Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1280: The leftover is king, the soul-eater

Aunt Meng was surprised, and said in shock: "What?!"

Yang Qingxuan's palm was also in the early stage of Kongfa, but the power was earth-shaking, completely suppressing her power, and his palm was like an worm shaking a tree!

"How could this be?!"

Aunt Meng's face changed drastically, but she was too late to regret, she immediately poured her life's cultivation into her palm, and snorted and pushed it up.


The palms hit each other, and the waste gas turned into a whirlwind and pushed away in all directions.

The grass and trees in the entire small courtyard were withered and the rocks were shattered. The original lush environment turned into a withered and dilapidated appearance, as if it had been abandoned for countless years.

Aunt Meng stepped back several steps, her feet on the ground kept stomping on the ground, "bang bang bang" shook a piece of the ground, but she still couldn't stop her body until her feet stepped on the ground and slid hundreds of feet long before she stabilized. body.

In addition, the meridians in the body showed signs of drying up and withering, and the skin that was well maintained by me suddenly appeared large folds, as if I was suddenly tens of years old.

Not only that, Aunt Meng's heart was shocked, and the pressure on the internal organs suddenly disappeared, and a mouthful of blood rushed up. Although she was forcibly swallowed, the corners of her mouth still overflowed.

"Aunt Meng!"

Don't be surprised.

Only then did Yang Qingxuan react, and said in surprise: "I was rushing to make a move, and I couldn't grasp the strength at once, but I still hope Aunt Meng Haihan."

As he said, he kept holding his fists and apologized.

Aunt Meng looked at Yang Qingxuan with a complicated face. The shock in her heart couldn't be added. She wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and said: "I took the liberty to be abrupt. The passage to the ancient battlefield of Qingqiu has been opened. You two should go now."

Yang Qingxuan and the fat man looked at each other, clasped their fists and said, "That's goodbye."

As they said, the two turned into escape.

Don't Lianyun hurriedly stepped forward to help Aunt Meng, while feeling strange in her heart that Aunt Meng's temper is not so easy to talk.


As soon as Yang Qingxuan and the two left, Aunt Meng couldn't help but spit out another mouthful of blood, her skin shrank again, and her whole person became an elder woman.

"Ah! Aunt Meng, you..."

Don't Lianyun startled, at a loss.

At this time, a middle-aged man suddenly appeared in the small courtyard, and Qiu Ming also followed.

Don't pity Yun overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "Father, save Aunt Meng!"

The man was Bietianchi, and his face solemnly said, "Don't worry, Aunt Meng is fine." He looked at Aunt Meng and asked, "How about this Li Xuan?"

Aunt Meng took a deep breath, stabilized her injury, clasped her fist and said: "I have seen Lord City Lord. Strong, very strong, strong and terrifying."

Aunt Meng's eyes also showed a look of horror, and a trace of regret.

Women love beauty, and if you want to get rid of the barrenness of your body, it will take you for some time. It is even more difficult to restore your previous skin.

Don't say nothing in Tianchi's contemplation, his eyes swept across the deserted yard, and the look in his eyes became more solemn.

Don't pity the cloud and say, "Aunt Meng, he can hurt you, isn't it the early days of Kongfa?"

Aunt Meng shook her head and said, "No, he is only in the early stage of the air technique, but his strength is probably comparable to that of the late stage of the air technique. This person is afraid that he will be a top ten figure in the competition.

"top ten!"

Don't Lianyun startled, the top ten, even the top ten and twenty-four, dare not say that they will definitely get in.

Bie Tianchi sighed and said, "Yun'er, Father's vision is not wrong. But this Li Xuan is overdone by the evildoer. I'm afraid that people will look down on you. You still disagree. ."

Don’t Tianchi’s long sighs, and suddenly said: “That Pan Haixing is strong and smart, and I have some guesses about his background, or Yuner, how about you considering this fat guy?”

"Father! Are you okay all day long idle?!"

Don't pity Yun with a shy stomping, just turn around and leave.

Don't Tianchi shouted behind him: "Hey, don't you worry about your lifelong affairs? If you don't marry, you will be the king."


Yang Qingxuan and Pan Fatty turned into escapes and rushed to the place indicated on the jade pendant.

At the same time, there are flickering lights over Asuka City from time to time, all rushing to the same direction, and all of them are strong, and they are looking at each other, testing, and even showing hostility.

Soon after, the two came to the location of the coordinates.

Above the sky, it was as clear as promised, like a lake, with little brilliance in it, like stars, like a galaxy above the sky.

In the center of the galaxy is a pure black wormhole, which is bottomless and connected to the unknown world.

Around the passage, there are stars palace warriors, one by one pinching the tactics with one hand, guarding the formation.

In front of the wormhole, there are a large number of golden **** floating in the air silently, dragging out a golden light tail, like countless fireworks in the night, smart and beautiful.

Every warrior who rushes into the wormhole will have a small ball flying away on its own, falling on the warrior's left shoulder, and entering the wormhole together with it.

Yang Qingxuan said in shock: "Could this be the Soul Eater Golden Demon? What is this?"

Pan Fatty said: "This is a strange thing, refined with occult techniques and souls. It lives by devouring the soul stone. After reaching a certain level, the whole body will turn into gold, so it is called the soul-eater golden demon. In the sky star For countless years, various sects have appeared, some of which are based on soul refining or soul eater, and the soul eater gold demon is one of the soul refining products. This kind of thing does not have its own wisdom, but Able to execute orders well. This time the Soul Eater allocated by each person, in addition to counting points, has another function to monitor contestants and not to kill other contestants."

Yang Qingxuan frowned and said, "Will this thing be attached to the body?"

Fatty Pan said: "He will be glued to your soul, but he exists alone."

Yang Qingxuan saw those warriors who had glued the Soul Eater Golden Demon with a faint golden glow on his shoulders, spreading behind him, like the tail of a comet, very beautiful.

At this moment, a warrior suddenly attracted Yang Qingxuan's attention, and his black and white hair flew into the wormhole without looking back, and disappeared before Yang Qingxuan's eyes.

"Lu Yifan..." Yang Qingxuan whispered in his heart and sighed softly.

"Huaqing, Hualing!"

Fatty Pan's eyes were sharp, and he saw several celebrities standing in the city under the passage, including Hua Qing Hua Ling, Lance, and three strangers.

Yang Qingxuan said in surprise: "Why are they here?"

Among the three unknown strangers, one was Hua Xin.

Another person wore a green robe, with dark green eyes, delicate facial features and long, narrow eyebrows. He looked like an immortal and handsome, it was Kong Ling.

The other person's skin is bronze, his facial features are as sharp as a knife, and his eyebrows are a bit of evil, and his posture is upright, revealing a familiar breath.

Yang Qingxuan said in shock: "Ancient scorpion?"

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