He had the power of thunder in his palm. After defeating Jian Yu, his power remained undiminished, and then he hit Yin Yao's body and shot her out.

Yi Kun's figure moved, caught Yin Yao, and helped her stand firmly.

Jia Zhengang glanced at it casually and smiled scornfully: "Even the elders have this kind of strength, is there still a need for this kind of academy?"

He shook his shoulders, loosened his muscles and bones, and said, "It's better to let the old man destroy it!"

As the voice fell, a circle of vigor spread out.


The fierce wind smashed the entire competition ground at once, and a large amount of thunder light shot out from the palm of the palm, blasting into the square buildings, blowing them up.

The disciples of the Tian Cong Martial Arts Hall fled for their lives in horror, and even a few of them were struck by lightning and died instantly.

"Ah! Run away!"

In an instant, the entire Tiancong martial arts field was full of ghosts, crying and howling, running away for their lives.

Qing Buli was shocked and said: "The late Xiaotian stage?! You are from the Emperor Xuzong!"

"Haha, and we are also the inner disciples of Yuxu Zong!"

Lu Chang and Zhai Yunjie also stepped up and spread their aura, immediately putting great pressure on Qing Buli and others.

Lu Jiangpeng said angrily: "Xiaotian is in the middle stage!"

The three newcomers turned out to be the late stage of a small heaven, and the middle stage of the two small heavens!

All the elders in the Tian Cong martial arts hall were as gray as death, and Yin Yao was even more bloodless, and even thought of directly suicide, so as not to fall into the hands of the other party and suffer humiliation.

"Hahahaha!" Huang Yun laughed wildly, his face was a little deformed, and he said, "I told you earlier that I am an outer disciple of Yuxuzong, and you hillbillies dare to open your eyes under my nose. Martial arts hall, you are really looking for death!"

Huang Yun bowed his fists and said with all his heartfelt, "Three adults, this time I will have trouble."

Jia Zhengang chuckled and said: "Don't worry, take people money and money to eliminate disasters. Moreover, although you are an outside disciple, you are also considered the same. We should help you do something."

Huang Yun was overjoyed and said, "Haha, thank you very much. There will be no less sacrifices to three adults every year in the future!"

Hearing these words in the ears of everyone in the Tian Cong Martial Arts Hall, it is tantamount to a thunderbolt from the blue sky, with a heart falling to the bottom.

Originally, the strength of Tian Cong Martial Art Hall was still higher than that of the Open Mountain Martial Art Hall. Both Qing Buli and Lu Jiangpeng existed in the early stage of Xiao Tian, ​​and the only opponent was Huang Yun in the early stage of Xiao Tian.

However, in the face of Huang Qi's constant provocations and troubles, Tian Cong Martial Arts Hall generously tolerated it.

First, considering that it is not easy to run a martial arts center, and second, I am a foreigner, and the other party is a local snake, or a disciple of Yuxuzong, one of the three major sects of Mengling City, so I always hold the attitude of calming people and hope to live in peace. , Healthy development.

But I don't want Huang Yun not to focus on running the martial arts gym, but to squeeze them step by step.

However, there are two powerful talents in the Tian Cong Martial Arts Hall, and Huang Qi is also the same, so they have been in peace for two years. Even if there are some small conflicts, they are easily resolved.

But what I never thought was that Renshan was deceived by others, Ma Shan was ridden by others, and Tianzong's perseverance at the martial arts hall resulted in the destruction of the hall!

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