Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1255: Air law and realm, space dimension reduction

Yang Qingxuan killed the master and did not take any further action. Instead, he took out a few pills and swallowed them one by one.

The panda Abao and the dark tyrant are still fighting over there.

Akao Phantom pupil glanced around alertly, suddenly "hissed", rushed to the dark tyrant, opened his mouth and bit.

The dark tyrant was colliding with Abao, where he expected a monster attack, accidentally, his head was bitten by the phantom pupil of Akao, and his hands and feet were suddenly confused.

A Bao immediately pointed and broke through the void.


The fingertips broke through the defense of the dark tyrant, point to the hard body, and directly broke through a big hole.

The strong finger wind exploded in the dark tyrant's body, coupled with Akao's attack, the dark tyrant's body "boomed", broke into countless fragments, and scattered around.

You Xuan and Mo Cheng were even more frightened, shivering, and then stepped back a little bit.

Both Abao and Akao returned to Yang Qingxuan's side, but Yang Qingxuan still didn't make any movements, just swallowed the pill a little bit.

At this time, a voice rang out from the void, sighing: "This kid is so alert, he hasn't shown any flaws. I knew that. When confronted with the master just now, he should take action."

In front of Yang Qingxuan, there was a wave of water ripples in the space, pushing away little by little.

Suddenly, three figures appeared in the ripples.

When You Xuan and Mo Cheng saw the three of them, they were immediately happy, and the fear in their hearts dissipated instantly.

Mo Cheng exclaimed, "Cheng Yu, you finally figured it out! If you don't come out again, you will lose this round!"

"Lost? Haha, what stupid thing to say. If you lose, you two will lose." A man of twenty-seven, sneered, showing contempt in his deep facial features.

"Hehe, these two people think of us as **** like them, hehe, laughing at me, it's really shameful."

Bai Weiwei is the only woman among the three. She wears a pink long dress, her green silk satin turns into a cloud, her eyes are full of tenderness, and she hides her mouth and sneers.

There was also a man with a handsome figure, wearing a blue shirt, and handsome, with a folding fan pinned to his waist, and he also sneered with a look of disdain.

You Xuan and Mo Cheng were furious, their faces dripping with gloomy faces.

The two looked at each other sullenly, their fingers squeezed, but they were both tacitly silent.

It's very common to kill people if they don't agree with each other in Sao Po Qianfeng. If they were in their peak state at the moment, they would have to go back angrily, but now they are seriously injured, facing these three abnormalities, they have no resistance at all.

Bai Weiwei looked at Cheng Yu and said, "What should I do now?"

Among the three, headed by Cheng Yu, the man in the green shirt was also waiting for orders.

Cheng Yu waved his hand and said, "You two go push the tower, and leave this ghost mask man to me."

Bai Weiwei said in surprise: "But he brought two Dao realm helpers, not as good as us..."

Cheng Yu interrupted: "If you let you go, just go, what is it."

There was a trace of unquestionable coldness and command in his tone.

Bai Weiwei didn't dare to speak immediately, just like the man in the green shirt, she quietly separated from both sides and flew towards the crystal tower.

Yang Qingxuan shouted: "Lance, you stop that woman!"

He shook his halberd and walked towards the man in the green shirt.

With every step in the air, ripples swelled under his feet. He is well versed in the composition and structure of this battlefield, and the pace of each step is consistent with the frequency of the battlefield.

A kind of wonderful field energy suddenly appeared between the heaven and the earth, spreading from Yang Qingxuan's feet.

The man in the blue shirt felt an inexplicable pressure, as if stepping on his heart with every step, his face changed drastically.

"Your opponent is me, you seem to have found the wrong opponent!"

Yang Qingxuan's footsteps suddenly stagnated, and he was locked in by Cheng Yu's murderous aura.

The man in the green shirt laughed, staring at Yang Qingxuan coldly, and then continued to fly towards the crystal tower.

"Did I let you go? Impudent!"

Yang Qingxuan yelled coldly, when Cheng Yu was locked like nothing, he stretched out his hand and grabbed into the void, countless spatial axes emerged, and then printed them together and shot them in the air.

Those axes immediately entangled and turned into a cage, locking the man in the green shirt.


The man in the blue shirt was horrified, and anyone could master the power of space, but he had never seen it so handy to master the power of space.

Yang Qingxuan shook the halberd, put it away, stepped out, and walked to the man in the green shirt.

"The presumptuous person is you!"

Cheng Yu suddenly yelled, Yang Qingxuan's ignorance of him instantly ignited his anger, "I don't know the height of the sky and the earth, go to death!"

Cheng Yu shot up, palms vacantly gripped, an earth-yellow thunder light exploded, bursting out thousands of brilliant lights, and the shot was taken right away.


The light inner fist is in the shape of a tiger, pressing a space.

Air law realm!

Yang Qingxuan's heart shuddered and pinched with his left hand, his body immediately grew bigger in the wind, turned into a time-space giant, and disappeared in one step.


Cheng Yu's heart shook wildly. Under his own tiger's palm, even the powerhouse of the air magic realm could not escape it, but in this scene, the opponent's did indeed disappear!

The next moment, beside the man in the green shirt, a time-space giant suddenly appeared and punched out abruptly.

Countless axes shot and fired under the force of the fist, turning into extremely disorderly thread balls, and the space became extremely tranced and distorted. The figure of the man in the blue shirt was sometimes erratic and his face was full of horror.

"Space reduction!"

The Temporal Giant Spirit stared at him with cold eyes and displayed his talent skills. The man in the blue shirt instantly fell into an ice cave, and the feeling of death enveloped his body.

"No! Save me, Brother Cheng Yu, save me!"

The green shirt man yelled frantically, and at the same time he pushed out with a punch.

But as soon as the boxing strength was raised, it was squeezed and shattered by the huge space pressure. The body of the man in the blue shirt was extremely deformed, and he was continuously torn apart.

"Damn it! Stop it!"

Cheng Yu yelled in anger and rushed over, his face flushed.

But after all, the speed is slow.

The man in the blue shirt only had the cultivation base of the middle stage of the emperor's position. Wherever he could block the innate skills of the time and space giant, his body "cracking" was constantly crushed.

And time seems to flow extremely slowly.

People from outside will have the illusion that they have gone through a long time, and even the pain of the man in the blue shirt himself seems to have gone through a very long time.

But at Cheng Yu's speed, it was actually too late to rescue.


The body of the man in the green shirt exploded and was crushed by space into a pair of pieces!


Bai Weiwei, who was fighting with Lance, turned pale with fright.

In the distance, You Xuan and Mo Cheng sneered twice, and the two looked at each other, revealing a sense of revenge.

Cheng Yu was dumbfounded, staring blankly at the pieces of meat and blood floating in the space, the extremely fishy smell rushed into his nostrils, making him dazed.

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